3.1 Heavy metal and PAHs contamination in surface soils.
3.1.1 Heavy metal contamination
The levels of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As and Pb in the study area were shown in Table 1,with the concentration ranges (means in the brackets) of 32.10 ~ 491.68 (104.57) mg/kg, 19.51 ~ 72.00 (37.01) mg/kg, 5.68 ~ 232.41 (45.51) mg/kg, 5.27 ~ 372.36 (110.23) mg/kg, 3.79 ~ 19.42 (8.39) mg/kg, and 8.47 ~ 230.93 (31.39) mg/kg, respectively. Compared with the values of China’s Soil Environmental Quality Standard (GB15618-1995), the heavy metal content of some sites in this study exceeded the standard. The sampling points with Cr and Ni concentrations above the standard accounted for 13.6% and 27.2% of the total sampling points, respectively, with the exceeding points concentrated primarily in Fushun. In addition, concentrations of Cu and Zn exceeded the limited in 31.8% and 12.1% of sampling sites, which were mainly found in Shenyang. The concentrations of Pb and As in the sample sites were all below the permissible limit.
Table 1
Heavy metal levels in surface soil (mg/kg)
Background concentration
32.10 ~ 491.68
19.51 ~ 72.00
5.68 ~ 232.41
5.27 ~ 372.36
3.79 ~ 19.42
8.47 ~ 230.93
*Note: Variation coefficient (CV) = standard deviation (σ) / average (µ) ×100% |
**Note: Quoting the secondary standard value of "Environmental Quality Standards for Soils of China " (GB15618-1995). |
Skewness values indicated that the distribution of Ni concentrations was normal in the sampling sites, while the distribution of the other metal elements (Cr, Cu, and Pb)was positively skewed towards the higher concentrations. The skewness values showed that some sites have been highly contaminated by heavy metals. This can also be supported by the fact that the mean concentrations of these metals are much higher than their median concentrations. Among all metal elements, VCs of Ni and As were < 40%, while VCs of Zn, Cr, Cu, and Pb were > 67%. It was reported that elements dominated by a natural source had low VCs, while those elements affected by anthropogenic sources had relatively higher VCs(Han et al., 2006). Combined with skewness results, we could speculate that Ni and As were mainly from natural sources, and it could be further confirmed by the similar concentrations of Ni and As were found in the study and the background concentration. We could also speculate that the distribution of Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb was affected by humans. Another study in Xi'an also showed that these four metal elements had higher levels in urban areas, which were from industrial and traffic sources(Han et al., 2006).
3.1.2 PAHs contamination
The concentration of PAHs were shown in Table S3. The concentrations of ∑23PAHs ranged from 29.51-29601.09 µg/kg, with a mean concentration of 3906.68 µg/kg. As a background reference, the arithmetic means of ∑21PAHs in this region was 726.94 µg/kg, which indicated that some of the sampling sites were highly contaminated. The mean concentration of PAHs of different numbers of rings in surface soil is 158.08µg/kg (2 rings), 1555.48µg/kg (3 rings), 1649.90 µg/kg (4 rings), 419.91 µg/kg (5 rings), and 123.30 µg/kg (6 rings). These results suggested that the 3 rings and 4 rings PAHs were the predominant of ∑21PAHs in the region. Regarding all the PAHs individuals, there were six PAHs (including BaA, Chry, BbF, BaP dBaAnt, and InP), which were considered carcinogenic PAHs by USEPA, exceeded the permissible concentration(Cao et al., 2017; Korre., 1999; Wang et al., 2018). The results revealed that there was a higher health risk in some particular sites in the studied area.
Significant differences were found in the skewness and VCs between PAHs and heavy metals. All the skewness values were > 2, with upper values of > 5, which indicated a significantly abnormal distribution. Similarly, the VC values were above 150%, indicating that there was a strong influence of human activities on the distribution of PAHs. The results above also demonstrated that the distribution patterns of heavy metals and PAHs were different, which could be attributed to anthropogenic sources. The pollutions of heavy metals were a combination of natural and anthropogenic results, while PAHs pollution was mainly from anthropogenic sources(Cao et al., 2017; Korre., 1999; Wang et al., 2018).
To figure out the pollution of heavy metals and PAHs in other areas, we collected data from other studies (shown in Table S4). The main sources of pollution in this area were industrial activities, sewage irrigation, etc. In comparison, our results were higher than the concentrations of PAHs, Cr, Ni, and Cu in the soil of Shenyang in 2006(Song et al., 2006), demonstrating the accumulation of heavy metals and PAHs in recent years. The concentrations of PAHs in an industrial city in southern Italy(Sprovieri et al., 2007) ranged from 9 to 31774 µg/kg, which was similar to our results(29.51 ~ 29601.09 µg/kg). The concentration of PAHs in our study was similar to that in urban areas such as Central Serbia (38 ~ 3136 µg/kg)(Stajic et al., 2016) and Beijing (181 ~ 4092 µg/kg)(Peng et al., 2013), while the concentrations of heavys metal were higher in our study. However, higher concentrations of PAHs were found in soils collected from a coking plant in Chenzhou (4520 ~ 8210 µg/kg)(Chen et al., 2005), and a city in northeast India (13480 ~ 86300µg/kg)with oil and gas drilling near the city. Overall, the pollutions of PAHs and heavy metals in this study were similar to that in industrial cities (such as industrial cities in Italy and Chenzhou), but higher than that in some urban areas (such as Beijing and southern Serbia). Therefore, our results suggested that there might be complex interactions and associations between heavy metals and PAHs in this area(Shen et al., 2005).
3.2 The distribution of heavy metals and PAHs
The pollution index for heavy metals detected in surface soil were shown in Fig. 2. The PI was defined as the ratio of the heavy metal concentration in the study to the geometric means of background concentration (BC) of the corresponding metal of the studied area. The PI of each metal was calculated and classified as either low (PI ≤ 1), medium (1 < PI ≤ 3), or high (PI > 3)(Chen et al., 2005). Overall, Ni and As had lower contamination levels, and most of the PIs were ≤ 1, which was similar to the analysis above. For Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb, the PI for most of the samples were either low (PI ≤ 1) or medium (1 < PI ≤ 3). A few samples were found to have high PI values, such as Cr, Ni, and Cu for NO. SF08 and NO. SF60 at Shenfu New District, and Cu, Z, and Pb for NO. SS39 in Shenyang, whose PI values were > 10, indicates high contaminations at these sites.
Compared with other regions, Fushun had relatively higher PI values of Cr and Ni, and Shenyang had higher PI values of Zn and As. This could be explained by the different industrial types in the two regions. Fushun is a resource-based city with coal, chemical, and metallurgical industries, which have been identified as major sources of Cr and Ni in many studies(Chen et al., 2005; Wu et al., 2019; Han et al., 2006). In addition, Han also found that the coal mining in Fushun affected the distribution of Ni(Han et al., 2012). Shenyang has comprehensive industries and millions of vehicles, and the industrial sources and traffic sources may affect the distribution of Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb in this region. In some samples collected from Fushun and Shengyang, relatively higher PI values were found for Ni and As, respectively, indicating that anthropogenic sources were the major sources in some sampling sites.
The concentration profile of PAHs in the 66 soil samples collected from different areas was shown in Fig. 3. Background concentrations of PAHs were displayed as a blue dotted line in the figure. Concentrations of PAHs in most of the samples were higher than the background concentrations, and the concentrations in Shenyang and Fushun were higher than that in Shenfu New Distract. The results demonstrated the influences of urbanization time on the contamination of PAHs in different areas. Shengyang and Fushun start the urbanization process decades ago, while Shenfu New Distract is a newly developed city. Meanwhile, the average concentrations in Shenyang were higher than that in Fushun. The accumulations of 3 rings and 4 rings PAHs in the city were observed significantly, with the concentrations of some sites exceeding 15,000 µg/kg. Relatively high concentrations of PAHs were found in several sites, such as NO. SS29, NO. SS32, NO. SS39, NO. SS42 in Shenyang, and NO. FS10, NO. FS18, NO. FS21 in Fushun. Meanwhile, high levels of heavy metals were also found in these samples, such as NO. SS32, NO. SS39, NO. SS42 and NO. FS18, which indicated the combined pollution of the two groups of pollutants in these areas.
The spatial distribution patterns of heavy metals and PAHs in the region were plotted by ArcGIS 10.2 (ESRI) and were shown in Figs. 4 and Fig. 5. Samples that exceeded the permissible concentrations were marked by red circles in Fig. 4. High concentrations of Cr were mainly distributed in the north and south of Fushun, but no accumulation was found in the urban area of Shenyang and Fushun. Similarly, higher concentrations of Ni were also found in urban areas of Fushun. For the concentrations of Cu, above permissible concentrations were found in a large number of urban sites in Shenyang and Fushun, indicating the high pollution in the urban area. The other heavy metals (Pb, As, and Pb) were mainly distributed in the urban areas of Shenyang, and concentrations of As and Pb were all below the permissible concentration. Figure 5 showed the concentration distribution of ∑21PAHs, where high concentrations were found in the urban areas of Shenyang and Fushun City. Overall, there was substantial evidence for the impact of industrial and population aggregation on the accumulation of heavy metals and PAHs. In addition, high concentrations of Cu, Zn, As and Pb were also found in sites with high PAH concentrations, and there was a high possibility of combined pollution in these areas. In this regard, we used multivariate analysis to analyze the correlations between concentrations of heavy metals and PAH in different sampling sites.
3.3 Heavy metals and PAHs co-contamination
3.3.1 Correlation analysis
Pearson correlation analysis was utilized to assess the relationships between heavy metals and PAHs (Table 4). The Pearson correlation coefficients (r) were-0.003, 0.168, 0.498, 0.677, 0.556, and 0.733 for Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and PAHs, respectively, in which the correlations for Cu, Zn, As, Pb and PAHs showed the significance at 0.01 level (P < 0.01). There were three possible explanations for the significant correlation(Wang et al., 2018): 1) The PAHs and heavy metals in the sampling area might have originated from the same sources; 2) the distribution patterns of PAHs and heavy metals are similar to each other, and 3) adsorption competition and synergistic reaction between PAHs and heavy metals might co-exist in the soil. It can be therefore speculated that the sources of Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and PAHs were similar, and there were synergistic pollutions in the soil. Note that the correlation coefficient between Cr and Ni was 0.755, indicating that the two substances have a very similar distribution, sources, and pollution behavior in the soil. Correlation analysis also showed that Cu, Zn, As, and Pb are significantly correlated with PAH, suggesting the necessity of assessing the combined pollution of the two groups of pollutants.
The correlation coefficients between heavy metals and PAHs with different numbers of rings were shown in Table 2.. The correlation coefficients ranged from 0.304 to 0.775, with significant correlations among these pollutants (P < 0.01). Stronger correlations were found between metals (Cu and Pb) and heavier PAH, indicating that the associations between Cu/Pb and high-ring PAHs were closer, and co-contamination among them was more significant. This weight-based trend was probably because of the physicochemical properties of different PAHs that the high molecular weight PAHs were more stable in the soil, and the synergistic effects and combined pollution with heavy metals were more significant. The correlation between Zn/As and PAHs is not associated with the number of rings, and the correlation coefficients were between 0.415 and 0.651 across PAHs with a different number of rings. Combined with the spatial distribution, we could speculate that combined pollutions of Cu, Zn, As, Pb and PAHs existed in urban areas of Shenyang and Fushun.
Table 2
Correlation analysis between heavy metals and PAHs in soil
Note: **: Significantly correlated at 0.01 level (bilateral) |
*: Significantly correlated at 0.05 level (bilateral) |
3.3.2 Principal component analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a common multivariate statistical method used in scientific research and has been widely used to reduce variable components and to extract a small number of latent factors for analyzing relationships among the observed variables(Praveena et al., 2012). It can reveal the internal relations of soil pollutant data and describe the main process of soil pollutant law(Korre., 1999), and also be used to conduct a quantitative assessment of soil pollution in areas where soil pollutants are complex or have insufficient monitoring data(Han et al., 2006). Therefore, the PCA was utilized to assess the combined pollution and to investigate the inherent relationship among pollutants.
SPSS for Windows(19.0, SPSS Inc, USA) was used for principal component analysis. Data was normalized before PCA, to overcome the huge variation in the concentrations of pollutants in different sites. Meanwhile, all principal factors extracted from the variables were retained with eigenvalues༞1.0(Han et al., 2006). The principal component factor loads were shown in Fig. 6 and Table S5, which showed clear relationships between heavy metals and PAHs.
Three components were obtained from the PCA, accounting for 88.62% of the total variance, which could explain most of the data and have high credibility. The PC1 was dominated by Cu, Zn, As, Pb, Acy, Ace, Fl, Debt, Phe, Ant, Fla, Pyr, BaA, Chry, BbF, BkF, BaP, Pery, InP, dBaAnt, BghiP(mainly 3 ~ 6 rings PAHs), accounting for 65.48% of the total variance, reflecting the homology of these pollutants in the samples as well as the complicated combination situation; the PC2 was dominated by NaP, 2-Met, 1-Met, Ret(2 rings PAHs except Ret), accounting for 14.95% of the total variance, containing information of 2-ring PAHs; the PC3 accounts for 8.19% of the total variance, which contained information of some heavy metal elements, including Cr, Ni, and Cu. At the same time, it was worth noting that Retene had a different behavior in the loading results, and further analysis was needed to identify the associated behaviors.
In the loading plot, the distance between the variable and the origin indicated the loading value of a given factor. The variable located far from the origin had a larger loading value and the variable located near the origin had a smaller loading value. In Fig. 6 and Table S5, we found that Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and PAHs (3 or higher rings PAHs) were the main loads, which had significant correlations with each other in the statistical analysis, indicating the combined pollution in this region. In addition, the 2 rings PAHs (NaP, 2-Met, 1-Met), which had the second-highest contribution to the loading values were not correlated to the distribution of heavy metals. Thus, it can be inferred that the interactions between 2 rings of PAHs and heavy metals were not obvious in this region. Cr and Ni were located near the origin, and they were not significantly correlated with other substances. This was consistent with the results of the previous correlation analysis. Because of the properties and interactions of PAHs and heavy metals, low-ring PAHs could be easily decomposed by microorganisms in the soil(Tang et al., 2010), which resulted in their short half-lives and their relatively low concentration in the soil (Table 2). Therefore, the relationships between heavy metals and PAHs depended on the number of rings (i.e. 2 rings PAHs showed a different behavior from other PAHs). On the other hand, an important way for the interaction between heavy metals and PAHs in the soil was through the cation-π bond(Dougherty, 2013). PAHs with a higher π-electron density (i.e. Pyrene > phenanthrene > naphthalene) had more opportunities to establish associations with heavy metals(Sushkova et al., 2019). Combined with the distribution patterns and contamination levels of the two groups of pollutants in this region, it could be inferred that the co-contamination in the region mainly happened among Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and 3 ~ 6 rings PAHs.
3.3.3 RDA Analysis
Some physical and/or chemical properties, such as pH value and organic matter would have a significant impact on the behavior and interaction of pollutants(Sushkova et al., 2019). Some studies showed that the PAHs were mainly in soil organic matter(Nam et al., 2008). Therefore, we introduced soil organic matter data as an environmental variable to investigate its role in the interaction between heavy metals and PAHs. Redundancy Analysis (RDA) is a commonly used ranking analysis tool for environmental ecology statistics, which can be used to reveal the intrinsic linkages and interactions between species and environmental factors, and has also been applied to analyze the environmental behavior of pollutants in recent years(Zhang et al., 2017). Based on this, RDA analysis was applied (Canoco for Windows 4.5) using the soil organic matter (SOM), heavy metals as explanatory variables, and PAHs as species variables. The results of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) showed that the lengths of the first ordination gradient were less than 3, RDA was adopted to examine the correlations between the PAHs and environmental variables(e.g. SOM、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Pb).
The results of RDA for the three cities were shown in Fig. 7. In the left panel (Fig. 7), the first and second axes of the RDA for Shenyang accounted for 80.3% and 3.4%, of the total variance respectively. Soil organic matter contains various functional groups that can adsorb heavy metals and PAHs through hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, and coordination bonds(Cao et al., 2017). As a result, both heavy metals and PAHs can be found in solid organic matter, and complex interactions may occur under the influence of microorganisms(Chen et al., 2013). In the RDA diagram, the arrows between the SOM, heavy metals, and different-ring PAHs pointed in a similar direction, at an acute angle < 90°. In Shenyang, each substance was positively correlated, the angle of Zn/As with 2 ~ 6 rings, and Cr/Cu with 4 ~ 6 rings PAHs was < 30°, showing strong correlations among them. The length of the arrow represented the proportion of the variance explained, and Zn, As, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, and SOM explained 66.0%, 47.8%, 44.8%, 42.4%, 40.2%, 29.4%, and 44.6% of the variance variables respectively. Since heavy metals and SOM were commonly used as environmental variables and there was a positive correlation between the pollutants, this ratio could indicate the probability and degree of combined pollution of different heavy metal elements and PAHs. Overall, the cross-combination of the two groups of pollutants in the figure also indicated that complex combined pollution happened in soils collected from Shenyang.
Compared to Shenyang, different results were found in the other cities (right panel in Fig. 6). The first and second axes of the RDA plot explain 25.5% and 1.9% (Shenfu New Distract), 38.5%, and 1.6% (Fushun) of the total variance, respectively. Different from the positive correlations found in Shengyang, Cr, Ni and Cu were negatively correlated to some other elements in Shenfu New Distract, and SOM, Pb, Zn, and As were positively correlated to PAHs, suggesting that combined pollution mainly happened among Pb, Zn, As and PAHs. In Fushun, the angles among As and different rings of PAHs are close to 90°, suggesting there was no correlation between As and PAHs. In addition, there were positive correlations between Pb/Ni and 2rings PAHs. The results of RDA showed that there were differences among the three regions in the distribution patterns and interactions of heavy metals and PAHs, and the different results also indicated the impact of two industrial cities on this region.