2.1 Study species
The barn owl (Tyto alba) is a medium-size owl (length 33–39 cm; wingspan 80–95 cm) from the Tytonidae family, with a cosmopolitan distribution [38]. It is known as a generalist top predator, which feeds almost exclusively on small mammals located in agricultural fields and open grasslands. At the same time, as secondary cavity breeders, barn owls are limited by availability of suitable sites in these habitats. As a result, they tend to breed in man-made structures (e.g., barns, farmhouses, and ruins) - as their name indicates.
Barn owls have a remarkable breeding capacity. They lay large clutches ranging from 2–11 [e.g., ~ 4.6 chicks in Israel, 42]. The laying interval is about two to three days, with asynchronous hatching (i.e., the female incubates from the first egg laid) resulting in substantial age differences within the brood. Eggs require, on average, 32 days (range 27–36 days) of incubation. Hence, the overall incubation period varies from 34 for up to 59 days for clutches of 11 chicks (32 + 27). During incubation the female usually remains inside the nest cavity, while the male provides her food requirements. When all eggs are hatched (usually about two weeks after the first one is hatched), the female starts leaving the nest more regularly. Fledglings leave the nest for the first time at approximately the age of 55 days [43], but the parental care extends for ~ 30 more days [44]. In Israel, eggs are laid around March [extending from January to June, 42], and pairs can sometimes raise up to two broods annually.
2.4 Data analysis and statistical methods
Filtering and processing. All data analyses were done in the R environment [49] with Rstudio [50]. To ensure data quality we applied several data filtering and segmentation steps. First, following a previously described pipeline [51], we filtered out points with low system-accuracy estimate (STD > 50m) or with non-realistic speed-line > 15m sec− 1. Second, to reflect the owl's nocturnal activity, the data was segmented into nights, starting at 5 p.m. and ending at 6:00 a.m. Daytime data was excluded, and nights were used as the base unit for all further analyzes. Third, we computed the nightly movement indices (see below) only if tracking provided sufficient data points (more than 1000 points per night). Fourth, our data [female static behavior, chick ages using wing length of the oldest fledgling in the nest, 52] allows us to back-calculate the start and end dates of the incubation period for each female and hatching dates for the fledglings. We excluded incubation periods from female movement analysis and considered transition from fledgling to adult at the age of one year. Fifth, because barn owl behavior and movement patterns change drastically along the year, we divided the data into three trimesters, representing different stages in the owls’ reproductive cycle and seasonality (1st-trimester: Feb-May, incubating/nesting period; 2nd-trimester: Jun-Sep, rearing/post-breeding period; and 3rd-trimester: Oct-Jan, fall-winter time). We then calculated movement indices for each trimester excluding owls with less than 25 nights in a given trimester.
Several movement indices are conceivable for quantifying individual consistency, such as the nightly total-distance (i.e., the sum of all movements/flight segments in the night), trajectory openness and others [see 34, this volume]. To minimize the influence of location errors during stops, we segmented the trajectories by their activity mode, move (i.e., fly) or stop segments, and estimated total distance for moving segments only. These indices were computed using the AdpFixedPoint function from R-package toolsForAtlas. For simplicity, we focus here on results from the commonly used nightly max-displacement as the main index of movement, defined as the distance between the first point of the night (typically the nest box) to the most distant point in the nightly trajectory.
Estimating individual repeatability. To test our initial hypothesis regarding consistent individual variation in movement [H1.1], we calculated repeatability (Rp) using Nakagawa and Schielzeth [53], as the proportion of the total variance accounted for by differences among individuals. In addition to repeatability, we also report the coefficient of variation for among-individual variance (CVi), calculated as the among-individual variance standardized by the trait mean. Both repeatability and CVi are population-level estimates of the degree of individual variation, with CVi suggested as a more robust estimate [36].
Individuals may differ in their average nightly max-displacement (flying near or far) and also in their variability around their mean. Some individuals are unpredictable and are producing a broad range of nightly movement ranges, whereas more predictable individuals are narrowly centered around their own average (Fig. 1). We measured individual predictability [H1.2] by estimating variation in residual intra-individual variation (rIIV), i.e., the spread of residuals around an individual reaction norm following the protocol of Cleasby et al. [35] and Hertel et al. [36]. We used the R-package brms [54] to fit a double-hierarchical general linear model (DHGLM) to our datasets with nightly max-displacement as a response variable. Individuals with a high residual variance in the DHGLMs are accordingly more unpredictable than individuals with a low residual variance. When necessary for biological interpretation of rIIV values we back-transformed them to the original scale (km) by taking the exponent of its logged values from the DHGLM outputs.
Finally, to determine whether individual predictability is consistent across time [H1.3; e.g., 33], we calculated trimester-specific predictability values and established individual consistency also in this aspect, similarly to the calculation of repeatability and CVi of max-displacement. Then, we established the ecological relevance of individual predictability for broad topics in movement ecology by exploring the predictive power of this index on home-range (HR) estimates [H2.1] and survival [H2.2], on top and beyond commonly investigated indices of age, sex, and mean max-displacement.
Home range analysis. We estimated the owls’ home range for each trimester, using the autocorrelated kernel density estimate [akde, 55] from the R-package ctmm [56]. Due to the function's long running time over our huge dataset (with millions of points), for this analysis we have subsampled the data at a 10 min interval. Further, for representing its HR as locations where the owl actually chooses to stand on (e.g., perch or rest) and not places where it flies through, we have used only the segments of activity mode identified as stops (and not flight), as described above. An individual with unknown sex and an individual whose HR model did not converge were excluded from this analysis.
To explore the factors related with the HR size, and in particular the effect of predictability [H2.1] while accounting for other factors, we compared a set of linear mixed effect models [lmer function from R-package lme4, 57]. All models included Log(HR) as the dependent variable and individual’s ID as a random effect. Fixed effects varied among models and included three categorical ones: age (adult vs. juvenile), sex and trimester. Continuous fixed effects (standardized before inclusion) included the number of tracking nights in the trimester, mean max-displacement, mean total-distance and mean rIIV (index of predictability of max-displacement). We checked for collinearity among fixed effects and considered models with most of their possible combinations, excluding a few models with singularity issues. Models were ranked with the corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) using R-package AICcmodavg; [58] and prediction plots from the top models were generated with the R-package effects [59].
Survival analysis. For testing our hypothesis that predictability affects survival [H2.1], beyond the effects of age, sex, and max-displacement we modeled survival using Cox hazard regression [60, 61]. Out of our focal sample (N = 74) 22 individuals died during the study, many of them through collision with cars, a well-documented mortality factor of barn owls around the world [38, 62, 63]. The regression was calculated using coxph [R-package survival, 64,65], and a Forest plot for the model was drawn using ggforest [R-package survminer, 66]. Tracking duration (days until last known status), and final status were recorded for each individual, where status can be “censored” (live or unknown) or dead. Age was classified as juvenile or adult for each individual. Five individuals that transitioned between age groups during the tracking period were considered separately for each group (i.e., surviving for one year as juvenile, and then according to their adult fate). Since our regression model does not account for the repeated measures of these five individuals, we repeated the analysis using mixed effects Cox hazard regression model [coxme, 67]. This version (with ring-ID used as a random factor) resulted in very similar results to the simple regression described above (see Tables A1, A2), and we kept the simple model.
Factors affecting predictability. Finally, for testing our third hypothesis regarding the factors affecting individual predictability, we have modelled rIIV (un-predictability) as a function of age group, sex, year, and trimester. We constructed General linear mixed-models similarly to the ones described above. For this model set, we considered all possible combinations of the above-mentioned fixed effects using the function dredge [R-package MuMIn, 68]. We ranked the models according to their AICc values and investigated the effect size of the relevant models. As yet another validation of the factors affecting rIIV, we also fitted a DHGLM with nightly max-displacement as a response variable, individual identity as a random effect and sex and age as fixed effects both in the mean model and in the model of the residuals. These models showed the same qualitative results as the simpler models described above.