Comparison Between Buccal Fat Pad Flap and Buccal Advancement Flap for Closure of Oroantral Fistula: A Systematic Review



Purpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the success rate of two different surgical techniques used to close oroantral fistula.

Material and Methods: A systematic Review was conducted based on the PRISMA guideline. Selected reports from electronic databases (PubMed, LILACS, Semantic Scholar, Cochrane Library, Rutgers University Library and Europe PMC) for studies conducted from 1959 to 2021 were initially evaluated. The inclusion criteria were recent English-language studies, all human studies and studies comparing buccal fat pad (BFP) and buccal advancement flap (BAF).

The research individuated 1455 records. After screening, only 4 studies were assessed; 1 retrospective study and 3 comparative studies.

Results: The pooled RR was significant, showing a probability of success of Buccal Advancement Flap slightly lower than the Buccal Fat Pad Flap for closure of an oroantral fistula (RR 0.914, 95% CI: 0.836 - 0.998). Heterogeneity between the included studies was absent (I2 0.0%, P=0.452).

Conclusion: Both techniques are safe, simple and with a high success rate. BFP is ideal in the closure of oroantral fistulas of more than 5 mm, when it is necessary to preserve the depth of the vestibular sulcus or when the buccal advancement flap fails.


Oroantral communications (OACs) occasionally occur during oral and maxillofacial surgery. Usually, an OAC less than 2 mm in diameter will close spontaneously, but when a defect of more than a 3 mm is present, or there is inflammation in the antrum or periodontal region, the opening often persists and requires surgical closure 1,2.

Immediate closure of OACs, preferably within 24 to 48 hours, is recommended to minimize the risk of maxillary sinusitis and the development of a fistula3.

Oroantral fistula (OAF) is an epithelialized communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus which has its origin from the extraction of upper molars as the most common etiologic factor (incidence between 0.31% and 4.7%), followed by cysts, tumors, trauma, osteonecrosis, implant failure, dehiscence following failure in atrophied posterior maxilla and other pathological entities4,5.

Several methods of surgical OAC repair have been described. The treatment strategies for OACs that we found in literature were divided into the following groups by Visscher’s classification6: autogenous soft tissue grafts, autogenous bone grafts, allogenous materials, xenografts, synthetic/metals closure, and other techniques, in 2018 new techniques were included in this classification by Parvini et al7.

The most common and oldest surgical technique used for the closure of minor OAF is the buccal advancement flap (BAF), also known as the Rehrmann flap, for the adequate blood supply, simplicity, versatility and high success rate8,9.

Another common technique for the closure of OAF is to use buccal fat pad (BFP), an anatomical structure identified by Heistern in 1732 such as “molar gland”10, the adipose nature of this structure was described by Bichat in 1801 and since that time it was commonly called “Bichat’s fat pad” 10,11.

The use of BFP for closure of medium size OAF was described for the first time by Egyedi12 in 1977 for its various advantages such as simple surgical procedure, high success rate, adequate mobility, good epithelialization of the uncovered fat, potential source of stem cells and rich vascularity (derived from the buccal and deep temporal branches of the maxillary artery, transverse facial branches of the superficial temporal artery, and small branches of the facial artery)1,7,13−15.

Materials And Methods


The study aims to answer the question "which technique between Buccal Fat Pad Flap and Buccal Advancement Flap is best for closing Oroantral Fistula?”


This systematic review was conducted in according to the PRISMA Statement16.


The strategy used in the study is based on searching in the following electronic databases: PubMed; LILACS; Semantic Scholar; Cochrane Library; Rutgers University Library; and Europe PMC, using keywords contained in Table 1. Research Algorithms.

Table 1

Research Algorithms


Web Adress



((oroantral) OR (oroantral communication) OR (oroantral fistula) OR (orosinusal) OR (oro-sinusal) OR (OAF))


Title, abstract, subject; (((oroantral) OR (oro-antral) OR (orosinusal) OR (oro-sinusal) OR (OAF)) AND ((communication) OR (fistula))

Semantic Scholar

(((oroantral) OR (oro-antral) OR (orosinusal) OR (oro-sinusal) OR (OAF)) AND ((communication) OR (fistula)))

Cochrane Library

((oroantral) OR (oroantral communication) OR (oroantral fistula) OR (orosinusal) OR (oro-sinusal) OR (OAF))

Rutgers University Library

(oroantral OR oroantral communication OR oroantral fistula OR oro-antral OR orosinusal OR oro-sinusal OR OAF)

Europe PMC

(((oroantral) OR (oro-antral) OR (orosinusal) OR (oro-sinusal)) AND ((communication) AND (fistula)))

At first, all publication from 1959 to 2021 were included. They were identified, after the removal of duplicates, 1455 records. After the application of inclusion/exclusion criteria 4 studies were included in the review. (Fig. 1. PRISMA flowchart. Flow diagram of study Inclusion).


The studies selected for this review met the criteria established by the PICO approach. This included (P) Population: patient with oroantral fistula, no age limit; (I) Intervention: closure of OAFs: (C) Comparison; between Buccal Fat Pad and Buccal Advancement Flap: (O) Outcomes; success rate in the closure of OAFs with different techniques.

Other inclusion criteria evaluated were: English-language and recent study within 5 years, minimum follow-up period of 2 months (the lack of OAC recurrence within 2 months can be considered cured)17.


The exclusion criteria were: animal studies, case reports, articles that did not present relevant data for the purpose of this study.


The following information was extracted from each study: authors, year of publication, title, study design, patient’s age (average), male/female ratio, the number of patients, size of oroantral defect (Range), study protocol, follow-up and success rate (Table 2. General data collected from the study).

Table 2

General Data Collected from the study



Study Design

No of Participant

Male/ Female

Age/Range (Years)

Inclusion/exclusion Criteria

Size of oroantral defect


Success Rate

Gheisari et al18


Oro-Antral Fistula Repair With Different Surgical Methods: a Retrospective Analysis of 147 Cases

Retrospective Study


116 Males and 31 Females

- BFPF: 42 Males and 18 Females

- BAF: 55 Males and 4 Females

- PF: 19 Males and 9 Females

Range from 17 to 75

Mean age 41


Note ◊

- “All patients undergone surgery during the past ten years by an experienced surgeon to repair communication…”


Range from 5 mm to 10 mm

BFPF: 98,3%

BAF: 89,8%

PF: 85,7%

Bhatt et al19


Comparison Between Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad Flap and Buccal Advancement Flap for Closure of Oroantral Communication

Comparative Study



- BFP: 11 patients

- BAF: 9 patients

Range from 35 to 75


- Patients free of any systemic disease

- No special consideration was given to any particular socio-economic group, age and sex

- Patients with OAC following the extraction of the maxillary antral teeth, sinus lift procedure, while harvesting tuberosity bone graft & OAF were selected for the study.

- Patient who understood the nature of the study and who were willing for regular follow up were selected.


- OAC/F occurring due to the destruction of the floor of the antrum secondary to the pre existing infections

- Patients had the preexisting antral pathology were not selected.

Range from 3 mm to > 10 mm


> 3 mm (6 patients)

6–10 mm (1 patient)


> 3 mm (6 patients)

6–10 mm (1 patient)

> 10 mm (2 patiens)

BFP; 100%

BAF: 78%

Rashid et al20


Closure of Oroantral Fistula Comparison of Buccal Advancement Flap and Buccal Fat Pad

Comparative Study


28 Males and 12 Females

- BFPF: 13 Males and 7 Females

- BAF: 15 Males and 5 Females

Range from 23 to 46


- All patients irrespective of age and gender

- Long standing fistula

- Failure of primary closure

- Defect greater than 5 mm


- Immunocompromised patients

- Previously operated patients

- Patients with chronic infections

- Presence of sinusitis

Range from 3 mm to 13 mm

Mean size 5,4 mm

- BFPF: >5 mm

- BAF < 5 mm

BFPF: 85%

BAF: 90%

Al Nashar et al21


Closure of Orantral Fistula By Using Buccal Fat Pad or Buccal Advancement Flap: Comparative Study.

Comparative Study


11 Males and 9 Females

- BFPF: 5 Males and 5 Females

- BAF: 6 Males and 4 Females

BFPF: Mean age 46.3

BAF: Mean age 45.5


- ASA 1

- ASA 2


- Sings of sinusitis

- ASA 3

- ASA 4


BFPF: 100%

BAF: 80%

Abbreviations: BFPF; Buccal Fat Pad Flap, BFP; Buccal Fat Pad, BAF; Buccal Advancement Flap, PF; Palatal Flap, OAC: Oro-antral communication, OAF; Oro-antral fistula (Continue…)

Table 2




No of Participant

Test used before surgery

Pre-operative protocol

Intra-operative protocol

Post-operative Protocol

Follow up

Gheisari et al18


Oro-Antral Fistula Repair With Different Surgical Methods: a Retrospective Analysis of 147 Cases



- Panoramic radiograph


- Periodontal Probe (to measure the diameter)

- Mouthwash with chlorhexidine 0,2%

- 2g Amoxicillin

- 400mg Ibuprofen


Local anesthesia:

- 2% lidocaine with 1/100000 or 1/80000 epinephrine

- Mouthwash with chlorhexidine 0,2%

- 2g Amoxicillin

- 400mg Ibuprofen

(for 7 days after surgery)

Essential advise like “reventing oral suction and cleaning the area was given to patients.”

3 months

Bhatt et al19


Comparison Between Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad Flap and Buccal Advancement Flap for Closure of Oroantral Communication



- Panoramic radiograph

- Intraoral periapical radiograph

- Paranasal sinus view


- Visibility

- Nose Blowing Test

- Cotton wisp test

- Valsalva Maneuver

- Caliper (to measure the diameter)

- Saline solution (for 7 days before surgery)

- Irrigation with Povidine iodine

- Irrigation with Saline solution

Local anesthesia:

- 2% lidocaine with 1/80000 epinephrine


3 months

Rashid et al20


Closure of Oroantral Fistula Comparison of Buccal Advancement Flap and Buccal Fat Pad



- Panoramic radiograph

- Computed tomography


- Nose Blowing Test

- Probing (introduction of a probe into the antrum through the fistula)

- Pre-operative mouth wash with antiseptic

- Antimicrobical treatment

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

Local anesthesia:


- Antimicrobical treatment (for 10 days)

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

Essential advise like “not chew or swallow hard food and to drink a fluid away from the operative side.

Nose blowing and sneezing with a closed mouth were prohibited for 2 weeks and not to roll the tongue over the suture line or the flap for the 1st week”.

1 year

Al Nashar et al21


Closure of Orantral Fistula By Using Buccal Fat Pad or Buccal Advancement Flap: Comparative Study.



- Panoramic radiograph



- Saline solution (for 7 days before surgery, 3 time a day)


Local anesthesia:

- 2% lidocaine 1/80000 epinephrine

- Amoxicillin clavulanate 1g (twice daily)

- Ibuprofen 600mg (3 times a day)

- Nasal spray containing a vasoconstrictor (2% ephedrine or 25% phenylephrine, 3 times a day)

- Antihistamine (pseudoephedrine, 3 times a day)

Essential advise like “sucking on a straw, blowing the nose and sneezing with a closed mouth for 2 weeks”

3 months


The selected articles were critically evaluated according to the following characteristics: random selection in population; inclusion/exclusion criteria; description of the surgical technique; information on the drugs and statistical analysis.


All risks of bias are assessed for each included study

  • Present criterion “Yes”

  • Criterion not present “No”

The validity of the studies was established and categorized:

  1. Low risk of bias: a study that meets all criteria has a low risk of bias.

  2. Moderate risk of bias: a study that does not meet one of the criteria has a moderate risk of bias.

  3. High risk of bias: a study that does not meet two or more of the criteria has a high risk of bias.

The critical evaluation of the included studies and the estimated risk of bias were summarized in Table 3.

Table 3

Critical appraisal of the included studies



Study Design

Random selection in population

Defined Inclusion/Exclusion criteria

Description of the surgical technique

Information on the drugs

Statistical analysis

Estimated Risk of Bias

Gheisari et al18


Oro-Antral Fistula Repair With Different Surgical Methods: a Retrospective Analysis of 147 Cases

Retrospective Study







Bhatt et al19


Comparison Between Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad Flap and Buccal Advancement Flap for Closure of Oroantral Communication

Comparative Study







Rashid et al20


Closure of Oroantral Fistula Comparison of Buccal Advancement Flap and Buccal Fat Pad

Comparative Study







Al Nashar et al21


Closure of Orantral Fistula By Using Buccal Fat Pad or Buccal Advancement Flap: Comparative Study.

Comparative Study








We used risk ratios (RRs) to measure effect size. A forest plot was produced to visually assess study-specific and pooled relative risks and corresponding 95% CIs for success of treatment, comparing treatments BAF and BFP. The area of the square is proportional to the weight of the study in the pooled analysis. The pooled random effects estimate and its 95% CI are represented by a dashed vertical line and diamond. The vertical line at 1.0 indicates no effect of treatment. Heterogeneity was assessed by chi-squared test and the I2 statistic. I2 statistic describes the proportion of total variation due to heterogeneity, where 0% indicates no heterogeneity and 100% indicates maximal heterogeneity among studies included. Figure 2.


The OACs and OAFs are a possible complication during the procedures of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

The main etiology for OAC was tooth extraction (92,63–95%) with similar prevalence between right (49%) and left (51%) side4,22.

Most of the authors stated that the commonest site was the first molar region2,23−30.

Other authors, such as Güven31 affirmed that the commonest site was the second molar region while Pourmand et al.32 and Franco-Carro et al.22 observed how OAF was the most common complications after wisdom-tooth removal and the risk of OAF correlated with increasing patient age.

Punwutikorn et al.2 state thar the size of the maxillary sinus is at is greatest during the third decade of life, making this period the one with the highest incidence of OACs. In their study the highest incidence was observed in the age group of 60 and over.

Over time, various techniques have been proposed, among them the buccal advancement flap and buccal fat pad were one of the first described and currently remain among the most widely adopted solutions by surgeons7,8,12.

The most important factors to consider when choosing the OAF closure technique are the size and location, but also the condition of the available tissue9.

Additional evaluation criteria for deciding which technique to use are the quantity and quality of tissue in the affected site and the surgeon's experience33.

Many surgeons choose, as the first line of treatment, buccal advancement flap for the closure of small communication or minor fistula for advantages such as relative simplicity of the surgical technique, adequate blood supply of the flap and the possibility to mobilize adequately the flap. Flap mobility is enhanced and ensured by making parallel incisions in the periosteum at the base of the flap8,9,26,34.

The use of BFP for closure of medium size OAF (diameter between 1 and 4 cm) was described for the first time by Egyedi in 197712. This simple and reliable surgical technique presents several advantages such as excellent blood supply particularly necessary when the receiving site is poorly vascularized, adequate and easy mobilization, good epithelialization of the uncovered fat in the 2–4 weeks post surgery1, 35, the lack of a visible scar at the donor site30,36, high success rate, low patient morbidity1,7,13−15 and regenerative potential of Bichat fat pad through pluripotency cells37. Moreover, the volume of Bichat’s fat pad has larger dimensions in childhood and is relatively consistent in both sexes and persists in the case of weight loss or subcutaneous fat loss38,39.

The main disvantages of BFP are that it can be harvested only once15 and a small depression in the cheek-area may be caused by the procedure, but the contro-lateral fat pad usually does not need excision because asymmetry is not excessive36. Nevertheless, Egyedi12 pointed out that no significant depression in the cheek-area was noticeable.

When correctly dissected and mobilized, the BFP allows to obtain a pedicle graft up to 7 x 4 x 3 cm40. Egyedi12 suggested for the first time the possibility of closing OAF up to 4 cm in diameter, subsequently Tiedeman et al.41 observed how defects up to 3 x 5 cm in size can be covered without compromising its rich vascularity. In the study by Fujimura et al.42 the authors managed to close a defect measuring 6 x 5 x 3 cm.

According to the results obtained by Bhatt et al.19 and Al Nashar et al.21 and supported by other authors, the loss of sulcus depth was statically significant after immediate surgical closure with Rehrmann’s buccal advancement flap as compared to BAF. Moreover, Von Wowern17 showed how in 50% cases the reduction of vestibular height was permanent, corresponding to the extension of the flap. It is therefore recommended to use the BFP where loss of sulcus depth is of concern35,43,44, especially when the site needs to be prepared to receive a prosthesis33,35,43.

Several authors suggest the use of BFP when the Buccal advancement flap or other techniques have failed35,43−47 and when there is the damage of buccal or palatal mucoperiosteum7,35,43.

In the meta-analytic study conducted by Franco-Carro et al.22 few complications related to the use of buccal flaps were noted (15.58%) as well as complications related to the treatment with Bichat fat pad (16.68%).

The study by Alonso-González et al.48 indicates that patients after 6 months were very satisfied (9.1/10) with the BFP treatment and with aesthetic, phonetic and chewing results.

Shukla et al.49 observed how postoperative pain was higher with the use of BFP compared to BAF after the first days. From the 14° day onwards the pain was drastically reduced and from the 21° day no pain was reported by any patient. Postoperative edema is higher with the use of the BFP compared to the BAF, after 21 days the edema has completely resolved in all patients.


Three studies highlighted a lower probability of success of BAF than BFP. Only the study of Rashid et al.20 reported opposite results. Nevertheless, study-specific relative risks resulted non-significant. However, the pooled RR was significant, showing a probability of success of BAF slightly lower than BFP for closure of oroantral fistula (RR 0.914, 95% CI: 0.836–0.998). Heterogeneity between the studies was absent (I2 0.0%, P = 0.452).

Figure 2. Forest Plot; Comparison Between Buccal Fat Pad Flap and Buccal Advancement Flap.


No randomized clinical trials (RCTs) meeting the selected inclusion criteria were identified in this systematic review. Furthermore, the number of patients treated in the different studies was quite small and no further studies were implemented on a larger number of patients.

Considering the risk of bias estimated in the study as moderate-high, the interpretation of the results must be carefully considered.

The choice of the technique to be used must be evaluated on the basis of factors such as the clinical experience of the surgeon, the specific conditions of the patient and the advantages / disadvantages of the chosen technique.

Both techniques are safe, simple and with a high success rate. BFP is ideal in the closure of oroantral fistulas of more than 5 mm, when it is necessary to preserve the depth of the vestibular sulcus or when the buccal advancement flap fails.



There was no founding for this article. 


The authors declare no conflicts of interests.


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