Recently, Bond behavior of fiber reinforced polymer FRP bars (carbon, glass, aramid, and hybrid) in concrete have been investigated by many researchers owing to the prevalence of FRP composites in some applications of civil engineering. An attempt to enhance bonding between smooth GFRP bars and concrete using sand coating performed by (Arias et al., 2012). Fifteen spacemen were cast to study the influence of sand, rebar diameter, embedded length, and concrete strength. Results of direct pull out tests indicated that finer sand led to stronger chemical adhesion while friction and interlocking forces gained from coarse sand were the main part of bond strength.
The effect of anchor head on bond behavior of sand coated glass fiber reinforced polymer bars embedded in geopolymer concrete was investigated by (Maranan et al., 2015) using direct pullout test, test results declared that anchor head enhanced significantly the bond capacity of GFRP. An effort was made by (Park et al., 2016) to study the bond performance of FRP bars embedded in concrete. A total of 63 specimens were conducted to investigate the influence of FRP types, locations and casting positions. It is concluded that bond performance of FRP bars was significantly affected by FRP type and surface condition. Using beam test, (Kotynia et al., 2017) studied the influence of bar diameter, concrete strength, and concrete cover on the bond behavior of GFRP bars. As a conclusion, the ultimate bond stress increased by 18 to 22% when the bar diameter increased from 16 mm to 18 mm. Also, higher concrete compressive strength produced better bond behavior while the bond stress decreased owing to the decrease of concrete cover.
In order to investigate bond performance of basalt fiber reinforced polymer bars in coral concrete, (Wang et al., 2019) carried out 30 pullout tests divided into 10 groups with different bar diameters, concrete strength and bonding lengths. Good bonding were achieved between BFRP bars and coral concrete. Also, it is found that concrete strength is the most effective way to improve the bond performance. Solyom and Bala,zs (2020) performed an experimental study on bond behavior of FRP bars to investigate the effect of surface configuration using pull out and direct tension tests. It is found that sand coated FRP bars provides approximately similar bond strength as helically wrapped but with lowest slip value.
(DoostMohamadi et al., 2021) investigated the effect of concrete type on bond strength of GFRP bars. 18 cube specimens were fabricated and tested and tested using direct pull out. Normal weight, light weight, and light weight fiber reinforced concrete were used in the study. As a conclusion, LWC cased lower bond strength if compared with NWC due to the weakness of aggregates in mechanical interlocking. Also, LWFRC of 0.3 and 0.5% fiber volume fraction controlled cracks and increase the bond strength between GFRP bars and concrete. (Başaran et al., 2022) reviewed the physical parameters of bond behavior of FRP bars in concrete. Ten parameters based on FRP properties, concrete properties, and reinforcement arrangement and configuration. It is found that surface texture was the most effective parameter on FRP–concrete bond strength.
Despite of all the previous researches that dealt with the effect of FRP types, concrete types, bar diameter, surface condition, and type of bond test. Bond performance of FRP bars embedded in concrete still needs more investigations.