Our results show that studies on butterfly migration are concentrated in relatively few regions of the world, and that only a few species have been studied in detail [monarch, painted lady and red admiral]. There was no increase in the number of publications on butterfly migration over the years; although research on the Monarch has accelerated. We showed the potential importance of non-English-language studies to better understand butterfly migration globally. Although we considered only five non-English languages in this study, future studies could consider a broader set of languages widely used for scientific studies [e.g, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and other non-European languages]. Language restrictions might have impacted our findings. For example, if our search was expanded into German, French, and Portuguese, we might have located more studies from Europe, Africa, and South America [34]. However, given we checked two regional journals [Atalanta and Phegea; publishes studies in German and Dutch repetitively], we think that we have already captured many German and Dutch studies. Similarly, although we used rigorous literature search approaches to make the review as comprehensive as possible, may have missed relevant papers with our keyword driven search approach.
Charismatic species, especially if also threatened, often get disproportionate research, and the research using the latest techniques is often concentrated in advanced-economy countries. This sort of ‘research bias’ is quite common in biology [50], but can hamper our understanding of species ecology and conservation [51–54]. We have identified both taxonomic and geographic biases in published studies on butterfly migration in that most studies: i] cover North America and Europe, with very few from the tropics or subtropics, and ii] focus on a small number of species. To reduce bias, researchers could conduct more studies on migration in poorly studied species and regions to identify the true prevalence of migration in butterflies. For example, a recent study has shown that unlike migratory birds, seasonal movements between suitable and unsuitable habitats in migratory butterflies appears most prominent in the tropics [12]. In this review, we identify a lack of studies in the tropics, suggesting there is an under-representation of migratory species.
Although a recent review listed several hundred butterfly migrants [11], the rate of discovery of new migratory species indicates that there might yet be thousands more. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that there can be both migratory and non-migratory populations and individuals within a species [55–57]. To understand seasonal movements, it is essential to monitor across a species’ full geographic distribution, a task for which active citizen science participation is likely to be highly beneficial [12, 58–63]. For example, both amateur and professional ornithologists widely use eBird, which has transformed the availability of bird data globally [64–66]. So how can we engage citizen science in the tropics? Nowadays, iNaturalist, a citizen science project, is increasingly popular both among professional and amateur naturalists [67]. Citizen science tools, such as this, can widen the coverage of space and species in data collection; and collating and analysing the resulting data will help to identify which species are, in fact, migratory. For this reason, maximising funding and shifting research effort towards tropical regions could enable broader discovery of migration in butterflies. In many countries, funding is more readily available for insects of economic significance, such as pests and pollinators. Future studies could assess the disparity in funding amount and prioritise funding for species that are at elevated extinction risk.
Future research could focus on identifying, tracking, and understanding the navigation of butterfly migrants. Time honoured techniques such as mark-release-recapture can be used to calculate travel distances, and whether the distance and overall direction of movement is associated with changes in seasonal resources; isotopic analysis can be used to identify the origin of individuals [57, 68]; flight chamber experiments can be used to record flight duration of butterflies and differentiate migrants and non-migrants and even differences in orientation [69–71]; radars can be used in hotspot regions to determine the seasonal flow of movements [22–23, 39, 72]; female butterflies can be collected and dissected to check the status of their ovarian development [73]; genomic resources such as EST-based microarray analyses, transcriptome libraries and single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP] marker sets can be used to determine migration routes [2, 74–75]; and ecological niche and movement modelling can uncover spatial patterns of seasonal occurrence and habitat use in migratory butterflies [12, 62, 76–77].
During migratory flights, monarch butterflies adjust their flight altitude and vectors by flapping and gliding [78–79], but there is no information on whether this occurs in other migratory butterflies. Recent studies have shown that some long-distance migratory butterflies use air currents [23, 80–83] but little is known about the cost of migration, metabolism of flight fuels, or how migratory butterflies counter overheating. Moreover, there are some phenotypic differences, especially in traits linked to migration, between eastern and western monarchs, despite genetic studies indicating these populations are closely related [84]. Future studies could focus on assessing the reasons for these differences between eastern and western monarchs. Similarly, migratory butterflies can be tracked using natural markers such as cardenolides [85–86]. It would be interesting to extend this method to other Danainae butterflies that feed on Apocynaceae.
While undertaking migratory flights, migrants often cross multiple regions. This continuous movement makes them vulnerable to anthropogenic threats and complicates their conservation [12, 45, 61–62, 87–89]. Due to extensive anthropogenic pressure and human-induced climate change, insects, including butterflies, are declining worldwide [90–95]. It is notable that populations of more than half of migratory birds have declined in the last 30 years, suggesting that, in general, migratory species are at greater risk than sedentary species [96]. The few available time series analyses have shown some migratory butterfly populations to be stable, while others are declining. For example, while the North American migratory monarch population has dramatically declined in the last few decades [97–99], populations of painted lady, red admiral and clouded yellow [Colias croceus] have remained relatively stable [83, 100]. However, it should be noted that time-series data are rare for most migratory butterflies, and unavailable from most parts of the world.
To implement effective migratory species conservation, holistic analyses across the entire distribution are needed, since migrants require a chain of intact habitat [8, 88]. Ultimately, knowledge of seasonal movements, locations of stopover sites, protected area coverage, and improved knowledge of the basic biology of migration in butterflies is needed to drive successful conservation planning. Migratory butterflies perform a broad range of functions in ecosystems including transferring biomass, transporting nutrients, and influencing resource fluxes and food web structure [1, 18, 101]. If we are to conserve them effectively, migratory butterflies will need far more attention than they currently receive.