5.1 Study Population
Nineteen individuals with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and nineteen control participants with normal or corrected vision were recruited. The population demographics are shown in table 1. The monocular data acquired for these participants was previously included in another study 61, so the details about the inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as the details of the ophthalmic data acquisition can also be found at 61. Here we focused on the acquired binocular data. Each age-matched control was assigned to a participant with glaucoma. This pairing was done based on demographic parameters such as age and gender. Prior to the ophthalmologic assessment, participants signed an informed consent form. Experimental protocols were approved by the University Medical Center Groningen, Medical Ethical Committee and conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Inclusion criteria for the participants with glaucoma were as follows: having an intraocular pressure (IOP) > 21 mmHg before treatment onset, the presence of a VFD due to glaucoma (glaucoma hemifield test outside normal limits), abnormal optical coherence tomography (OCT); peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (pRNFL) at least one clock hour with a probability <0.01, spherical equivalent refraction within ±3 D.
Exclusion criteria for both groups were: having any ophthalmic disorder affecting visual acuity or VF (other than primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) in the participants with glaucoma), any neurological or psychiatric disorders, the presence of gross abnormalities or lesions on their magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, or having any contraindication for MRI (e.g., having a pacemaker or being claustrophobic).
Table 1. Demographics of participants with glaucoma and controls. Average and standard deviation of age, percentage of female, intraocular pressure (IOP) for the right and left eye (average over three measurements), peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) thickness and the VF mean deviation (VFMD) measured with SAP for the right and left eye. Note that participants with glaucoma were receiving treatment.
Participants with Glaucoma
Average (n=19)
Standard Deviation (n=19)
Average (n=19)
Standard Deviation (n=19)
Age (y)
Gender (F%)
IOP (R/L; mmHg)
pRNFL thickness (R/L; μm)
72.7/ 68.0
VFMD (R/L; dB)
5.2 Ophthalmic data
Prior to their participation in the MRI experiments, we assessed for all participants their visual acuity, IOP, VF sensitivity (measured using HFA and frequency doubling technology [FDT]) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness. Visual acuity was measured using a Snellen chart with optimal correction provided for the viewing distance. IOP was measured using a Tonoref noncontact tonometer (Nidek, Hiroishi, Japan). The VFs were first screened using FDT (Carl Zeiss Meditec) using the C20-1 screening mode. The contrast sensitivity at several locations of the VF was measured using SAP specifically using a HFA (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany) with the 24-2 or 30-2 grid and the Swedish Interactive Threshold Algorithm (SITA) Fast. Only reliable HFA tests were included in this study. A VF test result was considered unreliable if false-positive errors exceeded 10% or fixation losses exceeded 20% and false-negative errors exceeded 10% 62. Finally, the RNFL thickness was measured by means of OCT using a Canon OCT-HS100 scanner (Canon, Tokyo, Japan).
5.3 Experimental Procedure
Each participant completed two (f)MRI sessions of approximately 1.5h each. In the first session, the anatomical scan (T1w), Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI), T2w, resting state functional scans and a MT localizer were acquired. In the second session, the retinotopic mapping and scotoma localizers experiments took place. These experiments were performed binocularly and monocularly as well. The resting state fMRI results are reported on in a different paper 63. Here, we report on the results of the binocular retinotopic mapping scans.
5.3.1 Participants with glaucoma
The second session differed for participants with glaucoma and control participants. For the participants with glaucoma, their second (f)MRI session comprised the retinotopy and scotoma localizer experiments. The retinotopy experiment comprised nine runs in total of which six were done with binocular and three with monocular vision. For this study, only the binocular runs were analyzed. The scotoma localizer experiment comprised 2 runs in total of which one was done with binocular and one with monocular vision. This task was performed to control residual activity within the scotoma projection zone. In the monocular experiments, the most lesioned eye was stimulated and the other was occluded using an MRI compatible opaque lense. The most lesioned eye was selected based on the SAP MD (mean deviation) score; the eye with the lowest MD was selected. The monocular retinotopy results were used to assess the capability of fMRI to detect visual field defects and are reported on in a different paper 61.
5.3.2 Control participants
In their second (f)MRI session, the control participants performed the LCR, LCR SS and scotoma localizer experiments. The latter was used to define the simulated scotoma projection zone. All experiments were done with binocular vision. For both LCR and LCR SS, four runs were performed. Two scotoma localizers were acquired, one with and another without the SS superimposed on the stimulus.
5.4 Stimulus presentation and image acquisition
Stimuli were presented on an MR compatible display screen (BOLDscreen 24 LCD; Cambridge Research Systems, Cambridge, UK). The screen was located at the head-end of the MRI scanner. Participants viewed the screen through a tilted mirror attached to the head coil. Distance from the participant’s eyes to the display (measured through the mirror) was 120 cm. Screen size was 22x14 deg. The maximum stimulus radius was 7 deg of visual angle. Visual stimuli were created using MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) and the Psychtoolbox 64,65.
5.4.1 Stimuli
All participants underwent binocular visual field mapping using luminance contrast retinotopy (LCR) mapping. Figure 8A shows an example frame of the stimulus. Additionally, the glaucoma participants observed the LCR monocularly, and the healthy participants viewed the LCR binocularly with a simulated scotoma (LCR SS) superimposed (Figure 8B). For each control, the LCR SS was matched to that of a participant with glaucoma (see section This condition acted as a reference for the glaucoma binocular LCR, in order to disentangle possible (cortical) plasticity. Luminance-contrast retinotopy (LCR)
LCR consisted of a drifting bar aperture defined by high-contrast flickering texture 66. The bar aperture, i.e. alternating rows of high-contrast luminance checks drifting in opposite directions, moved in eight different directions: four bar orientations (horizontal, vertical, and the two diagonal orientations) and for each orientation two opposite drift directions. The bar moved across the screen in 16 equally spaced steps, each lasting 1 TR (repetition time, time between two MRI volume acquisitions). The bar contrast, width, and spatial frequency were 100%, 1.75 degree, and 0.5 cycles per degree, respectively. After each pass, during which the bar moved across the entire screen during 24 s, the bar moved across half of the screen for 12 s, followed by a blank full screen stimulus at mean luminance for 12 s as well. Luminance-contrast defined retinotopy with simulated scotomas (LCR SS)
LCR SS consisted of the LCR stimulus with a simulated scotoma. The SS for a control participant was designed to mimic the contrast sensitivity of the corresponding glaucoma participant under binocular vision. The scotoma was simulated by means of local reductions in stimulus contrast. In particular, the SS consisted of an alpha transparency contrast layer defined using the HFA sensitivity values of the respective participant with glaucoma. For example, a decrease of 3dB in HFA sensitivity is simulated by means of a reduction in stimulus contrast of 50%. The binocular HFA sensitivity at every position measure was calculated by taking the maximum between Left and Right eye. Attentional task
During the retinotopic mapping scans, participants were required to perform a fixation task in which they had to press a button each time the fixation cross changed colour between black and yellow (retinotopic experiments) and between white and black (scotoma localizer). The fixation cross extended towards the edges of the screen so that it could be used as a queue for the screen’s center by the participants with central scotomas. The average performance was above 75% for all conditions and for participants with glaucoma and control participants. The task performance per condition is presented in table S1.
5.4.2 Magnetic resonance imaging Data acquisition and preprocessing
Scanning was carried out on a 3 Tesla Siemens Prisma MR-scanner using an 64-channel receiving head coil. A T1-weighted scan (voxel size, 1mm3; matrix size, 256 x 256 x 256) covering the whole-brain was recorded to chart each participant's cortical anatomy. Padding was applied to strike a balance between participant comfort and a reduction of possible head motion. The retinotopic scans were collected using standard EPI sequence (TR, 1500 ms; TE, 30 ms; voxel size, 3mm3, flip angle 80; matrix size, 84 x 84 x 24). Slices were oriented to be approximately parallel to the calcarine sulcus. For all retinotopic scans (LCR, LCR monocular and LCR SS), a single run consisted of 136 functional images (duration of 204 s). The (S)SPZ localizers consisted of 144 functional images (duration of 216 s).
The T1-weighted whole-brain anatomical images were reoriented in AC-PC space. The resulting anatomical image was initially automatically segmented using Freesurfer 67 and subsequently edited manually. The cortical surface was reconstructed at the gray/white matter boundary and rendered as a smoothed 3D mesh 68.
The functional scans were analysed in the mrVista software package for MATLAB (available at https://web.stanford.edu/group/vista/cgi-bin/wiki/index.php/MrVista). Head movement between and within functional scans were corrected 69. The functional scans were averaged and coregistered to the anatomical scan 69, and interpolated to a 1mm isotropic resolution. Drift correction was performed by detrending the BOLD time series with a discrete cosine transform filter with a cutoff frequency of 0.001Hz. In order to avoid possible saturation effects, the first 8 images were discarded. Visual field mapping and ROI definition
The pRF analysis was performed using both conventional population receptive field (pRF) mapping 66 and micro-probing 70. Using both models, for all the participants the functional responses to binocular LCR were analysed using a full field (FF) model (Figure 8C). Additionally, the data acquired in LCR SS condition in the control participants in experiments 1 and 2 were analyzed using a model that included the simulated scotoma (scotoma field; SF, Figure 8D).
The visual areas V1, V2 and V3 were defined on the basis of phase reversal on the inflated cortical surface, obtained with the conventional pRF model using the LCR stimulus presented binocularly.
5.5 Population receptive field analysis
As in previous work 15,66,71 data was thresholded by retaining the pRF models that explained at least 0.15 of the variance in the BOLD response and that had an eccentricity in the range of 0-7 degrees, for all conditions (i.e., LCR and LCR SS).
5.5.1 Correlation Analysis
The correlations between the BOLD modulation, the pRF size and position deviation and the disease severity were calculated using a linear mixed effects model with a slope and intercept per subject as a random effect.
Where is the dependent variable, i.e BOLD modulation, pRF size and position deviation, is the independent variable, i.e contrast sensitivity and MNFL, and S is the subject. To determine whether the BOLD modulation, defined as the standard deviation of the BOLD signal, of glaucoma participants was different from control participants, repeated measures two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with ROIs, eccentricity and condition (LCR and LCR SS) were performed.
5.5.2 Analysis of the variation in pRF properties between glaucoma and control participants
To investigate changes in pRF sizes between glaucoma and control participants the cumulative distribution of pRF size is depicted across voxels. At the group level, statistical testing was performed by calculating the median pRF size across voxels per participant and comparing these median values across groups (glaucoma vs control participants) using a two sample t-test.
Given the heterogeneity of the VFD of the glaucoma participants, one of the challenges is how to properly perform a group level analysis. Analyzing the pRF deviation at the level of quarter fields and correlating these deviations with SAP and OCT metrics, allows us to understand if at the group level, the deviations in pRF positions are related to disease severity. In order to understand how pRF properties are associated with the severity of glaucoma, we performed two different analysis: 1) we correlated the averaged pRF size and ED of the average position calculated per quarter field between participants with glaucoma and respective control participant with the contrast sensitivity and MNFL thickness; and 2) we assessed the significance of the deviation between pairs in relation to an expected baseline deviation, which summarizes the variation in pRF properties amongst control participants. In order to take this into account, a group level analysis was done by determining the rank of the deviation of the participant pair (either the glaucoma-control SS pair or the control SS-control NS pair) relative to the baseline deviation (which consisted of all the 19 deviations between the matching control participant and all other control participants, Figure S10). This approach and its results are presented in detail in the sections 7 and 8 of the supplementary information.
5.5.3 Visual field reconstruction analysis
Both MP and pRF mapping techniques allow an accurate reconstruction of the VF by back-projecting the pRF properties of all voxels within a visual area onto the VF 61,72. The VF reconstructed maps reflect the VF sampling density. Since the presence of VFD reduces the sampling of a particular region of the VF, fMRI-based VF reconstruction techniques are suitable to detect VFDs and indirectly reflect VF sensitivity.
In this study we compared the visual field reconstruction between participants with Glaucoma and Controls SS. The visual field reconstruction was obtained using the MP technique as described in 61. In addition, to directly compare the VF reconstructions between groups, VF maps were converted from normalized scale to a dB scale by taking the 10 × log10 of the sampling density values, resulting in VF sensitivity values. The final VF maps correspond to the deviation of VF sensitivities between glaucoma and controls SS from controls NS according to the 90, 95, 98, 99 and 99.5 % CI boundaries. This approach was previously applied by 72.
5.5.4 Statistical Analysis
All statistical analyses were performed using R (version 0.99.903; R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) and MATLAB (version 2016b; Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA). After correction for multiple comparisons, a p-value of 0.05 or less was considered statistically significant.