The increase in stocking density reduces the growth of L. rohita fingerlings even in higher feeding ration groups was observed in our previous study (Paswan et al. 2021). The effects of stocking and feeding rations were visibly started appearing on 30th day of the experimental trial in different treatment groups. In general, higher stocking density reduced the space per individual animal, thereby adversely affecting social interactions, reduced the physiological need of animal and increasing stress in the fish. The elevated stress condition would lead to higher energy requirements to maintain the homeostasis of fish thereby causing reduction in utilization and feed and growth of cultured fish which ultimately affects the profit in aquaculture.
In the present study the recorded water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, ammonia, etc, inside as well as outside (50 m away) of the cages installed in Dimbhe reservoir, were within the range for optimal production conditions of L. rohita fingerling (Paswan et al. 2021; Mane et al. 2017).
The haematological parameters such as Hb, RBC, PCV, and WBC are most widely used to assess the health status of cultured animal (Khoei 2021; Kumar et al. 2022). (Rehulka et al. 2004) reported that diet composition and metabolism are two main factors which affect the hematological parameters of fish. In the present study, at 0th day, the lower Hb, RBC and PCV values were observed. It has been reported by Lingam et al. (2019), during the production of stunting fingerling i.e., restricted feeding period or malnutrition can affect the energy required for basal metabolic activities of fish and this might be the reason for decreased hematological values at the 0th day. When common carp and Persian sturgeon starved for seven and four weeks, respectively, resulted in lower level of Hb, RBC and PCV values and it was even lower than the reported values of the present study (Murachi 1959; Yarmohammadi et al. 2015). In the present study, the observed value of Hb, RBC and PCV at 0th day, increased gradually from 30th days onwards even up to 165th and 330th days, indicating the recovery of the stocked fish in cages. The lowest Hb, RBC, and PCV value were observed in the highest stocking density fed with lowest feeding ration 25*3 treatment group throughout the experimental period. Similarly, the higher stocking density decreased the Hb, RBC and PCV in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) (Magouz et al. 2019), brook trout (Marchand and Boisclair 1998), gilthead seabream (Montero et al. 2001) and great sturgeon (Rafatnezhad et al. 2008) as observed in the present study. The significantly lower Hb, RBC and PCV values of 20 fish/m3 and 25 fish /m3 treatment groups might be due to crowding stress in cages and it was remained up to 330th day of the trial due to the existence of chronic stress. On the other side, fish stocked in lower stocking densities (10 fish/m3) regained the normal Hb, RBC and PCV values in the present study supported by the findings of (Kamal and Omar 2011) who reported higher values of Hb, RBC and PCV in silver carp reared in lower stocking density (3 fish/m3) than the higher stocking densities (6 & 9 fish/m3). Grant (2015) stated that, the production of RBC increased when the fish returned to normal conditions after experiencing a chronic stress and it was observed in the present study lower stocking (10 fish/m3) fed with higher feeding ration (5 to 6%) from 30th days onwards. Barcellos et al. (2004) also observed that, fish exposed to unsuitable environment may alters their hematological parameters, whereas returning of same fish to optimal culture condition exhibit normal blood biochemistry which might be the reason for recovery in Hb, WBC and PCV values of rohu reared in lower stocking density fed with higher feeding rations.
In contrast, the WBC value was high at 0th day in all the treatment groups. The value was significantly decreased at 30th day and it might be due to fact that, stunted fish change their blood composition after coming to the semi-normal or normal condition. The values of WBC were slightly increased at 165th day and started showing lower values up to 330th days in lower stocking density fed with higher feeding rations, while it was increased from the 165th to 330th day in higher density group due to chronic stress. Falahatkar et al. (2019) also reported the WBC level of a new hybrid strain (Leuciscus aspius × Rutilus frisi) was increased when the fish stocked in higher stocking density Similarly, Wendelaar-Bonga (1997) stated that, WBC content increased during the stress condition caused by the higher stocking density n fish. On the other side, hematological changes occurred due to crowding stress can be nullified or neutralized by the increase in the feeding ration (Martinez et al. 1994; Montero et al. 1999; Montero et al. 2001).
The higher serum cortisol and glucose level in fish has been considered as primary and secondary level stress indicator (Hattingh 1976; Manush et al. 2005; Metwally and Wafeek 2014). The secretion of corticosteroids increased due to all types of stress which in turn elevate the blood glucose level for energy production to fight the stressful condition (Nakano and Tomlinson 1967). In general, the level of cortisol and glucose were fluctuated in fish, subjected to fasting and feeding. On 0th day, the concentration of glucose and cortisol were higher and it might be because of stunted fingerling need higher amount of energy to maintain their physiological homeostasis. At 30th day, in higher stocking density fed with low feeding rate increased glucose and cortisol levels were observed while lower stocking density fed with higher feed rations decreased glucose and cortisol levels were observed which indicate the returning stunted fish normal physiological conditions. Further, on 165th and 330th days, the level of glucose and cortisol were normalized in lower stocking (10 fish /m3) group fed with higher feeding rations of 5 to 6%, while the level remains higher in higher stocking density (20 and 25 fish/ m3) and lower feeding groups (3 and 4%). The reason for elevated serum glucose and cortisol is due to the chronic stress caused by the crowding conditions which induces the production of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis for supplying the energy to cope with changed conditions (Iwama et al. 1999; Vinodhini and Narayanan 2009). The values of glucose and cortisol were recovered at lower stocking density (10 fish/m3) and indicated the revival of their physiological homeostasis to maintain the energy demand of fish. The levels of glucose and cortisol were increased due to crowding stress in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and mrigal as reported by (Caruso et al. 2011) and (Tejpal et al. 2009) respectively. The enhanced levels of cortisol in high stocking density (25 fish/m3) of the present study are in agreement with similar observations in gilthead sea bream (Montero et al. 1999), zebrafish (Ramsay et al. 2006) Japanese flounder (Bolasina et al. 2006) and European sea bass (Lupatsch et al. 2010). In contrast, high stocking density showed no effect on cortisol level in great sturgeon juveniles (Rafatnezhad et al. 2008) and siberian sturgeon (Hasanalipour et al. 2013).
It has been reported that the LDH activity was increased when there is an oxygen debt in the tissue, which converts pyruvate into lactate by LDH and NADH into NAD+ to maintain the redox potential in tissues (Murray et al. 2000; Shamna et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2018). The stress-induced upsurge activity of LDH was observed in several fishes (Shamna et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2019). In the present study at 0th day, the activity of serum LDH was higher in all the treatment groups indicates the energy demand of stunted animal for survival. At 330th day, higher level of LDH was noticed in higher stocking density group fed with minimum feed rations (25*3) and it may be due catabolism of carbohydrate which possibly increased the energy demand caused by the chronic crowding stress. Similarly, the value of LDH was increased with increase in stocking density of wedge sole (Dicologoglossa cuneata) (Herrera et al. 2014). However, at the end of the experiment, lowest activity was observed in lower stocking density (10 fish/m3) fed with higher feeding ration which shows complete recovery in this treatment groups.
Chatterjee et al. (2010) reported a significantly higher activity LDH activity when rohu fingerlings were transported in higher stocking density (80 fish/L), Similarly, grey mullet reared under high stocking density (400 numbers/l) displayed an elevated LDH activity in the liver tissues (Kumar et al. 2012). LDH helps to synthesize ATP, under anaerobic conditions using lactate as substrate, through gluconeogenesis in fish which could be the possible reason for raised LDH activity in higher stocking density groups of the study. Additionally, the increased LDH values indicates the damage of liver tissues which can be well correlated with the histological examination in the present study at higher stocking density. Histological observation used to assess the fish health and stress, and it could provide the complete picture of short and long term effect of stress on organism (Hinton and Laurén 1990; Rašković et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2020). However, limited number of studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of stocking density on the histological structure of gill and liver. Major studies reported the environmental stress induced the histological changes in gill such as gill epithelial hypertrophy and hyperplasia, fusion in lamellae, goblet cell proliferation, increased mucus secretion, necrosis of secondary lamellae and haemorrhage and in liver it caused oedema, vacuoles, hypertrophy, steatosis, atrophied, and necrosis of hepatocytes (Scott and Rogers 1980; Roberts 1989; Ferguson 1989; Mallat 1985; Hinton and Laurén, 1990; Poleksić and Mitrović-Tutundžić, 1994; Chapman et al. 2000; Smith et al. 2000; Mohapatra et al. 2003; Wolf and Wolfe 2005; Yengkokpem et al. 2006; Benliet al. 2008; Fazioa et al. 2014; Raskovic et al. 2013; Aziza et al. 2015; Fregoso-López et al. 2017; Lingam et al. 2019).
In the present study, at 0th day the swelling of primary lamellae, hyperplasia, and complete fusion was observed in the secondary gill lamellae due to stunting of fish under crowding conditions with restricted feeding. At 165th and 330th days, the lower stocking density (10 fish/m3) group shows the healthy primary as well as secondary gill lamellae which indicated complete recovery and it was also supported by better growth performance (Paswan et al. 2021). However, the gills were slightly disturbed in 15 fish/m3 and completely disturbed in term of swelling/edema and hyperplasia of basal epithelium between the secondary gill lamellae was observed in the 20 fish/m3 and 25 fish/m3 treatment groups. The stocking density, especially higher stocking density, advesly affects the gill histology (Wang et al. 2019). It has been reported that, some fishes had developed stress reponse mechanism during the hyposia such as increase the number of secondary gill lamella in Crucian carp (Sollid et al. 2003), African cichlids (Chapman et al. 2000) and in Channa striatus (Natarajan 1985). Most fishes in sublethal hypoxic conditions showed stress signs such as gill epithelial hypertrophy and hyperplasia, goblet cell proliferation with increased mucus secretion, haemorrhage, etc (Scott and Rogers 1980). The higher stocking density (8.4 Kg/m3) induced hyperplasia in secondary lamellae, fusion in lamellae, necrosis of secondary lamellae and epithelia exudation in the mullet (Fazioa et al. 2014). In the present study, higher stocking density effect on the histological changes of gill were in agreement with earlier findings of (Poleksić and Mitrović-Tutundžić 1994; Raskovic et al. 2013; Fregoso-López et al. 2017).
Fish liver plays a vital role in the metabolism and considered as the first organ to be affected during stunting process (Power et al. 2000; Gambardella et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2019) due to generation of oxidative stress (Storch and Juario 1983; Ostaszewska et al. 2006). At 0th day, the prominent hepatocyte necrosis was observed in the treatment groups. It has been reported, hepatocyte necrosis, degeneration of hepatocyte and vacuoles formation in fish liver after exposing them to higher stoking density (Wang et al. 2019). In the present study at 165th and 330th days, the size of hepatocytes was larger in 10 fish/m3 and 15 fish/m3 treatment groups as compared with 20 fish/m3 and 25 fish/m3 treatment groups. The lower stocking group did not show any hepatocytes necrosis while in higher stocking density (20 fish/m3 and 25 fish/m3), the prominent hepatocyte necrosis and haemorrhage were observed. Some study reported the necrosis and haemorrhage in hepatocytes due to ammonia exposure in Nile tilapia (Benli et al. 2008), hypoxia in channel catfish (Harper and Wolf 2009) higher stocking density in largemouth bass (Wang et al. 2019).
The abrupt change in size of hepatocytes of higher stocking density was observed due to the stress altered the hepatic energy storage (Wolf and Wolfe 2005; Benli et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2020). Wolf and Wolfe (2005) reported decrease of vacuolation in hepatocyte due to loss of cytoplasmic glycogen and/or lipid caused by insufficient energy intake. Conversely, increased hepatocellular vacuolation is more commonly associated with overnutrition or toxicity (Wolf and Wolfe 2005) in the cultured fish. In the present study, larger size of hepatocytes were observed in the lower stocking density group beefed with increased feeding rations which influenced the deposition of glycogen and lipid in the liver. Similarly, some studies reported the carbohydrate levels in the diets influence the liver morphology by fulfilling the energy demand in fish (Mohapatra et al. 2003; Kumar et al. 2005; Yengkokpem et al. 2006).