CVD is a facile and controllable method for synthesizing 2D materials. Generally, precursors, substrate, temperature, and gas flow rate are the decisive factors for a successful synthesis. CrCl3 has a lower melting point (1,150°C) than Cr2O3 (melting point = 2,435°C), making it a suitable precursor for CVD synthesis. In addition, sodium chloride (NaCl) can significantly lower the melting point of reactants and enhance their volatilization.33 A mixture of CrCl3 and NaCl was utilized as the precursor to provide sufficient Cr. To further reduce the energy barrier for Cr2S3 nucleation, fluorophlogopite mica (KMg3AlSi3O10F2) with an atomically flat surface was chosen as the substrate for epitaxial growth (Fig. 1a). 34 Fig. S1 shows the experimental setup, and the detailed growth parameters are presented in the Experimental Method section. Figure 1b and c show the crystal structure of rhombohedral Cr2S3 (R-Cr2S3), which can be regarded as an alternative stacking of CrS2-Cr1/3, indicating that Cr atoms in the octahedral site are sandwiched between the CrS2 layers. Optical microscopy (OM) images of the as-grown Cr2S3 are shown in Fig. 1d, revealing a hexagonal geometry with edge lengths of ~ 40 µm. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was performed to determine the thickness of the Cr2S3 nanosheet. The thickness of a typical unit-cell Cr2S3 is 1.96 nm, which agrees well with that of as-grown Cr2S3 (Fig. 1e). X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to determine the elemental composition of our samples. Based on the spectra shown in Fig. 1f and S2, the peaks at 574.8 and 584.3 eV are attributed to Cr 2p3/2 and Cr 2p1/2, respectively. The S 2p3/2 and S 2p1/2 peaks are observed at 160.7 and 161.9 eV, respectively. This result is in good agreement with those of previous studies on CVD-grown Cr2S3.15, 35 The elemental ratio of Cr to S was 1.4, further confirming the successful synthesis of Cr2S3. Figure 1g shows the Raman spectrum obtained using an argon laser (488 nm) as the excitation source. The distinct Raman peak observed at 253.3 cm− 1 was derived from the in-plane Eg mode, and the peaks at 286.5 and 365.1 cm− 1 show the characteristic Ag mode dominated by an out-of-plane motion.24
Moreover, elemental mapping images (Fig. S3) obtained by energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) show a uniform distribution of Cr and S in the flakes. The EDS spectra revealed that the S/Cr ratio of the as-grown sample was 1.5, which is identical to the stoichiometric ratio of Cr2S3. Figure 2a shows the low-magnification TEM images of plane-view Cr2S3. The high-resolution (HR) TEM image (Fig. 2b) shows a hexagonal arrangement of atoms. The corresponding fast Fourier transform (FFT) image in the inset shows the perfect six-fold symmetry and single-crystal nature of the as-grown Cr2S3. Figure 2c shows the ADF-STEM image projected from the [001] orientation. The d-spacing of (110) is 2.97 Å, which is in agreement with the atomic structure of thermal dynamic stable phase, rhombohedral Cr2S3.36 Different contrast of sulfur atoms in STEM mode originated from a discrepancy in the stacking sequence. As shown in the cross-sectional atomic model of Cr2S3 with even-numbered layers (Fig. 2d), the number of sulfur atoms was different in the adjacent rows. For example, there were three atoms on the pink line but only two on the purple line. The observations from the simulated ADF-STEM image of rhombohedral-Cr2S3 (Fig. 2e) is consistent with the experimental results. To unveil the detailed atomic structure of CVD-grown Cr2S3, a cross-sectional investigation was performed using TEM/STEM, the results of which are shown in Fig. 2f–j. A TEM lamella prepared using a focused ion beam (FIB) is shown in Fig. 2f. The HR-TEM/STEM images (Fig. 2g and h) demonstrate the lattice structure of Cr2S3 view down [110], and the intensity profile (Fig. 2g) shows that the d-spacing of the (003) plane was 5.55 Å, identical to that of the rhombohedral phase of Cr2S3. Notably, the Cr1/3 layer is neither arranged in a typical ABC sequence of the rhombohedral phase nor in other ordered arrangements of Cr-S compounds (Fig. S4). In the intensity distribution, the intensity of the Cr I peak was much stronger than that of the Cr II peak (Fig. 2i), indicating that the number of Cr atoms under the projection of the Cr II position was less than that of the Cr I position, i.e., Cr II is a Cr-deficient layer. By combining the EDS result and the STEM image, the as-grown Cr2S3 can be considered as a CrS2- disordered Cr1/3- CrS2 alternating stacking. As shown in Fig. S4, the atomic arrangement of the Cr-S compounds shows significant differences in the Cr-deficient layers, which is reflected in the diffraction points inside the blue dashed box shown in Fig. S5. Comparing the diffraction patterns shown in Fig. 2j with those shown in Fig. S5, some missing spots were noted in the CVD-grown Cr2S3, indicating that the Cr atoms in the Cr1/3 layer have a disordered arrangement.
The thermal evolution of the 2D Cr2S3 structure was explored via in situ heating and recorded by TEM, which enabled real-time observation of the structural evolution at the atomic scale. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the Cr2S3 phase transition and critical stages of the phase transition are provided. Figure 3a–h show a series of low-magnification plane-view images recording a continuous heating process; each image was captured after maintaining the temperature for five minutes. The morphology of the as-grown Cr2S3 flakes hardly changed during the heating. As for the atomic structure shown in Fig. 3a'–h', the atoms remained in a hexagonal configuration because of the consistent atomic arrangement of the series of Cr-S compounds in the view down [001] direction. Additionally, a similar interplanar spacing of Cr-S compounds presented in Fig. S6 implies a challenge in distinguishing the Cr2S3 phase from a plane-view TEM observation. We attempted to address this issue by comparing the FFT diagram with a simulated diffraction pattern. As shown in Fig. 3a"-g," the appearance of extra diffraction spots around the center helped us differentiate the rhombohedral and trigonal phases of Cr2S3. Furthermore, the single set of (010) diffraction spots shown in Fig. 3h" represents monoclinic Cr3S4 (M-Cr3S4). To summarize, the original CVD-grown phase of 2D-Cr2S3 (disordered arrangement of Cr1/3 layer of R-Cr2S3) was maintained at 0–350°C, and transitioned to trigonal Cr2S3 (T-Cr2S3) at 350°C. Finally, M-Cr3S4 was formed when the temperature reached 600°C. If the temperature was maintained for 3 min, the coexisting phases of T-Cr2S3 and M-Cr3S4 were obtained at 600°C, indicating that the phase transition from T-Cr2S3 to M-Cr3S4 was completed within 3–5 minutes (Fig. S7).
After observing the thermally induced phase transition in 2D-Cr2S3, a quasi-1D sample was prepared to reveal the effect of the ratio of (001) plane on the structural transformation. Cr2S3 was fabricated using a FIB to produce a specimen of 4.56 µm length, 124 nm width, and 118 nm thickness, as illustrated in Fig. S8. The thickness was measured by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) using the Kramers-Kronig sum method.37 The (110) plane was chosen as the observation plane because the atomic arrangement of the Cr-deficient layer could be well visualized in the projection of R-Cr2S3 [110] in the Cr-S compounds. Fig.s 4a–c show the ADF-STEM images of cross-sectional Cr2S3 held at 25°C, 400°C, and 600°C, respectively. The alternating CrS2 layers combined with disordered Cr1/3 layers (CrS2-Cr1/3 arrangement) were observed at 25°C, as shown in Fig. 4a. A CrS2-Cr1/2 arrangement was observed at 400°C, indicating that Cr2S3 has been transformed into M-Cr3S4 (Fig. 4b). When the temperature reached 600°C, M-Cr3S4 transformed into a CrS2-Cr2/3-CrS2-Cr1/3 arrangement as Cr3S4 transition phase (green dashed box) and an alternating CrS2-Cr2/3 arrangement as T-Cr5S6 (yellow dashed box), as shown in Fig. 4c. Fig.s 4d–f show the SAED patterns, which provide insights into the phase transition. Fig.s 4d and e show the transition from Cr2S3 to single-crystal M-Cr3S4; the extra rows of diffraction spots are found at 400°C. In contrast, the coexisting phases of M-Cr3S4, Cr3S4 transition, and T-Cr5S6 were formed at 600°C (Fig. 4f). Comparing the thermal-induced phase transition result of the quasi-1D specimen with that of the 2D specimen, we determined that the critical temperature of the phase transition from Cr2S3 to Cr3S4 decreased. Vertical and horizontal intensity line profiles were used to measure the distance between Cr-Cr atoms under different temperatures, as shown in Fig. 4g and j. The corresponding line graphs are shown in Fig. 4h and j. Fig. S9a shows that the theoretical distance of the horizontal Cr-Cr increased from Cr2S3 to Cr3S4 and decreased from Cr3S4 to Cr5S6. There was a discrepancy between the theoretical value and distance measured in our experiment, as shown in Fig. 4h. The average atomic spacing of Cr increased from 400°C to 600°C, which is attributed to the thermal expansion in the horizontal direction. Further, the theoretical Cr-Cr spacing in the vertical direction illustrated in Fig. S9b, is also inconsistent with the experimental results (Fig. 4j), indicating that the mixed phase of Cr3S4 (transition) and T-Cr5S6 may have negative thermal expansion coefficients in the [001] orientation.
The reduction in the mole fraction of S induced by the thermal effect results in a series of transformations in the Cr-S compounds. As depicted in Fig. S10, along with the decrease in the mole fraction (Xs), the thermal-dynamic stable phase varied from R-Cr2S3 to T-Cr2S3, T-Cr2S3 to M-Cr3S4, and M-Cr3S4 to T-Cr5S6.36 The atomic ratio of sulfur depicted in Fig. S11 decreases when the temperature increases, agreeing well with the variation in the stoichiometry of the phase transition sequence. The elimination of sulfur atoms increased the defect concentration and Gibbs free energy, which prompted the Cr atoms to move to the nearest neighboring sites to stabilize the structure. As illustrated in Fig. 5a, the Cr atoms in the CrS2 layer migrated to the Cr1/3 layer; the Cr atoms shifted horizontally, and subsequently, Cr atoms that are overlapped by the upper and lower layers are displaced as well owing to electron repulsion reasons38 resulting in the conversion of the Cr1/3 layer into a specific alternating Cr1/2 layer. Fig.s 5b and c illustrate the continuous migration paths from M-Cr3S4 to Cr3S4 (transition) and Cr3S4 (transition) to T-Cr5S6. After the rearrangement of Cr atoms in the Cr-deficient layers, the original Cr1/2 layer of M-Cr3S4 transformed into a transition phase with Cr2/3 and Cr1/3 interlayers, and further evolved into T-Cr5S6 with a Cr2/3 interlayer. As illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4, the 2D and quasi-1D specimens with different critical transition temperatures were attributed to the discrepancy in the total surface energy. The ratio of the (001) plane of the 2D specimen, which is 99.6%, was much larger than that of the quasi-1D specimen (50%) as shown in Fig. S12, which led to a significant difference in the total surface energy. When the same kinetic energy was applied to the crystal at the same temperature, the quasi-1D sample with many more dangling bonds tended to remove more sulfur atoms. Therefore, it is easier for the M-Cr3S4 phase to form at a lower temperature in the quasi-1D specimen than in the 2D specimen.
In summary, we synthesized high-quality Cr2S3 nanosheets on a mica substrate using a facile CVD method with a unit-cell thickness. Further, we revealed the disordered arrangement of CVD-grown Cr2S3 in Cr-deficient layers using ADF-STEM. In situ TEM/STEM was used to investigate the thermal-induced structural transformation in 2D and quasi-1D Cr2S3 single crystals. We revealed the phase transition process, including disordered Cr1/3 layers of Cr2S3 to T-Cr2S3, T-Cr2S3 to M-Cr3S4, and M-Cr3S4, to the coexisting phases of Cr3S4 and T-Cr5S6 with an increasing temperature. The driving force behind the structural transformation is the deficiency of sulfur atoms at high temperatures. Increasing Gibbs free energy results in the movement of atoms to form lower-energy phases. Remarkably, reducing the ratio of the (001) plane results in an overall increase in the surface energy, leading to the transition of Cr2S3 to Cr3S4 at lower temperatures. This study provides detailed structural transformation information of Cr2S3 induced by the thermal effect and critical factors of the transition, which can serve as a cornerstone for further investigations of intriguing Cr-S compounds.