Phenotypic variation and trait correlation. To evaluate the effects of HNT stress compared to control conditions (Fig. 1), the MY2 RIL populations with both parents, “Cypress and LaGrue” were analyzed and showed a wide range of phenotypic variation in gain quality traits such as GL, GW, and %chalk. Frequency distribution and histograms of all the grain quality traits indicate distribution among the RIL populations under control and HNT stress conditions. Values of each grain quality trait among the RIL populations extended beyond both parents show transgressive variation under control and HNT stress conditions (Fig. 2A-C, Table-1), indicating that alleles with positive and negative effects were derived from both parents. A wide range of phenotypic variation for all the grain quality traits under control and HNT stress conditions are summarized in Table 1 and indicates, cumulative action of many genes, quantitative inheritance. The extended variation, explained by the percent genetic variation (PGV), was observed in the RIL populations, showing 29.51%, 32.84%, and 215.04% genetic variation in GL, GW, and % chalk under HNT stress, respectively, while 27.41%, 28.85%, and 122.28% genetic variation in GL, GW, and % chalk under control treatment, respectively (Table 1). The parents, Cypress and LaGrue, were significantly different for GL, GW, and % chalk under HNT stress as LaGrue shows higher reduction in GL, GW and increase in % chalk, showing HNT stress sensitivity compared to Cypress that shows HNT stress tolerance under HNT stress conditions (Fig. 3A-C). High broad sense heritability (H2), ranging from 0.587 to 0.897, was observed for GL, GW, and %chalk in the RIL populations under control and HNT stress treatments (Table 1). Under HNT stress, the RIL populations show higher H2 (0.702–0.897) compared to control condition, ranging from 0.587 to 0.657, for GL, GW, and %chalk.
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of phenotypic data of grain quality traits of 185 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) with both parents (Cypress and LaGrue) evaluated under control and high nighttime temperature (HNT) stress conditions. aTreat: treatment conditions (Control and HNT stress), bGL (mm): grain length in millimeter (mm), cGW (mm): grain width in millimeter (mm), and d%chalk: percent chalkiness.
Descriptive Statistics | Genotype | Treata | GL (mm)b | GW (mm)c | %Chalkd |
Mean | Cypress | Control | 6.49 | 2.01 | 3.14 |
HNT | 6.37 | 1.9 | 9.36 |
LaGrue | Control | 6.28 | 2.07 | 5.41 |
HNT | 5.92 | 1.94 | 32.09 |
RILs | Control | 6.64 | 2.08 | 5.16 |
HNT | 6.33 | 2.01 | 21.34 |
Range | RILs | Control | 1.82 | 0.6 | 6.3 |
HNT | 1.86 | 0.702 | 45.89 |
Standard Deviation | Cypress | Control | 0.082 | 0.023 | 0.82 |
HNT | 0.057 | 0.077 | 1.09 |
LaGrue | Control | 0.276 | 0.015 | 0.84 |
HNT | 0.071 | 0.018 | 3.472 |
RILs | Control | 0.152 | 0.046 | 0.84 |
HNT | 0.128 | 0.048 | 2.17 |
Variance | Cypress | Control | 0.006 | 0.0005 | 0.67 |
HNT | 0.003 | 0.005 | 1.19 |
LaGrue | Control | 0.076 | 0.0002 | 0.7 |
HNT | 0.005 | 0.0003 | 1.02 |
RILs | Control | 0.041 | 0.003 | 1.05 |
HNT | 0.031 | 0.004 | 1.25 |
Coefficient of Variation (%) | Cypress | Control | 1.27 | 0.77 | 26.25 |
HNT | 0.9 | 0.95 | 11.68 |
LaGrue | Control | 4.39 | 1.13 | 15.54 |
HNT | 1.21 | 3.96 | 10.81 |
RILs | Control | 2.3 | 2.25 | 16.26 |
HNT | 2.03 | 2.42 | 10.19 |
Percent Genetic Variation (PGV) | RILs | Control | 27.41 | 28.85 | 122.28 |
HNT | 29.51 | 32.84 | 215.04 |
Skewness | RILs | Control | 0.215 | -0.077 | -0.227 |
HNT | 0.153 | -0.522 | 0.9545 |
Kurtosis | RILs | Control | 0.338 | 0.533 | -0.6841 |
HNT | -0.094 | 0.285 | 1.023 |
W-test | RILs | Control | 0.9876 | 0.9915 | 0.9657 |
HNT | 0.9851 | 0.977 | 0.9389 |
Broad Sense Heritability (H2) | RILs | Control | 0.657 | 0.651 | 0.587 |
HNT | 0.762 | 0.702 | 0.897 |
The trait correlation analysis was performed to determine the relationship between %chalk, GL, and GW in the RIL populations under control and HNT stress conditions (Fig. 3D). The %chalk shows positive correlation with GL (r = 0.1) and GW (r = 0.05) under control condition while it exhibits significant positive correlation with GL (r = 0.17, p < 0.05) and negative correlation with GW (r=-0.19, p < 0.01) under HNT stress condition. The correlation of GL with GW under control condition is positive correlation (r = 0.08) while under HNTstress, it shows significant positive correlation (r = 0.25, p < 0.001).
Genetic Map Construction. The genetic map was constructed using 1178 polymorphic SNP markers containing a total length of 1897.87 cM with an average maker density of 1.6 markers per cM in the rice genome. The marker information and marker position (in cM) on each chromosome are shown in Supplementary Fig. S1. The number of SNPs per chromosome ranged from 54 SNPs on chromosome 10 to 157 SNPs on chromosome1. More than 80% SNP markers show a distance of 3.0cM or less between adjacent markers in the map. Several gaps more than 20 cM between markers were shown on different chromosomes with the largest gaps where recombination is less frequent. To fill these gaps, allele mining in the QTL regions would be helpful to make strong resolution on the map for further genetic analyses. The physical position of each SNP marker across the rice genome based on their genomic position is shown in Fig. 4A.
QTL mapping and QTL x QTL Interaction. A total of 15 additive QTLs associated with grain quality traits (GL, GW, and % chalk) showing major and minor effects were identified in 185-RIL populations under control and HNT stress conditions, using 1178 SNP markers and BIP functionality of CIM mapping (Table 2, Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. S2-3). Out of these 15 additive QTLs, a total of 6 QTLs, with additive effects ranging from − 0.99 to 0.0267 and individually explained by 3.33 to 8.27% of the phenotypic variation, were identified for GL, GW and % chalk, under control condition (Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig.S2A-C), on six chromosomes (chr1, chr4, chr5, chr6, chr7, and chr9) while under HNT stress condition, 9 QTLs, with additive effects ranging from − 8.8 to 0.028 and individually explained by 6.39 to 51.53% of the phenotypic variation, were detected for GL, GW, and % chalk on six chromosomes (chr1, chr2, chr3, chr6, chr7, and chr10) in rice genome (Table 2, Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. 3A-C).The additive effect is explained as one-half of the difference between the average effects of parental alleles (Cypress and LaGrue). In the results, a negative additive effect indicates that the favorable allele was contributed by Cypress; whereas a positive additive effect suggests that LaGrue added the favorable allele. A QTL was considered as major effect when the phenotypic variation explained in percentage (PVE %) was more than 20%. The details information of all the QTLs under control and HNT stress conditions are shown in Table 2. On physical map, the average distance between left and right markers flanking QTLs was less than 1.0 Mb and had a range of 157,670 bp to 19,092,637 bp (Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig.S2-3).
Table 2
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with grain quality traits (GL, GW, and % chalk) under control and high nighttime temperature (HNT) stress conditions in the MY2 RIL population derived from the cross of two U.S. rice cultivars (Cypress and LaGrue) using ICIM mapping. aTrt: treatment conditions (Control and HNT stress), bQTL: quantitative trait locus, cChr: chromosome in the rice genome, dPos(cM): genetic position in centiMorgan (cM) on the linkage map, eLOD: logarithm of the odds peak/score was set ≥ 2.5 as threshold for detecting significant QTL in the mapping, ePVE(%): total phenotypic variance explained by the QTL in percentage (%), gAdd: additive effect values indicate the direction of favorable allele from the parents, hFav.allele: Favorable allele showing the negative additive effect value that means the direction of favorable allele from Cypress, while showing positive additive effect value pointing the direction of the favorable allele from LaGrue.
Treata | QTLb | Chrc | Pos (cM)d | Left Flaking Marker | Right Flaking Marker | LODe | PVE (%)f | Addg | Fav. Alleleh |
Marker | Pos (cM) | Marker | Pos (cM) |
Control | qGL-C-1 | 1 | 113 | SNP0129_129 | 110 | SNP0130_130 | 114 | 4.78 | 8.274 | -0.11 | Cypress |
qGL-C-4 | 4 | 102 | SNP1179_1179 | 101.5 | SNP386_4 | 102.5 | 3.51 | 5.469 | -0.082 | Cypress |
qGL-C-7 | 7 | 73 | SNP405_7 | 67.5 | SNP827_7 | 87.5 | 2.61 | 4.841 | -0.077 | Cypress |
qGW-C-5 | 5 | 19 | SNP399_5 | 17.5 | SNP0511_511 | 21.5 | 3.21 | 7.634 | 0.0267 | LaGrue |
qGW-C-6 | 6 | 152 | SNP0638_638 | 149.5 | SNP333_6 | 154 | 3.25 | 7.441 | 0.0264 | LaGrue |
q%Chalk-C-9 | 9 | 55 | SNP1170_1170 | 33.5 | SNP0829_829 | 68.5 | 3.32 | 3.325 | -0.996 | Cypress |
HNT | qGL-HNT-1 | 1 | 107 | SNP0118_118 | 101.5 | SNP291_1 | 107.5 | 4.85 | 10.453 | -0.12 | Cypress |
qGL-HNT-2 | 2 | 104 | SNP0212_212 | 97 | SNP506_2 | 105.5 | 2.93 | 6.389 | -0.081 | Cypress |
qGW-HNT-1.1 | 1 | 86 | SNP0108_108 | 83.5 | SNP0109_109 | 89.5 | 3.79 | 9.2892 | -0.033 | Cypress |
qGW-HNT-1.2 | 1 | 88 | SNP0109_109 | 87.73 | SNP0112_112 | 89.18 | 3.56 | 8.0977 | -0.031 | Cypress |
qGW-HNT-3 | 3 | 135 | SNP310_3 | 132.5 | SNP0350_350 | 139.5 | 2.83 | 6.4213 | 0.028 | LaGrue |
q%Chalk-HNT-1 | 1 | 12 | SNP1203_1203 | 6.5 | SNP99_1 | 16.5 | 4.33 | 49.874 | -7.273 | Cypress |
q%Chalk-HNT-6 | 6 | 98 | SNP0603_603 | 73.29 | SNP0640_640 | 107.5 | 4.86 | 51.47 | -7.294 | Cypress |
q%Chalk-HNT-7 | 7 | 12 | SNP1163_1163 | 1.09 | SNP0672_672 | 17.5 | 4.42 | 51.527 | -7.259 | Cypress |
q%Chalk-HNT-10 | 10 | 70 | SNP0923_923 | 69.5 | SNP212_10 | 72.5 | 2.61 | 28.775 | -8.785 | Cypress |
Under control condition, three QTLs for GL, qGL-C-1, qGL-C-4, and qGL-C-7, were detected with LOD scores of 4.78, 3.51, and 2.61 and showed PVE (%) of 8.27, 5.469, and 4.84%, respectively. The size of qGL-C-1, qGL-C-4, and qGL-C-7 QTLs was 4.0cM, 1.0cM, and 20.0cM within flanking SNP makers, SNP0129_129 (38,652,270bp) & SNP0130-130 (39,278,883bp), SNP1179_1179 (29,114,708bp) & 29,299,845bp), and SNP405_7 (2,036,558bp) & SNP827_7 (2,721,936bp) on chromosomes 1, 4, and 7, respectively (Table 2, Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. 2A). For GW, two QTLs, qGW-C-5 and qGW-C-6, were identified with LOD scores of 3.21 and 3.25, and exhibited PVE (%) of 7.63% and 7.44%, respectively. The size of these QTLs, qGW-C-5 and qGW-C-6, was 4.0 cM and 4.5cM within flanking SNP markers, SNP399_5 (3,709,209 bp) & SNP0511_511 (4,129,551bp) and SNP0638_638 (28,004,251bp) & SNP333_6 (28,688,881bp) on chromosomes 5 and 6, respectively (Table 2, Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. 2B). For % chalk, the QTL, q%chalk-C-9, was detected with LOD score of 3.32 and showed PVE (%) of 3.33%. The size of the QTL was 35cM within flanking SNP markers, SNP1170_1170 (4,052,650bp) and SNP0829_829 (6,667, 280bp) on chromosome 9 (Table 2, Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. 2C). Under HNT stress conditions, for GL, two QTLs, qGL-HNT-1 and qGL-HNT-2, were identified with LOD scores of 4.85 and 2.93 and showed PVE (%) of 10.45% and 6.40%, respectively. These QTLs were sized of 6.0cM (1,936,656bp) and 8.5 cM (613,935bp) within flanking SNP markers, SNP0118_118 (36,107,132bp) & SNP291_1 (38,043,788bp) and SNP0212_212 (11,707,132bp) & SNP506_2 (12,321,173bp) on chromosomes 1 and 2 respectively (Table 2, Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. 3A). For GW, three QTLs, qGW-HNT-1.1, qGW-HNT-1.2, and qGW-HNT-3, were identified with LOD scores of 3.79, 3.56, and 2.83, and showed PVE (%) of 9.28%, 8.1%, and 6.5%, respectively. These three QTLs were sized of 6.0cM (402,983bp), 1.45cM (157,670bp), and 7.0cM (214,274bp) within flanking SNP markers, SNP108_108(34,274,861bp)&SNP109_109(34,677,844bp),SNP109_109(34,677,844b) &SNP0112_112(34,835,514bp),andSNP310_3(22,796,525bp)&SNP350_350(23,010,799bp) on chromosomes 1, 1, and 2, respectively (Table 2, Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. 3B). Four QTLs for %chalk, q%chalk-HNT-1, q%chalk-HNT-6, q%chalk-HNT-7, and q%chalk-HNT-10, were detected with LOD scores of 4.33, 4.86, 4.42, and 2.61 and explained phenotypic variation (%) of 49.87%, 51.47%, 51.53%, and 28.77%, respectively. The size of these four QTLs was 10.0cM (7,919,913bp), 34.2cM (19,092,637bp), 16.4cm (11,701,288bp) within flanking SNP markers, SNP1203_1203 (30,498,826bp) &SNP99_1 (38,418,739bp), SNP1163_1163(4,001,958bp) & SNP0672_672(15,703,246bp), and SNP0923_923(17,908,351bp) & SNP212-10(21,817,967bp) on chromosomes 1, 6, 7 and 10, respectively (Table 2, Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. 3C).
The polygenic behavior of grain quality traits (GL, GW, and %chalk) may identify a large number of QTLs with smaller effects and epistasis between distinguish loci in the genome. Several QTLxQTL interactions were detected between different loci for each grain quality trait under individual control and HNT stress conditions (Supplementary Table S1, Fig. 4B). To declare a significant epistatic interaction, QTL x QTL interaction with a threshold LOD > 4.0 was used 83. Under control conditions, loci associated with %chalk on chr1 (30.49mb-38.49mb), chr2 (17.mb-18.97mb), chr4 (27.70mb-29.29mb), and chr5 (22.63mb-23.97mb) showed epistatic interactions with loci on chr3 (2.87mb-3.39mb) & chr4(30.15mb-33.15mb), chr11(16.41mb-17.36mb), and chr9 (4.06mb- 6.67mb), respectively exhibiting PVE range 0.51–2.37% with epistatic effect range − 8.23 to 5.34 (Supplementary Table S1, Fig. 4B). Loci associated with GL on chr3 (5.89mb-27.14mb) and chr7 (2.73mb-4.74mb) interacted with the loci (17.63mb-21.87mb and 6.27mb-9.21mb) on chr8 showing PVE 2.79% and 2.68% and epistatic effect 0.134 and 0.109, respectively. For GW, the epistatic interaction was observed between loci on chr9 (17.74mb-18.82mb) and the loci on chr10 (11.93mb-13.43mb) with PVE 1.85% and epistatic effect 0.036 (Supplementary Table S1, Fig. 4B). Under HNT stress conditions, for GL and GW, no interaction was detected. For % chalk, locus on chr1 (30.50mb-38.42mb) showed significant epistatic interaction with loci on chr2 (21.33mb-22.03mb), chr3 (7.35mb-31.57mb), chr4 (16.29mb-16.33mb), chr5 (6.61mb-14.64mb), chr6 (0.36mb-9.98mb), chr7 (18.63mb-25.95mb), chr8 (22.62mb-24.46mb), chr10 (13.72mb-16.83mb), chr11 (17.59mb-27.83mb), and chr12 (22.75mb-25.68mb) showing PVE range from 0.62–2.37% and epistatic effect range − 6.06 to 1.31. In addition, loci on chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 showed significant interactions with loci on several chromosomes showing PVE range 0.50–2.79% and epistatic effect range − 8.23 to 5.39 (Supplementary Table S1). The details information about QTLxQTL interaction is shown in Supplementary Table S1.
Co-localization of QTLs with previously reported QTLs. There has been no bi-parental mapping for grain quality traits in tropical japonica background under HNT stress reported. In order to validate the identified QTLs in this study, we investigated the co-localization of all the detected QTLs related to GL, GW, and % chalk under control and HNT stress conditions with 15 previously reported studies worldwide in japonica rice background84,46,21, 85–91,62,55,51,92,93. The 15 independent publicly available mapping studies, published between 2001 to 2021, reported 29 major effect QTLs related to GL, GW, ratio of grain length and width (RLW), and chalkiness related components such as percent chalkiness (PC), degree of chalky endoderm (DEC), chalk rate (CR), percent grain white chalk (PGWC), white kernel (WK), white back (WB), back chalk (BCHK), percent white back (PWB), percent grain chalkiness (PGC), and chalky kernel (CK), were downloaded and used for extraction of the genome position of the QTLs for co-localization analysis (Table 3). The QTLs, qGL-C-1 under control conditions and qGL-HNT-1 under HNT stress on chr1 related to GL, were co-localized with previously reported major effect QTL GL1-484 in the genomic region between 36,107,132 to 39,278,883 bp in the genome. Under control conditions, the QTLs, qGW-C-5 on chr5 and qGW-C-6 on chr6 for GW, were co-localized with three previously reported major effect-QTLs (gGL5-3, qGW-5, and qGW5)84,46,21,85 in the genomic region (3,709,209bp-4,129,551bp) on chr5 and two major QTLs (qGW6-7 and qRLW-6)84,85 in the genomic region (28,004,251bp-28,688,881bp) on chr6, respectively. The QTL, q%chalk-C-9 for % chalk under control conditions, was coincided in the genomic region (4,052,650bp-6,667,280bp) with three well-known and major effect-QTLs, qPC9.1, qDEC-9, and qCR9, on chr986, 46, 87.
Table 3
Previously reported quantitative trait loci (QTLs) co-localized with the genomic regions of 15 QTLs related to grain quality traits (GL, GW, and % chalk) under control and high nighttime temperature (HNT) stress. aTrt: treatment conditions (Control and HNT stress), bQTL: 15 quantitative trait loci, cChr: chromosome in the rice genome.
Treata | QTLb | Chrc | Left Flaking Marker | Right Flaking Marker | QTL Interval (bp) | Co-localization with Pre Reported QTLs | Reference |
Control | qGL-C-1 | 1 | SNP0129_129 | SNP0130_130 | 38,652,270 − 39,278,883 | qGL1-4 | 84 |
qGL-C-4 | 4 | SNP1179_1179 | SNP386_4 | 29,114,708 − 29,299,845 | - | − |
qGL-C-7 | 7 | SNP405_7 | SNP827_7 | 2,036,558-2,721,936 | - | - |
qGW-C-5 | 5 | SNP399_5 | SNP0511_511 | 3,709,209-4,129,551 | qGL5-3, qGW-5, qGW5 | 84, 46, 21, 85 |
qGW-C-6 | 6 | SNP0638_638 | SNP333_6 | 28,004,251 − 28,688,881 | qGW6-7, qRLW-6 | 84, 85 |
q%Chalk-C-9 | 9 | SNP1170_1170 | SNP0829_829 | 4,052650-6,667,280 | qPC9.1, qDEC-9, qCR9, | 86, 46, 87 |
HNT | qGL-HNT-1 | 1 | SNP0118_118 | SNP291_1 | 36,107,132 − 38,043,788 | qGL1-4 | 84 |
qGL-HNT-2 | 2 | SNP0212_212 | SNP506_2 | 11,707,238 − 12,321,173 | - | - |
qGW-HNT-1.1 | 1 | SNP0108_108 | SNP0109_109 | 34,274,861 − 34,677,844 | q%Chalk-HNT-1 | - |
qGW-HNT-1.2 | 1 | SNP0109_109 | SNP0112_112 | 34,677,844 − 34,835,514 | q%Chalk-HNT-1 | - |
qGW-HNT-3 | 3 | SNP310_3 | SNP0350_350 | 22,79,6525-23,010,799 | qGL3, qGW3 | 88 |
q%Chalk-HNT-1 | 1 | SNP1203_1203 | SNP99_1 | 30,498,826 − 38,418,739 | qGL-HNT-1,qGW-HNT-1.1, qGW-HNT-1.2, qPC1.1, qPGWC-1, qDEC-1b, qWK1-2, qBCHK1-3 | 86, 46, 89, 90 |
q%Chalk-HNT-6 | 6 | SNP0603_603 | SNP0640_640 | 10,049,864 − 29,142,501 | qGW-C-6, qGW6-7, qPC6.1, qRLW-6, qGL-6, gw6, qWB6, qPGWC6.1, qPGWC6.2, qCR6 | 84, 86, 85, 88, 91, 62, 55 |
q%Chalk-HNT-7 | 7 | SNP1163_1163 | SNP0672_672 | 4,001,958 − 15,703,246 | qPWB7.1 | 92 |
q%Chalk-HNT-10 | 10 | SNP0923_923 | SNP212_10 | 17,908,351 − 21,817,967 | qPGC-10, qCR10, qCK10, qCK10h, qCD10h | 87,51, 93 |
Under HNT stress, the QTL, qGW-HNT-3 on chr3 for GW, was coincided with two previously reported major QTLs, qGL3 and qGW3 in the genomic region (22,796,525bp-23,010,799bp) on chr3 in rice genome88. For % chalk under HNT stress, the QTLs, q%Chalk-HNT-1 on chr1, q%Chalk-HNT-6 on chr6, q%Chalk-HNT-7 on chr7, and q%Chalk-HNT-10 on chr10, were co-localized with prior reported 5 QTLs (qPC1.1, qPGWC-1, qDEC-1b, qWK1-2, and qBCHK1-3) in the genomic region (30,498,826bp -38,418,739bp) on chr186,47,89,90, 9 QTLs (qGW6-7, qPC6.1, qRLW-6, qGL-6, gw6, qWB6, qPGWC6.1, qPGWC6.2, qCR6) in the genomic region (10,049,864bp-29,142,501bp) on chr684,86,85,88,91,62,55, 1 QTL (qPWB7.1) in the genomic region (4,001,958bp-15,703,246bp) on chr792, and 5 QTLs (qPGC-10 ,qCR10, qCK10, qCK10h, qCD10h) in the genomic region (17,908,351bp-21,817,967bp) on chr1087,51,93,, respectively. The graphic representation of the identified QTLs co-localized with previously reported 29 QTLs in the rice genome is shown in Circos (Fig. 5) and Supplementary Fig. S4.
Allele mining for the 15 QTL regions in the japonica diversity panel. A set of 83 genotypes of the JDP was used to mine for polymorphic alleles in the 51 Mbp genomic sequence that contains the 15 QTLs using IRGSP 1.0 as reference genome. A total of 868,823 polymorphic alleles, excluding in/dels and other structural variants, were identified of which 131,629 alleles (15% of total alleles) differentiated both parents, “Cypress and LaGrue” from each other. Based on the functional class of the SNP effects, 55%, 42%, and 3% of these SNPs were classified as missense, silent, and nonsense, respectively. The missense: silent (Mi:Si) ratio for these variants in the genome is 1.3 and the transitions: transversions (Ts:Tv) ratio is 2.6.
According to the SNP annotations, 6,160 out of 868,823 SNPs (0.7% of total SNPs) were classified as high impact SNPs (HISs) depending on their type, region, functional class, position, and proximity to the gene and/or gene features. 865 HISs representing 14% of these HISs differentiate the parents, Cypress and LaGrue, further.
The distribution of features found in the QTL regions such as, source markers used to identify the QTLs, genes in QTLs, DEGs, and SNPs associated with each of these features were visualized across the chromosomes (Fig. 5). A summary of the SNPs identified by allele mining in a set of 83 genotypes of the JDP is presented in the Supplementary Table S2. Assuming the SNPs are uniformly distributed across the cumulative QTL length of 51 Mbp, there is one SNP present every 59 bp for all 83 genotypes of the JDP, and one SNP every 389 bp that is polymorphic between the two parents. Similarly, there is one high impact SNP (HIS) every 8.3 Kbp and one Cypress-LaGrue differentiating HIS every 59.1 Kbp.
Genomic and transcriptomic characterization of the QTL regions and identification of candidate genes for grain quality under HNT stress. A genomic scan of the 51Mbp region spanning the 15 QTLs was performed. Using the IRGSP 1.0 genome feature file (gff3) as a reference, we identified a total of 7,117 genes in this region, of which 495 genes were shared between the overlapping QTL regions (qGW-C-6 & q%Chalk-HNT-6 on chromosome 6, and qGL-HNT-1, qGW-HNT-1, & qChalk-HNT-1 on chromosome 1). The QTL-wise distribution and order of these genes were also determined.
To understand the effect of HNT stress in a genotype-dependent manner, differential gene expression analysis was performed on the genotype x environment (GxE) interaction of HNT stress treated and control replicates of the Cypress and LaGrue genotypes as described earlier. We aimed to identify candidate genes involved in GL, GW, and % chalk under HNT stress, by integrating QTL and expression QTL (eQTL) analyses of both parents. Of the 7,117 genes, 149 genes were either up- or down-regulated in response to HNT stress at log2fold change ≥ 1 and padj < 0.05 as shown (Fig. 6). The genes showing significant differences for gene expression were assigned to their respective QTLs based on their genomic locations/co-ordinates. Of these 149 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), a subset of 35 genes (six for GL, one for GW, and 28 for % chalk) was identified based on the known function in starch biochemical pathways, stress-responsive pathways, and gene ontology (GO) based gene functions. The expression profiles and annotations of these genes are also shown (Supplementary Fig. S5). The subset comprises genes such as the Beta-galactosidase 4 (LOC_Os01g65460) which is downregulated in Cypress under HNT stress but highly expressed in LaGrue under HNT stress. Other examples of GO based genes included two loci with unknown gene functions, LOC_Os01g55160 and LOC_Os01g64330, that have been reported to be upregulated under endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress during rice endosperm development and could cause aggregation of abnormal PB bodies that ultimately affect the grain quality94.
To identify the potential candidate genes, we followed a two-tier approach based on differential gene expression and allele mining to find SNPs that overlap with the 149 DEGs showing significant changes in expression under control and HNT conditions. We found 5,507 SNPs overlapped with the 149 DEGs ± 10Kbp (14 SNPs or 0.25% of these were HISs that differentiate between the Cypress and LaGrue genotypes). This approach identified 11 candidate loci of interest (DEGs at log2FC ≥ 1 and padj < 0.05) and high impact SNP associations with these loci based on the position, predictive cause, and effect of the SNP (Table 4).
Table 4
Candidate genes identified using a two-tier approach of overlapping differentially expressed genes (log2FC > = 1 and padj < 0.05) and allele mining in the 51Mbp region spanning the 15 QTLs. Transposon derived protein coding genes are highlighted. aHISs: high impact single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
Gene | Type | No. of HISsa | Gene Annotation |
LOC_Os06g25760 | protein_coding | 15 | retrotransposon protein, putative, Ty3-gypsy subclass, expressed |
LOC_Os06g42710 | protein_coding | 3 | transposon protein, putative, Mutator sub-class, expressed |
LOC_Os01g60050 | protein_coding | 2 | HEAT, putative, expressed |
LOC_Os01g64330 | protein_coding | 2 | retrotransposon protein, putative, unclassified, expressed |
LOC_Os07g16330 | protein_coding | 2 | expressed protein |
LOC_Os01g53560 | protein_coding | 1 | phosphoesterase, putative, expressed |
LOC_Os01g54300 | protein_coding | 1 | OsMan02 - Endo-Beta-Mannanase, expressed |
LOC_Os06g19980 | protein_coding | 1 | MYB family transcription factor, putative, expressed |
LOC_Os06g45360 | protein_coding | 1 | peptidase, M24 family protein, putative, expressed |
LOC_Os07g12650 | protein_coding | 1 | ribosomal protein L7Ae, putative, expressed |
LOC_Os07g16690 | protein_coding | 1 | retrotransposon protein, putative, Ty3-gypsy subclass, expressed |