The effect of Leventhal’s Self-Regulatory Intervention on the hypertensive patients’ Illness Perception and Lifestyle: A randomized controlled trial




The perception of illness may lead to the improvement of the hypertensive patients’ lifestyle, but no study was found in this regard. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of intervention based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model on illness perception and lifestyle of patients with hypertension.


In the present randomized controlled trial study, ninety eligible patients with primary hypertension were randomly assigned to one of the two groups of intervention and control. Patients in the intervention group received five sessions of Leventhal’s self-regulatory intervention, and the control group received routine care. The outcomes were illness perception and lifestyle of the patients with hypertention. The Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire and the Lifestyle Questionnaire were administered to assess illness perception and lifestyle prior to the treatment to establish a baseline and subsequently 12 weeks after the intervention. The collected data was analyzed, using statistical IMB SPSS software, version 21.


Leventhal’s self-regulatory intervention improved subscales of illness perception (p<0.05) except for emotional representations and consequences. The global mean scores of the hypertensive patients ̓ lifestyle in the intervention group significantly increased from 102.8±2.3 at the baseline to 112.1±3 post intervention.

Conclusions: Interventions based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model could improve illness perception and lifestyle of patients with hypertension.

Trial registration: The present randomized controlled trial study was registered on Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials Website (IRCT); ID: IRCT20141222020401N6 on 8/5/2019. 


Hypertension (HTN) is a major risk factor for the cardiovascular disease, which is a leading cause of mortality (1). HTN is an asymptomatic disease and hence, most patients are unaware of the illness. As a result, they may have already major health problems such as damage to their brain and kidneys once they are diagnosed with HTN (2). This disease is often called ‘silent killer’ since it has a high mortality rate but no symptoms (3). Even after diagnosis, many patients do not adhere to the treatment and recommendations needed to control the disease. In addition to medication, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which involves being physically active, quitting smoking and alcohol, managing stress (4), and following the Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension (DASH), is of great importance in controlling HTN (5). Illness misperception has negative effects on patients’ behaviors and the disease outcomes (6). Perception of the disease is based on patients' beliefs and their perceived knowledge of their condition and can affect their mental health and how they deal with the disease (7).

Illness perception (IP) has been described as part of the Leventhal’s self-regulatory model (8). The original model consists of five main subscales comprising identity, timeline (acute/chronic/cyclical), consequences, cause, and control/cure (treatment control and personal control). Subsequently, the two subscales of emotional representations and illness coherence were added to the model (9). The Leventhal’s self-regulatory model is useful for gaining insights into how people think of their illness and how this affects their adherence to behaviors and health outcomes (10). Patients select and evaluate self-care behaviors based on the manifestations of their illness. For example, someone who considers hypertension to be chronic and views it as a result of lifestyle factors, is likely to change their lifestyle first and then seek proper medication interventions. However, if a person considers high blood pressure acute, they may not want to change their lifestyle and adhere to treatment and recommendations (11).

The expectation is that, through cognitive and emotional responses, IP can increase patients’ motivation to improve their lifestyle (12). For example, a study by Yan et al. indicated that improved illness perception can affect the lifestyle of patients with myocardial infarction (13). Moreover, Rakhshan et al. found that IP interventions bring about positive effects on the lifestyle of patients with metabolic syndrome (14). However, in another study, training based on the Leventhal’s self-regulatory model in patients with hypertension, improved adherence to treatment and reduced patients’ blood pressure (15). However, in the study by van Broekhovena et al., more threatening IP was not associated with positive lifestyle changes in gynecological cancer patients (12).

The researchers have not found a study on the effect of IP intervention on the lifestyle of patients with HTN. In addition, given the nature of HTN and the contradictory results of the studies reviewed above, the present study aimed to determine the effect of intervention based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model on IP and lifestyle of patients with HTN.

Material And Methods

Design and participants

The present randomized parallel-controlled trial study was registered on Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials Website (IRCT); ID: IRCT20141222020401N6 on 8/5/2019. The present study was conducted on ninety eligible hypertensive patients referring to Yasuj Shahid Dastgheib Health Center, Iran, from May 2019 to October 2019. A total of 41 participants were calculated as the sample size for each group considering α = 0.05, z1−α/2=1.96, β = 0.2, 1-β = 0.8, z1−β=0.85, lifestyle standard deviations of S1 = 26.59 and S2 = 16.96, and lifestyle means of µ1 = 21.8 and µ2 = 41.2 (16), using the following formula:

$$\text{n}=\frac{2\times \left[{\left({\text{z}}_{1-\frac{{\alpha }}{2}}+{\text{z}}_{1-{\beta }}\right)}^{2}\right]\times \left({\text{S}}_{1}^{2}+{\text{S}}_{2}^{2}\right)}{{\text{d}}^{2}={\left({{\mu }}_{1}-{{\mu }}_{2}\right)}^{2}}$$

Considering a 10% attrition rate, a total of 90 participants, each group comprising 45 patients, were considered. They were selected through convenience sampling. However, they randomly were assigned to one of the two groups of intervention (n = 45) and control (n = 45), using randomized block allocation method as follow: Initially, by multiplying the number of study groups by two (an intervention group and a control group), four people were assigned to each group. At that point, twenty-four blocks were calculated using the factorial rule (24 = 1×2×3×4=!4). The members of each block were marked with the letters A, B, C, D. Subsequently, letters A and B were assigned to the control group, and letters C and D were randomly assigned to the intervention group. A total of twenty-four blocks with possible layouts were identified. Allocation was done by random selection of each block by an individual outside the research team. Furthermore, the samples were selected based on the sequence of blocks and based on the time priority of the participants' entry. Randomization continued until 45 patients were in the intervention group and 45 patients were in the control group. Blinding was not done in the present study.

Inclusion criteria consisted of definitive diagnosis of primary HTN, stage 1 or 2 HTN, age range of 18–65 years, at least six months of HTN, informed consent to participate in the study, and lifestyle score of  105. Patients’ unwillingness to participate in the study, not having other chronic diseases or sever complications following the hypertension, and lack of inclusion criteria were considered as exclusion criteria.

Instrument And Data Gathering

The outcomes were Lifestyle and Illness Perception, the formerly measured by the Lifestyle Questionnaire (LSQ) and the latter by the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) two times։ the baseline (week 0), and 12 weeks following the intervention (week 17). The IPQ-R was originally developed by Moss-Morris et al. (17) to assess patients̓ illness perception. This questionnaire comprises 70 items which are divided into nine subscales: identity (attributing unrealistic symptoms to the disease), consequences (belief in negative consequences of the disease), timeline acute/chronic (patients’ perception of the illness chronicity), timeline cyclical (believing that the disease is cyclical until its stability), personal control (belief in more control), treatment control (belief in more treatment), emotional representations, illness coherence (higher level of illness perception), and perception of the causes. The score of the identity subscale was obtained by adding up the positive answers to symptoms. Furthermore, the subscales of 2 to 9 were based on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree: 1, disagree: 2, neither agree nor disagree: 3, agree: 4, and strongly agree: 5). A lower score in the subscales of identity, consequence, timeline cyclical and emotional representations indicates a higher perception. On the contrary, higher scores in the subscales of timeline acute/chronic, personal control, treatment control, and illness coherence indicate a higher perception of the disease.

The validity and reliability of the IPQ-R had previously been confirmed (17). The validity and reliability of the Persian version of the questionnaire had likewise been established (18).

Lifestyle was assessed by LSQ. The LSQ consists of 70 items divided into 10 subscales։ physical health, exercise and fitness, weight control and nutrition, illness prevention, psychological health, spiritual health, social health, avoidance of drugs, opiates and alcohol, prevention of accidents and environmental health. The LSQ score is based on a four-point Likert scale (never = 0, sometimes = 1, usually = 2, and always = 3). Global score of the LSQ ranges from zero to 210. Cronbach’s alpha for the whole questionnaire was 0.87. The validity and reliability of LSQ had been established through content validity, factor analysis, and convergence validity (19).

The data which were collected one week prior to the intervention as the baseline and 12 weeks after the intervention


Due to the large number of patients in the intervention group, they were divided into three groups. Consistent with Leventhal’s self-regulatory intervention, on a weekly basis (5 weeks), five 60-minute sessions were held for the intervention group whereas the control group received routine interventions.

The intervention protocol was based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model and the literature review (14, 20). Based on Leventhal’s model, intervention was performed by one of the researchers (master’s student in Community Health Nursing), a psychologist, and a nutritionist consistent with the subscales of illness perception and lifestyle in Shahid Dastgheib Health Center.

In the first session, the patients’ perception of the illness identity was discussed by asking a number of questions about the symptoms, the cause (s) of the disease, and lifestyle factors believed to have contributed to the disease. In this session, the patients’ perception of the illness identity and causes was determined and the pathophysiology, causes, and symptoms of hypertension were discussed. The intention was to increase the perception of the illness identity and causes, especially those related to lifestyle.

In the second session, patients’ views on the effect of the disease on their life and the disease consequences, the disease duration, personal control, and treatment control were evaluated by asking the following open-ended questions: How long do you think it will take to recover? Do you think your disease can be controlled and cured? What will be the consequences of this disease for you? Misconceptions of the relevant issues were clarified through discussion between the patients and the researcher. The use of drugs and their side effects were also discussed.

In the third session, the patients and the researcher discussed the illness coherence and the necessity of avoidance of drugs, opiates, and alcohol. Following that, the psychologist talked about emotional representations as well as psychological, spiritual, and social health, using counseling techniques and provided the necessary training.

In the fourth session, the participants were asked about their perception of and adherence to weight control and nutrition in hypertension and were advised about proper diet. Moreover, the researcher discussed the importance of maintaining physical health.

The fifth session was devoted to the patients’ perception of the importance and benefits of physical activity, environmental health, and prevention of accidents and illness. Meanwhile, proper educational interventions were provided. At the end of the fifth session, an educational pamphlet containing a summary of the educational content provided during the sessions was handed over to the patients.

Data Analysis

The data which were collected one week prior to the intervention as the baseline and 12 weeks after the intervention were analyzed, using inferential statistics. The nominal data were analyzed by running Chi Square test or Fisher’s Exact test. For quantitative data with normal distribution, use was made of Independent Sample t- test and Paired Sample t- test. P- value < 0.05 was considered to be a significant difference for all data analyses. The data analyzer was blind to the allocation of the patients to the groups.


Ninety hypertensive patients initially consented to participate in the present study. However, seven patients either withdrew or failed to complete the intervention (Fig. 1). Mean value of the participants’ age was 53 ± 6.5 years (Range 37–65). All of the hypertensive patients were married, and were taking oral antihypertensive drugs at the time of the study. Moreover, most of them were housewives and had undergraduate education. In terms of demographic variables and disease characteristics including duration of hypertension, there was no significant difference between the participants in the intervention and control groups before the intervention (Table 1).

Table 1. Comparing demographic characteristics between the two groups

M±SD: Mean± Standard Deviation; N (%): Frequency (percent)

P- value are based on Independent sample t-test for Age variables and Chi- square test for others variables

Likewise, before the intervention, there was no statistically significant difference between the intervention and control groups in terms of subscales of illness perception. However, after the intervention, which was consistent with Leventhal’s self-regulatory, the scores of subscales of illness perception improved significantly (p < 0.05), compared with the hypertensive patients in the control group except for illness consequences (p = 0.1) and emotional representation subscales (p = 0.07) (Table 2).

Table 2

Between and within group comparison for illness perception






Between group Comparison

Mean ± SD (95% CI)

Mean ± SD (95% CI)




3.5 ± 1.6 (3.1–4.1)

3.9 ± 1.8 (3.4–4.5)



2.8 ± 1.5 (2.3–3.2)

3.9 ± 1.9 (3.3–4.5)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Timeline (acute/chronic)


19.1 ± 4.3(17.7–22.4)

19.9 ± 3.3(18.9–20.9)



21.7 ± 3.4(20.5–22.7)

19.8 ± 2.9 (19-20.7)


Within group Comparison

Effect size










19.4 ± 5.6(17.7–21.2)

18.1 ± 6.2(16.1–19.9)




18.5 ± 4.9(16.8–20.2)

18.1 ± 5.5(16.3–19.8)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Personal Control



21.2 ± 4.2(19.8–22.6)

20.5 ± 3.3(19.5–21.5)




22.7 ± 3.1(21.7–23.7)

20.9 ± 3.5(19.9–22)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Treatment Control



20.2 ± 2 (19.5–20.8)

19.9 ± 1.8(19.4–20.5)




21.5 ± 2 (20.9–22.1)

20.1 ± 2 (19.5–20.8)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Illness Coherence



15.6 ± 3.1(14.7–16.6)

15.8 ± 3.6(14.7–16.9)




17.9 ± 2.8 (17.1–18.9)

16.1 ± 3.6(15.1–17.2)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Timeline Cyclical



13.8 ± 2.7 (13-14.7)

13.19 ± 3.1(12.2–14.1)




11.5 ± 2.3 (10.8–12.2)

13 ± 2.7 (12.1–13.8)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Emotional Representations



22.9 ± 5.5 (21.3–24.5)

20.7 ± 6.2 (19-22.7)




22 ± 4.5 (20.6–23.2)

20.9 ± 5.5(19.3–22.6)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Between group Comparison based on t-test
Within group Comparison based on paired t-test

In the intragroup comparison, the results showed that there was a significant improvement in the subscales of illness perception in the intervention group (p = 0.001) after the intervention, except for the emotional representation subscale. However, in the control group, no significant difference was observed in any of the subscales after the intervention, as compared to the time before the intervention (Table 2).

In addition, prior to the intervention, there was no statistically significant difference between the intervention and control groups in terms of lifestyle and its subscales. However, the results indicated that after the intervention, the hypertensive patients in the intervention group reported significantly (p < 0.05) more improvement in their lifestyle and its subscales, compared with the hypertensive patients in the control group, except for psychological health (p = 0.6) spiritual health (p = 0.5) and social health (p = 0.09) (Table 3).

Table 3

Between and within group comparison for Life Style






Between group Comparison

Mean ± SD (95% CI)

Mean ± SD (95% CI)


Global Life Style


102.8 ± 2.3(102 − 03.5)

112.1 ± 3(111.1–13.1)



112.1 ± 3(111.1-113.1)

103.5 ± 2.1(102.9-104.2)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Physical health


9.1 ± 2.4 (8.4–9.8)

9.2 ± 2.2 (8.4–9.8)



10.6 ± 1.8 (10.1–11.2)

9.1 ± 2.2 (8.4–9.7)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Exercise and fitness


7.5 ± 3.8 (6.3–8.7)

7 ± 3.2 (6-7.9)



8.9 ± 3.2 (8 -9.9)

6.9 ± 2.5 (6.1–7.7)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Weight control and nutrition


9.1 ± 2.5 (8.4–9.8)

9 ± 2.4 (8.3–9.7)



10.8 ± 2.4 (10.1–11.6)

9.1 ± 2.2 (8.5–9.8)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Environmental health


11.3 ± 2.4 (10.5–12)

10.6 ± 1.9(10-11.3)



11.9 ± 2.2(11.2–12.7)

10.7 ± 1.7(10.1–11.2)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Illness prevention


10.8 ± 1.3 (10.5–11.3)

11.1 ± 1.3 (10.7–11.6)



12.5 ± 1.6(11.9–13)

11.3 ± 1.5(10.9–11.8)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Psychological health


8.5 ± 2.3 (7.9–9.3)

9.3 ± 2.1(8.7–9.9)



8.9 ± 2.1 (8.3–9.5)

9.1 ± 2 (8.5–9.7)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Spiritual health


10.7 ± 2.1(10.1–11.4)

10.6 ± 2.5(9.8–11.4)



10.6 ± 2.3(10.2–11.6)

10.6 ± 2.5(9.9–11.4)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Social health


10.5 ± 1.8(9.9–11.1)

11.1 ± 1.9(10.5–11.2)



10.6 ± 1.7(10.1–11.2)

11.3 ± 1.710.8–11.8)


Within group Comparison

Effect size








Avoidance of drugs, opiates and alcohol


13.1 ± 1.6(12.6–13.7)

13.5 ± 1.6(12.9–13.9)



13.9 ± 1.6(13.5–14.4)

13.7 ± 1.9(13.1–14.3)


Within group Comparison

Effect size








Prevention of accidents


12 ± 2.6 (11.2–12.8)

11.3 ± 2.1(10.7–12)



12.9 ± 2.3(12.3–13.7)

11.5 ± 1.7(11-12.1)


Within group Comparison

Effect size







Between group Comparison based on t-test
Within group Comparison based on paired t-test

The results showed that the intervention based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model causes a significant increase in lifestyle and its subscales in the intervention group (p < 0.05) after the intervention, as compared to the time before the intervention, except for psychological, spiritual and social health. However, in the control group, in terms of the same variables, no significant difference was observed before and after the intervention (Table 3).


To the best of our knowledge, to date no study has been carried out to determine the effect of interventions based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model on illness perception and lifestyle of patients with hypertension. Therefore, the present study aimed to fill this lacuna. The results showed that intervention based on the present model resulted in the improvement of illness perception in the subscales of the identity, timeline acute/chronic, personal control, treatment control, illness coherence, and timeline cyclical. However, it had no significant effect on the consequences and emotional representations.

As suggested by the findings of the present study, the illness perception-based intervention improved the illness coherence subscale in the study of Broadbent et al. (2009) in the spouses of patients with myocardial infarction, (21). In contrast, Cossette et al. indicated that cardiac rehabilitation nursing intervention in patients with acute coronary syndrome has no effect on the illness coherence subscales and timeline acute/chronic, treatment control, and timeline cyclical subscales (22). The difference between the results of these two studies indicates that interventions based on improving the illness perception can be more effective in improving illness coherence and other subscales, as compared with other educational interventions.

In addition, participants in the present study had a better perception of their illness identity after the intervention, including the symptoms and the disease timeline acute/chronic. This is in line with the findings of the study by Yan et al. (2014). Among other things, they found that the training program based on Leventhal’s model increases patients’ perception of the symptoms and duration of disease after myocardial infarction (13). In this study, increasing patients’ perception of the chronic timeline of hypertension improved patients’ adherence to treatment and a number of lifestyle subscales.

The findings of the present study confirmed the results obtained by Lee et al. in patients with injury (23) and Weldam et al. in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (24). In a similar vein, Richardson et al. found that the treatment control subscale was promoted after the self-regulatory model-based intervention in cancer patients in the intervention group. However, in the follow-up study with an interval of 6 months, no significant improvement was observed (25). This may be attributed to the frustration and fatigue of cancer patients. It is also necessary to note that in the present study, it was not possible to conduct a follow-up study. Therefore, no meaningful comparison can be made in this regard.

As in the study by Rakhshan et al. (14), in the present study, no significant difference was observed in terms of the subscales of the consequences and emotional representations, even if it has already been reported that emotional representations can affect self-care and health consequences (26). It can be argued that for the purpose of improving the perception of consequences, emotional representations should be improved in patients with hypertension. This probably requires long-term training programs and proper psychological interventions.

The results of the present study indicated that after the intervention, the scores of total lifestyles and its subscales, with the exception of spiritual and social health, increased in the intervention group, as compared with the control group. Likewise, in Yan et al.’s study, educational program based on Leventhal’s model improved nutrition and physical activity in patients after myocardial infarction (13). Likewise, the study by Shayesteh et al. revealed that following lifestyle-based intervention, the overall score of lifestyle and physical activity increased in patients with hypertension (27). The study by Dehghani et al. also indicated that lifestyle-based intervention in patients with coronary heart disease reduced obesity and increased physical activity in patients (28). As in the present study, the intervention affected the weight management of participants by creating a better perception of the disease and a sense of threat.

Blood pressure is affected by environmental factors such as noise and air pollution. Therefore, patients should be informed to avoid exposure to these factors (29). Familiarizing patients with risk factors and changing their high-risk behaviors are the main objectives of the prevention subscale (30). In the present study, all of the above-mentioned issues were incorporated into the education of the patients, and, as a result, these subscales improved after the intervention. As suggested by Leventhal’s self-regulatory model, the subscale of avoidance of drugs, opiates and alcohol improved after the interventions. Similar to this study, the study by Dehghani et al. showed that lifestyle-based intervention in patients with coronary heart disease helped them at times to resist the urge to smoke (28).

In the present study, the psychological health subscale did not improve after the research intervention. Similarly, Rakhshan et al. found that education based on perception in patients with metabolic syndrome had no effect on stress management, although it improved all areas of lifestyle (14) Contrary to the results of the present study, the study by Shayesteh et al. showed that the educational intervention improved stress management in patients with hypertension (27). Moreover, the results of the study by Sararoudi et al. showed that the interventions based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model reduced the level of anxiety and depression in patients with myocardial infarction (31). Patients’ psychological health was expected to improve with increased illness perception. This difference may be due to the different nature of disease targeted in the above studies. However, in this study, the intervention based on Leventhal’s model did not improve the dimensions of psychological, social and spiritual health in patients with hypertension. According to these results, other spiritual and behavioral interventions may be needed to improve psychological, social and spiritual health.

The overall lifestyle score was improved in the present study, which is probably due to increased perception. In their systematic review study, French et al. showed that patients with acute myocardial infarction and positive perception of identity, consequences, cure/control and illness coherence, feel the need for cardiac rehabilitation (32). Although the variable measured in the study above differs from the variable of consequences in the present study (i.e., healthy lifestyle), it was shown in both studies that a higher illness perception is associated with the acceptance of health-related behaviors.

In contrast to the results of the present study, Rakhshan et al. found that education based on Leventhal perception improved the domains of lifestyle, but did not affect the subscales of perception (14). This raises the question of how it can improve lifestyle without improving perception. The reason for this difference could be that the focus of education is lifestyle, not illness perception. Given that there were limitations in carrying out the study, the findings should be interpreted with caution.

Even if including a control group and random allocation of the participants are considered as the strengths of this study, nevertheless, there were some limitations. One limitation was the lack of a specific questionnaire for measuring illness perception and lifestyle of patients with hypertension. In addition, for practical reasons, duration of intervention was kept short, and there was no opportunity for a follow-up study to determine possible long-lasting effects.


The results of the present study showed that, compared with the control group, the intervention based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model brings about significant changes in the subscales of illness perception, with the exception of consequences and emotional representations, as well as the lifestyle of patients in the intervention group.

The method adopted in the current study can be used to improve the illness perception and the lifestyle of patients with hypertension through providing in-service training for healthcare professionals and medical students, based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory interventions.

The replication of the current study with longer treatment periods and a follow-up study is suggested for future research. It is also possible to include other behavioral and spiritual interventions in which the patient’s family is also involved and to evaluate hypertension as a consequence.


Hypertension (HTN)

Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension (DASH)

Lifestyle Questionnaire (LSQ) 

Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R).

Illness perception (IP)


Ethics approval and consent to participate

The present study was approved by the Research Ethic Committee (REC) of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences (YUMS) with ID code; IR.YUMS.REC.1397.147. Written informed consent was obtained from the participants. The principles of voluntariness and confidentiality were emphasized. All methods were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki 1994.

Consent for publication

Not applicable

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study available from the corresponding author on reasonable request, Although, all data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article. 

Competing interests

The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


This work was supported and funded by the Vice chancellor of Research Deputy of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences.

Authors' contributions

FS: she was a contributor in writing the manuscript, design of the work, Investigation, and data acquisition. AA: He was a major contributor in methodology, analyzed and interpreted the patient data. AAfHe was major contributor in design of interventions, and Reviewing and Editing of the manuscript, NH: she was a major contributor in writing the manuscript, Supervision. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


This research was extracted from the master’s thesis of a Community Health nursing student at the Yasuj University of Medical Sciences. We sincerely thank all the hypertensive patients and personnel of Shahid Dastgheib Health Center in Yasuj, Iran. 


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