Inexact Long-term Targets
Several strategies have long-term targets that are inexact, expressing or implying an approach that conflicts with modelling or analysis later detailed. Increasingly, targets are subject to calls for greater clarity, specifically regarding the extent of overall CDR, sectoral contributions and the role of the land-use sector15,23,29. Within these strategies, targets serve a crucial guiding function. We report the headline target presented and then deduce from supporting information within the strategy the coverage of the target, comparing both in Table 1. Several LT-LEDS (Japan, South Africa France, Portugal, Cambodia, Fiji, Andorra) detail targets described in terms of ‘carbon neutrality’ but do not apply specifically to CO2, but a range of GHGs. ‘Climate neutrality’ is the stated long-term target of five countries, yet the treatment of this target elsewhere within the strategies implies this is analogous to net-zero for all main GHGs, as climate neutrality would seek to account for the bio-geophysical impacts of human activities, such as surface albedo30. Some countries fail to specify the exact sectoral coverage of their long-term target, or exclude specific sectors, e.g., Germany which exclude land use and forestry from their climate target assessments. Nine countries note the prospective or intended use of international offsets, or otherwise transferred mitigation outcomes, further complicating the extent of domestic emission reductions.
Ambiguity in targets is a common problem30,31, but in mobilising CDR, ambiguity has notable implications, as the target definition determines the extent of CDR required4. Reaching net-zero for CO2 alone requires less CDR than reaching net-zero for all greenhouse gases, due to CH4 and N2O emissions from hard-to-abate sectors such as agriculture. This affects planning and policy decisions in the near-term, as the envisaged CDR demand could be met via a smaller portfolio of methods, ‘locking-out’ others32. A similar dynamic is foreseeable with sectoral differences, such as international aviation and shipping emissions. Retaining the potential use of emissions reductions from abroad to fulfil net-zero targets, leaves the level of future domestic emissions unclear19. A target of climate neutrality also implies counteracting the local or regional effects of CDR. Ambiguity in emission and sectoral coverage can obscure CDR demand, despite several countries actively quantifying negative emissions within their strategies.
Most (9/11) strategies that set emission reduction targets relative to a specific base year rather than a net-zero target do not quantify CDR. This could be because the emission reductions can be achieved through mitigation alone. Or it supports the idea that setting a net-zero target itself forces national governments to consider CDR. Examining the distinction between the headline target and the modelling details within the strategy highlights a tension between determining the properties of the target and the criteria for modelling (e.g., use of international offsets). Devising a common standard of net-zero, then communicating long-term targets relative to this standard, would largely alleviate these issues3.
CDR Method, Magnitude and Reliance
Enhancing forest and soil carbon sinks are the most common CDR methods in the strategies (Table 2). This aligns with previous analysis of smaller samples of strategies2,24. Enhancing forest carbon is the most quantified (12 strategies) and advocated (40) CDR method. Soil carbon enhancement is quantified in four (Australia, Indonesia, France, and Portugal) but advocated in 31 (Table 2). The dominance of forests and soils is to be anticipated given the legacy of forest and land management, the co-benefits for food security and biodiversity33,34, and their integration into prior policy mechanisms35. Coastal blue carbon (seagrasses, mangroves, wetlands, and salt marshes) has limited policy legacy but comparatively broad support, advocated in 15 (yet only quantified by Fiji). Engineered CDR methods feature in fewer strategies and their inclusion is notably more speculative, with countries highlighting limitations amongst a desire to explore their future potential. Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is promoted in 16 strategies and quantified in five whilst Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) is promoted in seven and quantified in only two strategies (UK and Switzerland). Carbon Capture Utilisation and/or Storage (CCUS) is quantified in five strategies and promoted in 26.
In 11 strategies (Indonesia, Thailand, France, Cambodia, Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Slovakia, Costa Rica, Hungary, Sweden) increased forest carbon or nature-based CDR is primarily or solely relied upon to compensate for residual emissions, achieving long-term targets (Figure 2). Other strategies also rely on forest carbon, but demonstrate a sizeable projected sink, such as Nepal and Fiji (Figure 2). Not all strategies follow this pattern, the UK is notably dependent on BECCS, whilst Switzerland is balanced across BECCS and DACCS, fully compensating for residual emissions. The ‘sink status’ column (Table 2) reports the net balance of the land-use carbon sink historically and in future projections. For many this does not appear to have a discernible bearing on CDR method choice or quantification, while emphasising the challenge posed by some strategies. For example, Cambodia relies on forests to compensate for residual emissions, where this has historically been a net-source of emissions, implying stopping and then reversing deforestation.
Critically, most strategies do not quantify residual emissions from decarbonisation which limits evaluation. The lack of quantification and limited breadth of CDR suggests countries are struggling to integrate CDR into their projections, many of which use national GHG inventories as a foundation, and current inventory guidelines are not specifically designed to cover CDR3.