Forms of aggression are common and relatively typical during early childhood. While most children go on to develop socio-emotional and cognitive skills that mark a rapid decline in aggression, some children’s use of aggression continues to persist. Children who are persistently aggressive during early childhood are at greater risk of internalising consequences (e.g. clinical and subclinical depression and anxiety) and externalizing problems (e.g. peer victimization and delinquency) [1], [2], [3], [4]. Over the years, researchers have emphasised the importance of early childhood in the onset of persistent aggression [5] and several social cognitive and affective factors have been identified as predictors and correlates of aggression. However, to our knowledge, no studies have investigated the joint influences of these factors on forms (relational and physical) and functions (reactive and proactive) of aggression before school age [6]. To address these gaps in the literature, we examined whether two well-implicated emotion factors - empathy and anger - mediated the association between children’s general normative beliefs about aggression (GNBAA) and their actual aggressive behavior.
Forms and Functions of Aggression
Aggression is defined as the infliction of harm with malicious intent [7], [8]. Two forms of aggression - relational and physical aggression - have received the most empirical attention in the early childhood developmental period. Relational aggression includes behaviors intended to damage peer relationships and social standing through manipulation whereas physical aggression is the intent to hurt, harm or injure using physical force (e.g. hitting) [1], [9]. Although relational and physical aggression are highly correlated, each form of aggression has distinct developmental trajectories, correlates, and prevalence rates across the lifespan [10], [11], [12]. During early childhood, physical aggression generally starts to decline from the ages of two to four as children become more cognitively and verbally mature and aware of social expectations and norms [13]. An alternative behavior, relational aggression, substantially increases between the ages of four to seven [14], [15].
Researchers have identified that aggression may serve varied but distinct functions [7],[16], [17] which can be seen across aggression forms. Proactive aggression is deliberate behavior that is used to obtain a desired object, outcome or self-serving goal. Proactive physical and relational aggression has been shown to provide some protective functions and positive outcomes in young and school-age children such as peer acceptance and improved social status [18], [17], [19]. Theoretically, proactively aggressive children may have their behavior reinforced by peers as they become well-liked and achieve greater social status among their peers. These reinforcing factors may contribute to the increase of relational aggression that is typically observed during early childhood. Reactive aggression, on the other hand, is hostile or impulsive behavior used in response to a perceived threat [20], [16]. While reactive aggression tends to be associated with physical aggression during the early years [21], young children have also been observed engaging in reactive relational aggression [22], [17]. Unlike proactive forms of aggression, reactive physical and relational aggression has been linked to negative social and emotional outcomes such as peer rejection, anger, and poor emotion regulation [20]. Research has shown that these functions are related to different social cognitive and affective skills [18], [23]. This study will use a two-dimensional combination approach (proactive relational, reactive relational, proactive physical, and reactive physical) [21], [17] to document the theoretically meaningful distinctions between forms and functions of aggression and the joint influences of social cognitive (normative beliefs) and affective (empathy and anger) factors.
Forms and Functions and Normative Beliefs
When social cognitive models have been applied to understanding aggression in older children, ample support has been found for the pathway from normative beliefs to actual behavior [24], [25], [26]. Normative beliefs are cognitive standards about the acceptability of aggressive behavior [25] and are situation specific (e.g. “If others hit you first, it is OK to hit them back”) or general (e.g. “It is OK to hit others”), and these beliefs set internal parameters that regulate an individual’s personal actions and behaviors. Individuals who hold normative beliefs about aggression, view aggression as acceptable behavior. A longitudinal study of German adolescents by Krahé and Busching [26], for example, found that approval of aggression concurrently and prospectively predicted the corresponding form of aggression. That is, approval of relational aggression predicted adolescents’ current use of relational aggression and use of relational aggression four years later. The same relationship was found for physical aggression but concurrent associations only, suggesting that in adolescence, normative acceptance of physical aggression may decrease quicker compared to acceptance of relational aggression. The belief-behavior pathways demonstrated in this study of adolescents did not differ in boys and girls.
Few studies have considered normative beliefs in younger children, with the exception of Goldstein and colleagues [27] and Swit and colleagues [28]. Goldstein and colleagues [27] found that preschool-age children viewed relational aggression as more normative than physical and verbal aggression, however, they did not include an assessment of children’s actual aggressive behavior. Swit and colleagues [28] found no differences in relationally aggressive and non-aggressive children’s normative beliefs about relational and physical aggression. However, their assessment of the belief-behavior pathway was limited by a small sample size and there was no distinction between forms and functions of aggression. The lack of empirical research on the belief-behavior pathway in early childhood populations may be due to several reasons. First, there are inherent challenges in assessing very young children’s social cognitive processes such as normative beliefs, particularly when methods have relied on verbal delivery of hypothetical vignettes and questioning procedures [28]. Second and most importantly, some researchers have suggested that normative beliefs may be an unreliable predictor of children’s aggressive behavior until the age of eight when a greater awareness of social norms has developed [29], [25], [30]. However, we argue that early in development, children develop working models and knowledge structures that they draw on to make a judgement about the acceptability of different behaviors. Children who are exposed to aggression may come to believe, early on, that these behaviors are acceptable. Thus, normative beliefs should be typically acquired during early childhood and preliminary evidence from Goldstein and colleagues [27] and Swit and colleagues [28] supports this claim.
To our knowledge, only one study has examined the association between forms and functions of aggression and normative beliefs. Bailey and Ostrov [31] found proactive relational aggression and reactive physical aggression were significant predictors of normative beliefs of aggression in a sample of emerging adults. However, due to poor reliability in subscales, a composite normative beliefs score was obtained by combining all aggression types. Also, this study examined the alternative direction of effect with normative beliefs as the outcome variable. Thus, the results of this study do not allow us to draw conclusions regarding the belief-behavior pathway for each of the corresponding forms and functions of aggression (i.e. normative beliefs about relational aggression and relationally aggressive behaviors). Moreover, given the natural maturation that occurs in children’s social cognitive abilities, especially during early childhood, the belief-behavior pathways identified in previous research with older children may differ from that in an early childhood sample.
Forms and Functions and Affective Processes
The General Aggression Model [7] builds on social cognitive models of aggression by acknowledging the role of affective processes in increasing a person’s likelihood to aggress. For instance, when a child experiences feelings of anger, this may increase the accessibility of pathways to aggressive cognitions and behavior, particularly if the child holds normative beliefs approving of aggression. Alternatively, empathy is an important predictor of prosocial behavior [32] and decreases aggression as the child can understand what the other child may be experiencing and/or feeling [33]. While some researchers acknowledge that relational and physical forms of aggression are highly related [21], [18], other research has revealed that forms and functions of aggression are differentially associated with affective processes such as empathy and anger.
Empathy, defined as recognising and experiencing the feelings and emotions of others [34], is an important socio-emotional process that fosters warm and positive social relationships and is related to less spontaneous aggression as children get older [35], [36]. Empathic behavior generally enables children to demonstrate care and sensitivity toward others by understanding what they feel (cognitive empathy), and seeing the situation from others’ perspectives (affective empathy). Two predominant views have been examined, theoretically and empirically, regarding the pathway between aggression and empathy. First, aggressors have been shown to display social cognitive deficits and low empathy which makes them more prone to aggression. More specifically, these children have been shown to (mis)interpret social cues and attribute hostile intent to unclear social situations while concurrently having difficulties recognising and processing emotional cues in others. Combined deficits in social processing and cognitive and affective empathy may facilitate aggressive responding [37]. The second alternate view is that aggressors are skilled manipulators, who use a combination of prosocial behavior and empathy to achieve their proactive goals [38], [39]. More specifically, relational forms and proactive functions of aggression require the aggressor to have adequate empathy to know what behaviors will more effectively harm or manipulate others. Thus, greater empathy and social cognitive abilities are thought to be differentially associated with proactive aggression and relational aggression [40], [17], [41], [42], challenging the view that aggressors do not always fit the deficit stereotype often associated with aggressive behavior.
Anger, defined as an emotion felt in response to a perceived or actual threat, when activated, serves to warn or intimidate others [43], [44], has long been implicated in reactive, but not proactive aggression [45], [16], [46]. However, the experience of intense anger does not always translate into aggression and thus, may play an important role in the relationship between social cognitive processes and aggressive behavior [47].
The pathway between anger and aggression has been demonstrated in physical and relational forms of aggression as early as the preschool years. Using an observational measure of aggression and teacher reports of anger, Ostrov and colleagues [17] found reactive and proactive forms of aggression to be differentially associated with anger both concurrently and prospectively. Concurrently, reactive and proactive physical aggression and reactive relational aggression were positively associated with increases in anger. Prospectively, anger was significantly associated with increases in reactive and proactive physical aggression and proactive relational aggression across the four-month study. Despite the strong theoretical link between aggression and anger, there remains a paucity of research examining this relationship within a two-dimensional combination approach of forms and functions of aggression during early childhood. Given the preliminary support for the differential pathways between forms and functions of aggression and anger in young children, replication and extension of these findings are needed [17].
Based on the above literature and theory, it could be reasonably inferred that empathic behavior and anger could mediate the association between children’s normative beliefs about aggression and their actual aggressive behavior. More specifically, children who approve of physical aggression may lack emotional sensitivity towards peers and have problems in managing their anger, increasing their use of reactive and proactive physical aggression and reactive relational aggression. In contrast, children who approve of relational aggression may use empathic behaviors, not anger, to manipulate social relationships to achieve their personal goals and motives, increasing their use of proactive relational aggression.
Developmental Considerations for Early Childhood
The early childhood developmental period is crucial in children’s development of social norms. Children are beginning to develop cognitive understanding and awareness of appropriate social behaviors to use within different contexts. To this end, it is well implicated that children’s aggression can and should be assessed according to forms and functions, however, relatively little is known about the development of these behaviors during early childhood. Moreover, there is still much to understand about the internal cognitive processes involved in young children’s use of forms and functions of aggression and advances still need to be made regarding the use of developmentally appropriate and innovative measures to assess the social cognition of young children.
The Current Study
The present study aims to examine how GNBAA affect the corresponding aggressive behavior in a sample of preschool-age children. As a further step, we will also simultaneously investigate the mediating roles of empathy and anger of children in the association between children’s GNBAA and reactive and proactive functions of the corresponding form of aggression. Namely, whether children who approve of aggression engage in aggressive behavior because of their lower levels of empathy or by their higher levels of anger. To address this, a two mediator model was tested (see Fig 1) and the following hypotheses were proposed:
Hypothesis 1: GNBAA will correlate with low empathy, high anger, and the corresponding form of aggression (i.e. child approval of relational aggression will be associated with teacher-reported reactive and proactive relational aggression).
Hypothesis 2: Low empathy (M1) will mediate the direct relation between GNBAA (X) and the corresponding form of aggression (Y); path a1*b1
Hypothesis 3: High anger (M2) will mediate the direct relation between GNBAA (X) and the corresponding form of aggression (Y); path a2*b2
Hypothesis 4: The mediation paths (empathy: a1*b1; anger: a2*b2) will show differentially associated relationships with reactive and proactive functions of aggression.