3.1 Performance of the 36-InDelplex Panel
After optimization of the selected markers, primer design, and PCR conditions, the 36-InDelplex panel was successfully conctructed. The general information of the 36-InDelplex is indicated in Table 1. The allele lengths are between 2 to 10 bp and the maximum InDel length is located at rs16363 (ID34) locus. The PCR amplicons are ranged from 69 to 252 bp in length. Figure 1 shows the electrophoregram image of the K562 control DNA sample of the optimized 36-InDelplex panel. The control sample belongs to a female donor and the ID35 (rs2032678) locus is specific to the Y chromosome, thus it is not seen in this sample.
The analysis threshold (LOD) of the 36-InDelplex panel was determined as 112.39 RFU. The sensitivity of the 36-InDelplex panel was conducted by various concentrations of the positive control K562 DNAs (15.625 pg, 31.25 pg, 0.0625 ng, 0.125 ng, 0.25 ng, 0.5 ng, 1 ng, 2 ng, 3 ng). As shown in Fig. 2, full profiles were obtained until the input DNA dropped below 0.25 ng. Allele dropouts and peak imbalances were observed at peaks below 0.25 ng.
We examined heterozygote allele imbalance to calculate stochastic threshold values using nine dilutions of positive control DNA K562 (15.625 pg, 31.25 pg, 0.0625 ng, 0.125 ng, 0.25 ng, 0.5 ng, 1 ng, 2 ng, 3 ng). The stochastic threshold values were determined as 86.28 for 0.5 ng and 73.02 for 0.25 ng of DNAs. These results showed that when the ratio of sister allele peak heights drops below 0.25 ng, the peak balances may be disrupted and cannot be considered as a heterozygous allele peak. Ten samples were utilized in reproducibility and reproducibility studies and the same genotypes were observed for each sample. The results show that the novel 36-InDelplex panel is reproducible and reliable profiles can be obtained in different laboratories.
DNA mixtures at ratios of 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50 and 50:1 20:1, 10:1, 5:1 made of a male (M) and a female (F) samples were analyzed using the 36plex panel. No allele dropout was observed at the ratios of 1:1, 1:5, and 5:1. However, allele dropouts were observed at 3 to 19 loci at the ratios of 1:10, 10:1, 1:20, and 20:1 (Table 2). As the DNA concentration difference between the major and minor contributors increased, the peaks of the minor contributor remained below the analysis threshold value and only the profile of the major contributor could be determined. Thus, the mixture sample could be reliably detected at a ratio of 5:1 with this panel. Jin et al. (2021) reported that in their 43 InDel panel mixture study, the full profiles were detected at 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, and 6:1 ratios, and the minor contributor could be detected at the maximum 6:1 mixture ratio [13].
3.2 Degradation Studies
Biological samples found at the crime scene are usually degraded because they are exposed to undesirable environments such as heat, light, moisture, or microorganisms. Due to the nuclease enzymes found in microorganisms, DNA is broken down into smaller components. Environmental factors (temperature, humidity, UV light) also cause the degradation of DNA by oxidative or hydrolytic effects [22]. It is important to evaluate the genotyping efficiency of the developed panel for degraded samples. Therefore, we evaluated the efficiency of the 36 InDelplex panel by testing artificial degraded samples which are exposed to high temperatures, humid environments, UV-C light, and inhibitors.
To evaluate the effect of temperature on the 36-InDelplex panel, a DNA sample was kept in a thermal block at 95˚C for time intervals of 5, 15, 30, 60, and 120 mins. The full genotype profiles are detected at the 5, 15, and 30 min intervals while RFU values of all loci are decreased by time (Fig. 3). We observed allele dropouts at 10 loci (rs2308101, rs144389514, rs4646006, rs28369942, rs2067147, rs3062629, rs2308072, rs10623496, rs1160965 and rs2067191) at the 60 mins and no alleles were detected at the 120 min (Supplementary Fig. 1). Machida et al. kept DNA isolates at 95˚C for 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, and 360 mins intervals and then typed them with STR loci. They observed decreases in the RFU values of alleles starting from the 5th min. Additionally, it was reported that the RFU values of the alleles decreased largely at the end of 120 mins and there were allele dropouts in the following periods [23]. Li et al. evaluated the effect of the temperature at the 18 multi-InDels panels by keeping DNA isolates in a water bath at 100˚C for 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 mins. Although all loci were observed in all time intervals, peak imbalances have begun to appear in the alleles after the 40th min [24]. The denaturation of DNA begins at 95˚C and the degradation becomes more permanent as time progresses. In both studies, as the exposure time at 95˚C increased, a directly proportional decrease in the RFU values was observed at the loci, and then allele and locus losses were experienced. Since InDel loci have shorter PCR products than STR loci, they are also resistant to degradation. Accordingly, this novel 36 InDelplex panel worked better than STR loci in heat-induced degradation.
To evaluate the effect of the humidity factor on the 36-InDelplex panel, samples were taken from the blood-stained fabric and kept in a humid environment at 4˚C in the refrigerator for periods of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeks. When the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, and 16th weeks were examined, the RFU values of the alleles are decreased in general, while the rs1160965 and rs2067191 loci were dropped out starting from the 8th week (Fig. 3). At the 16th week, allele losses were observed in all loci (Supplementary Fig. 2). To evaluate the effects of both temperature and humidity factors on 36-InDelplex, the samples incubated in an oven at 56˚C on a blood-stained fabric were studied at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeks (Fig. 3). In general, RFU values were decreased in all weeks, while one locus (rs1160965) was dropped out after the 4th week. Two more loci (rs2307656 and rs2067191) were dropped out after 8 weeks. At the 16th week, no amplification was observed in any of the samples (Supplementary Fig. 3). These results showed that InDel loci are resistant to temperature and humidity.
We also assessed the effects of the UV factor on the 36-InDelplex panel. A DNA sample was exposed to UV-C (254 nm) for 5, 15, 30, 60, and 120 mins. Full profiles were obtained in all samples that were kept for 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes, however, RFU values of all loci decreased by time. Allele dropout was observed at 12 loci (rs2032678, rs1610937, rs2307656, rs16363, rs2308101, rs28369942, rs16458, rs2308072, rs56168866, rs3062629, rs1160965, and rs2067191) at 120 minutes (Supplementary Fig. 4). In a similar study, SNP and STR loci were tested for UV exposed DNA samples which were kept at 254 nm for 5, 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes [25]. According to the study, the RFU values are decreased at all alleles at the 5th minute in the STR loci allele dropouts were observed starting from the 15th minute, and that there were allele dropouts in all the alleles at the 120th minute. Although decreases in RFU values were observed at the 5th, 1 5th, 30th, and 60th minutes in the SNP loci, at the 120th minute, SNP typing could be performed in all loci except 3 SNP loci. This indicated that InDel and SNPs were less affected by UV degradation due to their shorter amplicon lengths than STRs.
We also assessed the tolerance for the PCR inhibitors on the 36-InDelplex panel. We mixed the control DNA with three different inhibitors (hematin, humic acid, and indigo) in various concentrations then samples were amplified and genotyped by this panel. For the hematin inhibitor 125, 250, 500, and 1000 µM of hematin was added to the PCR component and analyzed. Decreases in RFU values were observed in all loci at 125 and 250 µM concentrations. Allele dropout was observed at 6 loci (rs28369942, rs2067147, rs2308072, rs10623496, rs1160965, and rs2067191) at 500 µM concentrations, no amplification was observed at any loci at 1000 µM of hematin (Supplementary Fig. 5).
To evaluate the effect of the humic acid inhibitor on PCR, the humic acid was added to PCR components at different concentrations (6.25, 12.5, 25, and 50 ng/µl) and samples were amplified and analized with 36 InDelplex panel. At 6.25 and 12.5 ng/µl concentrations of humic acid, decreases in RFU values were observed at all loci, while at 25 and 50 ng/µl concentrations, 8 loci (rs2308112, rs28369942, rs2067147, rs2308072, rs16722, rs10623496, rs1160965, and rs2067191) were dropped out (Supplementary Fig. 6).
For the indigo inhibitor, genotyping was performed by adding indigo at 1, 2, 3, and 4 mM concentrations to PCR components. Although decreases in RFU values were observed in all loci at 1, 2, and 3 mM indigo concentrations, a full profile was obtained. Allele drop out was observed at only 1 locus (rs1160965) at 4 mM concentration (Supplementary Fig. 7). As a result, this study demonstrated that the 36-InDelplex panel showed good tolerance to different concentrations of the three inhibitors. Chen et al. conducted an inhibitor study with the 47 A-InDel (47 autosomal InDels and 2 Y-chromosome InDels) panel, they reported that full profiles can be obtained at < 100 µM hematin concentrations, < 50 ng/µl humic acid concentrations, and < 16 mM indigo concentration [18]. Our findings are similar to this study.
3.3 Population genetics
Allele frequencies and forensic parameters of the novel 36-InDelplex panel in the Turkish population were determined (Supplementary Table 1). After a Bonferonni correction (p = 0.00147), no significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found in all loci except for rs25549 (p < 0.00147). In our study, a triple allele was detected in the rs56168866 locus. The frequencies of the detected alleles were calculated as 0.124 del, 0.446 ins and 0.430 ins. The mean insertion allele frequency value for 34 autosomal InDel loci was calculated as 0.49, and the value ranged from a minimum of 0.31 (rs2308112) to a maximum of 0.642 (rs6480) (Supplementary Table 1). Allele frequency distributions of the 36-InDelplex panel were found to be in balance among alleles. Heterozygosity values (He) of 34 autosomal InDel loci were found the lowest at the rs1160981 locus (0.368) and the highest at the rs56168866 locus (0.601) with an average value of 0.485. The PD values ranged from 0.411 to 0.756, PE ranged from 0.29 to 0.112, and PM ranged from 0.589 to 0.244 (Supplementary Table 1). The combined PD, PE, and MP values of the 36-InDelplex panel were calculated as 0.999999999999988, 0.9987572351, 2.14x10− 14, respectively. Thus, it has been determined that the discrimination power of the 36-InDelplex panel is over 99.99%, and the necessary exclusion and discrimination power can be achieved in forensic identification and determination of kinship. When we compare the CPD and CPE values of the Turkish population study of the DIPplex kit (Qiagen) by Duvenci et al., the 36-InDelplex panel has higher values and therefore is more advantageous in identification [26].
Pereira et al. (2009) developed an autosomal 38 InDel-multiplex panel [8]. Among the loci included in the panel, rs2308137, rs3397205, and rs1610919 markers are included in our 36-Indelplex panel. When the exclusion power values of the 3 loci common to the two studies are compared, the European population has similar discrimination power (CPD: 2.8x1014 for the European) to the Turkish population.
The 29-InDel panel has two of the common loci (rs1160981 and rs16671) with our panel. For the novel 36 InDelplex, PD of the rs1160981 locus was calculated as 0.532, for the 29-InDel panel it was the highest discriminating locus with a value of 0.650 at the Chinese population. While the PD of the rs16671 locus is 0.585 in the Chinese population, this value is 0.627 in the Turkish population. CPD and CPE values of the 29-InDel panel were calculated as 0.99999999990867/0.9930 and discriminant power of 99%, respectively, similar to our panel [27]. In another study, Tao et al. developed a multiplex kit containing 45-InDel (27 autosomal, 16-X chromosome, 2 Y-chromosome) loci for identification purposes [28]. In this study in the Chinese Han population, the cumulative discrimination power (CPD) for 27 autosomal InDel regions was calculated as 0.999999. The discriminative power of the common rs16458 locus with our study is higher in the Turkish population than in the Chinese Han population (Chinese Han, PD: 0.42 and Turkey PD: 0.632). Huang et al. developed a 32 InDel loci panel, in which the rs10590424 locus was the same as our study, and the discriminant power (PD) value was calculated as 0.62 for the Chinese population, and the PD was calculated as 0.596 for the Turkish population [19]. Pimenta et al. studied a multiplex of 40 InDel loci in a European population. The matching probability and exclusion power of the panel were calculated as 3.48 x10-17 and 0.9997, respectively [14].
Considering the number and characteristics of loci used in the panel, the discrimination power (CPD = 0.999999999999988) and exclusion power (CPE = 0.9987) values of our 36-Indelplex panel are at a level that can compete with other panels.
We estimated the genetic differentiation between Turkish and reference population groups from 1000 Genome Phase 3 data based on the autosomal 34 InDel loci of the panel. Table 3 shows the pairwise genetic distance (FST values) and corresponding p-values as calculated between the five reference populations (Africa, Europe, America, East Asia, and South Asia) and the Turkish population. The results of the pairwise genetic differences between tested population groups did not show significant differences. The results reveal that the novel 36 InDelplex panel constitute a globally suitable system for human identification purpose.
Table 3
Pairwise population FST estimates between the Turkish and reference populations. Below diagonal: FST values; above diagonal: corresponding p-values (the significance level was p < 0.001 after Bonferroni correction)
East Asia
South Asia
East Asia
South Asia