1-Seismic interpretation
Time structure contour maps show the subsurface geologic structural features of the horizons as a function of two-way reflection times. Fig. 7 (a-b) illustrates the two-way time (TWT) structural contour maps on the tops of Upper Bahariya and Lower Bahariya, respectively. The time decreases in the central part of the research area and towards the southeastern direction until reaching a minimum of -1075 milliseconds (Fig. 7a). This figure also shows that the maximum value of time is -1190 milliseconds in the southwestern direction. The two-way time has a maximum value of -1210 milliseconds in the southwestern direction and a minimum value of -1110 milliseconds southeastern direction (Fig. 7b). These low and high time anomalies correspond to the locations of structural highs and lows for the up-thrown and down-thrown blocks were separated by normal faults with NW-SE trends. These fault trends are consistent with Cretaceous tectonic movement, which lends credence to the fault interpretation trends. These maps show two sets of normal faults. The first set of faults (F1, F2, F4, F6, F7, F8, F10, F12, and F13) has downthrown sides towards the northeastern direction. The second one has downthrown sides towards the southwestern direction, such as faults (F3, F5, F9, F11, F14, and F15). Some faults formed the graben structure, such as (F1 & F14), (F1 & F3), (F2 & F3), (F6 & F9), and (F8 & F9). The other faults such as (F3 & F4), (F3 & F6), (F5 & F7), and (F3 & F7) formed the horst structure. Fig. 8 (a-b) illustrates the Upper and Lower Bahariya depth structure contour maps, respectively. The highest depth of the Upper Bahariya is in the northeastern part of the map, which reaches -5375 feet, and the shallowest reaches -4875 feet in the southeastern direction (Fig. 8a). The value of -5,500 feet represents the deepest part and lies on the southwest portion of the map, while the value of -5000 feet indicates the shallowest part and is found in the southeastern direction (Fig. 8b).
2- Petrophysical Evaluation
Determination of Lithology
Figure (9, a&b) illustrates the Neutron-Density cross plot for the Upper Bahariya Formation in the Nader-4 and Nader-8 wells, respectively. Fig. 9(c-d) illustrates the Neutron-Density cross plot for the Lower Bahariya Formation in the Nader-4 and Nader-8 wells, respectively. Most of the plotted points are clustered between the limestone and dolomite lines. The shale effect led to the shifting of the points to the dolomite line. The range of porosity is from 15 to 30% (Fig. 9a&b). The Lower Bahariya Formation has a varied lithology of sandstone and limestone (Fig. 9c-d). Porosity values range from 10 to 25%, and some points are shifted towards the dolomite line. Figure (10, a&b) illustrates the M-N charts for the Upper Bahariya Formation in Nader-1 and Nader-2, respectively. Figure (10, c&d) illustrates the M-N charts for the Lower Bahariya Formation in Nader-1 and Nader-2, respectively. Figure (10, a&b) depicts the mineralogical composition of the Upper Bahariya reservoir. Many of the plotted points tend to be in the calcite and dolomite parts, in addition to some points shifted downward because of the shale effect. The plotted points of the Lower Bahariya fall on the quartz sandstone, dolomite, and calcite parts, but some points shifted in the lower right direction due to the presence of shale (Fig. 10 c&d).
Pressure data analysis
Table (1) represents the repeat formation tester (RFT) results for the Lower Bahariya reservoir in the Nader-8 well. The analysis of these pressure data indicates that the oil gradient is 0.35 psi/feet, the water gradient is 0.5 psi/feet, and the true vertical depth of OWC in the Lower Bahariya reservoir is 5724 feet (Fig. 11). By knowing that the Kelly bushing is 594 feet in the Nader-8 well, the value of the sub-sea true vertical depth can be calculated by the following equation (Wohlmutter 2015) to equal -5130 feet.
TVD- TVDss =KB (5)
Where, TVD is the true vertical depth, TVDss is the sub-sea true vertical depth, and KB is the Kelly bushing. By knowing that the value of the TVDss of OWC is constant for the same reservoir in the field and by using the value of KB for each well in the previous equation, the TVD of the original OWC can be calculated as shown in Table (2).
Petrophysical analysis
Figure (12, a&b) shows the CPI plots for the Upper Bahariya in the Nader-1 and Nader-2 wells, respectively. In these plots, the neutron-density logs show that the Upper Bahariya reservoir mostly consists of mixed lithology of sandstone, siltstone, shale, and limestone. Because of the high volume of shale and the existence of radioactive minerals in the Upper Bahariya, the gamma-ray readings became high against the sand. The petrophysical analysis of the Nader-1 well showed a net pay of 2 feet with Sh of 37%, PHIE of 20%, Sw of 63%, and Vsh of 16% (Fig. 12a). The Nader-2 well has the thickest net pay of 11 feet with Sh of 46.3%, PHIE of 24%, Sw of 53.7%, and Vsh of 12.5 (Fig. 12b). The petrophysical analysis shows the highest value of Sw at 92% and the lowest value of Sh at 8%, so there is no pay zone in the Nader-4 well. The thickness of the net-pay is 5 feet in Nader-8, with Sh of 41%, PHIE equals 20.6%, Vsh of 15%, and Sw of 59%. The Upper Bahariya petrophysical parameters using the CPI plot are summarized in Table (3). Fig. 13 shows the CPI plots for the Lower Bahariya, with the original OWC in the Nader-1well. The petrophysical analysis of the Nader-1well showed a net-pay of 13.5 feet, PHIE of 18.1%, Vsh of 13.8%, Sh of 61%, and Sw of 39%. The petrophysical analysis of the Nader-2 well showed a net pay of 1feet with Sh of 44%, PHIE of 15%, Sw of 56%, and Vsh of 16%. As there are multiple oil zones in the Lower Bahariya, there are multiple oil contacts. Fig. 14 illustrates the CPI plot for Lower Bahariya in Nader-8 with the original OWC and with the ODT (Oil Down to) at depths of 5724 ft. and 5868 feet, respectively. This well has the highest thickness of net-pay about 33 feet, with Sh of 65%, PHIE of 23%, Sw of 35%, and Vsh of 12.1%. The petrophysical parameters of the Lower Bahariya using the CPI plot are illustrated in Table (4). The average reservoir parameters in the four wells and those in the Nader-3 and Nader-6 that were taken from Khalda's internal report (Khalda 1997) were mapped to reflect their distribution laterally. Figure (15) shows the Upper Bahariya reservoir's net-pay thickness distribution map. This figure shows an increase in the net-pay thickness in the central part of the research area until reaching a maximum of 11 feet in the Nader-2 well and an increase in the northeastern direction. It also shows decreases in the southeastern and western directions, with a minimum value of zero in Nader-4. Figure (16, a&b) shows the PHIE and Vsh distribution maps of the Upper Bahariya reservoir, respectively. The central and northeastern parts of the mapped area have higher PHIE, while the rest of the area has lower PHIE (Fig. 16a). It also illustrates that PHIE values range from 13% at Nader-4 to 24% at Nader-2. The increasing and decreasing directions of the effective porosity map changed to the opposite direction for the Vsh distribution map (Fig. 16b). At the Nader-2 well, the Vsh is at its lowest point of 12.5%, while at the Nader-4 well; it reaches its greatest point of 23% (Fig. 16b). Figure (17, a&b) shows the Upper Bahariya reservoir's water and hydrocarbon saturation distribution maps, respectively. The Sw increases towards the western direction and decreases in the central part and in the eastern direction (Fig. 17a). The Nader-2 well has the lowest Sw value of 53.7%, while the Nader-4 well has the highest Sw value of 92% (Fig. 17a). The increasing and decreasing directions for the Sw distribution map changed to the opposite direction for the Sh distribution map (Fig. 17b). The Sh value for the Nader-4 well is 8%, while the Sh values for the Nader-2 and Nader-3 wells are 46.3 percent and 45.7 percent, respectively (Fig. 17b). Figure (18) shows the Lower Bahariya reservoir's net-pay thickness distribution map. Its thickness increases in the northeastern direction and decreases in the other directions of the research area. The Nader-6 well has a minimum value net-pay thickness of 0 feet, while the Nader-8 well has a maximum net-pay thickness of 33 feet (Fig. 18). The PHIE increases towards the northeastern direction while it decreases towards the northwest and reaches its least value towards the southern direction of the research area. The PHIE values range between 14% at Nader-6 well and 23% at Nader-8 well (Fig. 19a). The increasing and decreasing directions for the Vsh distribution map (Fig. 19b) changed to the opposite direction for the PHIE map. The Vsh attains its lowest value of 12.1% at the Nader-8 well and its highest value of 18% at the Nader-6 well (Fig. 19b). Figure (20, a&b) shows the water and hydrocarbon saturation distribution maps of the Lower Bahariya reservoir, respectively. Sw increases towards the northwestern direction and reaches its maximum value towards the southern direction and decreases towards the northeastern direction of the Lower Bahariya reservoir area (Fig. 20a). The Sw attains the lowest value of 35% at the Nader-8 well and a high value of 89% at the Nader-6 well (Fig. 20a). Figure (20) shows the increasing and decreasing directions of Sh map as it becomes in opposite direction for Sw map. The Nader-8 well has the highest hydrocarbon saturation of 65%, while the Nader-6 well has the lowest at 11% (Fig. 20b). When compared to the petrophysical parameters and hydrocarbon potential of the Bahariya reservoir in other Khalda ridge wells such as the Kenz, Yasser, and Salam wells, these results are considered satisfactory for hydrocarbon production (Shady et al. 2010). The estimated porosities of the investigated intervals are good. In Salam-5 well, the porosity of the upper Bahariya reservoir was 26%, and in Salam-17 well, the lower Bahariya reservoir's porosity was 23%. The formation is saturated with hydrocarbons according to the fluid analysis, which reaches 62.6 % in the Kenz well (Upper Bahariya) and 68.6 % in the Salam-5 well (Lower Bahariya), respectively (Shady et al. 2010).
Proposed evaluation
Because of the integration of subsurface and petrophysical evaluations in this study, three new locations are proposed. Figure (21, a&b) shows these three locations on the upper and lower Bahariya depth maps, respectively. Proposed locations 1 and 2 are positioned as being in the structurally high areas and on the 3-way dip closures that would be suitable for oil and gas accumulations. Proposed location-3 is located in a structurally high area that might be a 3-way dip closure or a 4-way dip closure. There is insufficient data to validate this point, since this area is at the end of the utilized seismic data. Therefore, it could be a possible area for drilling exploratory wells. Figure (22, a-c) depicts the seismic lines (x-line-15, x-line-10, and arbitrary line-17) that pass through proposed locations 1, 2, and 3, respectively. These figures confirm our structure and demonstrate the up dip for these locations. Moreover, if the petrophysical parameter maps are extrapolated, the expected value for these prospects will be calculated. The expected value of net-pay thickness will be 33 feet, 6.5 feet, and 24 feet for the proposed locations 1, 2, and 3, respectively (Fig. 23). The expected values of PHIE will be 22.2%, 17.4%, and 21.4% for the proposed locations 1, 2, and 3, respectively (Fig. 24). For proposed locations 1, 2, and 3, hydrocarbon saturation is projected to be 45%, 53.5%, and 67%, respectively (Fig. 25). The values of 55%, 46.5%, and 33% are the expected values of the water saturation for proposed Locations 1, 2, and 3, respectively (Fig. 26). For proposed locations 1, 2, and 3, shale volume is projected to be 13.5%, 13.55%, and 12.55% (Fig. 27). According to the petrophysical properties of the Upper Bahariya Formation, these locations have a range of 1 to 6 feet of net-pay thickness. They also have a range of 14.8 to 20.7 for effective porosity and a range of 11.4% to 21.8% for shale volume. The range of water saturation is 45.5% to 86% and the range of hydrocarbon saturation is 14% to 54.5%.