Study design
Cohort prospective observational study, from January 2018 to January 2019 following patients with CT treatment for OD whom were included in the Nutrition and Dietetics Unit (NDU) data base for home enteral nutrition management.
Study population
The sample was calculated based on an expected adherence of 50%[24][25], with 95% confidence and a precision of ± 7%. Based on these assumptions, a minimum sample of 196 individuals was estimated. Considering a 20% loss rate, the required sample was 250 individuals. From the total number of patients in our database, we randomly selected a sample of 258 patients, using a random number generator without repetition on line. We avoid choosing patients consecutively due to the risk of bias of any kind.
We set the inclusion/exclusion criteria as follows:
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Patients who do not want more exhaustive control of the treatment but want the control carried out so far.
Patients who reject the artificial food thickener.
Non feasible telephone follow-up.
Discharges; cessation of treatment for improvement, transfers or referrals.
The study was approved by the Ethical Committee for Clinical Research of the Bellvitge University Hospital of Barcelona (December 2017) PR346/17 (CSI 17/51).
CT Treatment:
Thickener treatment for OD is determined by the volume/viscosity (V/V) test which determines the safest and most effective volume and viscosity; nectar (N), honey (H) or pudding (P) [26]. Patients are identified with such treatment in hospital admissions, outpatient clinic, or in primary care. These patients are included in our NDU database and the product order (CT) is managed to be delivered directly to the patient's place of residence; home (H) or nursing home (NH). Ordinarily, Nursing homes had to contact UND via email every 3 months to make a formal request for CT delivery, indicating patient and dosage. At home, this request was made by telephoning each patient every 3 months. For the study a phone call was made in each situation (H/NH) and data was carefully registered, (in our department we registered deliveries sent that is number of CT cans that the patient received and when). Answers were checked by professionals of our department to contrast information given by patient with data registered.
At the time of the study the thickener available was starch-based. To cover patient’s needs deliveries were adjusted to liquid viscosity indicated. They were calculated on the basis of doses indicated by manufacturer (in this case Nutilis®), so that the consumption of cans over time is foreseen (Table 1). For delivery purposes we had to follow indications of manufacturers that is a minimum delivery of a box which contains 6 cans therefore, one box is delivered for nectar, and two for honey or pudding viscosities. When viscosity is unknown (because there is no indication) initially it is considered a pudding viscosity to ensure security. Later we attend patient’s/carer’s demands and adjust deliveries.
Dosage of commercial thickener (Nutilis®; available in cans of 300g).
(Average liquid consumption of 5 glasses (200ml)/day (1l)). [Range of 3–8 glasses/d.]
Table 1
Dosage of commercial thickener used (self-made according to manufacturer indications).
Daily Average (day) consumption
Length/consumption (days) of pots
Nectar: 1 scoop = 4g = 2 dessert spoons (ds)
20 [12–32] g/d.
15 [10–25] d.
Honey: 1.5 scoop = 6g = 2.5 ds.
Pudding: 2 scoops = 8g = 4 ds.
Within the year, a NDU dietitian made 4 calls, one every 3 months: Call1 at start (C1), Call 2 (C2) at 3rd month, Call 3 (C3) at 6th month, and Call 4 (C4) at 9th month to every patient and/or carers, with a total follow up of 9 months for each case. Data was collected in each call for study registration filling all parts of a questionnaire specially design for this study. The calls were made by the same UND dietitian to home and nursing homes, each lasting 10–20 minutes.
Adherence Study
Adherence is described by an international review for taxonomy as a conjunction of these terms:1-Initiation of the guideline, 2- Implementation and 3-Persistence [20]. Our study is based in this terminology with adaptation to analysis of the adherence of CT in a population with OD:
Initiation of treatment which is considered from data registered in the UND-database for each patient that is the data of initiation of CT.
Implementation defined as the extent to which the actual guideline reported by the patient matches the prescribed guideline. This has been assessed through a questionnaire that measures the adequacy of the use of the CT with respect to the indication established by the professional of NDU, the hydration (consumption of liquids) and finally checked with the consumption of CT registered in our data base.
Persistence defined as the time the patient is on treatment continuously [19]. This involves taking into account the term discontinuation of treatment which is the time the patient stops treatment [20]. In our study we have taken into account patient’s behaviour and we have counted the days they had been on treatment subtracting the estimated days without treatment (information referred by patients every three months).
A questionnaire was developed to measure implementation of CT. The questionnaire was developed by dietitians from UND, main managers of thickener dispensing. Questions and their coding were checked by the rest of the professionals who are part of the Hospital dysphagia committee; otorhinolaryngology, rehabilitation, geriatric, neurology and digestive physicians, nurses and speech language therapist, also by staff from the pharmacy service and externally by a professional expert in dysphagia from another hospital.
Questionnaire development
The questionnaire is divided into three sections (Table 2). Section 1 was designed to assess the correct use of the commercial thickener (CT). It consists of 5 questions, four with dichotomous answers and one quantitative. It considers where the patient uses CT and follows the guidelines given by health professionals. Patients who did not have an indicated viscosity did not score unless they receive further advice of a health professional. Total score for this section runs from 0 to 4, where the highest score indicates good use, i.e. adherence to the indicated guideline; 3 is moderate use (use that need improvement as answers failed in some of the questions such as no using CT in all liquids or fail in the correct dosage). The range 0–2 reflects poor use, failing in both use in all liquids and dosage (0 being no use at all).
The second section assesses hydration by considering water intake and total fluid intake, as these will influence the overall assessment of use and consumption hence global adherence. There are variations in the general recommendations for water intake. For the elderly they have been estimated at 1.0-1.5 L/day-3 L/day [27]. Considering these recommendations in 200ml glasses would be equivalent to an intake of 5-7.5-15 glasses per day. We therefore consider an intake greater than or equal to 5 glasses/day to be correct. A low consumption of liquids is taken into account for the evaluation of the next section as it can justify a low consumption of CT.
The third section assesses CT consumption as an indicator that may or may not support compliance with the indications made by the health professional as assessed in previous sections. This section is very specific to each hospital as dispensing management of CT varies. Items are adapted to our internal CT management process. Answers were checked by professionals of our department to contrast information given by patient with data registered. We have divided the questionnaire according to the place of residence as the management of the thickener differs. We have developed different questions that support each other to compensate for any inconsistencies we may find between answers. At H, it is possible to obtain more accurate information of certain aspects. Firstly, patients were asked about how long a can of CT lasts once it’s opened. This is to check if it is consistent with the viscosity referred in section 1 following commands of manufacturer doses. The next item asked about the number of cans remaining at H, also to check if it is consistent again with the viscosity indicated or the viscosity realized. In this sense, the next question is to know if there may have been setbacks that have promoted the accumulation of cans (admissions, deliveries errors, low liquid consumption, etc.). Next question (#13) compares information given so far with previous orders (assessing when it was sent and whether the information matches). In this sense the accuracy in the next order is also counted, to compare the need with what is required (sometimes the patient does not want a dispatch despite the fact that theoretically it would be a call).
In nursing homes it is not possible to specify how long a can lasts or how many cans of thickener are left, because cans are dispensed more disorderly. Sometimes the cans are use individually in the NH, is, but in general one can may be is used for several patients, and the organisation of the logistics of the thickener canisters is different in each NH. Therefore the congruence in the orders made and the record of deliveries was compared. The questionnaire consists of 7 questions for home patients and 4 for residential patients. Most of the answers are dichotomous and each answer can have a value of "1" or “2” (favourable response) or "0" (unfavourable response). An inadequate consumption pattern was considered when the sum of the responses was < 3, a moderate pattern = 3 and an adequate pattern when ≥ 4. Within the responses, possible setbacks that may have modified the consumption of thickener (hospital admissions, dispatch errors, reduced fluid intake) were considered. Poor consumption was considered when the CT deliveries did not match with data described in section 1. Moderate consumption was established when it did match but with inconsistencies in some aspects and finally, a good consumption was when all aspects matched.
To analyse patient’s behaviour of implementation of guidelines we have combined the results of section 1 and section 3 as follows (Table 3):
Good implementation:
-When CT use was good and consumption was good or moderate.
-When CT use was moderate and consumption was good, implementation was considered good.
Moderate implementation
-When CT use was good but consumption is poor.
-When use is moderate or poor consumption implementation kept moderate.
-When use is poor but there is a proper consumption (not common) it is considered moderate
Poor implementation
-When use is poor and consumption is moderate or poor.
-When use is moderate and consumption is poor.
We have checked for improvement or worsening of use, consumption and implementation between C1 and C4 according to the following criteria: Improvement, change from poor to moderate/good or moderate to good. Worsening was to change from good to moderate/poor or from moderate to poor.
Validation questionnaire
The readability of the questionnaire was initially assessed using INFLESZ, readability software in Spanish [28]. Specifically, section 1 (use) and section 2 (number of liquids) and section 3 (consumption) were subjected to a validation process. The content validity of these sections was determined using the Fehring Model [29]. This allows professional experts to assess whether each question is considered fit for purpose (representativeness for the CT adherence consultation) using a 5-point Likert scale; from strongly disagree (= 0) to strongly agree (= 1). The questions were scored with a simple sum or mean of the responses to the questionnaire ranked from 0 to 1 (0-0.25-0.5-0.75-1). The mean rating for each question, to be accepted as adequate, must be ≥ 0.8. A total of 15 professionals participated in this evaluation and the mean scores for the 6 questions ranged from 0.8 to 1 in all 3 sections. The information in section 3 is related to the functioning and organisation of our centre and is therefore very specific. For this reason, it was only decided to reach a consensus on its content among the UND professionals. No cross-checking was carried out as the answers were obviously going to be different, since the time elapsed influences consumption. Therefore, for sections 1 and 2, the questionnaire was tested for feasibility;. A group of 30 patients were tested for internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha, and a score of 0.73 was obtained. In the same group, a test-retest reliability analysis was performed by checking the responses of other dietitians in the team 15 days after they were first asked by another dietitian. The concordance analysis was measured with the Kappa test. The question "use of thickeners in all liquids" obtained a Kappa of 0.51 (moderate agreement) and the rest of the questions between 0.76 and 1 (good and very good agreement). The analysis of fluid intake between the answers of the first questionnaire and the next one was performed with Spearman's correlation test. The "number of glasses per day" obtained an r = 0.7 and the "number of glasses of other liquids" an r = 0.8 (both with p < 0.0001).
In C1, the following variables were included: Age, gender, diagnosis, highest educational level achieved (no formal education, primary, secondary or university education), person managing the thickener (patient, relatives or caregivers), dwelling; home (H) or nursing home (NH), days on CT (start of treatment in our centre), indicated regimen at the time of inclusion in treatment nectar (N), honey(HY), pudding (P), answers to questionnaire: use, hydration, consumption and implementation. In C2, C3 and C4, variables of change in patterns are added; Improvement, maintenance and deterioration of use, consumption and implementation .Finally reasons for non-adherence; dislike of CT, perception of improving in deglutition (patient or carer) and no specific reasons were recorded.
We contrasted different dimensions established in our questionnaire to check adherence in our sample, we analysed patients with an indicated viscosity to check for a correct implementation. The comparison of qualitative variables has been carried out using the Chi-square test, and for the evolution of qualitative variables McNemar. Statistic has been calculated with Spss® programme (SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics v 23).