We employed the clinical subtyping strategy of Fereshtehnejad and colleagues (the MMP-IM-DM criteria)7 to classify patients in a large longitudinal cohort-study of early-stage PD. The proportion of subtypes, baseline clinical characteristics, and progression rates were largely consistent with findings in de novo and mid-to-late-stage PD7,12,13, thereby validating the use of the MMP-IM-DM criteria, but now for early-stage PD.
Application of the MMP-IM-DM criteria led to three groups that were characterized by increasingly severe motor symptoms, cognitive impairment, REM-sleep behavior disorder, and autonomic dysfunction. A diffuse-malignant subtype showed relatively high symptom severity in all four domains, followed by an intermediate subtype, while a mild-motor predominant subtype showed the least severe symptoms, indicating that subtype classification was successful. We were able to confirm that these differences extended to a diverse set of clinical measurements beyond those that were used to implement the subtype classification, thereby corroborating previous findings in de novo PD7. Our study adds to these findings by providing a more extensive analysis of motor symptoms, showing that the diffuse-malignant subtype is characterized by motor symptoms that are less lateralized, less confined to the upper extremities, and consist of relatively more bradykinesia and PIGD. Moreover, we show that the diffuse-malignant subtype is associated with faster progression in both motor and non-motor domains, which has previously only been described for de novo and mid-to-late-stage PD7,12,13. In the motor domain, progression differences between subtypes were primarily confined to bradykinesia and PIGD. We also show that comparisons between subtypes that were classified based on a cognitive composite score or a binary variable indicating MCI yielded highly comparable results with respect to clinical differences at baseline and in progression.
Traditional subtyping approaches in PD research often classify patients based on the presence or absence of tremor and PIGD symptoms17. The presence of tremor has been linked to a more benign PD phenotype that resembles a mild-motor predominant subtype, whereas the absence of tremor in combination with the presence of PIGD has been linked to a more aggressive PD phenotype that resembles a diffuse-malignant subtype17–19. In our study, the motor phenotype of the diffuse-malignant subtype was characterized by more bradykinesia and PIGD symptoms. There was also a trend towards a reduction in the percentage of resting tremor relative to overall motor severity for this subtype compared to the mild-motor predominant subtype. This suggests a link between the subtyping approach used in this study and more traditional ones that rely on tremor and PIGD. However, the two approaches are unlikely to overlap completely. For example, we observed that the proportions of patients with considerable resting tremor16 was comparable between diffuse-malignant and mild-motor predominant subtypes. A previous study found that tremor-PIGD subtyping was less sensitive to progression differences between subtypes compared to the MMP-IM-DM criteria12. The improved sensitivity of the MMP-IM-DM criteria may result from having accounted for a wider clinical phenotype consisting of both motor and non-motor symptoms.
Clinical differences between PD subtypes may be partially explained by heterogeneity in neural mechanisms and pathological processes20. Neuroimaging studies employing the MMP-IM-DM criteria have shown that the diffuse-malignant subtype is characterized by heightened excitability and decreased plasticity in the primary motor cortex14, disrupted functional connectivity patterns, reduced basal ganglia tissue integrity21, and more structural atrophy7. These findings support the hypothesis that subtypes may differ with respect to underlying pathological processes, such as the accumulation and spread of ɑ-synuclein20,22−24. Recent evidence suggests that PD-related ɑ-synucleinopathy may spread bi-directionally between the central and peripheral nervous system25, and that the specific direction of this spread may be associated with different clinical phenotypes of PD20,22,23. It has been proposed that a peripheral initiation of ɑ-synuclein accumulation may be associated with older age-at-onset, diffuse symptomatology, and faster clinical progression. In contrast, a cortex-based initiation of ɑ-synuclein accumulation, which is more common in younger patients, may lead to a more focal onset of motor symptoms, targeting primarily one arm or leg, owing to a process of retrograde nigral degeneration that follows the somatotopic organization of descending corticostriatal projections22,24. We observed that the diffuse-malignant subtype was characterized by more severe motor and non-motor symptoms, older age, and faster progression, which matches the clinical phenotype of a peripheral-first type of ɑ-synucleinopathy. Conversely, the characteristics we observed for the mild-motor predominant subtype, especially with respect to the lateralization and focality of motor symptoms, overlap with the clinical phenotype of a central-first type of ɑ-synucleinopathy. Further research is required to investigate the relationship between clinically defined subtypes and subtypes defined by ɑ-synuclein propagation.
Previous research has shown that subtypes may not be stable over time12,26−30. Subtype conversions could result from disease progression such that all patients converge towards a diffuse-malignant phenotype in late-stage PD13. Consistent with this hypothesis, we show that a majority of convertors were classified with a more severe subtype at follow-up, with conversions primarily occurring between neighboring subtypes, and not between subtypes at each end of the spectrum. However, we also found that some patients (12%) were classified with a more benign subtype at follow-up, which has previously been found also in a notable proportion of patients with de novo PD (23%)26. Given the progressive nature of PD, it is unlikely that these improvements reflect a remission of symptoms. These improvements, and the resulting conversions to more benign subtypes, may rather be attributed to sources of sampling error, such as test-retest and assessor variability, and the relatively short follow-up period of one year that was employed in this study. Furthermore, initiation of treatment may explain why some symptoms improved with follow-up, leading to more benign subtype classification.
The subtyping approach proposed by Fereshtehnejad and colleagues7 includes the option to replace the cognitive composite score with a binary variable indicating MCI, which is regularly assessed in a clinical setting with measurements such as the MoCA. We found that the MCI-based classification yielded proportions of subtypes that showed high agreement with the original classification that relied on cognitive composite scores. The MCI-based classification also led to highly consistent between-subtype differences in baseline measurements and disease progression. This suggests that MCI, as defined by a single measure of global cognitive function, may be a reliable substitute in cases where the calculation of a composite score across multiple cognitive domains is not feasible. However, it should be noted that composite scores constitute more precise measurements of cognitive performance and will likely lead to more accurate and meaningful classifications.
Our study included patients with a range of disease durations from 0 to 5 years, which may have influenced subtype classifications15,30. To account for this, we split the cohort at the median disease duration and applied separate classifications to the two resulting groups. There was no difference in disease duration between subtypes after combining the two groups. Our results are therefore not attributable to differences in disease duration. It may be argued that splitting the cohort at the median disease duration could influence the distribution of subtype counts. However, the proportions of patients assigned to each subtype was almost identical in the two groups. Furthermore, these proportions are consistent with previous findings7,12,13, indicating that the median split did not bias subtype classification in favor of any one subtype.
Two concerns can be raised with respect to our analysis of progression. First, one year is a relatively short follow-up time for symptoms to worsen in PD. Second, progression was estimated based on two timepoints, potentially confounding change over time with sampling error. Both concerns are partially diminished by our large sample size, which provides adequate power to detect small changes over time while simultaneously ensuring that estimates of change are resistant to sampling error. However, further studies with longer follow-up times and additional timepoints will be required to establish the reliability of the between-subtype differences in progression that we observed.