Glasshouse details, aphid colonies, SbDV cultures and inoculation. All plants were grown in commercial premium potting mix (Baileys, Australia) inside a naturally lit air-conditioned glasshouse kept at 15°C to 25°C located at South Perth, Australia (31°59'22"S, 115°53'09"E). For aphid colonies and SbDV infected source material, faba bean cv. Fiord and subterranean clover cv. Dalkeith were used, respectively. SbDV isolate WA-8 was obtained from subterranean clover in 2018 at Torbay, Western Australia (35°01'36"S, 117°38'57"E). Leaf samples from plants infected with SbDV were used as positive controls, and uninfected plants as negative controls in quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP). Colonies of A. pisum (Supplementary Figure S1), A. kondoi Shinji (blue green aphid) and M. persicae were maintained inside aphid rearing cages (Bugdorm, Australia) kept in an air-conditioned controlled environment room (maintained at 20°C with a 16 h photoperiod). For inoculations, aphids were given a 48 h acquisition access period (AAP) on a SbDV culture plant before being transferred to test plants using a fine-tipped paintbrush and given a 48 h inoculation access period (IAP). These time periods are deemed optimal for SbDV transmission [8]. All plants were then treated with an imidacloprid soil drench (0.125g/litre) to eliminate aphids.
RNA extraction, qPCR and LAMP.
All RNA extractions of test plants in experiments were done using the QIAGEN RNeasy plant mini-kit according to manufacturer instructions (QIAGEN, Australia). Based on previous research indicating SbDV reaches highest concentration in younger tissue [21], only the younger leaves of plants were sampled for testing in this study.
The set of qPCR primers and probe and LAMP primers developed and used to test for presence of SbDV infection in this study were derived from the ORF1 gene nt sequence of SbDV isolate WA-8 (Table 1).
Table 1
Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) primers and probes derived from ORF1 nt sequence of SbDV isolate WA-8 developed for this study.
Sequence 5' to 3'
All RT-qPCR reactions were done using the QIAGEN Rotor-Gene multiplex RT-PCR kit on the QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q (QIAGEN, Australia). In a total volume of 25 µL, the reaction mixture contained 1 µL of total RNA extraction template, 12.5 µL of 2X QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Multiplex PCR Master Mix, 1 µL of Rotor-Gene Reverse Transcriptase Mix, 0.5 µL of each primer and 1.25 µL of probe 10 µM stock, and 5 µL of RNAse free water. The SbDV assay was run on the orange channel, and an internal control assay which amplified the NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 5 (nad5) mitochondrial gene run on the yellow channel [4, 39]. The cycling conditions were initial denaturation at 95°C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 15 s, and annealing and elongation at 60°C for 15s. The threshold was manually set at 0.5 and a positive result was indicated by a Ct value of ≤ 30, an indeterminate result if 31 to 35 and negative if > 35 or no Ct value given. Indeterminate samples were retested using RT-LAMP.
All RT-LAMP reactions were done using a dual-block (eight reaction wells per block) Genie® II instrument (Optigene, United Kingdom). In a total volume of 25 µL, the reaction mixture contained 1 µL of total RNA extraction template, 15 µL of ISO-004RT master mix (Optigene, United Kingdom), 0.5 µL each of F3 and B3, 2 µL FIP and BIP and 1 µL LF2 and LB2 10 µM primer stock, and 2 µL of RNase free water. The reaction mixture was incubated at 65°C for 40 minutes followed by an annealing step for 10 minutes. Results were analysed in real-time via amplification and annealing graphs. A sample was considered positive if fluorescence exceeded 10,000 and peaked within the incubation time, and annealing temperatures within 1°C of those of the positive controls.
Vector species of SbDV isolate WA-8.
In repeat experiments 1a and 1b, ten A. pisum, A. kondoi and M. persicae per plant were used to inoculate ten subterranean clover cv. Dalkeith plants and five plants were left uninoculated as negative controls. At 21 and 35 days after inoculation (DAI), all plants were checked for leaf reddening symptoms and leaf samples were tested for SbDV infection by RT-qPCR.
Experimental host range of SbDV in pasture legumes.
In experiment 2a, seedlings of 29 cultivars representing 18 pasture legume species (Table 3) were grown in small pots (160 mm high by 130 mm diameter). At the two leaf growth stage, plants were inoculated with SbDV using five aphids per plant. Just one cultivar per species was used except for subterranean clover (nine cultivars), French serradella (O. sativus, three cultivars) and red clover (two cultivars). Due to seed availability and germination rate differences, the number of plants inoculated varied between cultivars. In experiment 2b, cultivars with ≤ 2 plants infected in experiment 2a were inoculated with 10 aphids per plant. In both experiments, each set of plants was split into two and inoculated at separate times as repeats. Two plants per cultivar were left uninoculated as negative controls. At 21 and 35 DAI, tip leaf samples from all plants were tested for SbDV infection by RT-LAMP or RT-qPCR.
Susceptibility of grain legumes and common bean.
In experiments 3a, seedlings of field pea cvs Kaspa and Gunyah, faba bean cvs Fiord and Samira, chickpea cvs Genesis and Hattrick, lentils cvs Hurricane and Jumbo2, narrow-leafed lupin cvs Mandelup and Jurien and albus lupin cvs Luxor and Amira, and common bean vegetable cvs Borlotti and Simba were grown in small pots (160 mm high by 130 mm diameter). Ten plants of each cultivar were inoculated with SbDV using five aphids per plant at the two to three-leaf growth stage. A further five plants of each cultivar were left uninoculated as negative controls. At 21 and 35 DAI, all plants were tested for SbDV infection by RT-qPCR and RT-LAMP. Experiment 3b was a repeat of experiment 3a.
Sensitivity of grain legumes.
In experiments 4a to 4c, seedlings of grain legume cultivars were grown in large pots (230 mm high by 270 mm diameter) and organised into a factorial randomized block design. In experiment 4a, field pea cv. Kaspa, faba bean cv. Fiord, lentil cv. Hurricane, chickpea cv. Hattrick and subterranean-clover cv. Dalkeith were tested. In experiments 4b and 4c, field pea cv. Gunyah, faba bean cv. Samira, lentil cv. Jumbo2 and chickpea cv. Genesis were tested in addition to those tested in experiment 4a. Subterranean-clover was not tested in experiment 4c. The appropriate rhizobium (ALOSCA Technologies, Australia) for each species was applied immediately after sowing to the soil surface. Up to 10 plants of each cultivar were inoculated with SbDV at the two to three-leaf growth stage, and an equal number of plants were left uninoculated as controls. At 21 and 35 DAI, all plants were tested for SbDV infection by RT-LAMP and RT-qPCR. Plants that were inoculated but did not become infected were treated as uninfected plants in statistical analysis. Plants were observed for symptoms throughout their life. Once plants senesced, they were harvested to measure growth variables. In all experiments, pods were removed, and the remaining oven dried above ground biomass (AGB) was weighed. Furthermore, depending on the cultivar and the experiment, the pods were counted, and for each plant ten pods were randomly selected to measure their length and the number of seeds in each. Pods were threshed to obtain seed, and the weight of 20 randomly selected seeds and total seed yield were measured for each plant. Pod and seed data were not available or incomplete for every cultivar in every experiment because of rodent damage to pods (field pea, lentil and chickpea in experiment 4b), poor growth and podding in some cultivars (lentil in experiment 4c) or because AGB was the primary focus (subterranean clover).
A paired two-sample T-test was used to analyse differences in individual variables between infected and uninfected plants of each cultivar. Multiple linear regression was used to examine relationships between growth variables for each species. To enable comparison across cultivars and experiments, the difference in AGB between the infected and uninfected plant in each block for all three experiments was calculated. Statistical analysis on mean AGB reduction across all cultivars was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s honest significant difference (HSD). All statistical analyses were conducted in RStudio 1.4.1717 (RStudio PBC, USA).