3.1. Screening of culture medium
The culture medium was the basis of microbial growth and development, which provided the nutrients and energy for fermentation of microbe. A suitable culture medium was beneficial to mycelium growth and product synthesis by P. eryngii-3 in this work. The nine different culture mediums were detected through DCW, total protein, polysaccharides, tie-back speed, and diameter of mycelium in Table 4. The kinds of medium had different effect on physiological and biochemical parameter of P. eryngii-3. The DCW of medium 3 was the maximum (5.9863 ± 0.3518 g/L) in the tested medium, which was 17 times more than medium 9 (0.3513 ± 0.0424 g/L). The parameter of total protein was affected to varying degrees by medium and also reached maximum (0.0811 ± 0.0642 mg/mL) in medium 3. The type of culture medium caused great difference in polysaccharides, in which the polysaccharides achieved 0.2536 ± 0.0161, 0.2303 ± 0.0651, 0.2123 ± 0.0001 and 0.2034 ± 0.0004 mg/mL in medium 5, 8, 3 and 4 respectively. The higher values of tie-back speed were got 0.6725 ± 0.0106, 0.5150 ± 0.0000 and 0.5075 ± 0.0601 mm/d in medium 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The diameter of mycelium in medium 3 reached maximum 2.07000 ± 0.3137 mm. According to the above data analysis, the medium 3 was suitable for growth and metabolism of P. eryngii-3.
3.2. Optimization of carbon and nitrogen sources
Based on the selected medium, the optimization of carbon and nitrogen sources was necessary for enhancement of biomass and effective composition by P. eryngii-3. The five kinds of carbon sources (glucose, corn flour, maltose, lactose, and fructose) were investigated into DCW, total protein and polysaccharides by P. eryngii-3 in Fig. 1. There was different effect on DCW and polysaccharides by different types of carbon sources, in which corn flour had obvious advantage than others (7.512 g/L and 0.3167 mg/mL). The trend of total protein was not distinct by different carbons. After comprehensive comparison, corn flour was determined as the carbon of medium for the fermentation of P. eryngii-3.
Homoplastically, the suitable nitrogen source was selected from soybean meal, peptone, beef extract, sodium nitrate, and urea in Fig. 2. The effect of urea was found that inhibited the growth of P. eryngii-3, in which three parameters were all 0. The biomass and metabolites of P. eryngii-3 by beef extract was lower than peptone, sodium nitrate and soybean meal. The effect of soybean meal was better than other nitrogen sources, the DCW, polysaccharides and total protein was respectively 5.486 g/L, 0.213 mg/mL, and 0.067 mg/mL. Therefore, soybean meal was confirmed as the optimized nitrogen source.
Then, the concentration of screened carbon and nitrogen sources was optimized by biostatistical method. The two-factor three-level orthogonal test of corn flour and soybean meal was designed for identifying the content of carbon and nitrogen sources in Table. 1. The tendency of DCW was increased by the increasing content of corn flour, and there was no difference of DCW by 30 and 40 g/L of corn flour (mean value 8.2684 and 8.7815 g/L, respectively). The trend of total protein and polysaccharides were similar with DCW by increasing corn flour. While, there was the same effect by test of soybean meal. When corn flour and soybean meal were 40 g/L, the DCW reached the maximum (9.1782 g/L), and total protein and soluble sugar reached higher level (0.0201 and 0.2456 mg/mL, respectively). Therefore, the concentration of corn flour and soybean meal were both set as 40 g/L.
3.3. Determination of culture time by P. eryngii-3
Based on the optimization of medium composition, the experiment of culture time was demonstrated the fermentation period of P. eryngii-3. As Fig. 3A shown, the trend of DCW by P. eryngii-3 was displayed the increased and then decreased. And the maximum of DCW was obtained at 168 h, which maximum value was 9.35 g/L. Meanwhile, the tendency of total protein and soluble sugar were similar with that of DCW, in which the peak value was appeared at 168 h (total protein 0.081 mg/mL, polysaccharides 0.25 mg/mL). Furthermore, the dynamic change of laccase activity was monitored by the fermentation of P. eryngii-3 in Fig. 3B. the activity of laccase wad increased from 120 h to 168 h, and then remained stable (5.35 U/mL at 168 h), which also indicated the maximum of laccase activity was acquired at 168 h. Therefore, the fermentation period was set as 168 h.
3.4. Optimization of fermentation conditions by P. eryngii-3
To further improve the fermentation effect, the optimization of fermentation conditions was operated by P. eryngii-3. The result of pH optimization was displayed in Fig. 4A, in which the trend of DCW, laccase activity, total protein and polysaccharides were all first rise and then fall. The maximum of DCW, laccase activity and polysaccharides were appeared at pH = 6, in which the maximum value were respectively 9.86 g/L, 5.43 U/mL and 0.29 mg/mL. The maximum value of total protein was 0.18 mg/mL, which was at pH = 7. The effect of temperature on fermentation of P. eryngii-3 was in Fig. 4B. The trend of DCW, total protein and polysaccharides were identical, in which the maximum of DCW, total protein and polysaccharides were 11.87 g/L, 0.13 mg/mL, and 0.31 mg/mL at 27 °C. The laccase activity was shown very steady during the different temperature treatment.
As Fig. 4C shown, the tendency of DCW, laccase activity, total protein and polysaccharides were similar by optimization of volume. The suitable volume was 90 mL, in which the maximum value of DCW, laccase activity, total protein and polysaccharides were 12.23 g/L, 5.96 U/mL, 0.15 mg/mL, and 0.39 mg/mL. The effect of rotate speed was shown in Fig. 4D, in which the maximum value of DCW, total protein and polysaccharides were 14.16 g/L, 0.14 mg/mL and 0.41 mg/mL at 150 r/min. the laccase activity was 5.96, 6.13 and 5.84 U/mL at 145, 150 and 155 r/min respectively. Therefore, the optimized results of pH, temperature, liquid medium volume and rotate speed was respectively pH = 6, 27 °C, 90 mL and 150 r/min, in which the DCW and laccase activity were respectively increased by 51.4% and 14.6%.
3.5. Transcription profiling of P. eryngii-3 four Laccase Gene
The laccase activity was significantly improved after optimization of medium and fermentation condition, which might be affected by the variational transcription level of genes encoding laccase. Thus, the transcription level of genes about laccase (lcc1, lcc5, lcc8, and lcc12) were investigated in this work. The changing tendency of lcc genes were analogical, which was firstly increased then decreased in Fig. 5. The transcription level of lcc1 was up-regulated at 120, 168 and 216 h in Fig. 5A, which were respectively 3.23,10.25 and 4.77 folds than control. The expression levels of lcc5 and lcc8 were similar in Fig. 5B and C, which were respectively 1.29, 3.32, 1.62 and 1.59, 2.33, 1.30 folds at 120, 168 and 216 h. The transcription level of lcc12 was improved in Fig. 5D, which were respectively 4.35, 6.29 and 1.61 folds than control after optimization.
3.6. Optimization of significant variables by BBD
The results of RSM were shown as three different gradients for temperature (A), volume (B), and rotate speed (C) in Fig. 6. The following polynomial models were derived from the cubic models:
DCW=17.66+0.1812*A-0.2075*B-0.3762*C-0.0055*AB+1.32*AC+0.44*BC- 1.78*A2-1.98*B2-2.17*C2
The experimental data on ethanol production were analyzed and fit a cubic model with high R2 values (0.9758). Setting significance at the 5% level (P < 0.05), the model P value was < 0.0001, which implied that the model was significant in Table. 5. And, the significance of lack of fit was 0.0043 < 0.01, which mean the difference between the fitted model function and the real function was very small, and the fitting effect was very good.