The aim of in situ sampling was to assess microplastic debris in wetland and their penetration in biological system. Water filtration of two different sites is done by towing for three seasons which are - Summer (May 2018), Monsoon (August 2018) and Winter (January 2019). Summer season was hot and dry whereas winds in rainy season with precipitation damp climate recorded. Weather was calm in winter and temperatures usually hovering between 0°C and 16°C. Highest flow was observed in rainy season followed by winter. To maximize the water surface area analyzed and limit forces induced by strong currents, the net was only immersed halfway. Only the floating debris superior to 6 cm is collected and the debris, including macro-plastics, that sink or settle on the riverbed are neglected.
The banks of the wetland were covered with water hyacinth, which has become a common occurrence for any fresh water body. Due to the small mesh size of the net, many large particles were collected in every season, out of which many were green leaves and other organic waste. It was difficult to select synthetic polymers as there were clear and natural-colored particles.
The initial study was completed along with a morphological examination. This allowed material to be assessed; such as whether it was a synthetic or natural organic polymer. These particles were recognized alphabetically for future records (Figure 2, a)
In the lab after exhaustive morphological examination of particles, in summer season a total 7 particles from site 1 (Gurudwara Nanaksar sahib, Harike wetland) and 9 from site 2 (Indira Gandhi canal/ Rajasthan canal) were grab for microscopic observation. These particles were illuminated, lightweight fibers, films and irregular in shape varied from 1 mm to 4 mm in size. The most frequent particles morphologically observed were films followed by fragments and fibers. These particles passed through hot needle test under observation of binocular stereo microscope and only 6 particles of site 1 and 5 from site 2 shrunk and confirm as synthetic material because as synthetic things shrink when coming in contact with hot needle (De Witte et al., 2014). A total 9+6 from site 1 and 2 in monsoon and 15+11 in winter season particles sorted out respectively by same procedure. This time all particles were confirmed as synthetic by point hot needle test. In rainy season out of which 2 particles (K and N, Fig.2-a2) were larger in size, 8.85mm and 9.85mm so not consider as microplastic. Rest of the particles carefully preserved in glass container for spectroscopic analysis.
In rainy season 8.11mg and in winter 6.45mg wt. of particles sized more than 305 µm recovered after sieving. Same 7.9 and 9.12mg for size between 305 to 200 µm, 4.15 and 6.88 for 100 to 200 µm and 4.2 and 6.97mg below 100 but larger than 50 µm was estimated for rainy and winter season from site one and two respectively. A comparative table for both sites and all seasons is given below (Table 1) These particles divided in two equal quantities for vibrational and mass spectroscopy. Paired sample t-test was to be applied for two sites and it was found that the significant value is greater than 0.05 (p > 0.05) so there is no quantitative significant difference between the two sites. The second analysis took place between seasons and Statistical difference was found in rainy and winter season for site 2 (Harike canal) as P<0.05 but there was no difference for site 1 (Near gurudwara nanaksar sahib) with P>0.05 for microplastic quantity. Winter being near to post rainy season therefore high contaminants was present in water. It appears that the contaminants brought by the rivers are not only affecting the Harike wetlands but also reaching other states which are miles away through the canal.
Table 1: Comparative table for both sites and all seasons for depicting the weight of sample residues (mg) obtained from different mesh size filter cloth.
Mesh Size (µm)
Site 1
Site 2
Vibrational spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR)
To set up a general spectral database, 15 different common polymer beads samples from plastic industry were measured via attenuated total reflection (ATR)-FTIR spectroscopy. When spectra of these beads compared to the spectra of scientifically sourced polymers, the appearance and number of identifiable wavenumbers were nearly identical. After that MPs were detected from all effort i.e., morphological examination and sieved from different mesh size samples measured via ATR-FTIR. Table 3 summarizes the main ATR-FTIR absorption
bands of the samples analyzed in this study. All visible particles of different seasons were shows various characteristic bands matching with high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyamide (Nylon-6). The typical HDPE peaks were 719 cm-1 δrocking* C - H (−CH2−), 2854 cm-1, 2925 cm-1 νas** and νs*** −CH2− and a peak 1472cm-1 δs in-plane C−H. Overlapping (ORIGINPro9 64-bit) these peaks with the spectra of standard plastic beads (HDPE) resulted in approximate matching (Figure 3 - b). Hence hot needle test gave confirmation about the synthetic nature of particles whereas ATR-FTIR gave an indication about the functional groups of HDPE. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE), both materials only showed small differences by additional spectra 1377 cm-1 in LDPE.
In all size sieved residue second type of polymer polyamide (Nylon-6) identified with reference spectra 675cm-1 N-H bend, 1196cm-1 CH2 bending, 1263cm-1 N-H bend, C-N stretch, 1369cm-1 νs CH2 bending, 1465cm-1 νs* CH2 , 1538cm-1 δin plane -NH and ν C-N, 1636 cm-1 ν C=O stretch, 2855cm-1 νs, 2932 cm-1 νas and 3298 cm-1 N-H stretch.
**stretching asymmetrical
*** stretching symmetrical
Except these spectra some other spectra were also observed such as 1741cm-1, 1840cm-1, 1892cm-1, 1959cm-1 which are for monosubstituted aromatic rings found in polystyrene (PS) but further it could not be confirmed by Pyr. GC-MS.
GC-MS analysis
Single visible particles each from all suspected plastic category by ATR-FTIR and parts of particle size above 305 µm and between 100 to 200 µm sieved residue analyzed by GC-MS. As the degradation pattern of polymer remains identical, identification of compounds was carried out by studying and comparison of mass spectra of sample with the available fragmentation pattern of polymers in WILEY and NIST library out of which the most matching one. The fragmentation of HDPE includes 1-heptene, 1,9-decadiene, 1-Decene, n-decane, 1-undecene, 1-tetradecene, 1-eicosene, 1-triacontene, 1-tetracontene, 1-hentetracontene. Mostly polyamide breaks in 1- pentenenitrile, pentanenitrile, 6-aminohexanenitrile, €-caprolactam, N-(5-cyanopentyl) butyramide, N-(5-cyanopentyl) hex-5-enamide, N-(5-cyanopentyl)hexanamide, 6-acetamido-N (5cyanopentyl) hexanamide, 6-butyramido-N-(5-cyano pentyl) hexanamide, N-(5- cyanopentyl)-6- hexanamide) fragments.
The first fragments matched in the mass spectrum of the sample were 1-heptene, a very common degraded fragment of HDPE. An intensity of 98 m/z was low in the graph, but this is due to degradation, when the bonds break and the alkanes separate. In the analysis of the expanded mass spectrum of 1-heptene, peak no. 83, 69, 55, 41 and 27 which usually refers to the shortened mass due to the separation of methane, ethane propane and so on. Another HDPE product 1-decene observed at 8.6 min with characteristic fragment ion m/z 140. Similarly other fragments of HDPE such as tetradecane m/z 198 with its degraded fragment peaks 155,127,99,85,71,57,43 and undecene m/z 168 with its fragments m/z 140, 111, 69,43.
The most frequent particles morphologically observed were films followed by fragments and fibers. These particles are major component of microplastics delivered by atmospheric deposition (Dris et al., 2016). In addition to atmospheric deposition, riverine (Baldwin et al., 2016) (wastewater/washer effluents in rivers) (Browne et al., 2011), shoreline runoff, litter and uses of cement bags at bank of wetland to avoid erosion are speculated sources of debris to surface water sites.
The findings of this study show that both ATR-FTIR and GCMS are capable of characterizing the chemical composition of ambient MPs and can complement one another.
Organic and inorganic contaminants in IR spectra might overlap polymer bands and obstruct spectroscopic evaluation, which is a drawback of FTIR.
Because GCMS polymer databases are currently being built and are not as well-known as FTIR polymer databases, time-consuming literature study or professional experience may be necessary in some circumstances.
Our results reveal the presence of microplastics in water throughout wetland, and variation of microplastic number between seasons and sampling sites. In the case of macroplastic, it is usually assumed that approximately 80% of trash originates from land-based sources (Allsopp et al., 2006).
In carp
For the separation of gut contents, guts were measured having mean weight of 5.50gm and each fish gut was carefully washed with distilled water followed by
incision and content was collected. Visible particles with size 1.17mm, 1.81mm, 2.91mm, 3.38mm, 2.60mm, 4.72mm, 2.51mm, 1.13mm were separated during physical sorting
and kept separately for further analysis. 11 particles which were separated initially with the help of foreceps from 7 fish gut on an average 1.57 particles/gut, they were
subjected to hot needle test for confirmation of plastic nature where they found same. Point hot needle test followed by ATR – FTIR characterization which gave information about the type of polymer in these plastic particles. Out of them one particle was confirmed as Polystyrene, 3 as polyamide and rest seven particles were confirmed as Polyethylene. Since 7 fish guts showed the presence of microplastic in them out of 171 fish, so 4.09% of fish were carrying visible microplastic.
Intentional or accidental ingestion of environmental microplastics or ingestion by direct consumption of contaminated prey at lower trophic levels, is responsible for microplastic presence in the fish gut (Jovanović et al., 2018). Therefore, such particles might be ingested accidently by fish or misinterpreted as prey or even transferred through other animals at lower trophic levels. Smaller the size of microplastic particles, greater is the possibility of accidental ingestion, similarly the quantity of the effect of plastic ingestion relies upon on the particle size and the organism consuming the particle (de Vries et al., 2020). Though many studies have revealed the presence of microplastic in fish gut, however it has to be confirmed whether the particles remain in gut for longer period or they are capable to pass through the gut to non-digestive tissues as well to authenticate its biological impacts (Koongolla et al., 2020).