We outline here the strategy to identify novel α-amylase inhibitors with antidiabetes activity by using two different approaches based on molecular docking studies. First, we performed a virtual high-throughput screening from which a potential list of α-amylase inhibitors was identified. Then, we performed a validation of the binding site for α-amylase antidiabetic activity. Then, molecular dynamics simulations were performed in order to identify and check the stability of the ligand-α-amylase interaction determined by molecular docking.
Finally, once the active binding site has been validated, potential anti-diabetic compounds were docked (blind and site-specific docking) with α-amylase so that the amino acid interactions and docking score values are reported. Only molecules with both low docking scores and the same amino acid interactions pattern with α-amylase as acarbose will be selected as molecules with potential therapeutic antidiabetes activity.
Virtual screening of potential α-amylase inhibitors
A site-specific molecular docking study was performed for reference α-amylase inhibitor (acarbose) as well as over 380,000 compounds from three different commercial databases with Schrödinger software28 and using the OPLS3e force field.29 This software allows performing high-performance ligand-receptor docking to accelerate structure-based drug design. This is made possible by Schrödinger because it offers different ranges of speed/accuracy options: from the HTVS (high-throughput virtual screening) mode to the XP (extra precision) mode, where a more extensive sampling and advanced scoring is performed. The receptor grid for this HTVS was generated considering the position of the co-crystallized reference antidiabetic drug acarbose in the α-amylase reported structure (PDB: 1B2Y). Using the docking score as the only criteria (which will be refined later), 16 compounds (Table 1) were selected as promising candidates for antidiabetic activity. These compounds (Figure S1, SI) present a docking score value lower than -7.95 kcal/mol, which corresponds to the acarbose (reference drug).
Table 1. High-throughput site-specific docking score values (Schrödinger software) of potential α-amylase inhibitors across three databases of compounds. For reference, the value of acarbose is also included.
Docking score
Discovery Systems, Inc.
Discovery Systems, Inc.
Discovery Systems, Inc.
Diptrobin A
Discovery Systems, Inc.
Hederacoside C
Discovery Systems, Inc.
Discovery Systems, Inc.
Discovery Systems, Inc.
Αlpha-amylase binding site validation: blind docking vs. site-specific docking
The structure of the α-amylase co-crystallized with the reference antidiabetic drug acarbose (PDB:1B2Y) contains specific amino acids that interact preferentially with acarbose and are related to its pharmacologic activity. A heavy benchmark for the software should be to test if a blind docking calculation of acarbose in α-amylase is able to find the specific site of interaction as found in the crystallized structure. For this task, we have used AutodockVina. Water and other additional molecules present in the crystallographic structure were removed from α-amylase for the calculations. The enzyme’s polar hydrogens were explicitly considered, and Kollman partial charges30 were calculated. For the drug candidates, Gasteiger partial charges31 were defined and non‐polar hydrogen atoms were added. Finally, the complexes were subsequently analysed and ranked based on their binding affinity. The interaction profiles were utilised to evaluate the interactions between the proteins and the compounds. The history files for the selected docking poses were stored and visualized using Biovia Discovery Studio Visualizer software32 (version 21.1).
The results are shown in Table 2 and Figure 1. In the calculations, only the 9 most stable locations will be selected, called from ‘mode 1’ to ‘mode 9’, according to the notation employed by AutoDock-Vina software, with ‘mode 1’ being the most stable and the others corresponding to increasingly weaker compound-protein interactions. ‘Mode 5’, among the most stable, is reasonably close to the experimental location of acarbose. Given the structural complexity of proteins, finding the active site among the 9 most stable can be considered a sufficiently accurate result, and this has been the case using AutodockVina when exploring the binding sites of acarbose in α-amylase.
Table 2. Acarbose blind docking score values on α-amylase using AutoDockVina. For reference, the site-specific docking score is also included. ‘Mode 5’ corresponds, very approximately, to the same location than that for the site-specific docking, which in turns corresponds to the active site experimentally found (PDB: 1B2Y) 7.
Docking score (kcal/mol)
Site-specific docking
An analysis of specific interactions between α-amylase and acarbose in Mode 5 (blind docking) is shown in Figure 2. Docking of the compounds to the enzyme revealed a network of non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonds, pi-sigma, pi‐pi (T-shaped and stacked conformations) and pi‐alkyl interactions. Mode 5 of acarbose is close to the experimental location that defines the active site with the therapeutic activity that should be the target for potential new drugs. Site-specific docking, by giving a location closer to the crystallized location (Figure 3), allows establishing a more accurate estimation of the relevant interactions between α-amylase and acarbose, and they are included as reference in Table 3. A comparison with other compounds will allow an assessment of their potential therapeutic activity.
The partial overlap of the Mode 5 configuration (from blind docking) in the actual binding site of the enzyme is confirmed by comparing the interacting residues depicted in Figures 2 and 3. Among the 12 residues interacting with the site-specific docking geometry (Figure 3, Table 3), 6 were detected in the mode 5 geometry (HIS-305, TRP-59, GLN-63, HIS-299, TYR-62 and GLU-233).
Αlpha-amylase binding site validation: MD simulations of stability of α-amylase-acarbose complex.
Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out in order to evaluate the stability of acarbose blind docking modes, when compared to the crystallographic structure. Furthermore, by taking into account a flexible system, solvated and with counter ions, the binding site and interactions established can be compared with the results from the previous section. Four simulations were considered: containing only the enzyme and the enzyme with acarbose (Figure S1a, SI) at three different initial positions: experimental (PDB:1BY2)7, mode 5 from blind docking (Figure 2), and mode 1 from site-specific docking (Figure 3).
Movies of the MD simulations can be accessed by the QR codes in Figure S2 (SI) and they illustrate that, structurally, the three acarbose locations simulated do not lead to significant changes in the enzyme, as shown in Figure 4a by the small RMSD values of the enzyme (between 1.5 and 2.0 Å), which is analogous to the RMSD considering only the enzyme in solution. Likewise, the average radius of gyration gives very similar values, 23.1 ± 0.1 Å for the co-crystallized geometry, and 23.3 ± 0.1 Å for mode 1 and mode 5 from blind docking, and enzyme without drug.
Concerning drug dynamics, acarbose stays bound to the enzyme throughout all sampling conformations, close to its initial configuration over the 135 ns simulation. While small changes in drug position were observed during the simulation of acarbose in its co-crystallized geometry and blind docking mode 5 (Figures 4b, 5a, 5b), the mode 1 from blind docking presented a wider mobility (Figures 4b, 5c).
Acarbose geometry from 1B2Y crystallographic structure is composed by a disubstituted amine, containing a disaccharide and a trisaccharide group (Figure S1a, SI). Although all acarbose chains are initially in contact with the enzyme surface in the initial configuration of the ‘mode 1’ simulation (Figure S3a, SI), the disaccharide moiety presented considerable mobility, being completely solvated after the first 16 ns of simulation (Figure S3b, SI), corresponding to the first significant change observed in the drug RMSD plot (yellow curve of Figure 4b). Nonetheless, the solvation of this disaccharide group is probably not the preferred state, as in the remaining time simulated, such a group re-established interactions with the enzyme surface, but with conformations different from the original (Figure S3c, SI).
Considering the co-crystallized structure as reference, by relaxing the acarbose structure in α-amylase binding pocket during the site-specific docking, the number of hydrogen bonds increases from 6 to 11 (Figures 6a and 6b, respectively). When the co-crystallized structure is simulated through MD (Figure 6c), a higher number of different HBs is observed (involving 19 residues), as a logical consequence of adding flexibility to the system. Even so, the main interactions (with color tending to magenta in Figure 6c) correspond to the residues already accounted for in the site-specific docking geometry (such as ASP-300, GLU-233, THR-163, and GLN-63). Thus, MD findings support the docking results that will be considered in the following section as the reference interactions.
Since acarbose therapeutic effect seems to suggest a relatively strong binding to α-amylase, a stable active site can be expected from the molecular dynamics simulations. This is in agreement with the binding free energy in solution obtained from the MD trajectories (Section S2 of the SI). For the simulation starting in the co-crystallized geometry, acarbose binding energy is the most stabilizing (-84.2 ± 7.4 kcal/mol), confirming that the preferential adsorption site of acarbose is near to the described active site. On the other hand, the acarbose binding free energies obtained from the simulations starting in mode 5 and mode 1 are -53.2 ± 5.6 kcal/mol and -23.9 ± 10.3 kcal/mol, respectively. The lower stabilisation of the latter mode is directly connected to the acarbose conformations adopted during this simulation, as previously discussed (Figure 5c). These results show the importance of relaxing the structure and considering the flexibility in order to understand the dynamic interactions between acarbose and α-amylase.
In summary, although it is considerably important that various modes from blind docking analysis of a drug are found near the enzyme active site, these MD results reinforce the importance of using site-specific docking as a criteria for the energy and the interactions between enzyme residues and candidate drugs.
Molecular docking analysis of potential antidiabetic compounds with α-amylase: blind and site-specific docking approach.
Molecular docking analysis of potential α-amylase inhibitors determined in a section above will be expanded in this section. Using both blind (best mode #1) and site-specific docking (using the experimental location 1B2Y), the main interactions of acarbose with the amino acid residues of α-amylase have been determined. The calculations have been performed in AutoDockVina software, considering the AD4 scoring function, which uses potentials derived from early versions of AMBER force field33. Consequently, the following results were described by models compatible with those used in the MD simulations. Amino acid interactions and docking scores with α-amylase of the 16 potential antidiabetic compounds are reported in Table 3, which also contains the reference values for acarbose that were calculated previously. If we analyse both docking scores and the relevant amino acid interactions, two candidates stand out from the rest, AN-153I105594 and AN-153I104845.
AN-153I105594 presents a large number of interactions with the relevant amino acids of α-amylase amino acids and a favourable docking score (Table 3), both in site-specific (-10.8 kcal/mol; LEU165, HIS305, TRP59, TYR151, TYR62) and blind docking (-10.3 kcal/mol; LEU165, HIS305, TRP59, TYR151). This is shown in Figure 7. Seven of the nine modes whose geometry is analysed are very close to the targeted specific site(the active side of the protein). AN-153I104845 also presents a large number of interactions with the relevant amino acids of α-amylase amino acids and a favourable docking score (Table 3), both in site-specific (-8.1 kcal/mol; GLY306, HIS305, GLN63, TRP59, TYR62, GLU233) and blind docking (-7.4 kcal/mol; THR163, ASP300, HIS305, LEU165). This is shown in Figure 8. All nine modes whose geometry is analysed are very close to the targeted specific site. This brings them to the fore as drugs, since both molecules are more likely to bind to the protein.
Table 3. Results of site-specific and blind docking of potential anti-diabetic compounds with α-amylase using AutoDock Vina. The compound location in site-specific docking was defined by the experimental location of acarbose in α-amylase (1B2Y). Relevant amino acid interactions with α-amylase are specified, and those common to acarbose are highlighted in bold. Docking scores are in kcal/mol. Types of interactions are explained in Table S2, Supplementary Information.
Site-specific docking
Blind docking
Docking score
Amino Acid interaction
Docking score
Amino Acid interaction
HB: ASP-300, ARG-195, GLY-306, GLU-233, GLN-63, HIS-299, HIS-305, TYR-62, THR-163, TYR-151, TRP-59
Alkyl: LEU-165
HB: ARG-252, ARG-421, GLY-403, TRP-280, HIS-331, PRO-332, PRO-405
Alkyl: PRO-4
Pi-Alkyl: LEU-162, LEU-165, HIS-305, TYR-151
Alkyl: LYS-200
Pi-Pi: TYR-62
HB+Alkyl: HIS-201
Alkyl+Pi-Alkyl: ILE-235
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Pi: TRP-59
Pi-Alkyl: TRP-59, HIS-101, ALA-198, LEU-162, HIS-305
Alkyl: LEU-165
Pi-Sigma: ILE-235
Pi-Cation+Pi-Pi: HIS-201
Pi-Alkyl+HB: LYS-200
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Pi: TYR-151
Pi-Cation: HIS-305, HIS-201
Pi-Alkyl: ALA-307
Pi-Pi: TYR-151
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Sigma: LEU-162
HB: HIS-201, GLN-63
Pi-Alkyl: LEU-162, VAL-107
Pi-Pi: TYR-62, TRP-59
Pi-Anion: ASP-197
Pi-Sigma: ILE-51
HB+Pi-Pi: TYR-151
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Sigma: ILE-235
Pi-Alkyl: LYS-200, ALA-198
HB: THR-163
Acceptor-Acceptor: GLU-233:
Pi-Sigma: LEU-162
HB+Pi-Sigma: HIS-305
Alkyl+Pi-Sigma: ILE-235
Pi-Cation+Pi-Pi: HIS-201
HB: GLN-63, HIS-101
Alkyl: LEU-162
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Pi: TRP-59
HB: ASP-197, HIS-299, HIS-201, GLU-233
Pi-Alkyl: TYR-151, HIS-305
Alkyl: ILE-235
Donor-Donor: THR-163, ARG-195
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Sigma: TRP-59, TYR-62
Pi-Sigma+Alkyl: LEU-162
HB: THR-6, ASN-5, ARG-10
Pi-Alkyl: PHE-335
Pi-Anion: ASP-402
Pi-Cation: ARG-252
Hederacoside C
HB: ASP-300, ASP-356, GLU-233, GLY-306, GLY-304, ASN-352, TRP-357, HIS-305
Pi-Alkyl: TRP-59, TRP-58
Alkyl: LEU-165
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Sigma: TYR-62
HB: GLU-282, ARG-421, ASP-402
Pi-Alkyl: PHE-406
Alkyl: ARG-398
HB+Alkyl: PRO-332
Pi-Alkyl: ALA-198, LYS-200
HB: HIS-101
Pi-Sigma: ILE-235
Salt Bridge: GLU-233
Attractive Charge: ASP-300
Pi-Pi: TYR-62
Pi-Cation+Pi-P: HIS-201
HB+Attractive Charge+Pi-Anion: ASP-197
Pi-Alkyl: LEU-162, LYS-200
Pi-Sigma: ILE-235
Attractive Charge: ASP-197
HB: GLY-306
Attractive Charge+Pi-Anion: ASP-300
Pi-Cation+Pi-Pi: HIS-201
Salt Bridge+Charge Attractive: GLU-233
Table 3. (Continuation) Results of site-specific and blind docking of potential anti-diabetic compounds with α-amylase using AutoDock Vina. The compound location in site-specific docking was defined by the experimental location of acarbose in α-amylase (1B2Y). Relevant amino acid interactions with α-amylase are specified, and those common to acarbose are highlighted in bold. Docking scores are in kcal/mol. Types of interactions are explained in Table S2, Supplementary Information.
Site-specific docking
Blind docking
Docking score
Amino Acid interaction
Docking score
Amino Acid interaction
Pi-Alkyl: ALA-307, ALA-198, LYS-200
HB: GLN-63, GLY-306, GLU-233
Pi-Pi: TYR-62
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Sigma: ILE-235
Pi-Pi+Pi-Sulfur: HIS-305:
Pi-Sulfur+HB: TRP-59
Pi-Pi+Pi-Cation+Pi-Donor: HIS-201
HB: GLU-240, HIS-305, THR-163, ASP-300, ASP-197
Pi-Sigma: LEU-162
Pi-Alkyl: LEU-165
Pi-Sulfur+Pi-Cation: HIS-201
HB: ASP-197, ASP-300, GLU-233
Alkyl: LEU-165
Pi-Alkyl: HIS-305
HB+Pi-Alkyl: HIS-101
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Sigma+HB: TRP-59
HB: GLU-233, ASP-197, TYR-151, ASP-300
Alkyl: LEU-162, LEU-165
Donor-Donor: GLN-63, GLY-306
Pi-Pi: TYR-151, TRP-58,TYR-62
Pi-Alkyl: LEU-162, ALA-198
Salt Bridge: GLU-233
Pi-Sigma: ILE-235
Pi-Pi+Pi-Donor: HIS-201
HB+Attractive Charge: ASP-197
Attractive Charge+Pi-Anion: ASP-300
Pi-Alkyl+HB: LYS-200
Pi-Donor: SER-132
Attractive Charge: ASP-135
HB: LYS-172, PRO-130
Pi-Pi: TYR-174
HB: ASP-197, GLU-233, GLY-306, ASP-300
Alkyl: ALA-198, ILE-235
Pi-Alkyl: LEU-165, TYR-151
Pi-Pi: TRP-59
Alkyl+Pi-Alkyl: LEU-162
Pi-Pi+Pi-Cation: HIS-305
HB: ARG-252, SER-289
Diprotin A
HB: HIS-299, ASP-197, GLU-233
Alkyl: ALA-198, LEU-162
Pi-Alkyl: TRP-59, HIS-305
HB: GLN-63
Pi-Sigma: TRP-59
Alkyl: ILE-235, ALA-198 LEU-162
Pi-Alkyl: TYR-62, HIS-201, TRP-59
Pi-Alkyl: TRP-58, TYR-62
HB: GLN-63, THR-163
Pi-Pi: TRP-59
Alkyl+Pi-Alkyl: LEU-162
Pi-Alkyl: TYR-62, TRP-58, LEU-165, VAL-107, ILE-51
HB: GLN-63
Pi-Pi: TRP-59
Pi-Alkyl+Pi-Donor: TYR-52
Attractive Charge: ASP-356
Pi-Pi: TRP-59
Donor-Donor: GLN-63
HB: ASP-300, THR-163, GLN-63
Positive-Positive: HIS-305
HB+Pi-Pi+Pi-Cation: TRP-59
HB: ASP197, ASP-300, GLU-233
Pi-Pi: TYR-62
HB: ASP-300, ASP-197, TRP-59
Pi-Pi: TYR-62
Donor-Donor: ARG-195
HB: ASP-197, GLU-233
Pi-Anion: ASP-300
Pi-Pi: TYR-62
Donor-Donor: ARG-195
Pi-Pi+HB: TYR-62
HB: GLY-309, GLN302, ILE-312, ALA-310, ASN-301
Positive-Positive: ARG-346, ARG-267
HB: GLY-309, GLN-302, ILE312, ALA-310, ASN-301
Salt Bridge: ASP-317
Positive-Positive: ARG-346