The Role of Socio-cultural learning during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia



This research investigates how socio-cultural learning process influences students’ experience and interaction during and after the COVID-19 pandemic which subsequently influencing their E-Learning performance. 734 valid respondents were recruited for an online survey study. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses. This study found that socio-cultural learning has a crucial role in students’ experience and interaction. However, social-cultural learning has a greater effect on students’ experience than students’ interaction. Furthermore, mediator variables, students’ experience and interaction, partially mediate the relationship between socio-cultural learning and E-Learning performance. The result of the current study contributes to extend literature education field toward socio-cultural and E-Learning simultaneously. It also develops a new view into the determinants factor to influence students’ experience and interaction.


The lack of technology development and access inequality among students in developing countries makes the information and technology transformation is still scanty. Hence, the application of the education goals in the world is almost similar, namely craving students who are superior. According to Hogan (2011) and Zarei and Mohammadi (2021) E-Learning system possibly to shift leaning process to technology approach from conventional system. Easier, cheaper and faster toward variety of platforms have become the main reason to adopt E-Learning approach. During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, universities and educational institutes has run to implement and integrate the present distance-learning platforms. Nowadays, E-Learning is very popular, almost in all over the world, especially in the field of Education which adopts E-Learning as media in learning process (Patra et al., 2021; Murphy, 2020; Cao et al., 2020; Yassin et al., 2021). Social-cultural plays important role to influence students’ experience and interaction which subsequently influence students’ E-Learning performance (Jayatilleke and Gunawardena, 2016; Nikou and Maslov, 2021). Socio-cultural also plays a vital role in advancing education. Hence, it must be applied in learning, such as getting to know the students' culture considering that they have a variety of cultures—for example, Indonesia, a country with different religions, languages, ethnicities, and races. Socio-culture differences among students are best applied in online learning. Although the transformation in online learning is not entirely new in education, the current conditions somehow force teachers and students to use online learning completely. E-Learning is not considered new, but the COVID-19 outbreak has made its existence even more important as a solution in education (Radha et al., 2020; Ho Thao, 2021; Jena, 2020; Salvador-Mata & Cortiñas-Rovira, 2022). The students' education must be further improved, considering that their condition must remain stable in participating in the learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students' situational pressures need to be determined, especially in E-Learning, such as sharing experiences in social/socio-cultural environments, challenges, and learning outcomes (Cao et al., 2020; Yassin et al., 2021).

In fact, some countries have not involved socio-cultural aspects into the online learning process (such as teacher-student interactions which emphasize the importance of sharing experiences such as languages, ethnics, and customary experiences). Emphasizing the importance of researching students' cognitive psychology and education that leads to the application of social and cultural contexts to the interaction needs of students towards better performance (Remtulla, 2008; Johansen & McLean 2006; Felder & Brent 2005; Moore 2005). It will be interesting if all of classes apply socio-cultural in every learning process. It will be relaxing and make students more exciting on following the learning. It is given the students experiences and positive interactions on developing students’ performances freely. Socio-cultural explains the differences between groups of people concerning the social and culture classes in which they live (Luppicini & Walabe, 2021). Socio-cultural influences are fascinating to discuss at elementary, junior high, senior high school, and even the university level (Al-Kahtani et al., 2006). Online learning has great potential on adopting cultural values in Indonesia and all over the world. Distance education or distance learning, such as online learning, poses challenges for teachers in terms of socio-cultural implementations (such as the application of different cultural aspects: language, religion, and ethnicity), which, however, still needs to be carried out to avoid pressure on students in the form of monotonous online learning. Although it is quite interesting to discuss for students in countries that prioritize socio-cultural importance, it is considered new challenges for teachers globally (Alahmari, 2017). In each country, it emphasizes the importance of a theoretical framework to distinguish socio-cultural significance from the trajectory of the current technological context socially and culturally relevant learning processes (Remtulla, 2007).

This research is worth studying since has several variables, such as socio-cultural point of views, students and teacher interactions, and students’ experiences, which have a positive impact on students’ E-Learning performances. Therefore, comprehensive research is needed to address the readiness of teachers in implementing socio-cultural into the learning process, especially in E-Learning media, not only during the COVID-19 pandemic but also for future learning. Based on these objectives, this study attempted to answer the following research questions:

RQ1. Does sociocultural have a significant effect on students' experiences and students' interaction?

RQ2. Do students’ experience and students’ interaction have a significant effect on E-Learning Performance?

RQ3. Does students’ experiences and interaction have positive effect to mediates relationship between students’ socio cultural and E-Learning Performance?

This study investigates students’ socio-cultural, experience, interaction and E-Learning performance (student experience and interaction as a mediator) to answer these questions. This research is expected to contribute to implementing in different counties culture in the E-Learning learning process and to become a unique learning model that adapts to the diversity of cultural values of each region to provide a quality learning experience (Kinuthia, 2012; Fleming & Haigh, 2018; Luppicini & Walabe, 2021). In addition, students will be interested and use E-Learning easily and can share experiences through learning activities at school. Furthermore, the resulting learning process will vary with the application of different types of culture and can have an impact on students' E-Learning performance.


Socio culture

Studies consider that the government's lack of attention to cultural diversity issues (such as student diversity) will result in the alienation of many groups of learners (Ally, 2004; DeRouin et al., 2005). Despite the increasingly complex educational needs profiles, relatively little attention has been paid to students' different socio-cultural learning needs globally (Ally, 2004; DeRouin et al., 2005; Salas et al., 2002). The application of socio-culture is to respect elders/fellow human beings and differences in religion, language, and ethnicity (Basahel & Basahel, 2018). The government, engaged in education, is obliged to encourage teachers to apply socio-cultural values, such as mutual respect (teachers respecting students, listening to students' experiences, and exchanging opinions).

Some parents argue that maintaining socio-cultural should be teacher-centered through the teaching and learning and active interaction between teachers and students (Hofstede, 2001). Teachers should respect student diversity; as in Indonesia, students adhere to five different religions, have different dialects of languages, and come from different ethnic groups. In addition to teachers, students should also treat the teachers with respect, even outside the classroom (Hofstede, 2001). Respect for elders is encouraged in all settings, as in the implementation of E-Learning and all aspects of life (Luppicini & Walabe, 2021). This research employed a more socio-culturally-minded view of E-Learning from the perspective of social theory for learning, such as student experience and interaction.

Student experience

The student experience referred to in this study was how students openly share their experiences, such as habits in the community and at home. The student experience is considered a proactive agent to understand information from society, such as socio-cultural, and use it to improve effective strategies and interactions in the classroom (Rovagnati et al., 2021; Carless & Bound, 2018). Each teacher will instruct students to share experiences and relate them to learning (Malecka, Boud, & Carless, 2020). Experiences in the community, for example, are cooperation, caring for each other, playing traditional games (as in Indonesia; playing wayang, rubber, marbles, hide and seek, etc.), participating in social activities, protecting nature, participating in cultural rituals, and worshiping together (Chong, 2021; Gravett, 2020). In addition, students can also share their experiences at home, such as the habit of using the local language, helping their parents after school, and praying and eating together. Students' capacity and willingness to proactively engage with the student experience are paramount to making the whole process productive (Winstone, Mathlin, & Nash, 2019; Carless, 2020).

Students' experiences can be shared in the classroom. Ideally, the curriculum should instill the importance of introducing students' socio-cultural experiences (Boud & Molloy, 2013; Winstone et al., 2017) so that teachers can easily encourage students to share their experiences in class. Thus, students can compare their experiences with their classmates and increase their knowledge and performance (Nicol, 2020). In this context, socio-cultural factors shape interactions, experiences, and processes. The researchers argued that the E-Learning process as construction should not be under the concept of ignoring its role. Street (2004) and Sutton (2012) argue that the cultural diversity of experiential codes and conventions can result in students' E-Learning performance and sustain socio-culture in education (Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, and University).

Student interaction

Teachers are required to facilitate the effectiveness of student interaction in the classroom. In addition, they are also expected to function as content distributors, learning facilitators, and assessors of student competencies, such as E-Learning performance assessed by student interaction (Abdelhai et al., 2012). The student interaction in question provides opportunities for students to express opinions, such as sharing experiences during discussions, telling experiences in front of the class, or exchanging ideas with teachers or classmates (Harden, 2008; Twigg, 1999). The interaction in the teaching and learning process is one of the assessment components to measure students' E-Learning performance. Some students with weak E-Learning performance need more attention and opportunities to interact. Meanwhile, students with better E-Learning performance need opportunities to excel and accelerate performance improvement (Abdelhai et al., 2012; Twigg, 1999). Each student has a different motivation, learning style, and attention span towards interactions in the classroom, both offline and online, as in the use of E-Learning. Hence, teachers should provide better classroom interaction opportunities and incorporate socio-cultural with each learning material, such as discussions in smaller groups later passed on to larger groups. In addition, the teachers can develop their learning materials and coordinate inconsistencies in student interactions.

E-learning performance

Research conducted by Abdelhai et al., (2012) suggested that universities adopt E-Learning and provide facilities for its implementation. In addition, to achieve good performance, colleges must provide a computer room with an internet connection, either at school or home. The use of information technology directs attention and learning methods to the application of online learning, which is widely known as E-Learning. With the introduction of the internet and the World Wide Web, E-Learning has shown great potential to provide more flexible access to excellent content and interaction. Therefore, E-Learning can overcome the existing educational problems, namely the lack of socio-cultural cultivation, sharing of experiences, interactions, and unimproved E-Learning performance. Students' E-Learning performance can be improved by embedding socio-culture in the process and providing instruction to students anytime and anywhere (Schwen & Hara, 2004). In addition, well-designed E-Learning can improve the quality of student interaction, experience, and performance by promoting course concepts centered on students' socio-cultural values. It will also encourage students to be confident in improving their performance (Riel & Barab et al., 2004; Geçer & Bağci, 2022). To improve student E-Learning performance, the learning community of teachers and students needs to be expanded and supported through the transfer of socio-cultural into E-Learning (Dede, 2006).


The correlation between socio-cultural and students’ experience

Socio-cultural affects student activities (experiences in the community, habits at home, and performance at school). The socio-cultural dimension has a prominent role, namely providing guidelines for student success in the community, one of which is in the school environment (Basahel & Basahel, 2018). Concerning students' habits that influence their experiences (Winstone, Mathlin, & Nash, 2019), education should aim to appreciate each student's socio-cultural experience affecting their future success. Besides, socio-cultural also makes students value fellow human beings more, such as differences in language, customs, religion, ethnicity, and opinions. Students with excellent socio-cultural values such as religious beliefs and good habits are likely to apply positive experiences in their lives, such as in class, which other students can imitate later. Students need to practice socio-cultural teachings in their lives, which are obtained from their surrounding environment, such as the habit of working together, worshiping, and being active in the social environment. Likewise, Rovagnati et al., (2021) and Carless & Bound (2018) conclude that socio-cultural and student experience have a significant correlation and are indispensable for determining student performance. Previous studies have also revealed that socio-cultural influenced student experience (Boud & Molloy, 2013; Winstone et al., 2017; Nicol, 2020). Therefore, the present study proposed the following hypothesis:

H1. Socio-cultural has a significant and positive impact on student experience.

The correlation between socio-cultural and student interaction

The theory of socio-cultural employs a categorical scale to measure the active interaction of students in the learning process in the classroom, especially in E-Learning (Abdelhai et al., 2012). Socio-cultural affiliation refers to an individual/community's adherence to socio-cultural beliefs. At the same time, student interaction is the activities of students in the classroom influenced by socio-cultural or habits in the community and subsequently implemented in the teaching and learning process, especially in E-Learning. This perspective becomes an essential feature of socio-cultural impact on student experience and interaction. Instrumental and practical interests in individual-oriented socio-cultural are based on their belief in the prevailing socio-cultural rules, leading them to apply mutual respect for fellow human beings, as in the classroom interaction based on socio-cultural principles. Furthermore, socio-cultural is related to habits and concern for rules in society, such as procedures for communicating, worshiping, and interacting with others (not interrupting the conversation, listening to complaints, and caring about the calamity experienced by the interlocutor). Students' awareness to improve positive behaviors when interacting with the community, teachers, parents, and other students are influenced by their level of belief in socio-cultural. Previous research concluded that socio-cultural had a significant impact on student interaction (Hofstede, 2001; Luppicini & Walabe, 2021; Basahel & Basahel, 2018). Hence, this study proposed the following hypothesis:

H2. Socio-cultural has a significant and positive impact on student interaction.

The correlation between student experience and E-Learning performance

The student experience is vital in determining student success and future educational progress. The students applying positive experiences following the socio-cultural teachings/habits will likely achieve improved performance, especially in E-Learning (Schwen & Hara, 2004). If students' E-Learning performance improves, they will have high learning motivation, so one of the educational goals in the form of increasing student success can be achieved. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, most students experienced a decline in performance, such as a lack of learning motivation, decreased learning outcomes, a lack of interaction preventing them from getting new experiences, and monotonous learning activities. Additionally, during the COVID-19 pandemic, most student activities were carried out at home, one of which was in the form of E-Learning, causing students to have poor interactions at school and in the community, get no other experience, feel bored, and indicate a decrease in performance. The present study considered the mediating role of student experience and interaction concerning students' E-Learning performance. Understanding the impacts of this mediating role can improve inference quality, facilitate the improvement of students' E-Learning performance, and offer substantial contributions to this research. Preliminary studies found a significant correlation between socio-cultural and student experience, which subsequently impacted students' E-Learning performance (Street, 2004; Sutton, 2012; Boud & Molloy, 2013; Winstone et al., 2017; Nicol, 2020). Therefore, this study proposed the following hypothesis:

H3. Student experience has a significant and positive impact on student E-Learning performance.

The correlation between student interaction and E-Learning performance

Student interaction is essential in measuring student E-Learning performance, considering that learning media focused on E-Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Positive interactions can guide and develop students to be more dynamic (Harden, 2008; Twigg, 1999). Student interaction is perceived to have a positive impact on student E-Learning performance. The interaction in question is such as being active in the classroom, sharing socio-cultural experiences, respecting other students' opinions, respecting teachers, and encouraging other students to be active (each student is required to share socio-cultural experiences/daily habits), especially in E-Learning, so that the class does not feel monotonous and boring in the learning process. On the other hand, inactive interactions will lead to a decrease in E-Learning performance. Consequently, socio-cultural must be regarded as a basis and strategy for encouraging students to dare to share their experiences in the classroom and interact actively and effectively to cope with the declined E-Learning performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, student interaction has a significant mediating role in examining the correlation between socio-cultural, interaction, and student E-Learning performance. Furthermore, preliminary studies reported that student interaction was critical in addressing student E-Learning performance (Twigg, 1999; Riel & Barab et al., 2004; Abdelhai et al., 2012). Thus, the present research proposed the following hypothesis:

H4. Student interaction has a significant and positive impact on student E-Learning performance.

The correlation between socio-culture and E-Learning performance

The uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic has caused student performance to decline, especially in E-Learning. In addition, boredom in learning and a lack of experience and interaction made learning monotonous (merely meeting face-to-face online and internet connection making communication between teachers and students unstable). Therefore, the school must be able to address these issues, one of which is by involving socio-cultural in learning, especially in the E-Learning process. Socio-cultural refers to the habits of the community/students in daily life (Basahel & Basahel, 2018; Beets et al., 2022), such as worshiping, caring for fellow human beings, working together, respecting, and appreciating differences. Meanwhile, student E-Learning performance refers to student success, such as being active in class, successfully making E-Learning a learning medium, achieving increased learning outcomes, and successfully implementing socio-cultural in learning (Riel & Barab et al., 2004). Student E-Learning performance is mediated by student experience and interaction within the classroom, which are transferred through the socio-cultural experiences of each student. Previous studies have investigated the correlation between socio-cultural and student E-Learning performance. Lappucini & Walabe (2021) discovered that socio-cultural had an impact on the delivery and outcomes of E-Learning in Saudi Arabia. Research conducted by Kinuthia (2012) found that socio-cultural was successfully implemented, could improve student learning performance in the USA, and could be designed to fit into the curriculum. In addition, socio-cultural was also concluded to correlate with E-Learning (Fleming & Haigh, 2018; Rao, 2012). Hence, this study proposed the following hypothesis:

H5. Students’ experience has positive and significant effect on mediates the relationship between Socio-cultural and students’ E-Learning performance.

H6. Students’ interaction has positive and significant effect on mediates the relationship between Socio-cultural and students’ E-Learning performance.


Questionnaire design, pretest, and pilot study

This study adopts scales with high reliability and validity. It uses multi-item scales for all of the constructs from prior studies in the proposed model about conducting a pretest and pilot test to validate the measurement items' wordings of constructs for the students' socio cultural, students’ experiences, students' interactions and E-Learning performance in Indonesia. It was used to ascertain whether the students understood each of the questions and revised wordings to prevent single-source bias (Podsakoff et al., 2003).

Sample and data collection

The Indonesian students are asked to fill out an online survey; besides, a cash prize of 2,000 Indonesian rupiahs (IDR) must complete each study to increase their response rate. This online survey was conducted using Google Forms and runs from April 10 to Mei 25, 2022. The sample was collected from random sampling involving 740 students in Indonesia. However, 734 samples were valid, and this represented a 99.00% completion rate. Table I shows the demographics of the respondents. Indonesia was selected for the data. This study validates the relationship between sosio cultural, students’ experiences, students' interactions, and E-Learning performance of students.


The items used to measure each construction are presented in the Appendix. Demographics such as gender, age, time range use E-Learning, and student activity were included in the questionnaire. A seven-point Likert scale anchored between 1 ("strongly disagree") and 5 ("strongly agree") was used for all scale items. Socio cultural focuses on student habits such as the habit of worshiping together, respecting fellow human beings, mutual cooperation, participating in social activities to ease the burden of people in distress, and high concern for friends, family, teachers, and fellow human beings, which was adapted from (Luppucini & Wallabe 2021). All items of students' experiences, students' interactions refer to Xu (2016), and students’ E-Learning performance were adapted from (Ho Thao, N.T., et al., 2020 & Kim Sodam., et al., 2022; Patra, S.K, et al., 2021; Hussin, H., et al., 2009).

Data analysis

The data were analyzed using two statistical programs, namely SPSS 22 and AMOS 22 software. Furthermore, hypothesis testing was carried out by applying the structural equation model (SEM). According to (Byrne, 2016), SEM provides two essential aspects of the procedure. First, it is used to determine the causal effects of the observed variables. Second, the structural relations among variables enable a clear description of the theory examined in this study. The hypothesized model is comprehensively used to validate all the variables to determine consistency with the study. Pearson correlation coefficients were also used to determine the relationship between predictors (socio cultural, students’ experiences, students' interactions) and criterion variables (students' E-Learning performance). Third, standard method variance (CMV) was adopted as a prevention and post-detection technique. Therefore, this study applies the Hayes bootstrap method (2022) to examine the influence of experiences and interactions on students' E-Learning performance mediated by socio culture.

Analysis And Results

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the proposed model and the research hypotheses. This study employed the two-stage approach suggested by Anderson and Gerbing (1988). First, the measurement model was estimated with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to test reliabilities and validities of the research constructs, and then, the structural model was used to test the strength and direction of the proposed relationships among them.

Measurement model

The measurement model used in this study was the AMOS software with maximum likelihood estimation. The model fit showed how well a CFA model reproduces the covariance matrix of the observed variables. The measurement model showed adequate fit (Byrne 2016; Hair Jr, et al. 2018): χ2/df = 4.173, goodness-of-fit index (GFI) = 0.941, nonnormed fit index (NFI) = 0.924, comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.941, incremental fit index (IFI) = 0.941 and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.066. Table 2 shows the composite reliabilities (CR) and an average of variance extracted (AVE) for all construct are above 0.700 and 0.500, thereby demonstrating a reasonable degree of internal consistency between measurement items and their corresponding constructs. Furthermore, the Cronbach’s α for all constructs is larger than 0.7. This indicates a good convergent validity for all measurement items and constructs. The evidence of discriminant validity exists when the square root of AVE for each construct exceeds its correlation coefficient with other constructs (Byrne 2016; Hair Jr, et al. 2018). Table 3 indicates the adequate discriminant validity of this study.

Structural model

The model fit of this study was adequate: χ2 = 669.706, df =147, χ2/df = 4.556, GFI = 0.923, NFI = 0.917, CFI = 0.934, IFI = 0.934 and RMSEA= 0.070. Table 3 indicates that all the research hypotheses are supported. This study confirms that socio cultural has a significant effect on students’ experience (γ11 = 0.536, p<0.001) and students’ interaction (γ21 = 0.612, p<0.001), supporting H1 and H2. Furthermore, students’ experience also has positive and significant effect on E-Learning performance (β21 = 0.125, p<0.05) to support H3. Interestingly, students’ experience has greater effect on E-Learning performance ((β31 = 0.640, p<0.001) than students’ interaction (β32 = 0.394, p<0.001) to support H4 and H5.

Mediation effect

This study used confidence intervals for bootstrapping method with 10000 simulations. Bootstrapping is a nonparametric statistical procedure in which the dataset is repeatedly sampled (Hayes 2018). Table 5 shows that all confidence intervals of both the percentile method and bias-corrected do not include zero, indicating all mediation effects significant. The regression results indicate that all mediation effects are full mediators.


Key findings

This study validated the relationships between students’ experience and students’ interaction as mediators between students’ socio cultural and E-Learning performance on education and learning process. Information and technology have provided tool to support E-Learning process toward enhance their connections and interaction with others. This study validates students’ socio cultural role with learning activities such as discussing with friends and teachers. It has strong correlation to their attitude and behavior with regard to experience. It also possibly strengthening relationships directly influence E-Learning performancet. Besides influence students’ experience, socio cultural also has positive and significant effect on students’ interaction. It means that the learning collaboration toward online and offline interaction by students’ personal and social activities, including local festival celebration, charity and sport events, painting competitions, debates and speeches and also exhibition and workshop. These activities not only within their school but across school and regions. It has a crucial role in their daily lives and positively affects their desire to enhance capacity and knowledge. However, few of studies regarding the relationships between the domains of socio culture and the dimensions of students’ school activities on learning process.

First, the recent study shown that communal and transcendental activity have distinct associations with students’ individual and social responsibility on society and others. This supports the view that attitude and behavior toward social activities can be strength inter-relationship among students. Students’ experience and psychology can better influenced by social activities. In some countries, religion also recognized to address their lives and belief. Second, the results with regard to care to others, the schools must consider students’ psychology and enhance to develop a clear rule of socio activities and recognized it as one of the part learning process and curriculum. It proved a student with high collective and individual well-being might have a heightened sense of belonging and focus on humanity's consequences, including higher orientation ethical standard on their activities. Finally, the results also indicate that students’ socio cultural has a greater effect on students’ interaction than students’ experience to influence students’ performance on E-Learning. This implies the positive image of students’ socio cultural (e.g., empathic, altruistic concerns rather than personal concerns) has a positive effect on students’ activities on social interaction. Furthermore, the findings support preliminary studies that revealed socio culture strongly correlates with students’ experiences (Chong 2021 & Gravett 2020) and students’ interaction (Abdelhai et al., 2012), which are also mediator variables. Students’ experience and interaction also positively affect students’ E-Learning performance (Riel & Barab et al., 2004; Sumida & Kawata, 2021).

Academic implications

The current study contributes to some aspects of the literature. First, it provides a better knowledge of specific concepts of students’ socio cultural, experience and interaction on influence E-Learning performance on education context. This study discloses that socio cultural has an essential role in developing students’ ethics and sense of belonging on community. Interestingly, students’ socio cultural has positive effect to their personal experience and interaction. This process designates the strong correlation between students’ attitude and habit. Students’ who are highly aware of the social and human being are more likely to be committed and have a sense of belonging, friendly interaction, as well as the students’ donation to social activities. Second, it was reported that students’ experience and interaction play a mediating role in the relationship between students’ socio culture and E-Learning activities on education field. Although previous studies have reported the role of socio cultural, which serves as an antecedent of students’ experience and interaction. There were examined separately, and it was indicated that students’ ethics and social responsibility are considered the most important mediators between socio culture and E-Learning performance. The strength of the mediating role shows that students are willing to develop ethics standards, a sense of belonging and recommendation to others. This is as a significance of social actions, knowledge, and experiences scholars attain from dealing with ethics and social responsibility. It proved socio culture provides relevant and timely information to education field. Hence, our findings provide a theoretical ground for future study.

Practical implications

The findings offer several managerial implications, such as students’ socio cultural, experience, interaction and learning process toward technology development, thereby students’ in developing countries relationships and influencing their decision-making process. Therefore, cultural approach are compliant with ethics standards, influencing students’ attitude and behavior as well as their performance. The ethic and social activities principles, the more they tend to have a sense of belonging, thereby engaging in the students’ interaction process. However, students’ socio cultural level and ethics are not the only variables. This result indicates that a higher level of socio cultural is consistent with students’ ethics and social care to human well-being and the environment; hence the schools and universities need to act accordingly. Specifically, the interaction among students’ in social media. Therefore, the school and university leaders need to care for their students, particularly in the formal rule and system. The role of regulators, including the education ministry, to surveillance the education processes. In this regard, the regulators are expected to play a pivotal role with clearly established regulation and supervision mechanisms.

Limitations and future research directions

There are some limitations to this research. First, this study conducted a cross-sectional survey to examine students’ attitude and behavior. Hence, future study needs to help researchers observe social media users’ dynamic behavior to elaborate on the content and impact of socio cultural, ethics, social interaction, and knowledge sharing. Second, it only considered the situational factors among students. Future research also needs to investigate internal such as school and university effect on students’ learning and E-Learning performance. Third, although most of the hypotheses proposed in this research were supported, it was restricted to students’ attitude and behavior and ethics, and interrelationships with preliminary studies. Future studies also need to comprehensively focus on the relationship between socio culture and students’ psychology effect. Finally, this study only focused on Indonesian students. Future research can investigate other demographics around the globe to confirm this study's external validity.


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  1. With respect to our culture, I can study with anybody through these online tools.

  2. I can study with anybody: male, female

  3. 3. Since we have the culture of having men and women separated, female students benefited a lot from E-Learning.

  4. I Believe in the future our education will success driven by men and women

  5. I want to engage in class to enhance my E-Learning performance

  6. My classmates are able to good communication

  7. My classmates have clear criteria for educational justice

Students’ interaction

  1. I can speak freely in class in E-Learning process

  2. Student interaction is getting longer during E-Learning process

  3. In E-Learning, I prefer to interact with teachers and students synchronously

  4. In E-Learning, I will take the initiative to active in class

  5. My classmate has become more interested during E-Learning

  6. In E-Learning, students in our class active in classroom interaction

Student Experience

  1. I find E-Learning helpful and convenient during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. E-Learning improves my learning performance/motivation during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

  3. E-Learning process is well organized to provide what I need.

  4. There is an effective teacher-student and student-student interaction.

  5. I like all the features/contents of E-Learning.

E-Learning Performance

  1. I could complete my learning activities via an online learning system if I had seen someone else using it before trying it myself.

  2. The online learning system enables interactive communication between the lecturer and learners.

  3. E-learning makes it easier for me to find references and homework.

  4. As long as I use e-learning, my learning outcomes are getting better.

  5. E-learning increases productivity, namely learning outcomes.


Table 1 Respondent demographics

Demographic Items           


Percentile (%)













18-26 years old



26~40 years old



Over 40 years old






Bachelor and Below 









Time period of using E-Learning



Below 2 years 



3~5 years 



Over 5 years 




Table 2 Correlation matrix for measurement scales




































Note. SC: Socio culture, SE: Students’ experience, SI: Students’ interaction, EP:E-Learning performance

SD: standard Deviation

Diagonal elements are the square roots of the AVE for each construct

Pearson correlations are shown below the diagonal

Significant at *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001


Table 3 Measurement results


MLE estimates factor loading/

measurement error

Squared multiple correlation (SMC)

Composite reliability (CR)

Average of variance extracted (AVE)

Cronbach’s α

























































Students’ experience










































Students’ interaction
















































E-Learning performance









































Fit statistics (N = 704)

χ2/df = 3.486, Goodness-of-Fit Index (GFI) = 0.920, Nonnormed fit index (NFI) = 0.925, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.930, Incremental fit index (IFI) = 0.940, and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.037

Table 4 Proposed model results


Regression path



Path coefficients


Test results


Socio culture

    Students’ experience





Socio culture

Students’ interaction





Socio culture

E-Learning Performance





Students’ experience 

E-Learning Performance





Students’ interaction

E-Learning Performance




Note. Significant at *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001


Table 5 Mediation effects









Bootstrapping 95% CI

IV (c’)


Percentile method









[0.010, 0.040]

[0.015, 0.059]

Standard Error (SE)














[0.015, 0.055]

[0.017, 0.068]

Standard Error (SE)







Note. Significant at *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001