Experimental Design
Our Experimental designconforms to the guidelinesset out for evaluating the efficacy and safety of anticoccidial vaccines (Chapman et al. 2005).Based on this we used four groups of chickens for our study: (1) unvaccinated unchallenged control birds, (2) unvaccinated challenged control birds, and (3) vaccinated challenged birds (two different regimes).A total of 240 one-day-old Cobb 500 broilers (non-sexed) were purchased from a commercial hatchery. Ethical approval and authorisation to conduct the animal experimentation was obtained from the University of Constantine (Veterinary Institute) and the State Veterinary Departments of both Constantine and Jijel. Experimental and rearing conditions conform to the standards of the COBB Broiler Management Guide and standards set out by other studies (Long and Millard 1977; Bedrnik et al. 1995; Chapman and Rayavarapu 2007). Broilers were reared in clean conditions, groups were maintained separately and animals exposed to the same environmental conditions.
At one-day-old, birds were randomly divided into four groups (V1I, V2I, NVI, NVNI), each containing 60 birds, divided into 3 replicates each containing 20 chicks. Group V1I (single immunization challenge group) received only one dose of the UV- treated E. tenella oocysts before challenge (summarized in Table 1). Birds from group V2I (double immunization challenge group) received two doses of the UV- irradiated oocysts and were then challenged. The control groups were, NVI and NVNI; chicks of both groups have not been immunized, however the NVI group (non-immunized challenge group) was infected and the NVNI group (non-immunizednon-challenge group) was not infected. Standard, non-medicated feed and water (without coccidiostats) were provided ad libitum for days 1-28 to all groups (Long and Millard 1977; Bedrnik et al. 1995; Chapman and Rayavarapu 2007).
Eimeria tenella oocyst collection and sporulation
Unsporulated E. tenella oocysts used in the inoculum and those irradiated with UV used for immunization were collected from clinical episodes of hemorrhagic caecal coccidiosis in several broiler farms located in the Wilaya of Jijel (Algeria). E. tenella oocysts used for the immunization of chickens and those used for inoculation originated from different broiler farms. Oocysts were isolated from the caeca of infected chickens and, after separation of the faecal material, were recovered using standard procedures (Ryley et al. 1976).
Identification of Eimeria species
Prepared inoculums and immunization isolates could potentially contain a number of species of chicken Eimeria which could potentially confound our study. To test that all samples contained only E. tenella, morphological and molecular analyses were conducted. Parasites were examined by microscopy, at 1000X magnification, and differentiated using known average lengths and widths of the 7 Eimeria species infecting chickens as described (Long and Reid 1982). Species designation was verified by PCR amplification using Eimeria species-specific ITS1 sequences following standard procedures (Jenkins et al., 2006a, b). Genomic DNA of purified oocysts was extracted using phenol chloroform extraction (Duncanson et al. 2001; Bajnok et al. 2015) with modifications for small amounts as described (Dodd et al. 2014). ITS1-PCR revealed that prepared oocyst suspensions contained only E. tenella.
Preparation of the inoculum
Sporulated E. tenella oocysts, stored in potassium dichromate solution, were washed 3-4 times in waterand resuspended in phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS) (pH 7.2) and counted using the modified McMaster method (Taylor et al. 1995). A concentration of 2.5x104oocysts/ml was prepared.
Preparation of UV-treated sporulated oocysts
Sporulated E. tenella oocysts were collected, washed and counted as described above and a concentration of 5x103 oocysts/ml was prepared. A UV Lamp, TUV T8 (TUV 30W G30T8, Philips, Holland), with an output at 253.7 nm was used to treat the oocysts. A 180ml sample of PBS containing 5x103 oocysts/ml, was divided into 18 clear glass dishes with a 5-10 ml suspension of oocysts in each dish to a depth of≤1 mm (Zhao et al. 2013; Abdel-Baki et al. 2009). Then each dish was placed at the centre of a closed wooden box (100 cm in length, 50 cm in width, and 50 cm in height) adjacent to a UV light meter (UV Light Meter, YK-35UV) for measuring the UV intensity and wavelength. The UV lamp was positioned above the sample and UV meter at the center of the box. The ceiling and the interior walls of the box were covered with a layer of aluminum foil (Thickness: 0.2mm) as an efficient reflector of ultra-violet light (Abdel-Baki et al. 2009). The oocyst suspensions were exposed to UV light (160 mW/cm2) for 60 min (Abdel-Baki et al. 2009) and agitated using a magnetic agitator (Drehzahl electronic- IKA-COMBIMAG REO) to ensure homogeneous exposure of the oocysts to UV.
Immunization and challenge
Immunization was carried out in two batches in groups V1I and V2I. One-day old chicks (18 h post-hatching) from the group V1I received only one dose of 5x103UV-treated E. tenella sporulated oocysts suspended in 1 ml of PBS solution (per bird). Chicks from group V2I received two doses (also 5x103oocysts per ml per bird): the first was given at one-day old (18 h post-hatching) and the second at 8 days post-hatching. UV-treated oocysts were administered by gavage into the crop using a syringe (5 ml) connected to a cat urethral catheter (Buster Cat Catheter; sterile, 1.0 x 130mm, China). The immunization strategy is summarized in Table 1.
The E. tenella sporulated oocysts, used to challenge the immunized chickens, were non-treated wild strains of E. tenella (collected from broiler flocks during clinical events of hemorrhagic caecal coccidiosis) (Li et al., 2005). At 20 days post-hatching, each chick from groups V1I, V2Iand NVI received 50 000 sporulated E. tenella oocysts (in 2 ml of PBS) by gavage as described (Table1) (Long and Millard 1977; Jenkins et al. 1991; Li et al. 2005).
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of immunization using UV-treated E. tenella
In order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the immunization by UV-treated E. tenella, we collected the following parameters (Bedrnik et al. 1995):
(a) Body weight and average weight gain. Birds were individually weighed at day 1; the day of inoculation (day 20 post-hatching); and days 2, 4, 6 and 8 post-challenge (at day 22, 24, 26, 28). Average weights gains were calculated for all groups of chicks (including dead birds).
(b) Feed conversion ratio (FCR). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was calculated by dividing the average amount of feed consumed by the average weight gain in each replicate of each group.
(c) Oocyst output in faeces. Oocysts were counted as described (Taylor et al. 1995) for determination of oocyst output per gram of faeces (OPG). Fecal samples for OPG counting were taken from four random spots from the floor of each pen. They were samples at the frequency of 4 morning samples/repetition/day between the following time intervals: 5th and 9th day of post-hatching (after the first immunization); 12th and 16th day post-hatching (after the second immunization); 5th and 8th day post-challenge (25th and 28th day post-hatching). The average oocyst output was calculated per gram of faeces (OPG) at each interval and for each group.
(d) Faecal caecal score. A scoring system was used to record the daily occurrence of bloody faeces seen on the litter for each repetition of all groups. The evaluation was applied according to the method suggested by Williams (1997): (-) = no bloody droppings seen; (+) = < 1 bloody dropping per chick; (+) = > 1 <2 bloody droppings per chick; (++) = > 2 bloody droppings per chick. Measurements were taken at the following time intervals: 5th and 16th day post-hatching (after immunization); 5th and 8th days post-challenge.
(e) Caecal lesion score. On 5th, 12th and 25th (after-challenge) days post-hatching, 15 chicks/group/day (5 chicks/repetition/day) were killed. The caeca were removed and opened. The infected caeca of each bird were examined and scored on a scale of 0–4 according to the method described by Johnson and Reid (1970). To confirm the attribution of the lesions observed during the autopsy to the coccidiosis, scrapings of the caecal mucosa were inspected by microscopy (100x and 400x magnification), for unsporulated oocysts, schizonts and gametocytes. Unsporulated oocysts present in the pool of the products of the scrapings were purified and suspended in 2.5% potassium dichromate solution. The oocysts in the suspension were sporulated by incubation in a stirring water bath at 29°C for 3 days (Coudert et al. 1995). DNA extraction and ITS1 PCR (Jenkins et al. 2006a, b) were carried out, as described above, to confirm the presence of E. tenella. The only species identified in the products of these scrapings, from the inoculated and immunized chicks, was E. tenella.
(f) Mortality. Between 20th and 28th day (day 1 to day 8 post-challenge), mortality (%) was recorded for each of the 4 batches. Additionally, any dead subjects were also weighed and autopsied to determine possible coccidiosis lesions.
Statistical Analysis
Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA using SPSS 10.0 software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Treatment groups were compared by ANOVA using the following parameters, weight gain (the first day post-hatching; 20th day post-hatching; 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th days post-challenge), feed conversion ratio (2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th days post-challenge), and lesion scores (5th, 12th and 25th days post-hatching), oocyst output in the faeces (between 5th and 9th day post-hatching; between 12th and 16th day post-hatching; between 5th and 8th days post-challenge), and cumulative mortality (20th and 28th day post-hatching). Immunized groups were compared to the non-immunized challenge control group (NVI) and non-immunized non-challenge control group (NVNI) and a statistically significant difference of p<0.05 was used. Tukey’s post-test was used to identify significantly different groups.