Women with PCOS, when compared to the controls demonstrated low fertility potential, which may be related to ovulation status, endometrial function, oocyte quality, etc[15]. Although some medical treatments (Letrozole and clomiphene) have been adopted for ovulation induction, the pregnancy rate remains relatively low. Recently, some studies manifested the protective role of vitamin D in female reproduction, which leads to the possibility of vitamin D in the treatment of infertility in PCOS patients. In this study, we found that the serum vitamin D level of PCOS patients was lower than that of healthy women of childbearing age. In addition, the average serum level of 25-(OH) D3 in pregnant women was higher than that in non-pregnant women in PCOS patients of childbearing age who received letrozole ovulation induction therapy. Finally, the pregnancy rate of patients without vitamin D deficiency is higher than that of patients with vitamin D deficiency. Our study implies that vitamin D might represent a therapeutic approach to female infertility in the women with PCOS.
Vitamin D is a lipid-soluble vitamin that belongs to the steroid hormone family. Vitamin D, administered via the skin or food, is metabolized into its active form 25-(OH) D3 in the liver and in the kidneys by 25-hydroxylase and 1a-hydroylase, 1,25(OH)2D3[8]. Vitamin D status of the human body is best indicated by the circulating level of 25(OH)D3, vitamin D derivative, due to 25-(OH) D3 exhibits a longer half-life and remains unaffected by calcium uptake[16]. The biologic functions of vitamin D are mediated by vitamin D receptors that are present in various tissues—including the reproductive system that comprises the ovaries, uterus, placenta, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus. Vitamin D plays an important role in the female reproductive system[11]. For example, according to Parikh [17], vitamin D enhances the activity of aromatase and regulates sex hormone production from the ovaries and placenta through vitamin D receptors, thus participating in ovarian follicle formation. In animal studies, mice lacking VDR (vitamin D receptor) showed uterine hypoplasia and impaired folliculogenesis[8, 18]. Vitamin D also improving the oocyte and endometrial quality. It has been shown that vitamin D regulates the expression of the HOXA 10 gene in endometrial stromal cells and that this gene is crucial for endometrial development and embryonic implantation. Therefore, vitamin D levels appear to influence both endometrial receptivity as well as embryonic implantation [19, 20]. Vitamin D itself is involved in the regulation of calcium ion concentrations in the placenta and is critical in promoting endometrial decidualization [21].
A variety of studies indicate that vitamin D is closely related to reproductive system activities in PCOS. It was recently demonstrated that a low vitamin D level was present in many PCOS patients [9]. In PCOS patients, vitamin D deficiency exerts an adverse impact on sex hormone levels and thus interferes with the formation of the dominant follicle. A retrospective study [22] revealed explicitly that the serum vitamin D level in PCOS women was significantly lower than that in normal women and that a strong correlation existed between the two. A total of 639 women with PCOS were described by these studies, constituting the largest epidemiologic study conducted on PCOS to date. In our study, 82.5% of PCOS patients manifested vitamin D deficiency, with only two PCOS patients of the 200 patients showing normal vitamin D levels. Intriguingly, the incidence of vitamin D deficiency was also relatively high in normal healthy females at 37.5%. It is noteworthy that the mean vitamin D level was below the normal limit in both the PCOS patients and healthy women of child-bearing age, indicating that vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in women of child-bearing age in Beijing, particularly those with PCOS. In addition, our subjects were recruited over a time span of 1–1.5 years, which included all four seasons of the year; and we did not consider the potential influence of seasonal factors.
Recent studies have revealed [15, 23] that vitamin D levels are closely related to pregnancy outcomes in PCOS patients and that supplementation with vitamin D can improve one's fertility. Usadi et al.[24] demonstrated that raising the vitamin D level promoted successful ovulation induction, and these authors proposed vitamin D levels to be a potential predictor of reproductive success after induction. Vitamin D may exert its effect not only on the ovulation rate and sensitizing the ovary to letrozole but also improving the oocyte and endometrial quality. The abnormal oocyte and endometrial quality play an important role in the PCOS-related infertility[25, 26]. Rudick et al. [27] showed that subjects with serum 25 (OH) D3 sufficiencies exhibited a higher pregnancy rate than those with 25 (OH) D3 insufficiencies. The likely reason for this is that vitamin D influences pregnancy outcomes by affecting endometrial receptivity. A study [28] on in vitro fertilization among patients with PCOS-related infertility depicted an association between improved vitamin D levels and augmented pregnancy rates, with considerable significance attributed to normal vitamin D levels in pregnancy outcomes after in vitro fertilization. However, the underlying mechanism of vitamin D action in PCOS remains unknown. The pregnancy rate for PCOS patients was 48.32% after ovulation induction with letrozole, and the mean serum vitamin D level in the pregnant patients was 16.06 ng/mL, much higher than that in non-pregnant patients (13.54 ng/mL). When the subjects were stratified by vitamin D levels, we found that the pregnancy rate of vitamin D non-deficient subjects was significantly higher relative to that of vitamin D-deficient subjects. Therefore, mentioned data indicated that vitamin D levels were related to pregnancy rate after ovulation-induction therapy in PCOS, congruent with extant studies [24, 27]. According to our results, the mean vitamin D levels in both the pregnant and non-pregnant groups were significantly lower than the classical limit, and we therefore hypothesized that a higher pregnancy rate would be expected after elevating vitamin D to normal levels in PCOS patients.
We know of no therapeutic regimen centered around vitamin D supplementation for PCOS patients with vitamin D deficiency. However, according to the guidelines released by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in 2011 on the Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Vitamin D deficiency[29], two therapeutic regimens are currently recommended for all adults with vitamin D deficiency: one is supplementation with 50,000 units of vitamin D every week, once weekly for 8 weeks consecutively; the other is supplementation with 6000 units of vitamin D daily until the serum vitamin D level exceeds 30 ng/mL, followed by a daily maintenance dose of 1500–2000 units. It is also indicated in the guidelines that the tolerable upper limit for vitamin D in adults is 10,000 units daily and that excessive supplementation should be avoided.
There are several limitations in our study. Firstly, PCOS is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility; however, whether non-PCOS control and PCOS patients have the same reproductive potential is debatable. Then we didn’t compare the alterations in oocyte competence (OC) which are considered potential causative factors for subfertility in women with PCOS. Finally, although currently no intervention can be universally recommended to reverse endometrial dysfunction in PCOS women, lifestyle modifications and metformin may improve underlying endometrial dysfunction and pregnancy outcomes in obese and/or insulin resistant patients. Bariatric surgery has shown its efficacy in severely obese PCOS patients, but a careful evaluation of the benefit/risk ratio is warranted. Large scale randomized controlled clinical trials should address these possibilities.