Search Results
Electronic searches conducted retrieved 465 citations; following the removal of duplicates and application of study criteria, 106 articles were included in the final analysis. Most of the identified articles addressed one hemodynamic monitoring techniques. The key findings were categorized in: a) basic; b) diagnostic and prognostic; c) advanced monitoring tools (Table 1).
Table 1
Cardiocirculatory Monitoring during veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Basic Monitoring
Pulse Oxymetry
Usually Valid
Depending on peripheral vasoconstriction
Urine Output
Usually Valid
Serial Assessment
Usually Valid
Capillary Refill Time
Manual pressure
Usually Valid
Daily + after significant clinical variation
Mottling Score
Clinical evaluation
Usually Valid
Daily + after significant clinical variation
Arterial Blood Pressure
Usually Valid
Depending on correct detection of arterial waveform
Blood Gases
Blood samples
Usually Valid
QID + after ventilatory and ECMO changes
Venous Blood Oxygen Saturation
Blood samples
Usually Valid
BID + after significant clinical variation
Depending on cannula position, volume status, ECMO flow setting, recirculation
Chest X-ray
Daily + after significant clinical variation
Usually Valid
Daily + after significant clinical variation
Usually Valid
Blood samples
Potentially valid
QID + after ventilatory and ECMO changes
Serial or dynamic assessment more effective
ECMO parameters (BF, Pressure)
Usually Valid
ECMO components circuit (cannula, tubing, pump, oxygenator) and Recirculation
Usually Valid
Serial assessment
Diagnostic/Prognostic Monitoring
Blood sample
Potentially valid
Serial assessment
Blood sample
Potentially valid
On start + serial exams after clinical variation
Serial assessment
Troponin T and I
Blood sample
Potentially valid
On start + serial exams after clinical variation
Serial assessment
Blood sample
Potentially valid
Advanced Monitoring
Usually valid
Serial exams
Operator-dependent, limitations related to thoracic impedence (obesity, emphysema, high Peep, fluid overload, dressing)
Serial and closer exams in RV dilatation/dysfunction, increased sPAP
Pulmonary Artery Catheter
Injection indicator (thermal, lithium)
Lacks validity
Valid at low BF rates
Pulse Countour stroke volume
Sensor in arterial line
Lacks validity
Depending on correct detection of arterial waveform
Transpulmonary thermodilution
Injection indicator (thermal)
Lacks validity
Compromise by small Vt, reduced lung compliance, ventricular dysfunction
Sublingual Microcirculation
Usually Valid
Daily + after significant clinical variation
BID: twice a day; BNP: Brain natriuretic peptide; NT-pro-BNP:N-terminal-brain natriuretic peptide; ECG: Electrocardiogram; ECMO: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; IL: Interleukin; NIRS: near-infrared spectroscopy: POCUS: Point of care ultrasound; TTE: Transthoracic echocardiography; TEE: Transesophageal echocardiography; QID: four time a day |
Basic hemodynamic monitoring
Basic hemodynamic monitoring include physical examination, blood pressure, heart rate, pulse-oximetry, daily chest X-rays and urine output.15
Capillary Refill time (CRT)
CRT is a useful and rapid metric in determining the intravascular volume status, is an easily performed and interpreted examination. The performing examiner applies manual pressure to the ventral surface of distal phalanx of fingers until the nailbed is blanched. This pressure is maintained for ten seconds and then released. The amount of time, in seconds, that transpires before reperfusion stated the conditions; the upper limit of normal time to reperfusion is less than 3 seconds. As demonstrated by the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial16, its utility extends beyond diagnostic purposes and may be used to guide fluid resuscitation strategies in unstable patients.
Mottling score
Alongside macro-hemodynamic parameters abnormalities, microcirculation blood flow impairment has been remarkably pronounced in the most severely ill patients. The microvascular disorders have been associated with mortality as well as their persistence despite resuscitation. These abnormalities could persist even if macro-hemodynamics parameters have been normalized, suggesting a dissociation between micro and microcirculatory compartments.
Mottling, defined as patchy skin discoloration, is a common sign of cutaneous hypoperfusion. Blood flow reduction may be due to local vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction. The Mottling score provides a semi quantitative evaluation of mottling based on skin area extension on legs17.
Arterial blood waveform
The arterial waveform provides a real-time signal of arterial blood pressures and pulse pressure variation (PPV). When appropriately measured and interpreted, it is a minimally invasive predictor of fluid responsiveness18. However, PPV strongly depends on the waveform that could be damped for peripheral vasoconstriction, low tidal volume (Vt), low lung compliance, dysrhythmias, and intra-abdominal pressure. These are all conditions frequently encountered in patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and particularly in patients with protective strategy ventilation on V-V ECMO. No randomized controlled trial has compared PPV-based fluid management with standard care, but its dynamic response during simple tests such as the Vt challenge, conducted by transient increasing Vt for 2 minutes, may overcome limitations.
Another dynamic index of fluid responsiveness is Passive Leg Raising (PLR) based on preload-redistributing maneuver not limited by the use of Vt, high respiratory rates or low pulmonary compliance. PLR mimic fluid expansion by shifting blood from lower limbs and splanchnic compartment19 and a variation > 10% was predictive of fluid responsiveness and may be helpful in reliably identifying patients who will benefit from fluid loading.
Arterial and venous blood gas analysis
An arterial line is also essential for the direct measurement of arterial oxygen content (CaO2), partial arterial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), and carbon dioxide (PaCO2). The CaO2 is controlled by the ECMO blood flow, which influences the oxygen exchange in the membrane lung and the oxygen-carrying capacity related to the hemoglobin concentration. ECMO mainly controls the PaCO2 through sweep gas flow and blood flow and patient-related factors such as minute ventilation. During ECMO support, blood flow from the extracorporeal circuit mixes with blood that follows the normal pattern of circulation, and the PaO2 depends on the ratio between blood flow and CO. Consequently, PaO2 reflects the relative amount of oxygenated blood from the circuit and deoxygenated venous blood.20 The site of blood sampling for arterial blood gas analysis is less relevant in V-V ECMO.
The venous analysis should be considered complementary to the arterial one and represents the mixture of venous blood from all body regions. In a normal, non-ECMO patient, a venous blood gas can be performed using a mixed venous blood sample drawn from the pulmonary artery by using a pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) or a central venous blood sample using a central venous catheter placed in the internal jugular vein or subclavian vein7. V-V ECMO-related hemodynamics and cannula configuration (jugular-femoral, femoro-jugular, femoro-femoral, double-lumen) significantly impact the anatomical point where the mixture of venous blood occurs. Therefore, the venous sample should be drawn before the membrane lung21. However, several assumptions must be verified:
a stable ECMO circuit flow and oxygenation without variations in blood drainage (or fluctuations in metabolic demand, such as shivering)
a stable patient´s CO, especially RV function
the percentage of recirculation (affected by cannula configuration and positioning, ECMO blood flow, changes in intra-thoracic, intra-cardiac and intra-abdominal pressures)
ventilator adjustments, blood transfusion, and vasoactive medication use20.
DO2, VO2, and PCO2 gap
The simultaneous sampling of arterial and venous blood allows the calculation of three parameters that reflects tissue perfusion: DO2, oxygen consumption (VO2), and DO2/VO2 ratio. However, these samples can only give indirect indications of oxygen supply adequacy if CO is available and require to be repeated whenever the patient condition changes.
The PCO2 gap, calculated as the difference between venous and arterial PCO2, is proportional to the CO2 production (VCO2) and reflects the adequacy of the microcirculation. A PCO2 gap > 6 mmHg implies inadequate CO. Persistent elevation of PCO2 gap has been associated with worse prognosis as a reflection of venous return from poor capillary bed with inadequate microcirculation22. Variations of the PCO2 gap, easily measured via point-of care analyzers) occur faster than changes in lactate and are an earlier sign of CO impairment23.
Serum Lactate Measurement
Lactate is one of the metabolic products of anaerobic glycolysis and may reflect inadequate DO2. High lactate values are induced by increased production due to administration of catecholamines or decreased hepatic clearance and represent a late marker of hypoperfusion, less sensitive than SvO2 or PCO2 gap24. Dynamic serial lactate measurements and lactate clearance are a surrogate for the magnitude and duration of global tissue hypoxia, are more reliable for risk stratification than absolute level present in most prognostic ECMO scores.25
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) generates data on the regional oxygen saturation (rSO2), evaluates the interaction between the macro-circulation and organ-specific auto-regulatory mechanisms, and indicates peripheral DO2 of the total vascular bed26,27. Generally, a decreased rSO2 reflects a decreased global perfusion and can be used to indicate low DO2. Although NIRS estimates the regional hemoglobin oxygen saturation, it cannot distinguish between changes due to reduced oxygen availability versus increased consumption. Usually, hypoperfusion is diagnosed when rSO2 < 50% or there is a drop > 20% from the baseline. Serial measurements, instead of absolute numbers28, timely detect altered hemodynamics. In ECMO patients, NIRS is usually applied to detect the cerebral hypoxic-ischemic injury29–31. NIRS can assess cerebral vasoconstriction due to an abrupt alteration in the CO2 equilibrium in the brain, particularly in the first 24 hours, and represents an important tool to facilitate a slow PaCO2 removal reducing the time-consuming frequent blood gas analysis.
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS)
POCUS is now used in almost every branch of critical care medicine and enables frequent goal-directed, dynamic evaluation. Imaging data with thoracic ultrasound could detect bilateral B pattern, non-uniform distribution, pleural lines abnormalities, reduced lung sliding and C pattern. Moreover, POCUS can assist in V-V ECMO by evaluating vessel patency, cannula position, RV and LV structures, function, intravascular volume status, lung aeration, and causes of shock6.
ECMO circuit monitoring
Variations in ECMO blood flow may indicate a need for volume resuscitation. Signals of hypovolemia or significant vasodilatation include excessive negative pressure in the drainage side of the circuit, “chattering” of the drainage cannula due to the collapse of the inferior vena cava around the drainage cannula secondary to either excessive negative pressure or patient hypovolemia or both. Therefore, a regular circuit check of the critical components of the circuit (cannulas, pump, tubing, oxygenator) can be considered part of the basic monitoring during V-V ECMO to maintain circuit integrity and patient safety.
In particular, in V-V ECMO, the crucial determinants of oxygen saturation are the oxygen fraction of the circuit, the ratio of ECMO flow to native CO, metabolic demand, native lung function and recirculation.
Recirculation is defined as the fraction of oxygenated blood infused into the right atrium and is then aspirated back into the venous line of the ECMO circuit32,33. In V-V settings, gas transfer efficiency is reduced in direct proportion to the amount of recirculation. Native CO is one of the factors influencing the amount of recirculation with higher recirculation levels in case of RV failure and low CO. Increasing over time of the recirculating fraction might indicate a decline in RV function when excluding negative effects of factors such as pump speed, ECMO blood flow rates, intrathoracic, intracardiac and intra-abdominal pressures, cannula type, size, and position.
Diagnostic and Prognostic Cardiovascular Monitoring
Bilirubin and liver enzymes
Hepatic injury may be caused by changes in hemodynamics, venous congestion, and decreased DO234. It might be detected through markers of hepatocyte injury (aminotransferases), markers of hepatic clearance/biliary secretion capacity (bilirubin), and measures of synthetic capacity (prothrombin time, albumin). Hypoxic hepatitis can cause sharp increases in aminotransferases in the setting of respiratory failure, shock, or cardiac failure35. Its pathogenesis comprises hepatic ischemia and venous congestion due to elevated central venous pressure and RV failure36. Furthermore, many medications used for ARDS (antibiotics, corticosteroids, catecholamines) are potentially hepatotoxic. Increased values are frequently observed in ECMO patients and are associated with disease severity, increased inflammation but also with ECMO-induced hemolysis. Particularly, high bilirubin is a common finding (incidence: 20–40%), mainly related to systemic hypoperfusion and cardiac failure37. As a marker of hepatic dysfunction, it is incorporated in scoring algorithms to assess prognosis in critically ill patients38. Therefore, a regular dosage is advised, and changes over time might indicate the development of cardio-circulatory compromise when other causes of hepatotoxicity can be excluded.
BNP, NT-pro-BNP and Troponin
Biomarkers of cardiac myocyte stretch, such as brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal-natriuretic-peptide (NT-proBNP), are well established in the diagnosis and prognosis of HF39. Myocardial disease is not the predominant cause of elevated NT-proBNP, elevated values (> 800 pg/mL), correlates with infection, organ failure, and increased disease severity and represents a strong independent predictor of mortality. Furthermore, Troponin-T and Troponin-I could have prognostic value in pulmonary diseases such as pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease40. A serial assessment can identify factors predicting cardio-circulatory damage or mortality in ECMO but with a lower prognostic value compared to lactate39,41.
Advanced cardio-circulatory monitoring
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography
Echocardiography (transthoracic and transesophageal) has a growing role in management of V-V EMO patients, mainly because of the strict interactions between the lung (and ventilation) and the RV and pulmonary circulation. These two techniques are not completely interchangeable. The choice is usually made on the acoustic windows or challenging anatomy6 as well as on the clinical needs (Fig. 2). According to the existing evidence a screening to timely identify variations in the right and left cardiac function (Table 2) should be measured in all V-V ECMO patients.42–44 Serial echocardiographic monitoring of RV function are needed to assess the effect of lung rest ventilation on RV function and to clarify whether RV dysfunction in ARDS is a marker of a more severe underlying disease or an independent risk factor for mortality. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of echocardiography monitoring amongst patients with respiratory failure45,46
Table 2
Echocardiographic assessment during V-V ECMO
Left Ventricle
Systolic function
Morphology (size, wall thickness) Ejection fraction or FAC Wall motion abnormalities S wave at mitral annulus Velocity time integral in LVOT
Diastolic function
E/A ratio E/e' ratio at mitral annulus
TR velocity
LA volume index
Left Atrium
Size and volume
Valvular assessment
Diagnosis and quantification of potential aortic/mitral regurgitation/stenosis
Right Ventricle
RV end-diastolic area/LV end-diastolic area Triangular shape versus rounded shape of apex RV wall thickness McConnell's sign
Systolic function
TAPSE tissue doppler at tricuspid annulus, S wave Fractional area of change Pulse wave doppler through pulmonary
Diastolic function
E/A trans-tricuspid flow
Interventricular septum
Presence of paradoxical septum Eccentricity index
Tricuspid regurgitation
Estimation of RV systolic pressure
Valvular assessment
Right atrium
Size and volume
Patent foramen ovale
Colour flow doppler, bubble study
Size and respiratory variation
Right atrium
Dilated coronary sinus Chiari network
Thrombosis/stenosis/aortic dissection/severe atheroma
E/A early diastolic peak velocity/diastolic ventricular filling with atrial contraction; E/e' early diastolic peak velocity/early diastolic tissue Doppler velocity; FAC fractional area change; IVC inferior vena cava; LV left Ventricle; LVOT left ventricular outflow tract; RV right ventricle; SVC superior vena cava; TAPSE tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion; TEE transesophageal echocardiography
Pulmonary Artery Catheter (PAC)
Advanced hemodynamic monitoring involves PAC. PAC provides measurements including right atrial pressure, RV pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary artery occlusive pressure, and mixed venous saturation. Systemic and pulmonary vascular resistances are calculated from these variables, and CO is measured using a thermodilution method. Information from PAC can be central to evaluating the adequacy of ventricular support and diagnosing potential ECMO complications, including thrombosis. However, CO measurement with thermodilution might be influenced by the presence of ECMO flow itself, cannulas position, intrinsic RV contractility, systemic and pulmonary vascular properties, and any coexisting valvular lesions. Pulmonary pressure is always reliable, except in the case of intracardiac shunt defects. CO reliability is dependent on recirculation and drainage cannula position. All pressure measured must be interpreted according to intrathoracic pressure. Consequently, PAC measurements should be carefully considered during V-V ECMO, and trends might be more clinically significant than absolute values. Moreover, placement of PAC can be associated with the risk of tachy-dysrhythmia, pulmonary artery rupture, knotting, carotid artery damage, arterio-venous fistula, tricuspid valve damage, and infection.
Despite the frequent use of right heart catheterization in patients undergoing mechanical circulatory support, such as V-A ECMO or left ventricular assist device, its routine use in V-V settings has declined over the past decade, and there is no consensus on its systematic use47.
Pulse contour wave analysis
Pulse contour analysis of CO is based on the principle that stroke volume can be continuously estimated by analyzing the arterial pressure waveform. Calculations are based on the area under the curve of the systolic portion of the arterial waveform, which can be influenced by stroke volume, vascular compliance, aortic impedance, and peripheral vascular resistance. This technique provides dynamic analysis for the assessment of fluid responsiveness, such as stroke volume variation and systolic pressure variation between the inspiratory and expiratory phase of mechanical ventilation48. Currently, different devices measure CO based on the pulse contour analysis, and all of them use a similar PAC thermodilution technique. Cardiovascular arrhythmia, right HF, spontaneous breathing activity, low Vt, drainage cannula position can affect its reliability. Particularly, methods that rely on diluting an indicator injected into a venous system could produce ambiguous results due to the loss of indicator into the ECMO circuit. However, when ECMO flows are very low, thermodilution can retain accuracy.
Sublingual microcirculation
The microcirculation is the terminal vascular network of systemic circulation consisting of microvessels responsible for oxygen transfer. It is a compartment of the cardiovascular system of utmost importance since it is in direct contact with the parenchymal cells, which rely on its proper function to maintain their viability to support organ function. Various studies suggest that the assessment of sublingual microcirculation may have a role in guiding clinical decisions during ECMO-treatments49,50. Total vessel density, perfused vessel density and blood flow quality (microvascular flow index), percentage of perfused vessels, and flow heterogeneity index provide information about microcirculatory flow abnormalities that are associated with an increased risk of unfavorable outcome. Over the last decades, important progress has been made in understanding microcirculatory dysfunction, and many technological advances have led to the development of hardware-related hand-held vital microscopes for bedside monitoring and fully automated software51.
The direct visualization of the microcirculation and the point-of-care analysis of functional parameters can identify patients at risk where apparent resuscitation targets have been met based on the normalization of systemic hemodynamic variables and possibly provide new microcirculatory-based resuscitation targets in conjunction with systemic hemodynamic goals.
Multi-step practical approach
It is important to note that hemodynamic responses during V-V ECMO support are complex and vary among patients due to multiple clinical variables. Microthrombi, pulmonary arterial remodeling, vasoconstriction from hypoxia, acidosis, and/or inflammatory mediators, deleterious effects of mechanical ventilation on RV function, sepsis-induced tissue demands could be paired to hemodynamic dysfunction52,53. Moreover, RV failure could be worsened by the loading due to the ECMO itself54.
Monitoring hemodynamics is essential to optimize perfusion, improve gas exchange, and minimize ventilator lung injury risk.
Three dimensions of hemodynamic monitoring interacting closely and summarized as follow:
1. Basic
Provide valuable information on perfusion state by clinical examination, cold and clammy skin, arterial waveform, oliguria and direct and indirect signs of tissue oxygenation (lactate, blood gases and rSO2). Evaluating ECMO support provides the degree of gas exchange support and by echocardiography analyze the thoracic cardiac side
2. Diagnostic/Prognostic
Identifying the evolution of disease severity due to a multifactorial explanation including hyper-sympathetic state, administration of exogenous catecholamines, mechanical ventilation, aggressive intravenous resuscitation by cardiac biomarkers and hepatic function
3. Advanced
Detecting native cardiac function and his derangement guiding the treatment by a more detailed echocardiography, transpulmonary thermodilution techniques and the incoherence between macro- and micro-circulation mainly predominant in septic shock patients.
Challenges in cardio-circulatory monitoring
This practical approach, categorized by theme, have been summarized in Table 1 and Fig. 3.
Besides definite etiologies which might require specific strategies, some conditions demand particular attention.
The prone position is an adjunct therapy often employed in treating ARDS and RV failure. This technique reduces the difference in the ventral-dorsal trans-pulmonary pressure leading to homogeneous perfusion and recruitment of collapsed lung alveoli55–57. It might be beneficial also during ECMO support58, by decreasing airway pressure and reducing hypercapnia, offloading the RV, favoring venous return, and, consequently, increasing CO59–62.
Despite these positive effects, a prone position could have limited effects after certain diseases’ progression and may increase the risk of arrhythmias, chest tube or cannula displacement, and cardiac arrest. Therefore, serial evaluations of cardiac function are important during prone positioning, especially for the decrease of cardiac preload. Nevertheless, TTE has proven its feasibility with adequate quality imaging of dedicated RV views, apical four-chamber view, and apical long-axis view63. The prone position is accomplished by having the patient on her stomach with the left arm raised above the head and the right arm resting along the torso. A pillow is positioned under the left arm to slightly elevate the left hemithorax permitting more space for the transducer (Fig. 2).
Another practice that requires meticulous cardiovascular monitoring is the awake-ECMO approach64–66. The patient´s increased work of breathing, discomfort, pain, and anxiety can lead to high oxygen consumption and CO2 production. Hemodynamic monitoring in awake ECMO patients does not differ from non-awake ECMO patients. The challenge is maintaining the control of the volume status, preload, and venous return that the duration of negative intrathoracic pressure could influence due to the respiratory muscle activity and the metabolic interactions linked by extracorporeal gas exchange67,68.