Tissue Samples: Patients who underwent surgical resection of thyroid tumor at Erfan and Atiyeh hospitals in Tehran, Iran, were selected from 2015 to 2016. An experienced pathologist reviewed all tissue samples and confirmed the PTC, FTC, and MNG subjects based on pathological evidence and clinical outcomes. The pathologist also separated the matched non-tumoral slices from tumoral samples. Overall, 64 patients met the eligibility criteria, consisting of 28 PTCs, 9 FTCs cases (tumoral tissues and the matched non-tumoral tissues from the same patients), and 27 benign cases (non-tumoral tissues from patients with MNG). Tissue samples were collected in RNase and DNase-free tubes, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and then stored at -80°C for further analysis.
Genomic DNA extraction: Genomic DNA was isolated according to the manufacturer’s instructions from the fresh frozen thyroid specimens using the FavorPrep Tissue Genomic DNA Extraction Mini Kit, USA. Then, DNA quality and quantity were determined using the NanoDrop 1000c (Thermo Scientific, USA), considering the 260/280 absorbance ratio.
Design of primers: Met-primer online Software was used to design primers for hot-start PCR. These primers were designed for the promoter region of NIS gene (Table. 1). In summary, 1000 nucleotides upstream of the start codon were selected from genome databases. Islands in the promoter were detected according to the specific inclusion criteria, including island size >100, GC percent >50.0, and obs/exp >0.6, CpG. Finally, we found seven CpG sites for NIS promoter (CpG1-7 including +846, +918, +929, +947, +953, +955, and +963, respectively) and investigated methylation status in these sites (Fig.1). In order to evaluate the expression of NIS gene, primers for qRT-PCR were designed using GeneRunner software (version 4.0) and checked in NCBI Primer Blast (Table. 1).
Bisulfite modification and quantitative methylation detection: According to the manufacturer's protocol, bisulfite conversion was performed using the EZ DNA Methylation-gold kit (Zymo Research, USA). The sodium bisulfite-treated genomic DNA was amplified by hot-start PCR with the TEMPase HotStar Master Mix kit (Amplicon, UK). The PCR conditions were as follows: initial step at 95°C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles at 95°C for 30 sec, annealing at 55-60°C for 30 sec, elongation at 72°C for 30 sec, and the final elongation at 72°C for 3 min. Direct DNA sequencing was used to determine the methylation pattern. The primers and purified PCR products were transferred to Kowsar Biotech Company (KBC, Iran, Tehran), using the power read DNA sequencing service. Sequencing results were received in chromatograph, FASTA, SEQ, and pdf formats and were analyzed using Chromas version 2.6.5. The methylation percentage at each position and for each sample was calculated by mC/ (mC+C) formula for all examined CpGs; following that, the methylation percentage was also calculated at each CpG site.
Extraction of RNA and synthesis of cDNA: After histological control, total RNA was extracted from fresh snap-frozen tissue samples using the TRIzol reagent (Ambion, USA), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Finally, total RNA was reverse transcribed with the cDNA synthesis kit (Bio Fact, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol in a SENSOQUEST, Germany thermocycler.
qRT‐PCR: To evaluate the NIS expression, quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed using the Rotor-Gene 6000 (Corbett Research, Sydney, Australia). All experiments were performed duplicate for each sample in a total volume of 25µl using the SYBR Green master mix (Bio Fact, Korea).
Statistical analysis: Graph Pad Prism 8.0.1 and SPSS version 20 was used for statistical analyses. Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test was employed to test the normal distribution of the data. Non-normally distributed variables were analyzed with the Wilcoxon rank test to assess paired comparisons and Mann–Whitney U test for unpaired comparisons. Methylation results are presented with mean and standard error measurements of the mean. The mRNA expression results are expressed with Median and interquartile (25th, 75th percentiles). For all comparisons, p-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Relative quantitation of mRNA levels of NIS was performed by the comparative Ct method using the 2−ΔΔCT method [21]. The relationship between the expression and total methylation of NIS in tumoral tissues of PTC and FTC patients was examined by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients.
Systematic literature search
The current systematic review was designed according to the latest version of the PRISMA checklist for systematic review [22]. A literature search by using the terms including “Thyroid Neoplasm” OR "Thyroid Carcinoma" OR "Thyroid Cancer" AND "DNA Methylations” OR “hypermethylation" OR "CpG Island" AND “sodium iodide symporter” OR "SLC5A5” was conducted in PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. The search was performed without restricting publication date. Only articles in English were evaluated. The search results were managed by EndNote version X7. Titles and abstracts were reviewed, and relevant studies were selected. Inclusion criteria were as follows: The study indicated methylation of the NIS gene promoter in differentiated thyroid cancer (PTC and FTC). Then the full-text versions of selected articles were retrieved. The unrelated studies, reviews, meta-analysis, whole-genome, and wide genome studies were excluded. However, the references of related reviews were checked to identify additional papers. The following characteristics were collected from included studies: authors, year of publication, sample size groups, methodology, methylation status, and potential clinical values.