3.1. First Stage. - Single Layer Deposits
For the first experimental region (Ep01), the calculated WFS/TS ratios were between 41 and 93, which are higher than the value of 20 reported as acceptable [33]. However, sets 02, 05, 13, and 15 did not obtain a complete bead as seen in virtual beads reconstructions of Fig. 2a. These sets had a difference of 90A from Imax to Iw (Table 1), which means a significant loss of power. A high-power fall promotes insufficient heat to complete the mass deposition resulting in globular and non-continuous deposits during CMT cycle as shown the longitudinal profiles of Fig. 2b for each experimental condition. In addition, it was found that 10ms are the minimum droplet growth time at maximum power to complete the Ti6Al4V transfer.
The resulting LC values of 0.3 was associated with the most continuous deposits, namely, sets 06 and 07 (Fig. 3a). The globular bead appearance was related to LC values greater than 1. The %D measurements showed values from 14 to 25% for the conditions with complete deposit, where values higher than 20% were reached with Iw of 110A (Fig. 3b). Similarly, the AR exhibited values in the range of 1.5 to 2 (Fig. 3c). Finally, the DR reached values above 2Kg/min for all conditions (Fig. 3d). The analysis allows identifying a region to acceptable SLD deposits by simultaneous overlapping contour plot combining the LC, %D AR, and DR results (Fig. 4a).
In order to expand the experimental window, a second experimental region (Ep02) was designed where the Imax limit was increased to 190A. The WFS was reduced to a range of 5–10 m/min, additionally, the value of Iw=110A was assumed as the better option according to LC results; therefore, was kept constant for Ep02.
During Ep02, it was observed that eight parameter sets did not achieve effective material transfer due to lack of stability in electric arc showing a non-continuous longitudinal profile, as well as a lack of material in the bead (Fig. 2). Configurations 05, 07, 11, and 14 reached a complete and continuous bead; the WFS/TS ratio value obtained by these configurations was 33. The minimum LC value was 0.45 obtained in set 07; this profile exhibited the best continuity at this experimental region (Fig. 3a). The rest of the sets obtained a value of WFS/TS ratio less than 20 and LC between 0.65 and 1.2. The multivariable processing map is shown in conjunction with principal factors in Fig. 4b, where it was not possible to define an effective processing zone.
At Ep02, the effective transfer conditions included a TS of 5mm/s and a WFS of 10m/min. From this observation, an additional experimental episode was defined (Ep03) modifying the top value of WFS up to 20m/min, in order to increase the evaluated range. Experimental episode Ep03 showed some non-successful sets for effective Ti6Al4V transfer. Nevertheless, set 06 showed an LC value equal to 0.14 (Fig. 2b), the lowest value obtained in the three parameter regions explored. The WFS and tImax demonstrated the most influence on the evaluated variables (Fig. 4a); however, the TS exhibited continuous deposits when the value of 5mm/s was selected.
On the other hand, a reduction in the %D and DR was observed when the TS was increased (Fig. 3) due to the lower mass transfer resulting from this parameter modification. For this work, an acceptable value of LC was defined between 0.1 < LC < 0.4 for continuous deposits. A value less than 0.1 means no deposition, while values greater than 0.4 indicate non-continuous morphology.
3.2. Second Stage. – Multi-layer
Two deposition strategies were design each one with a different tw and following the path described in as describe Fig. 1c. Six-layer walls were built with the three best parameters set extracted of processing maps (lighter zones) described in Fig. 4.
Two series of walls were manufactured; the first series (W1, W2, and W3) were produced with tw of 30s, while the second series (W4, W5, and W6) were printed with tw of 100s. Chemical analyses of elemental composition were carried out on samples W1, W2, and W3, built-up with different experimental input power, using EDS from the center towards the edge of the wall. An element map of a cross-section deposit is shown in Fig. 5.
The oxygen distribution suggests that the input power can promote oxidation on the surface since the wall manufactured with 450J/mm showed a maximum of 23%wt of oxygen on the surface as exhibited in Fig. 6a. The wall printed with 150J/mm revealed 12%wt of oxygen in a similar spatial location on the wall (Fig. 6c). The molten droplet interacts with the molten pool surface in cyclical motion during deposition, this interaction generates constant agitation promoting the distribution of the alloying elements during processing. From the experimental evidence, it can be said that the circulation of the molten pool in a radial and ascendant direction, from the interior to the surface, promotes higher oxygen distribution at the edges of the wall. An oxygen concentration in the central region of the wall was not detected with the EDS.
According to the equilibrium transformation diagram for Ti6Al4V developed by the working group (Fig. 7a), the transus temperatures are located at 280°, 450°C and 950°C. However, for the sample manufactured by CMT-WAAM the transformation temperatures were set at 180°, 380°, 700° and 850°C. The temperatures show a shift to the left (lower temperature orientation). A comparison between the curves obtained by DSC analysis is presented in Fig. 7b, where the shift of the transformation temperatures is shown. The decrease in the transformation ranges shows a decrease in the energy barrier required to perform the transformation in an average range of 100°C before it is performed on the plate sample due to the amount of energy available from residual stresses during the overheating and rapid solidification cycles.
The analysis of the micro-hardness distribution was performed on each of the deposited layers, the heat affected zone, and the substrate. The walls were tested for hardness along the center line of the cross-section as described in Fig. 8a, the values were not similar to the measurements obtained for the base material. Figure 8b presents the measured hardness values as a function of wall height. It was found that the micro-hardness values do not vary significantly between the first deposited layers and the HAZ. However, at the corresponding height of the last layer, it is possible to observe an increase in hardness. This increase is associated with the rapid heat extraction in the last layer, where the previously deposited material also contributes to the rapid heat extraction.
Different deposition strategies with different tw (Table 2) does not seem to influence the values obtained for any deposition strategy used for the construction. The tw of 100s did not influence significantly the micro-hardness values obtained per region tested compared with the results of walls with tw of 30s.
Table 2
Parameter set for the construction of six-layer walls with the various depositing strategies.
Synergy Point | Wall | Q J/mm | tw s | Iavg A | WFS m/min | TS mm/s | Height Wall mm | HL Avg mm | WL Avg mm | ALAR Avg WL/ HL |
Ep_01_07 | W1 | 207 | 30 | 115 | 55 | 10 | 15.21 | 4.87 | 2.53 | 1.92 |
Ep_03_06 | W2 | 450 | 30 | 125 | 10 | 5 | 20.29 | 4.75 | 3.38 | 2.65 |
Ep_03_16 | W3 | 150 | 30 | 125 | 20 | 15 | 12.51 | 6.96 | 2.08 | 2.38 |
Ep_01_07 | W4 | 207 | 100 | 115 | 55 | 10 | 15.02 | 6.79 | 2.50 | 1.90 |
Ep_03_06 | W5 | 450 | 100 | 125 | 10 | 5 | 19.54 | 4,96 | 3.25 | 2.38 |
Ep_03_16 | W6 | 150 | 100 | 125 | 20 | 15 | 13.49 | 4.78 | 2.24 | 2.13 |
Wall W2 had the highest thermal input during processing and showed higher scattering of the hardness measurements. While, wall W3, with the lowest heat load evaluated, showed less heterogeneity than W2. However, the set of parameters used for wall W1, with tw equal to 30s, had the least dispersion in micro-hardness. Moreover, wall W1 did not present spatter during processing and had the highest layer continuity. This behavior suggests that it is possible to obtain deposits whose morphologies and characteristics are useful for the AM of walls with a greater number of layers, no loss of filler material, and uniform micro-hardness.
The morphology of the walls was studied in both vertical (Fig. 9a) and horizontal (Fig. 9b) directions. The obtained profile integrates an analysis of total height, width, and continuity of each produced wall. With this perspective, it is possible to determine the effect of the process parameters on the deformation of the wall. Thus, the factor average-layer-aspect-ratio of the wall (ALAR) was introduced to evaluate the continuity of the wall deposit. ALAR represents the ratio of average width of the wall to the average heights of layers along the wall, as illustrated in Fig. 8c. In this work, the ALAR factor configuration for W1 proved to be the most useful for AM of Ti6Al4V. In addition, the highest thermal load of the conditions under test indicated up to 70% more continuity in width and height layer-by-layer.
The value of ALAR for W1 was 1.92 and was proposed as a reference to obtain highly reproducible multi-layer walls. Virtual reconstruction analyses demonstrated that the average width and average height of the thin walls were not influence by interpass times between 30 and 100s, which means more stable multi-layer walls. Additionally, the width and height of the walls seem to be directly proportional to TS in the range of process parameters studied. Therefore, both variables, width and height wall, were strongly influenced by the control of CMT.