To examine the changes in muscle tone after pharmacological intervention, we first measured and calculated SWV in three situations. Using the multiple regression model constructed in the current study, the female sex and obesity were identified to significantly decrease the SWV. In addition, we constructed a new single regression model and devised a unique adjustment method to improve the measurement accuracy of SWVs. We hypothesised that the adjusted SWV values were keystones for the universal scale or quantitative assessment of muscle tone.
The results presented in Fig. 1 showed that shear-wave elastography quantified the abdominal muscle tone. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of shear-wave elastography under special conditions of anaesthetic administration. Surprisingly, shear-wave elastography was able to measure and quantify changes in muscle tone, despite the lack of muscle thickening that occurs with muscle contraction. At baseline, the SWV was 1.9 m/s; this may reflect the level of muscle tone at rest in a patient. Considering that the patient was in supine during the measurements, the effects of muscle contraction for standing retention and gravity were considered negligible [16]. Under opioid-induced rigidity conditions, the SWV was 2.2 m/s. However, this observation is difficult to interpret. An earlier report has suggested that opioid-induced rigidity is equivalent to muscle stiffness in Parkinsonism [17]. Ding et al. have reported that the SWV in the biceps brachii muscle of patients with Parkinson’s disease was 3.7 m/s [18]. This velocity is relatively higher than that in our results; therefore, the interpretation may be controversial.
As presented in Table 2, sex and body mass index were significant factors affecting muscle tone. These two factors were used in the multiple regression model; however, they may not be independent of each other. Women have higher body fat mass than men [19], and obesity is a state of excessive body fat accumulation [20]. Body fat mass may be a potential factor in decreasing the SWV, and it is classified as either visceral or subcutaneous [21]. Computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry quantify visceral fat [21], while a calliper or ultrasound can easily measure subcutaneous fat through skinfolds [21, 22]. Thus, subcutaneous fat thickness may be a significant factor in reducing SWV based on the interpretation of multiple regression models. We referred to the stored ultrasound images in which the velocity was measured, and we retrospectively measured subcutaneous fat thickness. As presented in Fig. 2, in both the male and female patients, a simple linear regression was fitted between subcutaneous fat thickness and SWV. Next, using the regression model for the complete muscle relaxation conditions of the male and female patients, we adjusted the measured SWVs. The results presented in Fig. 3 indicate that the SWV was 1.8 m/s at reference (i.e. zero point), and that the SWV was 2.0 m/s at rest (~ 10% increase from the reference). In the opioid-induced rigidity condition, the SWV was 2.4 m/s (~ 30% increase from the reference). In all the conditions, the individual differences were smaller than those before adjustment; standard deviations were smaller (Fig. 3), and the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in statistical comparisons was also smaller than that before adjustment. The SWVs after adjustment may be useful as controls to assess abdominal muscle tone. Quantification of the SWV will be possible as a goal when treating muscle stiffness, for example, by lowering it to approximately 2.0 m/s. In rehabilitation medicine, chronological measurement of SWV can be used to quantify the effect of rehabilitation (e.g. passive motion on joint stiffness) [23]. In perioperative or critical care, monitoring of SWVs may be an indicator for reversing opioid overdoses with naloxone. The three values (i.e. 1.8, 2.0, and 2.4 m/s) may be used as scale points for the assessment of muscle tone.
One of the most important components of the proposed scale was a zero point. The adjusted SWV under the complete muscle relaxation condition, which was approximately 1.8 m/s, can be considered as a reference point. To the best of our knowledge, such a reference velocity has not been previously reported. Therefore, we compared SWV in softer organs to that in fully relaxed muscles. Barr et al. have reported that the velocity in the liver was approximately 1.5 m/s [24, 25]. The value of 1.8 m/s may be a reasonable reference point on the scale for the assessment of muscle tone.
Our proposed adjustment for subcutaneous fat thickness is practical because it can be measured simultaneously with ultrasound manipulation when measuring velocity, and it is reasonable to assume that for clinical use of SWV, the thicker the subcutaneous fat, the more likely it is that the ultrasound waves emitted by the echo probe will be attenuated by the subcutaneous fat [26]. A plausible explanation is that thicker subcutaneous fat reduces SWV. Nevertheless, this adjustment may not be appropriate for other parts of the body, such as the neck, shoulders, waist, and lower limbs, where muscle stiffness often occurs in clinical practice [27] because the subcutaneous fat thickness at each site varies even in the same individual [15]. Further investigation at other sites is required to generalise the proposed scale. If subcutaneous fat thickness-adjusted scales at other sites are similar to those at the abdominal muscle, the scale may be universal for the assessment of muscle tone in medicine.
One of the limitations of this study is the variety of anaesthesia methods used during anaesthetic induction. Inhaled anaesthetics (i.e., sevoflurane and desflurane) potentiate muscle relaxation and are weak muscle relaxants on their own [28]. Although this patient selection bias may have influenced the measurement of SWV, our regression models demonstrated no significant effects of inhaling anaesthetics (Table 2). Thus, the effects of inhaling anaesthetics may be insignificant.
Another limitation of this study was that all measurements were performed by only one sonographer. Ultrasonography depends on the operator’s skill and experience and is not reproducible [29]. Here, we did not use other methods to measure SWV and subcutaneous fat thickness, except for ultrasound sonography. Moreover, when the examiner measured the subcutaneous fat thickness, he did not estimate the degree of fat infiltration into the abdominal muscle. Neuromuscular disease, disuse atrophy, and sarcopenia induce fat-rich muscles [30]. However, the possible relationship between the degree of fat content in the muscle and muscle tone has not been examined. As described above, these information biases may be related to the results of this study.
In conclusion, our results suggest that shear-wave elastography allows for quantification of abdominal muscle tone and that significant clinical factors for decreasing SWV are the female sex and high body mass index. SWV adjusted for subcutaneous fat thickness may be a scale point in a universal scale for assessing muscle tone that can be developed in the future.