Wetlands are under threat primarily from a variety of human disturbances globally (Davidson et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2019), and this is particularly so in the tropical areas, mainly because of economic development and human population growth in low and middle-income regions. The present study investigated to what extent human disturbance affected aquatic plant species richness and community composition. Livestock grazing, cultivation, biomass harvesting, water withdrawals, and sand mining were the most common human disturbance activities in Lake Tana wetlands, especially during the dry season. However, the impact of these disturbances, especially water withdrawals and sand mining were greater in river mouth wetlands, resulting in turbid, shallower, and warmer local environmental conditions in these wetlands than in the other two wetland types. As a result, river mouth wetlands had a lower richness of local aquatic plant species and a very different community composition than the other two wetland types. Human disturbances altered the aquatic plant community composition in Lake Tana wetlands, supporting our primary hypothesis. Moreover, our second and third hypotheses were partially confirmed, as we discovered an increasing trend in nestedness patterns, and a decreasing trend as overall human disturbance increased.
Overall, wetland types explained the greatest proportion of variation in aquatic plant community composition, followed by human disturbance. Local environmental variables played a minor but significant role in explaining variation in aquatic plant community composition. The wetlands under consideration were highly variable in terms of overall human disturbance and environmental conditions (e.g., water depth, turbidity, specific conductance, and pH). Therefore, the high explained variation by wetland types may have been obtained because different aquatic plants required different habitat types and greater wetland heterogeneity may support a variety of aquatic plants (Grönroos et al. 2013; Bao et al. 2017; Soininen et al. 2018; Oikonomou and Stefanidis 2020). Much of this variation was co-explained by environmental and implies that some environmental conditions, such as water depth, turbidity, specific conductance, pH, and temperature, were specific to a particular wetland type. Riverine papyrus swamps, for example, were distinguished by high specific conductance and water depths, whereas river mouth wetlands were distinguished by high turbidity and temperature, and lacustrine wetlands by high pH. The variation in aquatic plant community composition in wetlands was also influenced by human disturbance. It explained slightly more variation during the dry season when water drawdowns made the wetlands more accessible to human activities than they did during the wet season. This finding is consistent with earlier studies highlighting the significant impact of human disturbance on aquatic plant community composition in wetlands. For example, Sievers et al.(2018) report that human disturbances were important in explaining compositional variation in aquatic plants in the wetlands of Yellow River in Henan Province of China. Much of this variation was co-explained by both environmental and wetland types. This is not surprising given that human disturbance frequently causes a change in local environmental conditions (Sievers et al. 2018). However, the shared explained variation between wetland type and human disturbance may imply that some human disturbance activities were wetland type specific. A significant portion (at least 60%) of the community variation in our dataset was unexplained by human disturbance, environmental factors, or wetland type. These unexplained components typically represent variables that were not quantified for the system, such as nutrients (e.g., TP, TN, carbon) Jones et al., 2012), aquatic weed infestation (e.,g Pontederia crassipes, Azolla spp.) (Stiers et al. 2011; Muthukrishnan and Larkin 2020), and other dispersal processes (Yuan et al. 2022).
Among human disturbances, crop cultivation, biomass harvesting, water withdrawals, and effluent discharge, livestock grazing, tree plantation (eucalyptus spp. and Cupressocyparis x leylandii), and sand mining (mining of any aggregate regardless of particle size) were significant in affecting the compositional variation of aquatic plant communities among studied wetlands. Livestock overgrazing in wetlands has been shown to result in the total loss of palatable grass and sedge species due to trampling (Davidson et al., 2017; Reiss et al., 2010). As a result, the less desirable herbaceous aquatic plants become the dominant species in heavily grazed wetlands (Teuber et al. 2013). Livestock overgrazing in wetlands also promotes the establishment of annual or short-lived perennial aquatic plant species (Grime 2006). However, if managed properly, livestock grazing in wetlands can lead to greater aquatic plant diversity (Van den Broeck et al. 2019). Also, crop cultivation had a significant impact on the community composition of aquatic plants in our study area. In river mouth wetlands, irrigation agriculture had been practiced to grow vegetables, fruits, khat, and other crops by extracting water from wetlands and diverting rivers that flow to lakes and wetlands (Abera et al. 2020). Water withdrawals have a significant impact on the hydrology of wetlands, which in turn affects the aquatic plant community composition (Taye et al. 2021). Water withdrawals have been found to cause a loss of connectivity between wetlands and rivers and lakes (Döll et al. 2009), and led to a decline in the water level of wetlands (Li et al., 2021), which affects the success of aquatic plants. Similarly, sand mining was common in river mouth wetlands, and it is known to directly remove aquatic plants while also altering soil profiles, changing the hydrology and topography of the wetlands, and changing nutrient concentrations in the wetlands (Koehnken et al. 2020).
In the present study, aside from different human disturbances, different sets of individual environmental variables influenced the community composition of aquatic plants. However, hydrology-related factors such as water depth, turbidity, and sediment depth, overall seemed to be the most important variables determining variation in community composition in aquatic plants among different wetland types. It is widely accepted that the community composition of aquatic plants is primarily influenced by water depth and related variables such as turbidity, and sediment depth (Maltchik et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2015). Variations in water depth, in particular, can have an impact on the establishment, growth, and survival of aquatic plants in wetlands (Casanova and Brock 2000). Generally, in our study area, spatial and seasonal variation in water levels caused variation in aquatic plant species richness and variations in community composition. For example, the wider range of water depths (5-350 cm) in papyrus swamps and increased water depth during the wet season in most of the studied wetlands supported a higher number of microhabitats which allowed the coexistence of emergent, floating, and submerged species with different water depth requirements (Temmink et al. 2021), that ultimately increased species richness (Rutherford et al. 2022). Water depth is also likely to influence aquatic plant community composition by altering other physicochemical variables in wetlands (such as turbidity, temperature, and specific conductance) in wetlands (Boeckman 2007).
Our results revealed that the pattern in variation in aquatic plant community composition was structured more by species replacement (turnover; where one species replaces another with no change in richness), while the contribution of nestedness (species richness differences) was small. Previous studies have also shown that the contribution of turnover components to community composition variation is greater in heterogenous habitats than that of the nestedness components in aquatic plant communities, including water bodies in southern China, and coastal ponds in southern Brazil (Bertuzzi et al. 2019; Sun et al. 2022). A meta-analysis of 21 lakes from different countries also found turnover pattern dominance in lake macrophytes community composition (Alahuhta et al. 2017). The importance of turnover in heterogeneous environments has also been reported for fish communities in the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Peláez et al. 2017), as well as benthic invertebrate communities in both protected and unprotected wetlands of southern Ethiopia (Chawaka et al., 2018). However, as overall human disturbance increased, the contribution of nestedness to aquatic plant community composition variation increased. This implies that if the current level of human disturbance persists, some species will become locally extinct in the future (Mligo 2017; Osawa et al. 2020). Previous studies have found that the nestedness was more evident in habitats disturbed by human activities (Leprieur et al. 2011; Gutiérrez-Cánovas et al. 2013; Si et al. 2015). Baselga. (2010) and Legendre. (2014) have also pointed out that the proportion of the nestedness becomes more discernible in community composition variation as human disturbance increases. Human disturbance can increase the contribution of nestedness in aquatic plant community composition, resulting in the replacement of exotic species and the loss of native species in aquatic plant communities in wetlands (Ehrenfeld 2008; Loiselle et al. 2020). In our study, for example, several native Cyperaceae species that were dominant in less disturbed riverine papyrus swamps and lacustrine wetlands were absent from river mouth wetlands, whereas exotic Pontederia crassipes was dominant in these wetlands. A previous study found that Pontederia crassipes infestation and expansion in river mouth wetlands is caused by high nutrient inputs from agricultural activities (Derseh et al. 2019). The dominance of Pontederia crassipes in highly stressed river mouth wetlands is expected because due to its ecophysiological adaptations that aid in the colonization of disturbed areas (Meneguelli-Souza et al. 2016).
Our analysis showed that aquatic plant species richness decreased as overall human disturbance increased. In addition, in comparison to less and moderately disturbed wetlands (i.e., riverine papyrus swamps and lacustrine wetlands), highly disturbed wetlands, particularly river mouth wetlands, had a relatively low species richness. Increased human disturbance has been shown to prevent some aquatic plant species from colonizing a site (Yang et al. 2017), change environmental conditions to make them unsuitable for some species (Luísa et al. 2020), and facilitate the spread of invasive species, which may increase competitive exclusion (Wang et al. 2021), resulting in low species richness. Similar to our findings, Zhang et al. (2018) reported a decrease in functional diversity in floodplain aquatic plants as a result of increased human impacts. Similarly, Sievers et al.(2018) reported that human disturbance was a significant factor influencing plant species diversity in Yellow River wetlands in Henan Province, China.