Study Design and setting
This was a randomized controlled trial conducted in a level one trauma center at a university hospital with around 748 trauma calls in 2021, of which 95 had an ISS ≥16. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Heidelberg, Germany (protocol ID S-605/2021) and registered at the German Clinical Trial Register ( - study number DRKS00024047). Our study results are reported in accordance with the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines(12) (Supplement S1 and S2). This study was conducted without external funding.
Selection of Participants
We included all adult patients (age ≥18 years) who were admitted to the trauma resuscitation room. Affirmation from the trauma team leader had to be obtained before the patient arrived based on the information given by the emergency medical system (EMS) physician. Patients were excluded if the cause for trauma was an attempted suicide according to the judgement from the EMS and trauma team leader, known pregnancies or if they were prisoners. All participants were recruited in the presence of at least one author.
Healthy volunteers
Healthy volunteers were recruited from the anesthesiology department. After informed consent a HSR of a hand palm was obtained, and age and profession were recorded.
Patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio between the 2 study arms before their arrival during the team timeout. Identical sealed envelopes with inclusion and exclusion criteria printed on the outside were used for the randomization process. Sequence allocation was conducted using Patients allocated to the intervention group received two HSR in addition to the standard of care.
Treating physicians were blinded to the result of the hyperspectral measurements.
At the time of study inclusion participants were verbally informed of the intervention, written consent was obtained after the initial treatment from conscious patients. In unconscious patients, a legal representative was installed and asked for consent as soon as possible.
Hyperspectral imaging
HSI was performed with the Tivita® Tissue System (Diaspective Vision GmbH, Am Salzhaff, Germany). Taking an HSI is only possible with adequate exposure. The influence of ambient light was minimized by black curtains around the camera. The integrated stray light warning system indicates adequate conditions with a green dot on the screen. Camera height was then adjusted to the patients’ hand using the integrated target system with two overlapping light points. In concordance with the trauma team one patient site, whichever was better accessible, was chosen for HSI.
The technical specifications of the system have been described in previous publications(13–15). In brief, the HSI camera captures a Red-Green-Blue-image (RGB-image) in addition to the remission spectra in a range between 500nm and 1000nm in intervals of 5nm for every pixel (640 x 480-pixel resolution), resulting in 100 values of spectral information per pixel. These images are then used for the calculation of the following HSI parameters with their respective wavelenghts(16):
-Tissue oxygenation (StO2) wavelength range: 500–650 and 700–815 nm, indicated in percent (0–100%)
-Near infrared perfusion index (NIR) wavelength range: 655–735 and 825–925 nm, indicated in predefined arbitrary units (0–100)
-Tissue hemoglobin index (THI) wavelength range: 530–590 and 785–825 nm indicated in predefined arbitrary units (0–100)
-Tissue water index (TWI) wavelength range: 880–900 and 955–980 nm indicated in predefined arbitrary units (0–100).
Hyperspectral measurements
Measurements from the HSR were performed after both images were obtained to avoid influencing the treatment. Investigator and treating physicians were blinded to the results. Measurements were performed at the palm of the respective hand and as a mean of two fingers on the same hand.
The primary outcomes were the treatment duration of the primary survey and the total resuscitation room care as well as the ability to successful perform hyperspectral measurements. The duration of the primary survey was defined as the time from end of handover from the EMS crew until (1) ABCDE-assessment(10,11) by the anesthetist, (2) standardized ultrasound by the radiologist and (3) physical examination by the trauma surgeon were completed. The total resuscitation room care was defined as the time from end of handover from the EMS crew until the patient was transferred to either the CT scan, operation room (OR), intensive care unit (ICU) or ward.
As secondary outcomes we performed two analyses for hyperspectral measurements. First, comparing the hyperspectral measurements from the injured patients with those of 25 healthy volunteers in order to assess microcirculatory impairment in injured patients.
Secondly, an analysis based on the ISS (Injury severity score) (<16 vs. ≥16) to assess changes in microcirculation in major trauma patients.
One author (FP) acquired all HSI and performed the measurements using the TIVITA Tissue system. The first image was taken during the ongoing assessment (1-3) and the second image when the patient arrived either in the OR, ICU or at the ward. Hyperspectral measurements were StO2, THI, NIR and TWI as described above. Time measurements for both primary outcomes were performed by one author (FP) independently from the trauma team. In addition, we recorded demographic and clinical data as well as interventions from the EMS and trauma team during the treatment. A full list of recorded variables is listed in the supplementary material (Supplement S3).
Sample Size
Treatment times vary between different systems and algorithms used. In the past, duration of the primary survey was not assessed in our resuscitation room. Therefore, it had to be defined by our study team based on our standard operating procedure. In conclusion, sample size calculation based on previous data was not possible. In concordance with our statistical department, a group size of 25 participants each was determined.
Primary Data Analysis
Collection of data was done with the aid of an electronical database system (Microsoft Excel®, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Unterschleißheim, Germany). All analyses were performed using SPSS (Statistical Product and Services Solutions, Version 28, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
We performed an intention to treat analysis of the primary and secondary outcomes and since this is an exploratory analysis p-values are purely descriptive and not adjusted for multiple testing. A two-sided level of significance of 5% was considered statistically significant in the presentation of results. Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics were summarized using means and standard deviations (SD) or medians and interquartile ranges (Q1 to Q3) for continuous variables and using frequencies for categorical variables. Both primary outcomes were checked for normal distribution by visual inspection and as a result analyzed by Mann-Whitney-U due to heterogeneity of the data. The effect size for the primary outcomes was calculated as the differences between pseudo medians with nonparametric 95% confidence intervals (CI) using the Hodges-Lehmann method.
Effect size in hyperspectral measurements between the intervention group and healthy volunteers was calculated as the difference in means with 95% CI using students t-test.
Missing data were not imputed.