This cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study was performed to determine the status of preventive measures taken to combat Covid-19 in the hospital. The present study was performed by census in Tabriz hospitals.
In order to review the texts of studies conducted at home and abroad in the field of measures to prevent Covid-19 in hospitals in a recent year, a systematic review of texts was performed. Iranian databases such as SID, Magiran, etc. were searched using the keywords Corona virus, Covid-19, prevention measures, hospital, workplace. External databases such as Pubmed, Science direct, Scopos, Google schoolar, etc. were searched using keywords, coronavirous, Covid-19, prevention measures, health care worker, hospitals, and workplaces. The proposed guidelines for the prevention of Covid-19 in hospitals were also used by various organizations such as WHO, NIOSH, and OSHA
Based on the results of reviewing the texts and instructions, a checklist was designed to assess the status of occupational risk factors and prevention measures against Covid-19. The data collection tools will be a checklist designed to prevent Covid-19 infection and a checklist of occupational risk factors for Covid-19 infection.
This study conducted among hospitals located in Tabriz, Iran. The studied hospitals included 13 government hospitals, 5 non-government public hospitals, 6 private hospitals and 3 military hospitals (27 hospitals in total), one of which was removed from the study population due to lack of cooperation and a total of 26 hospitals were studied. In each hospital, checklists for risk factors for Covid-19 infection and preventive measures for Covid-19 were completed with the help of the occupational health expert of the hospital. The occupational risk factors checklist consisted of 13 questions. The questions of the Covid-19 prevention measures checklist were divided into three parts: personal protective equipment, management control measures, engineering control measures. The Covid-19 preventive measures checklist included 11 questions in the field of personal protective equipment, 103 questions on management control measures, 14 questions on engineering control measures (128 questions in total).
The questions in the coronavirus risk factors checklist have two answers yes and no, the answer yes means absence of risk, in all questions except for questions 3, 6, 9 and 10 (in these questions answer "Yes" means presence of risk). A score of 1 is given for a "No" answers and a score of zero is given for a "Yes" answers. So, higher scores indicate a higher risk of Covid-19. The questions in the coronavirus prevention measures checklist have two answers yes and no, the answer "Yes" means good condition of coronavirus prevention measures, in all questions and "No" means poor conditions of coronavirus prevention measures. A score of 1 is given for a "Yes" answers and a score of zero is given for a "No" answers. So, higher scores indicate a good condition of coronavirus prevention measures of Covid-19.
Conditions of coronavirus prevention measures of Covid-19 were good if the scores in the fields of "use of PPE", " management measures", " engineering measures" and” total preventive measures" are higher than 5.5, 51.5, 7 and 64, respectively.
In order to check the content validity of the checklist, the opinions of experts in the fields related to the subject of study including occupational health, public health, environmental health, epidemiology, etc. were used. To determine the validity of the CVR content, experts were asked to review each question based on a three-part spectrum: necessary, unnecessary, but relevant and unnecessary. In determining the CVI validity index, three criteria of simplicity, relevance and clarity were reviewed and rated separately by experts based on a range of four for each item. Lawshe criterion was used to evaluate the CVR score. Also, some items were modified according to the comments received from experts by replacing them with simpler words or phrases. To check the face validity of the checklist, an occupational health specialist, general, epidemiologist and hospital expert were consulted
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS Version 22.0 statistic software package. Data were expressed as means ± standard deviation (SD). Comparisons between hospitals were performed with analysis of non-parametric test (Kruskal Wallis Test). A value of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.