3.1.1 Qualitative Analysis
Phytochemical analysis of the sugar apple peel revealed the presence of anthraquinones, tannins, triterpenoids, reducing sugars, and saponins (Table 1). These compounds have also been found in other fruits of the Annonaceae family such as A. muricata [22], and A. cherimoya M. [23]. These types of chemical groups are associated with a wide range of biological activities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic, and anti-inflammatory, among others [6, 7, 24].
Table 1
Qualitative-quantitative analysis and antioxidant capacity if sugar apple
Chemical compounds
Biological material
Sugar apple
BReducing sugars
ATotal Polyphenolsa
5000.13 ± 30.44
ATotal Flavonoidsb
82.04 ± 1.2
2920.15 ± 290.13
5271.59 ± 562.07
CAscorbic acidd
3023.07 ± 75.83
13919.07 ± 492.11
16099.56 ± 203.76
21346.73 ± 1134.01
5261.92 ± 34.59
Antioxidant Capacity
354.27 ± 3.9
Qualitative parameters: (-) Not detected; (+) Sparingly present; (++) Moderately present; (+++) Abundantly present. A Methanolic Extract, B Dry Methanolic Extract, C Lyophilized Peel. aTPC in mg of Gallic Acid Equivalents in 100 g of Lyophilized Peel (mg GAEq/100 g LP). bTotal Flavonoids in mg of Quercetin Equivalents in 100 g of Lyophilized Peel (mg QEq/100 g LP), cContent of sucrose, glucose and fructose in mg of compound in 100 g of Lyophilized Peel (mg/100 g LP), dContent of ascorbic, citric, malic and tartaric acids in mg of compound in 100 g of Lyophilized Peel (mg/100 g LP), eAntioxidant Capacity in millimole Trolox Equivalent in 100 g of Lyophilized Peel (mmol TEq/100 mg LP), mean ± EE (n = 3–9).
3.1.2. Quantitative Analysis
Total Phenol Content (TPC) and Total Flavonoid (TF). Phenolic compounds correspond to a diverse group of secondary metabolites that are widely distributed in different organs or structures of plants, such as fruits. These compounds include an extensive diversity of structures, from the simplest ones, such as phenolic acids, to more complex structures called polyphenols, like flavonoids [25]. Phenol content was obtained through the Folin-Ciocalteau method, while flavonoids were determined via a colorimetric method using aluminum chloride (Table 1). The concentration of total phenols in the Methanolic Extract (ME) of sugar apple peel was 5000.13 ± 30.44 mg Gallic Acid Equivalents/100 g of Lyophilized Peel (LP) and the concentration of total flavonoids was 82.04 ± 1.2 mg Quercetin Equivalents/100 g of LP. The content differs in quantity from that previously reported by Can-Cauich et al. [5] but it is consistent in the presence of a higher content of TPC compared to TF. They additionally report the content of 11 phenolic compounds, namely hydroxycinnamic acids, hydroxybenzoic acids, flavonols, isoflavones, and flavanols [5].
Antioxidant Capacity. Phenolic compounds are related to antioxidant properties since they act as free radical collectors and metal ion chelators [26]. The antioxidant capacity was obtained using the ABTS + radical method. This test allows measuring the relative capacity of antioxidants to trap the ABTS + radical in an aqueous phase and comparing it with a standard antioxidant such as Trolox or ascorbic acid [27]. Sugar apple peel presented 55.23 ± 0.43 mmol Trolox Equivalents/100 mg of LP. Can-Cauich et al. [5] reported a correlation between Antioxidant Capacity and TPC of 0.94. Combining the data from Can-Cauich et al. [5] and Chel-Guerrero et al. [7] with our measurement, a correlation between Antioxidant Capacity and TPC of 0.86 is obtained (SI, Fig. 1).
Sugars. The ability to synthesize soluble sugars is one of the main features of plant physiology. Sugars fulfill a large number of essential functions for plants, being a general source of metabolic energy that contributes to their growth and development, defense, flowering, and apical dominance [28]. Sugars play a key role in the organoleptic quality of the fruits and, consequently, in consumer acceptance. Usually, the main sugar found is sucrose, which can be hydrolyzed to produce fructose and glucose [29]. Sugar content in the sugar apple peel (Table 1) was calculated via High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), observing that the predominant monosaccharide was fructose (5271.59 ± 562.07 mg/100 mg LP), followed by glucose (2920.15 ± 290.13 mg/100 mg LP), whilst sucrose presence was not detected. The investigation conducted by Chel-Guerrero et al. [7] concurs with the absence of sucrose in sugar apple peel. We can also note the discoveries of Pal & Kumar [30] revealing that sugar apple fruit contains 15% of total sugar content during the commercial maturity stage, while Fang et al. [31] report that during fruit ripening there is an accumulation of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose, which contributes to the sweetness of the fruit. Furthermore, genes involved with starch degradation are up-regulated while genes related to starch synthesis are highly repressed during late development and ripening stages.
Organic Acids. The content of organic acids along with sugars has an effect on sweetness and acidity, which are key characteristics of the flavor of the fruit. It should be noted that the most abundant organic acids in fruits are citric acid and malic acid, and that the content of these metabolites depends on several aspects, such as temperature, soil quality, stage of development, etc. [32]. In this research, the content of organic acids (Table 1) was measured by means of an HPLC, with the following retention times for the acids found: 3.8 min for Tartaric acid, 4.6 min for L-Malic acid, 5.2 min for Ascorbic acid, 6.4 min for Citric acid, and 7.6 min for D-Malic acid. According to our findings, D-Malic and L-Malic, as well as Citric acid, are predominant (21346.73 ± 1134.01, 16099.56 ± 203.76, and 13919.07 ± 492.11 mg/100 g LP, respectively), which is consistent with the breakthroughs reported by Lee et al. [33]. During fruit ripening, the increase in sugar content is due to the starch degradation process and increased sugar accumulation, while organic acids generally decrease. Malate and citrate are the predominant organic acids in mature climacteric and non-climacteric fruits. In climacteric fruits, such as sugar apple, malate/citrate serve as a substrate during cellular respiration, so their content tends to decrease [34]; however, sugar apple, like other anonaceous fruits, has an opposite response, since citric acid increases significantly at the consumption maturity stage, as proved by Pal & Kumar [30].