The first objective was the quantification of thermodynamic fluxes to seasonal forcing. Both H and LE fluxes displayed positive correlations with air temperature, as one would expect from first principles (Monteith and Unsworth, 2008). With increased air temperature, surface temperature will be higher, ultimately increasing upward surface fluxes. Horizontal warm air advection in developing atmospheric boundary layers can explain negative H fluxes. This is well studied in literature as a driver of urban heat island growth (Ching et al., 1983, Heaviside et al., 2015). Negative heat fluxes and Bowen ratios, which were found at higher frequency at the lower urban density site (i.e., Toledo), are less common in theory (Monteith, 1965, Monteith and Unsworth, 2008), we present them here to show all the data that falls within the highest data-quality level (Biosciences, 2017, Mauder and Foken, 2006). Negative LE fluxes could be oasis effects driven by urban canopies. Taha et al. (1991) found micro-metrological conditions within urban canopies can be up to 6°C lower than the surroundings, which would explain the downward recirculation of dry air within the urban environment. We should note that the negative LE fluxes were most common in the least dense site that also had the highest amount of vegetative canopy. Bowen ratios decreased during warming conditions across all sites. While all land-atmosphere fluxes increased during warmer conditions, H fluxes increased at a faster rate. While urban water cycling is dominated by LE fluxes over long periods of time (Mitchell et al., 2001), urban environments are highly impervious, which leads to reductions in LE fluxes during prolonged warm periods. This finding matches previously reported results, suggesting that 100% urbanization would decrease evaporation and increase H fluxes (Dow and DeWalle, 2000).
The second objective was to examine the impacts of urban rivers and evapotranspiration sources on heat flux partitioning. When binned for all sites, contrary to expectations, LE fluxes were lower when coming from the urban rivers (Monteith, 1965, Monteith and Unsworth, 2008). While open water is still a source of water to the atmosphere, higher LE fluxes originated from the developed (non-river) areas of the footprint. This is possible if developed areas have water available for evapotranspiration and if there is more absorbed energy. For LE fluxes originating from non-river areas of the footprints, there is a negative correlation between urban density and LE fluxes likely because urban canopies in lower urban densities are a significant source of water to the atmosphere. To assess the amount of absorbed energy, H was examined and found to be lower when fluxes originated from rivers, as expected. Decreases in both H and LE fluxes imply a higher albedo land surface with less total absorbed and reflected energy. Brest (1987) showed albedo and reflectance vary 9-12% between low and high density urbanized areas and vegetated canopies; and they also demonstrated that lakes have very low reflectance (~3%). With urban rivers, very small amounts of river are uncovered by the riparian canopies, negating the impact of lower albedo open water and resulting in higher amounts of lighter vegetation canopies. Altogether, this caused the Bowen ratio to decrease when fluxes were coming from the urban rivers and ultimately lowered the UHI. Because of the reflectance differences between low, medium and high urban densities (Brest, 1987), the impact of rivers on UHI is expected to vary. It is modified in large part by the physical size of the low reflectance water body and how much the river is directly shaded by vegetation.
Finally, the third objective was to directly quantify the impact of changing urban density on thermodynamic fluxes. Our results clearly show growing urban density increases total energy fluxes (i.e., H and LE) and Bowen ratios for developed (i.e., non-river) urban areas. More densely developed areas are absorbing and reemitting higher amounts of energy, we assume due to denser areas having lower albedo values or radiation trapping in the complex urban canopy. As expected, we show higher Bowen ratios which would increase UHI in densely developed areas. In the river areas, the opposite is noted with decreased LE, H and Bowen ratio with increased urban density. Within our sites, Battle Creek was observed to have the highest density at 76%, followed by East Lansing, and then Toledo with the lowest density at 39%. These percentages varied slightly between the different footprints (i.e. River vs Non-River) of our study area, however, clearly shows that urbanization can significantly affect atmospheric fluxes (Figure 5). Variables such as population density, sky-rises and asphalt within the Battle Creek setting may have given rise to observed differences compared to lower density areas, which were surrounded by more waterbodies, greenery, and lower intensity urban surfaces (Figure 1). There has been a recent trend of North American urban areas losing their green spaces, resulting in more brown landscapes (Jin et al., 2019), specifically at lower density urban areas. That trend can be seen here as relatively small differences between 30% and 60% urban percentages in heat fluxes.
As discussed above, the urban rivers impact Bowen ratios but are mitigated at highly developed (i.e., non-river) urban sites. When factoring in variable density of the surrounding areas, the effect of increasing UHI is noted to be high in dense cities. For a more sustainable future, urban areas could focus on re-greening and counterattacking the browning trend (Jin et al., 2019), therein lowering Bowen ratios to cool urban areas and decreasing the amount of anthropogenic energy use.
Caveats apply to results from land-atmosphere fluxes due to the challenging nature of the observations. The footprint model and flux contribution distances at each site are a first-order estimate without a Large Eddy Simulation model at each site therefore, the footprint are only approximations. As long-term observations are regularly exposed to different atmospheric conditions, calculating an effective footprint can be difficult (Mauder et al., 2013). While our urban density percentages have error, we do not believe that the rank-order of sites would change, i.e. Toledo will be the least-dense site no matter if we extend the footprint lengths out to 1 km. Building on this, we sub-set the data to focus on the river and non-river hemispheres within each footprint. However, the statistical differences found in this work are representative of the different land-surfaces across broad seasonal scales.
Another challenge of urban fluxes is making representative local-scale measurements. With observations being located within the roughness sublayer of the urban environment, flux observations have strong dependence on height and instrument location (Christen et al., 2009, Christen and Vogt, 2004). To attempt to address this, we averaged data at larger scales by binning data and focused analysis on urban climate scale questions in place of boundary layer meteorology. By doing so, large amounts of information within the observations (e.g., diel patterns) are overlooked but our objectives of understanding fluxes and drivers on larger seasonal timescales are possible. Finally, radiation, storage heat flux, and anthropogenic heat flux were not measured in the field, which limited the analysis possible.
With these direct measurements of land-atmosphere thermodynamic fluxes along an urban density gradient, this study shows a strong connection between urban density and thermodynamic fluxes. Sensible and LE fluxes varied as a function of both urban density and presence/absence of urban rivers. As expected, the presence of urban rivers decreases UHI effects, particularly at lower urban densities.
Urbanization and climate change are intrinsically linked with more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas. Development of these areas in the future will have large impacts on the earth’s climate system (Seto and Shepherd, 2009, Arnfield, 2003). Schneider et al. (2009) defined urban areas as places with more than 50% of a given landscape unit dominated by the built-up environment and, following this definition, reported urban areas to cover 658,760 km2 of the global land area by using the 500 m resolution MODIS C5 data, while Ouyang et al. (2019) used Bayesian methods and estimated urban land areas to be between 377,000 and 533,000 km2. Efforts to delineate urban areas vary in their estimates, The Global Rural–Urban Mapping Project estimated urban areas to be 3,524,109 km2 — more than an order of magnitude larger. While efforts to delineate urban areas vary, projections estimate urban land-cover to triple between 2000 and 2030 (Seto et al., 2011) regardless of the exact urban area. This projected increase in urban area has been the focus of previous studies examining the effect of urban density on greenhouse gas fluxes using eddy covariance methods (Nordbo et al., 2012, Velasco and Roth, 2010, Ward et al., 2015). A multi-site observational approach using eddy covariance fluxes, adding to a small number of urban thermodynamic fluxes studies (Christen et al., 2009, Christen and Vogt, 2004, Bergeron and Strachan, 2012, Grimmond and Oke, 1995).
With additional observational findings, better informed policy decisions can be made. With more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas, coupled with the increasing rate of urbanization across the globe, sustainable development and redevelopment of urban areas is key to mitigating impacts of urban areas. Changes to surface energy partitioning impacts UHI effects, regional climate, anthropogenic energy use, and human health and stress. Ultimately, redeveloping urban areas in the future while keeping in mind how redevelopment impacts surface reflectance and heat partitioning can help reach sustainability targets and counteract increasing temperatures from climate change.