There is limited literature which directly explores occupational exposure to air pollution of commercial motorcycle riders in Africa, and though the role of commercial motor cycle services in fast-growing cities has received some attention this has generally not been linked to medical research. This review brings together these disparate bodies of knowledge to provide a framework for the fieldwork.
Motorcycles in developing countries
The importance of the motorcycle for both public and individual transport in many African cities is increasingly recognised. Rapid urbanisation and urban economic growth increases the demand for motorised transport, resulting in increased congestion, road traffic accidents and air pollution (Rajé et al., 2018). In parallel, the lack of mass transit has led to the growth of non-conventional public transport provided by minibuses and shared taxis, and more recently commercial motorcycles (Kumar, 2011; Olvera et al., 2012). In Africa, unlike south East Asia, the use of motorcycles for personal transport is relatively low, but they are increasingly becoming a means of commercial transport, widely used by low-income urban dwellers faced with inadequate public transport, traffic congestion and poor road conditions, particularly in peri-urban areas and unplanned settlements.
Motorcycle transport is one of the most dangerous forms of motorised transport, and motorcycle riders represent a vulnerable group of road users (Rajé et al., 2018). A study in 2007 found that the African region remains the least motorised in the world but with high rates of traffic fatalities, with estimated road traffic deaths of 26.6 per 100,000 population compared to a global rate of 17.4, with six countries responsible for 64% of deaths: Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda: in Uganda, 30% of death were attributable to those riding of 2 or 3-wheeler motorized vehicles (WHO, 2015). Most of the people killed on roads are young adults, and accidents have a significant impact on GDP. The study found that most countries have laws requiring motorcycle helmet use, but enforcement is poor.
The African Region has the highest estimated road traffic death rates of 26.6 per 100 000 population, relative to a global rate of 17.4. However, the region is the least motorized, with 46.6 vehicles per 1000 people – relative to 510.3 vehicles per 1000 people in European region. In terms of absolute numbers of deaths and vehicles,
Commercial motorcycle services respond to demand factors, providing time savings and manoeuvrability on heavily congested roads and a door-to-door service, and to supply factors of employment generation and road space limitations (Dinye, 2013; Olvera et al., 2012). Motorcycles are important for livelihoods offering employment in ‘riding’ (running a commercial motorcycle taxi service), repairs or spare parts dealing, and provide potential government revenues from taxation, licensing and levies (Dinye, 2013). They also provide a flexible and rapidly-evolving service, and increasingly, motorcycle taxis are using ride-hailing ‘apps’ linked to large national and multinational companies to provide on-demand services.
However, there are many challenges associated with commercial motorcycle transport, including riders’ lack of knowledge of traffic rules, road traffic accidents, emissions and noise pollution, non-compliance with road traffic regulations (e.g. use of helmets) and increased crime potential (Dinye, 2013, Lawin et al. 2016). As Kumar (2011) noted, urban transport services have the characteristics of a public good, but provide considerable opportunities for private rent-seeking particularly over the rights to operate a service in a particular locality. Many transport operators are unionised, forming powerful political lobbies which often prohibit non-members from operating, and efforts to regulate services have sometimes compounded problems through policies that enhance opportunities for rent-seeking.
In some cities, the rise in commercial motorcycle transport can be traced to the collapse in conventional bus service monopolies. For example, in Kampala bus services used to be operated by the Uganda Transport Company (UTC) and People’s Transport Company (PTC), nationalised in 1972, but fixed fares did not cover operating costs, and they collapsed in the mid-1990s (Kumar, 2011). In response, the number of commercial motorcycles increased from about 5,000 in 1995 to 40,000 in 2007, and by 2008 motorcycle taxis constituted about 20-40% of vehicles on key main routes, with similar proportions of buses, but the increase resulted in politicisation of transport services (Kumar, 2011: 10).
The common practice of using imported motorcycles remains a problem because of lack of regulation. Liberalisation has resulted in the widespread import of low-cost new vehicles to Uganda from East Asia, and latterly Kenya where several companies are now manufacturing motorcycles. There are also reported increases in smuggled vehicles in areas near the Congo border (Kumar, 2011). In 2005, a presidential directive exempted motorcycles from local government tax in order to address mass unemployment of young people, in line with the central government’s 2005 Prosperity for All programme.
It is clear that addressing problems caused by the increase in commercial motorcycle services – congestion, road traffic accidents, emissions and air pollution or crime – are complex and politically sensitive, and must be addressed in partnership between city governments, transport regulators and riders, and based on an understanding of the role of commercial motorcycle services in the wider transport network and urban economy.
Traffic-related emissions and human health
A critical problem in traffic pollution research in the global south includes the lack of focus and data on ambient air pollution. Many countries lack vehicle emission monitoring, and where standards exist they are not stringent enough to result in significant improvement in air quality. Yet, vehicular emissions contribute more than 30% of the ambient particulate matter in urban centres (Loomis et al., 2013) and can be up to 70% of the total pollution mix in Asia and Africa due to the use of old, inefficient diesel vehicles and a lack of effective public transport (WHO, 2018). Thus, people whose occupation exposes them to long hours next to major transport corridors and bus stations are at particular risk of lung cancer and other respiratory ailments, for example: street vendors, commercial drivers, delivery workers, traffic police, and road repair workers among others.
In fast-growing cities, several factors exacerbate traffic-related air pollution. These include:
- The prevalence of two-stroke motorcycle engines, which burn an oil-gasoline mixture and emit substantially more air pollutants compared to gas-only four-stroke engines (Potera, 2004). A study from Bangkok found that two-stroke motorcycle emitted on average 1.5 times more carbon monoxide that four-stroke motorcycles, and up to 5 times more hydrocarbons (Leong et al., 2001 in Han and Naeher, 2006).
- The import of used vehicles, often poorly maintained, resulting in some lower-income importing countries becoming ‘scrap yards for old vehicles from advanced economies’ (Roychowdhury, 2018: 7).
- The problem of dust from unmade roads and construction, especially in countries with a long dry season. A study of 14 African cities found that, on average, only a third of the roads were paved, and that paved road density is typically around 300 metres per thousand inhabitants, compared to around 1,000 metres per thousand inhabitants in developing cities worldwide; (Kumar and Barrett, 2008: 23).
Differences in methods for measuring air pollution, for example between fixed-site monitoring, mobile monitoring or personal exposure assessment, make direct comparisons across cities and countries difficult. Despite increasing awareness amongst regulators of the health burden of traffic-related emissions and introduction of relevant regulations, many governments lack the technical capacity to monitor air pollution or to enforce regulations, particularly where these are politically sensitive.
For urban populations, emissions from old vehicles are among the key sources of toxic air exposure, as most importing countries do not have clean fuels or robust vehicle-inspection systems (Roychowdhury, 2018: 8). It is increasingly difficult for importing countries to compare emission standards from different exporting countries, while consumer demand in importing countries makes the outright ban of cheaper, older vehicles politically difficult. Most importing countries have not evaluated the problem of disposal of end-of-life vehicles which they import (Roychowdhury, 2018: 10). In Uganda in 1991, the government relaxed restrictions on the import of vehicles more than five years old, which led to the increase of imported vehicles in poor condition. More recently, key informants noted that Uganda has introduced fuel with lower (50ppm) sulphur content, and banned the import of vehicles more than 15 years old with a phased reduction to 8 years, but the proportion of older vehicles on the roads remains high.
Occupational exposure to air pollution
Exposure to air pollution is a well-established risk factor for several respiratory illnesses, including airways diseases and lung cancer (Ezzati and Kammen, 2001; Lelieveld et al., 2015). The level of exposure is generally defined by the frequency of exposure, the concentrations of pollutants and the proximity of the subjects to sources of air pollution (Kennedy et al. 2000). To better understand the exposure of vulnerable populations to air pollution, it is therefore important to identify the micro-environments in which people spend significant amounts of time (Ngo et al., 2015).
Air quality in the cities of low and middle income countries is disproportionately affected by transport-related pollution, particularly transport-related particulate matter (Ngo et al., 2015). Several studies have indicated that exposure even to moderate concentrations of particulate matter is a major driver of mortality and morbidity, and particulate matter is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen for the lungs (Loomis et al., 2013). In many countries in the global south, exposure to air pollution is still widespread (Ngo et al., 2015), mainly due to limited air pollution control regulations and poor regulatory enforcement.
Occupational exposure to air pollution is of particular concern where workers spend long periods close to emission sources, especially where air pollution regulations are not effectively implemented (Ngo et al., 2015; Fang et al., 2010). A systematic review of studies looking at occupational exposure of commercial bus drivers and motorcyclists to ambient air pollution found a significant difference in white blood cells amongst commercial motorcyclists, and an increased risk of lung cancer and Hodgkin’s lymphoma amongst bus drivers, but found that the existing literature is limited (Lawin et al., 2018). In one of the few African studies, Ngo et al. (2015) examined occupational exposure to roadside emissions in Nairobi, and found that bus drivers had significant exposure to black carbon (a component of PM2.5) probably from vehicle smoke due to poor engine maintenance.
Boda boda riders are both contributors to, and victims of, air pollution. In some cases, they can be a major driver of air pollution in an urban centre, especially when two-stroke engines are common. Many boda boda riders spend most of their time in heavily trafficked areas, especially at stops or on major highways where vehicle emissions are high, potentially making them vulnerable to respiratory diseases and lung cancer (Gaita et al., 2014; Lewné, 2007).
Occupational exposure to air pollution is compounded amongst susceptible populations. Susceptibility to air pollution is defined as “individual- and population-level characteristics that increase the risk of PM-related health effects in a population” – the definition distinguishes susceptibility from vulnerability which draws on external factors, although the two terms are often used interchangeably (Kelly and Fussel, 2015). Components of susceptibility include primary factors such as age, genetics, gender and underlying diseases (e.g. heart disease and diabetes), and secondary factors such as income and socio-economic attributes, alcohol use and geographical location (Sacks et al., 2011), which interact in complex ways. Even short-term exposure may result in irreversible impacts for susceptible populations depending on the level of exposure and severity of predisposing factors (Pope, 2000). Research has shown that understanding underlying conditions is important for assessing susceptibility, but this needs to be combined with measures to reduce air pollution (Giles et al., 2011).
Thus, boda boda riders in Kampala who are already susceptible may be more affected by air pollution compared to those who have no compounding factors (Schwander et al., 2014; Kelly and Fussel, 2015). Exhaust gases make up a large proportion of PM emissions for people working or living along the roadways (Kiggundu, 2015) and in Uganda, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) estimates that 75% of air pollution in Kampala is attributable to the transport sector.
Policies to reduce traffic pollution
In countries in the global south, an integrated approach to reducing air pollution is not common and so the focus of regulation is often on sectors such as transport (Hunt, 2011: 10). For example, Anas et al. (2009 in Hunt, 2011) looked at policies in Beijing aimed at reducing traffic congestion and CO2 emissions, finding that a congestion toll was more efficient than a fuel tax in reducing fuel consumption and emissions, benefitting both wealthier car owners and poorer road users exposed to pollution. A study of Mexico City concluded that the annual benefits of a 10-20% reduction in PM10 and ozone emissions would be USD 760m - 1.49bn (Cesar et al. 2000 in Hunt, 2011).
Several studies emphasise the importance of participation in mobilising individual action to combat air pollution. For example, Ngo et al. (2017) in their pilot study on health risk perceptions of air pollution in Mathare, an informal settlement in Nairobi, involved residents in measuring PM2.5 levels. Previously residents associated air pollution with a bad smell or discomfort, and had not understood its health impacts, but after the pilot they requested more information about air pollution and its hazards, and some found ways to mitigate its impacts. This finding is important for improving conditions for boda boda riders. WHO (2018) argues that most sources of outdoor air pollution are beyond the control of individuals, demanding concerted action by local, national and regional policy-makers across sectors including transport, urban planning, and energy, but it is argued here that it is the dynamics between bottom-up advocacy and action and top-down policy implementation which can lead to most effective change.
Others have emphasised the importance of local governments in managing air pollution. Based on a systematic literature review of pollution-reduction policies in larger cities, Slovic et al. (2016) grouped policies into those which are: regulatory, economic and others, with sub-categories relating to: circulation restrictions, alternative initiatives (e.g. improving public transport), and technology/fuels initiatives. The range of measure identified included: mode-shifting (e.g. promoting public transport and bike lanes); improving road conditions; lowering emissions through standards and vehicle inspections, and land use strategies to limit urban sprawl. They concluded that that local air pollution policies are both beneficial for cities and important in adapting to climate change (Slovic et al., 2016).
Technology can also be harnessed to help reduce motorcycle emissions, particularly in Asia and Africa where regulatory capacity may be limited, and two-stroke motorcycles are the norm. A commentary in The Lancet (2017) suggested that the potential health effects of using e-scooters (electric motorcycles) are substantial. For example, Hanoi in Vietnam has experienced 15% annual increases (period not given) in motorcycle numbers, with traffic emissions accounting for about 70% of total air pollution and a high prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The response was the Vietnam Integrated Action Plan to Reduce Vehicle Emission with recommendations on vehicle standards, inspection and maintenance; transport planning; fuels and advocacy (ADB, 2002). In Kampala, Kirenga et al. (2005) argued that the replacement of two-stroke scooters with e-scooters would greatly reduce air pollution. However, e-scooters also have drawbacks, as they require regular supplies of grid electricity for recharging, and the non-exhaust components of emissions from brake and tyre wear and dust from unsurfaced roads are not addressed.
Framing the research
For this research several factors were key: the importance of boda boda both in the public transport system in Kampala and as a livelihood strategy; the amount and type of air pollution to which riders’ are exposed; their perceived health impacts, and extent to which individual initiatives by boda boda riders can contribute in partnership with regulators to an integrated approach to the reduction of transport-related air pollution reduction.