Topologically-protected surface current is highly promising for next-generation low-dissipation and disorder-tolerant electronics and computing. Yet, electric transport from co-existing bulk state dominates responses of Dirac surface state, especially at the elevated temperatures relevant for technological applications. Here, we demonstrate a compelling scheme to generate, disentangle, and control long-lasting surface transport at room temperature in a model topological insulator Bi2Se3. By using pump-probe modulation spectroscopy under ultrabroadband driving tunable from 4 meV to 1.55 eV, we underpin the terahertz (THz) field-induced surface currents by discovering their initial temporal responses dominant over high density trivial bulk carriers. Strikingly, these surface currents persist more than a longlived ~5 ps and amplify by reducing pump photon energy. The dynamics and lifetime of the distinct surface current manifest themselves as the pump-induced THz transmission, which directly correlates with the transient negative THz conductivity. Increasing THz driving field reduces the surface current lifetime and identifies, particularly, an optimal pump field Es~224 kV/cm for generating the dominant surface transport relative to the bulk. This surface current dominant regime is suppressed by a joint effect of enhanced surface-bulk scattering and faster surface carrier saturation than the bulk that sets in above Es. The room temperature topological current controllable by pump photon energy shown provides compelling extensions to other topological complex materials including chiral semimetals, superconductors, and magnets.