Electrophysiological Recordings
Representative recordings of tcMEPs in the forelimbs of rats plotted before and at 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after the MCAO procedure are shown in Figure 1a. The time course of tcMEPs amplitude in the forelimbs is shown in Figure 1b. Respectively, the mean (standard deviation) of tcMEPs amplitude and the 95% CI were 9661 (1448), 7995 to 11326 μV before the MCAO procedure, 6189 (3803), 1816 to 10562 μV at day 1, 5794 (3837), 1383 to 10205 μV at day 7, 5017 (2390), 2270 to 7764 μV at day 14, 8407 (4100), 3694 to 13121 μV at day 21, and 7073 (1525), 5320 to 8827 μV at day 28. Forelimb amplitude decreased on day 1 and did not recover until day 14 after which it increased over time, changing significantly between recording dates over the postoperative course (p < 0.05, one-way ANOVA). The forelimb amplitude was less than 50% of baseline between day 1 and day 14, and then recovered to 81.3% of baseline on day 28 after ischemic stroke.
The time course of tcMEPs latency in the forelimbs is shown in Figure 1c. Respectively, the mean (standard deviation) of tcMEPs latency and the 95% CI were 0.86 (0.24), 0.56 to 1.16 ms before the MCAO procedure, 0.82 (0.23), 0.54 to 1.10 ms on day 1, 0.74 (0.15) 0.55 to 0.93 ms on day 7, 0.84 (0.25), 0.53 to 1.15 ms on day 14, 0.66 (0.08), 0.55 to 0.76 ms on day 21, and 0.78 (0.48) 0.34 to 1.21 ms on day 28. The tcMEPs latency in the forelimbs did not change significantly during the follow-up period (p ≥ 0.05, one-way ANOVA).
Representative recordings of tcMEPs in the hindlimbs of rats before and at 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after the MCAO procedure are shown in Figure 2a. The time course of tcMEPs amplitude in the hindlimbs is shown in Figure 2b. Respectively, the mean (standard deviation) of tcMEPs amplitude and the 95% CI were 10103 (3322), 7289 to 17357 μV before MCAO procedure, 2990 (1629), 919 to 5632 μV at day 1, 5529 (4840), 2779 to 16297 μV at day 7, 7797 (3489), 4687 to 14974 μV at day 14, 8367 (1919), 5087 to 11039 μV at day 21, and 8678 (1444), 7250 to 11263 μV at day 28. The amplitude in the hindlimbs was lowest on day 1 and then increased with time, changing significantly between recording dates after the MCAO procedure (p < 0.01, one-way ANOVA). The hindlimb amplitude was lowest on day 1 (29.6% of baseline) and recovered to 85.9% of baseline on day 28. The time course of tcMEPs latency in the hindlimbs are shown in Figure 2c. Respectively, the mean (standard deviation) of tcMEPs latency and the 95% CI was 5.16 (0.29), 4.80 to 5.52 ms before the MCAO procedure, 5.42 (0.30), 5.04 to 5.80 ms on day 1, 5.14 (0.77), 4.18 to 6.10 ms on day 7, 4.98 (0.33), 4.56 to 5.40 ms on day 14, 6.04 (1.56), 4.11 to 7.97 ms on day 21, and 5.22 (0.27), 4.89 to 5.55 ms on day 28. The tcMEP latency in the hindlimbs did not change significantly during the follow-up period (p ≥ 0.05, one-way ANOVA).
Neurological functional recovery in the MCAO rat model
We assessed neurological function after the MCAO procedure using mNSS. After the MCAO procedure, all rats had left incomplete hemiparesis. The time course of the mNSS score is shown in Figure 3. Respectively, the mean (standard deviation) of mNSS score and the 95% CI were 9.40 (0.89), 8.29 to 10.51 at day 1, 8.20 (0.45), 7.64 to 8.76 at day 7, 6.80 (0.45), 6.24 to 7.36 at day 14, 5.40 (0.55), 4.72 to 6.08 at day 21, and 4.80 (0.45), 4.24 to 5.36 at day 28. The mNSS score was highest on day 1 and improved over time, changing significantly between recording dates after MCAO procedure (p<0.01, one-way ANOVA). The score change curve of mNSS was inversely associated with that of tcMEPs for hindlimbs, but poorly associated with that of tcMEPs for forelimbs.
Histological analysis
The area of cerebral infarction after the MCAO procedure was evaluated histologically using hematoxylin and eosin staining. As shown in Figure 4, the cerebral infarcts were observed in the reflux area of the middle cerebral artery, which included the sensory-motor overlap area of the forelimb at the infarction core and the hindlimb at the infarction marginal area 19. In addition, we confirmed that the brain parenchyma was not damaged by skull drilling and electrical stimulation.