3.1 In-situ growth of Cs-Cu-I@PS fibers and optical properties.
We fabricated IPNCs@PS fibers via the electrospinning process, as shown in Scheme. 1(a), (b). Briefly, precursor solutions were first prepared by blending PS polymer and perovskite precursors in DMF solvent. Two precursor solutions with different chemical compositions were prepared for the yellow and blue emission fibers corresponding to Y and B fiber, respectively. Subsequently, in the electrospinning process, a liquid jet is directed toward the Al foil used as a collector, and perovskites with uniform spatial distributions were immobilized in PS fibers by rapidly evaporating solvent from fibers. Then, highly uniform PL emission of IPNCs within polymer fibers were observed (vide infra).
We controlled the two types of chemical compositions by mixing CuI and CsI to tune the emission color of the IPNC@PS fibers. Blue color emission was indicated by forming Cs3Cu2I5 from perovskite precursors with a molar ratio of CsI and CuI of 3:2. We applied polycrystalline CsCu2I3 for yellow emission because of the low solubility of the precursor with a CsI to CuI molar ratio of 1:2 in DMF. Yellow emission of the Y-fiber (CsCu2I3@PS) required mild heat treatment at 90 oC, probably due to the slow recrystallization rates of CsCu2I3. The prepared Y-fibers showed yellow emission under 245 nm wavelength UV light without damaging the fibers, indicating the stability of the encapsulated CsCu2I3 within PS polymers against the thermal treatment (Fig. S1).
The single-nozzle electrospun fibers of the two precursor solutions on Al foil (tailored to dimensions of 2.0×2.0 cm2) produced blue, and yellow emission under 245 nm UV light. The dual-nozzle electrospun successfully provided white-light-emitting fibers (Fig. 1(a)). CsCu2I3 and Cs3Cu2I5 IPNC were introduced in the fibers and demonstrated highly uniform PL emission. To estimate the contents of both IPNCs within PS fibers, quantitative analyses of the chemical compositions of the fibers were measured by an ICP-MS method as shown in Table S1. Here, PS fibers contained 5.0 wt% IPNC on average, and the stoichiometric molar ratio of the Cs/Cu was 1.40 and 0.50, consistent with theoretical data based on the formula of Cs3Cu2I5, and CsCu2I3. In this method, the B-fibers could be electrospun up to 5 cm×10 cm, corresponding to the area of the collector used for electrospinning (Fig. 1(b)). It should be noted that the electrospun fibers were applied on a large-scale area without defects. To observe the morphology and colloidal uniformity of fiber samples, SEM images were collected as shown in (Fig. 1(c), (d)). B-fiber and Y-fiber prepared by the electrospinning method provided uniform and reproducible fiber without the formation of large beads. The average and distribution of their diameters were 686 ± 122 nm, and 697 ± 132 nm, respectively (Fig. 1(c), (d) inset).
To analyze the optical properties of IPNCs@PS, the luminescence spectrum of the as-prepared samples under different excitation wavelengths ranging from 290 to 320 nm were further explored. As shown in Fig. 2(a), (b), the samples exhibited broad band emission peaking at 445 and 570 nm that are consistent with the peak positions of pristine Cs3Cu2I5 and CsCu2I3, respectively [10, 24]. Also, the PL spectra measured at different excitation wavelengths offer the same position of a broad peak, where B-fiber showed a strong blue emission with a broad FWHM (81 nm), and Y-fiber showed yellow emission with a broad FWHM (99 nm) for excitation wavelengths of 290 nm and 320 nm, respectively.
To realize white emission, we prepared a mixture of two sources (B-fibers and Y-fibers) using dual-nozzle electrospinning, which was performed using the same experimental conditions as for single-nozzle electrospinning, with a 1:2 ratio of Cs3Cu2I5 to CsCu2I3. Figure 2(c) shows the luminescence spectrum of the as-prepared fiber under different excitation wavelengths ranging from 300 to 320 nm. The broadband spectrum shows that the two phases of Cs3Cu2I5 and CsCu2I3 in PS fibers cover the full range of visible light. Compared with CsPbX3@polymer fibers[25], the present B-fibers and Y-fibers provide excellent coverage of their luminescent spectra because of the wide FWHM. The FWHM of Cs3Cu2I5 and CsCu2I3 was approximately 81 nm and 99 nm, respectively.
Because the PL intensities of the B-fiber and Y-fiber depend on the excitation wavelengths, controlling excitation wavelengths is critical for producing white light emission films based on the IPNC@PS fibers combining B-fiber and Y-fiber. At excitation wavelengths of 300 nm, blue emission dominates yellow emission, whose CIE coordinate was ultimately (0.24, 0.22). However, at excitation wavelengths of 320 nm, yellow emission dominates blue emission, whose CIE coordinate was ultimately (0.44, 0.48). The CIE coordinate of as-prepared emission fiber was (0.31, 0.31) under an excitation wavelength of 305 nm, which has a comparable area to the best chromaticity coordinate of white emission indicated of (0.32, 0.32) (Fig. 2(d)) [10, 24, 25]. Besides, the correlated color temperature (CCT), the key parameter for the WLED, was also measured to be 6635 K, which suggests its promising potential application in lighting fields.
3.2 Morphology and structural characterization of IPNCs.
To confirm the nanoscale structure and distribution of perovskite nanocrystals in the polymer fiber, we cut the fiber using the focused ion beam (FIB) technique. A gallium ion beam was used as a source, and cross-sectional images of the fiber were taken using a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM).
As shown in Fig. 3(a), the polymer matrix appears in bright contrast, while the perovskite nanocrystals appear dark due to the elements of perovskite, including the higher atomic number elements such as cesium (Cs), copper (Cu), and iodine (I). The perovskite nanocrystals have irregular shapes and sizes because of rapid crystal formation under the one-step electrospinning process, which is due to solvent evaporation conditions.
Interestingly, the perovskite nanocrystals in a PS matrix have well-developed crystallinity. Figure 3(b) shows clear lattice fringe (with lamellar pattern), and the d spacing is about 50Å, which corresponds to a d value of (120) in the PXRD pattern. The magnified image in Fig. 3(c) shows the atomic structure of the perovskite nanocrystals. The diameter of the bright circles was about 3.5 Å, which is indicated as a Cs+ atom (≈ 3.34 Å). For clarity, the inset of (c) depicts an image with a schematic model of C atoms presented along the [120] direction.
In Fig. 3(d), the fast Fourier transform (FFT) pattern shows that reflections at 6.87Å, 5.02Å, and 3.95Å are associated with (111), (120), and (02\(\stackrel{-}{2}\)), respectively. The angles between the (111) and (120) vector, and the (111) and (02\(\stackrel{-}{2}\)) are 38.2° and 83.2°, respectively, in good agreement with the angles of the ideal reciprocal lattice of the orthorhombic unit cell. The reciprocal lattice constants of Cs3Cu2I5 perovskites are a* = 0.0701 Å−1, b* = 0.0989 Å−1, c* = 0.0861 Å−1, α* = 90°, β* = 90°, and γ* = 90° [26].
The cross-sectional TEM image of the Y-fiber sample also shows a microstructure similar to the that of the B-fiber sample. Figure 3(e) presents the CsCu2I3 perovskite nanocrystals in the polystyrene fiber, for which the crystallinity is comparable to Cs3Cu2I5 crystals. In Fig. 3(f), the FFT pattern indicated the (110) and (1\(\stackrel{-}{1}\)1) planes, and the angle between them is 78.0°, which matches well with the reciprocal lattice of CsCu2I3 perovskites (a* = 0.0952 Å−1, b* = 0.0723 Å−1, c* = 0.164 Å−1, α* = 90°, β* = 90°, γ* = 90°) [27]. Although the Cs3Cu2I5 and CsCu2I3 perovskite nanocrystals are rapidly crystallized in the polymer matrix, they have a good crystal quality because of low formation energies and low growth temperature. The crystal phases of Cs3Cu2I5 and CsCu2I3 perovskites could be controlled by the copper and cesium stoichiometry of the precursor solution. Additionally, the crystal structures of the B-fiber and Y-fiber detached from the collector were studied using XRD pattern to confirm the formation of perovskites within the PS polymer fibers (Fig. 3(g), (h)). The dominant diffraction peaks of B-fiber are consistent with the standard orthorhombic Cs3Cu2I5 patterns, in which the diffraction peaks at 24.15, 25.76, 26.46, and 30.78° correspond to the (122), (312), (222), and (004) planes [26]. In the Y-fiber, the peaks at 10.70, 21.96, 26.12, and 40.32° correspond to the (110), (130), (221), and (042) planes of the orthorhombic phase (Cmcm) [27]. In both samples, the broad peaks at 2θ = 19.5° result from amorphous organic polymer chains. No other peaks were detected above the detection limit, suggesting a high phase purity of perovskite phase and the absence of CsI and CuI salts in PS fibers.
IPNCs@PS fibers also show excellent water stability. The as-prepared B-fibers and Cs3Cu2I5 powder samples were immersed into the deionized water to monitor water stability, where B-fibers maintained a blue emission for 20 days under a 245 nm UV lamp, further confirming the strong stability in the presence of water. Unprotected Cs3Cu2I5 powders changed to CsCu2I3 in only 1 minute and decomposed to CuI in water in 5 minutes (Fig. S2(a)). Generally, CsI is dissolved from Cs3Cu2I5 in the presence of moisture due to the high solubility of CsI in water, which leads to the formation of yellow-emissive CsCu2I3 product within several minutes [10, 23]. However, the encapsulated Cs3Cu2I5 within PS fibers can effectively prevent the extraction of CsI and maintain long-term stability by protecting water efficiently.
Recently, Cs3Cu2I5 was encapsulated in PMMA as Cs3Cu2I5@PMMA[19] and silica matrix as Cs3Cu2I5/SiO2[23] to improve stability, which exhibited emission peaks at approximately 445 nm, like the present sample. Cs3Cu2I5/SiO2 decomposes very fast under humid conditions into CsCu2I3 [23], indicating it is not appropriate in light-emitting device applications. Cs3Cu2I5@PMMA composites fabricated by a complicated multi-step process can tolerate 5 days in water [19]. Compared to these previous reports, the stability of present IPNCs@PS is remarkably improved, suggesting that the encapsulation of the IPNCs in PS polymer matrix during the one-step electrospinning process is effective for enhancing resistance against the decomposition reaction of the IPNC samples. To confirm the crystal structure of IPNCs@PS fibers in water treatments, Fig. S2(b) and S3 provide XRD patterns of IPNCs@PS fibers, which exhibit no obvious change, representing excellent water stability. Fig. S2(b) shows that the diffraction patterns for (122) and (222) planes of the B-fiber were maintained in water treatment even after 20 days. The diffraction patterns for (130) and (221) planes in Y-fiber also remained, as shown in Fig. S3. In both samples, the XRD peaks demonstrate perovskite polycrystalline samples and an aluminum hydroxide thin layer on aluminum metal substrates.
3.3 Transparent and flexible IPNCs@PS@PDMS films.
We fabricated free-standing IPNCs@PS@PDMS films by coating PDMS on IPNCs@PS to improve physical strength, elasticity, and enhanced water stability rather than as-prepared IPNCs@PS fibers [28–30] (Fig. 4). The transmittance of IPNCs@PS nanofibers was quite low due to light scattering of exposed PS fiber. The light scattering can be strongly reduced by changing the PS surface environment of IPNCs@PS nanofibers through infiltration of PDMS because the air in the pores between the nanofibers is replaced by the PDMS [31]. The transmittance is influenced by factors such as reflection index, which depends on the refractive index (RI) of the two materials forming the interface. This phenomenon can be described by the formula below [32].
r = [(ns - nf) / (ns + nf)]2
Here, r is the reflective coefficient, ns, and nf are the RIs of the surrounding medium (air, PDMS) and the fibers, respectively. The RIs of air, PDMS and PS nanofiber are 1.00, 1.55, and 1.51, respectively [32, 33]. Thus, the light reflection at PS nanofiber/PDMS interfaces is much less than that at the PS nanofiber/air interfaces, demonstrating higher transmittance for IPNCs@PS@PDMS films than IPNCs@PS nanofibers. The transmittance of the PDMS substrate was approximately 95%, and even after the addition of the IPNCs@PS nanofiber into PDMS, the transmittance was still high, exceeding 80% in the visible wavelength range (Fig. 4(a)). Although the transmittance of IPNCs@PS@PDMS was high due to a reduction of light scattering, it still showed strong PL emission, indicating that changes in light reflection related to the surrounding medium rarely affect PL emission.
IPNCs@PS@PDMS film exhibited strong PL emission under a 245 nm UV lamp after 100% tensile strain (Fig. 4(b)). To analyze the optical properties of IPNCs@PS@PDMS under uniaxial tensile strain, the luminescence spectrum of the as-prepared films was explored under 300 nm and 320 nm excitation wavelengths, respectively. As shown in Fig. 4(c), (d), the samples exhibit emission peaks at 445 and 570 nm that are consistent with known peak positions of Cs3Cu2I5, and CsCu2I3, respectively. The PL intensity decreased by approximately 50% at 100% tensile strain because the IPNC density per unit area decreased during stretching, which can be expressed using the following scaling law [28].
I/I0 ∝ η/η0 ∝ A0/A
Here, I, I0 is luminescence intensity, η, η0 is the real number density of phosphors, and A, A0 is active area in the stretched and unstretched states, respectively.
The area of the IPNCs@PS@PDMS increased approximately two-fold at 100% tensile strain compared to the samples without tensile strain. We expect that (i) the decrease in η as A increases, and (ii) the decrease in I as η per unit area decreases. The values of I/I0 in the luminescence spectrum at 100% tensile strain measured for the fixed area of IPNCs@PS@PDMS sized 1 cm × 1 cm were 0.54 and 0.45 in Y-fiber-PDMS and B-fiber-PDMS, respectively, which is reasonably consistent with the theoretical data.
Although PDMS composites on electrospun nanofibers have been widely reported in creating flexible transparent matrices[34], the optical properties of the perovskite embedded nanofibers into PDMS have rarely been reported to the best of our knowledge. The present IPNCs@PS@PDMS films can be applied on a large-scale area by a simple two-step method without surfactants, showing strong blue and yellow PL emission without a shift of PL peak under tensile strain while demonstrating highly stretchable and physical strength characteristics. Notably, the IPNCs@PS@PDMS film exhibited strong PL emission even after 100% tensile strain and release were repeated up to 100 times (Fig. S4). The perovskites embedded in two matrices of PS and PDMS are strongly emissive Cs-Cu-I perovskites with good physicochemical properties such as highly flexibility, transparency, and resistance to water. Considering the highly flexible and humidity-resistant characteristics, IPNCs@PS@PDMS films have great potential for use in wearable light-emitting devices.