Pulp and paper mill sludge (PPMS) represents a large part of the industrial waste and contains a high portion of the organic matter (Elliott and Mahmood, 2012). Sludge waste is produced from both virgin and recycled paper production processes (Simão et al., 2018). However, this substrate is usually undesirable and needs to be treated or disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. The common handling strategies of the waste sludge are landfilling, incineration, and recycling in the paper making process. The first two practices place a significant financial burden on the forestry industry because of the high capital expenses and high energy required to dry large amounts of water before burning the waste sludge (Meyer et al., 2018). Reportedly, sludge disposal takes a large part of the wastewater treatment facility budget (≈ $30 per wet ton), which may reach approximately 60% of the total cost (Elliott and Mahmood, 2012; Park et al., 2012). In addition to the high expenses, these traditional handling approaches have been characterized by several problems such as air (incineration) and water (landfill leachate) pollution. Conversely, PPM sludge contains valuable molecules (25–75% carbohydrate). For example, Kraft PPM primary sludge is composed of woody materials such as cellulose (58 wt%), hemicelluloses (12 wt%), and lignin (20 wt%), along with inorganic materials that have been used in the pulping process (Bayr and Rintala, 2012). While, the secondary sludge is composed of microbial biomass, cellulose (36–50 wt%), and non-degradable lignin’s compounds (19–44 wt%) (Likon and Trebše, 2012; Kinnunen et al., 2015). The quantity of sludge production varies depending on the pulping processes, but primary sludge represents the majority of the total solids compared to secondary sludge (Bajpai, 2015). The application of traditional sludge treatment processes leads to the loss of these precious resources accompanied by environmental pollution (Bayr et al., 2013; Hazarika and Khwairakpam, 2018).
Several technologies, including direct combustion (Manwatkar et al., 2012; Pio et al., 2020a), pyrolysis (Yin et al., 2021), gasification (Pio et al., 2020b), and hydrothermal liquefaction (Zhang et al., 2021) processes have evolved to convert sludge waste into fuels. In addition to power generation, these technologies were characterized by reducing the volume of sludge, destroying harmful pathogens, and stabilizing heavy metals (Liew et al., 2012). However, the high initial investment cost and requirements for the pre-dewatering process hamper their wide application (Liew et al., 2012). Among the treatment alternatives, one strategy that has been recognized worldwide as a feasible option to improve the energy efficiency of PPM sludge is anaerobic digestion (AD). Anaerobic digestion (AD) offers a promising alternative relative to the above-mentioned options due to its reduced environmental footprint, small reactor size, and requires no sludge dewatering, where sludge dewatering represents a considerable economic burden. Also, the residual organic matter and nutrients that are retained in effluents (digestate) can be returned and reused for different applications (Veluchamy and Kalamdhad, 2017a).
The substrate's content of sugar, fat, and protein controls its anaerobic digestion potential and energy production; accordingly, PPM sludge appears an appropriate substrate for AD due to its high carbohydrate and high-water content. Also, one of the attractive features of PPM sludge is that the raw material cost is zero, no excessive pre-treatment is required due to previously processed biomass, and the possibility of using the existing pulp or paper mill equipment (Gurram et al., 2015). AD has been applied extensively and for a wide range of organic substrates. Nonetheless, the literature shows very limited studies treating PPM sludge as an anaerobic digestion substrate. Yet, studies on PPM sludge digestion are in their infancy and no industrial application has been reported to date. This may be due to long residence times (20–60 d), and low yield of bio-methane and bio-hydrogen due to its low degradability (30–50%) (Lin et al., 2009; Kinnunen et al., 2015), plus the biomass separation problems of the traditional anaerobic digestion processes (Dereli et al., 2012). Additionally, effluent quality from anaerobic treatment is usually poorer than that from aerobic treatment and needs further polishing. This defect might limit the application of anaerobic technology, especially in places that require wastewater reclamation and reuse, such as an integrated forest biorefinery (IFB), where the resulting wastes and by-products are recycled and utilized as a resource.
Compared to traditional anaerobic digestion, the anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR), a combination of anaerobic digestion and membrane filtration, is a relatively new technology for the treatment of municipal and industrial wastes but has demonstrated its superiority over conventional anaerobic biological processes in terms of higher effluent quality for reuse/reclamation, recovery of most of the potential energy in biodegradable waste streams, and decoupling of solids retention time (SRT) from hydraulic retention time (HRT) (Bokhary et al., 2020). By integrating the membrane process for microbial biomass retention, anaerobic microorganisms can proliferate without being washed out of the system. This leads to higher biomass concentration in AnMBR, which may enhance biogas yield compared to conventional processes. Also, decoupling the HRT and SRT in AnMBRs can achieve a significant reduction in reactor volumes, thereby reducing capital costs. Thus, AnMBR could be a promising option for primary sludge digestion. However, to the authors’ knowledge, no study has ever been reported on the treatment of pulp and paper primary sludge using thermophilic anaerobic membrane bioreactor (ThAnMBR) technology. Of the few experimental studies involving conventional anaerobic digestion of PPM sludge, only two studies tested PPM primary sludge (Jokela et al., 1997; Bayr and Rintala, 2012), while other studies focused on the treatment of secondary sludge, or sludge mixtures (Karlsson et al., 2011; Lin et al., 2011; Saha et al., 2011; Bayr and Rintala, 2012). Most PPM sludge studies have been conducted at mesophilic temperatures using batch assays, but few have been conducted in thermophilic conditions (Teghammar et al., 2012; Lopes et al., 2018). Bayr and Rintala (2012) examined AD of kraft mill primary sludge under thermophilic conditions using a semi-continuous bioreactor (CSTR) but at relatively long HRTs and low OLRs. OLR is an essential parameter and limited information is available about the steady-state performance of the ThAnMBR for biogas production under high OLRs.
Taking into account all the advantages of AnMBR mentioned above, the current research program focuses on the application of a relatively new ThAnMBR technology for biogas production from primary sludge of thermomechanical pulp (TMP) aiming for improving biogas yield and solids reduction and reducing HRT without the risk of washing out the microbial population. This study aimed to investigate the possibility of performing AD of TMP primary sludge at low HRT and high OLRs. Of interest is elucidating an optimal organic loading rate that maximizes bio-methane production and solids reduction, minimizes membrane fouling propensity, and produces permeate with suitable quality for reuse in a pulp and paper biorefinery.