We investigated the relationship between longitudinal trajectories of fall incidents, based on self-reported fall number, and sensorimotor fall risk, based on Timed Up and Go (TUG) performance, and multisensory integration in a sample of 2,319 community-dwelling older adults. In line with previous studies of multisensory processing, both within the TILDA cohort [9,10,12] and from the results of other studies [e.g., 4,5,13,31], older adults were more susceptible to the Sound Induced Flash Illusion (SIFI) at long SOAs compared to the shortest SOA, indicating reduced precision in temporal multisensory integration. Our findings extend previous work by demonstrating that the association between age and SOA is further influenced by longitudinal trajectories capturing fall number but not sensorimotor fall risk over ten years. This finding is consistent with previous evidence suggesting links between falling and distinct patterns of multisensory integration in ageing [13,14,16].
However, in our current study, higher overall SIFI susceptibility was not specific to the older adults with increasing number of falls over time (unlike [14]) and fall group did not interact with SOA alone (unlike [13]). Furthermore, neither the stable nor decreasing fall trajectory groups significantly differed in SIFI task performance compared to the non-fallers. This finding suggests that, in the TILDA cohort, a specific pattern of falling over time is associated with the precision of temporal multisensory integration rather than the act of falling more generally. The group of older adults with an increasing trajectory of incidents of falls may be more likely to represent intrinsic, pathological issues such as perturbed balance function, which may in turn be specifically associated with multisensory integration [15]. Indeed, there is evidence for distinct physical and cognitive profiles of recurrent (versus non-recurrent) fallers [32,33]: the highest percentage of older adult fallers reporting unexplained falls over ten years were in the increasing fall trajectory group (see Supplementary Materials, Table S1) and all were recurrent fallers by the end of the ten-year period (see Supplementary Materials, Table S1). Moreover, a higher percentage of older adults in this group reported unsteadiness while walking, standing and transitioning from a seated to standing position compared to the other trajectory groups (see Supplementary Materials, Table S1).
Typically, older adults show increased susceptibility to the SIFI at long compared to short SOAs, which may be a hallmark of ‘healthy’ ageing [4,5,9,12]. In contrast, the ‘youngest’ increasing fallers here uniquely showed equivalent levels of SIFI susceptibility at both SOAs of 70 ms and 150 ms (accuracy was also well maintained at the longest SOA of 230 ms for this group, as shown in Fig 3B). In this respect, ‘young’ recurrent fallers are not showing the same pattern of SIFI susceptibility as either healthy young adults reported from previous studies [5-7], or their aged-matched non-faller counterparts who are more susceptible at longer SOAs [4,5,9,12]. The reasons for this finding are unclear, as the few studies examining SIFI in the context of falling have typically involved adult fallers who are much older than ages of this ‘youngest’ group [see e.g., 13,14,17,18,19]. Our models controlled for self-reported vision and hearing ability, hearing aid use, visual acuity and unimodal visual and auditory accuracy (at 70 ms), which indicates that any group and age differences in sensory function cannot fully explain the reduced illusion susceptibility in these fallers. One possibility is that there is stronger visual upweighting in the 53-59 year olds with increasing fall trajectories which helped maintain their accuracy to the SIFI trials over longer audio-visual asynchronies. By fifty years of age, a decline in balance and postural control is already underway [34,35] and some reports suggest an increased reliance on visual information to compensate for noisier and less reliable vestibular and proprioceptive function [34-36]. However, this amplified visual weighting may result in challenges to postural control in situations where visual signals are inconsistent, conflicting or unreliable (e.g., in low light or visually dynamic environments), potentially leading to a fall. Compared to non-fallers, older adult fallers may exhibit increased visual field dependence [37,38], meaning that they strongly rely on visual input for balance/postural control and navigation. As such, strong visual upweighting due to a reliance on visual context, to compensate for reduced balance function, could result in sustained accuracy on the SIFI trials across SOAs. As all participants were seated during the SIFI task, this proposal might also mean that ‘younger’ increasing fallers upweight vision even in multisensory contexts where their balance and posture are not actively challenged; however, visual field dependence may be a persistent perceptual characteristic [37-39], particularly evident in fallers with a high risk of future falls as well as a history of recurrent falls [37,38], consistent with the increasing fall trajectory group. Importantly, there is evidence that SIFI susceptibility can be influenced by the reliability of the sensory information (visual and auditory) presented during the illusion [40,41]. We recognise that although this proposal is, at present, speculative it is one that is amenable to testing in future empirical studies.
In contrast to the ‘younger’ group, the ‘oldest’ recurrent fallers showed increased illusion susceptibility at 150 ms (as well as 230 ms) while maintaining relatively high accuracy at an SOA of 70 ms. A parsimonious explanation for reduced SIFI susceptibility at 70 ms with sustained susceptibility at longer SOAs is a reduced ability to perceive two beeps presented close together in time. However, as mentioned above, our model controlled for accuracy in detecting two beeps alone [see also 42,43]. Instead, it may be pertinent to consider differences in task instructions between the unimodal auditory and illusory conditions. That is, participants in the TILDA study were explicitly instructed to indicate how many beeps they heard during the unimodal auditory trials only but not during the bimodal illusion trials of the SIFI. Presumably, these instructions encouraged the allocation of selective attention to the beeps in the unimodal condition. Selective attention can enhance auditory processing through the amplification and sharpening of neural responses via mechanisms such as inhibition [44,45]. This may be particularly important for older adults who, because of age-related changes in the periphery, may need to process increased sensory noise compared to their younger counterparts [47] and show less precise temporal processing [47-49]. However, there is evidence for reduced top-down inhibitory control of auditory processing from prefrontal cortex in ageing [50,51]. Inhibitory control is linked with the perception of temporal events [52-54] as well as outcomes such as perturbed gait, balance function and falls [1,21,55-57]. Furthermore, dysregulation of the prefrontal cortex is hypothesised to link patterns of multisensory integration with perturbed mobility in ageing [58].
Recently, Scurry et al. [14] reported an increase in gamma band oscillatory power without a simultaneous modulation of alpha band oscillatory power during the SIFI task in older adults with a history of falls (70+ years), but not in healthy older adult (non-fallers) or young adults. They proposed that this finding for older fallers reflected imprecise bottom-up auditory processing (gamma band) without sufficient top-down inhibitory control (alpha band). Scurry et al. [14] exposed the participants in their study to only a single SOA in the illusion condition; therefore, comparisons with the present study are limited. Nevertheless, reduced inhibitory function in the ‘oldest’ recurrent fallers may have, in the absence of selective attention, reduced the fidelity of the auditory signals at an SOA of 70 ms. Less precise discrimination of auditory ‘beeps’ may have reduced susceptibility to the SIFI on these trials (indeed, lowering the reliability of the auditory signals has been shown to directly reduce illusion susceptibility [40]). In contrast, increasing the SOA duration to 150 ms presumably facilitated the discrimination of a second beep that was then insufficiently inhibited, accounting for the increase in susceptibility to the SIFI on these trials.
Participants’ performance on the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART [59]) allows us to make some, although limited, assessment of inhibitory function: SART is a measure of response inhibition in a unimodal context, not perceptual inhibition in a cross-modal context. Interestingly, only the increasing fall trajectory group showed a significantly steeper age-related increase in commission errors on the SART relative to the non-fallers (see Supplementary Materials), suggesting a larger age-related decline in inhibitory function for this group. Previous work with the TILDA cohort has provided evidence for associations between poorer SART performance and increased SIFI susceptibility at longer SOAs [10], suggesting some involvement of inhibitory processes which deserve further investigation.
Collectively, our findings suggest that older adults with an increasing fall trajectory over time may, in the context of the SIFI, transition from precise to imprecise multisensory integration as they get older, with those aged 60-69 years representing an intermediate phase in this transition. We have hypothesised that this change could represent a shift from a benefit of visual upweighting in the ‘younger’ recurrent fallers to a detrimental effect of accelerated age-related changes to other bottom-up and/or top-down processes in the ‘older’ recurrent fallers. Importantly, these effects on the precision of temporal multisensory integration appear somewhat subtle in the TILDA cohort, as we did not find group differences across age groups at the longest SOA. The specificity of this group difference to older adults with an increasing fall trajectory is potentially clinically meaningful, particularly if less precise multisensory processing is predictive of future falls [16]. In this respect, while the fall status of the older adults in the increasing fall trajectory group was mixed at the time they completed the SIFI test in wave 3 (38% non-fallers, 62% fallers), all of these individuals experienced recurrent falls within the subsequent five years following SIFI testing. However, it is important to note that the precision of temporal multisensory integration in ageing is modifiable with perceptual training [31], or indirectly by improving balance function [19], opening up a potential novel method for mitigating fall incidents. However, since we cannot interpret directionality or causality at the present time (as SIFI data are currently available at wave 3 only), and the influences from other domains can be complex in nature, some caution is warranted when interpreting any potential clinical application of these findings.
There was no evidence for a significant moderating effect of fall risk trajectories, based on TUG performance, on the interaction between age group and SOA. The TUG task is a brief, relatively accessible, measure of functional mobility, which is designed to assess gait, muscle strength, balance and executive function [24]. If the link between multisensory integration and fall incidence is driven by suboptimal balance or postural control [13], as suggested by previous studies [16], the TUG task alone may not be sufficiently sensitive to key aspects of postural maintenance, particularly in a relatively high-functioning cohort [e.g., see 33,60]. In contrast, a fall is, by definition, a loss of balance or postural control [61]. Given the putative role of cognitive function in the association between fall trajectories and SIFI susceptibility in older adults, an increasing number of falls over time may be more reflective of significant cognitive changes than a slowing of TUG times in this cohort. For example, it has been proposed that inhibitory function is related to falls in older adults [21,57] but not necessarily to TUG performance [62; see also Supplementary Materials] and the longitudinal association between cognition and TUG times in the TILDA cohort are reported to be small in effect size [63]. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that the relationship between long-term mobility and multisensory integration is nuanced, requiring a more extensive range of SOAs and/or a larger trial number than available in our current SIFI paradigm within the TILDA study. Nevertheless, the association of longitudinal fall incidents but not general sensorimotor function with SIFI susceptibility is an important and novel finding. It suggests that the precision of temporal audio-visual integration is linked with aspects of physical functioning specific to the experience of falling repeatedly over time and, therefore, that multisensory processing may be a relevant measure for important clinical outcomes. Our findings, arising from a large sample of older adults across a wide age range, can be validated with further lab-based experimental work.