A-to-I edited miR-411-5p targets MET and negatively impacts the ERK/MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways in NSCLC cell lines
In a previous study, we found miR-411-5p hypoedited in position 5 of the seed region in NSCLC tissues compared with uninvolved lung samples (paired samples) (17). To further investigate the role of miR-411-5p editing in position 5 in NSCLC, we generated a custom-designed mimic of the edited form of (ed.)miR-411-5p, where the inosine in position 5 (I) was replaced by guanosine (G). The replacement of I-to-G is commonly used to mimic the inosine functions experimentally (31). We then overexpressed the ed.miR-411-5p by transfection in two NSCLC cell lines (H1299 and H520) (Fig. 1a left). A NanoString nCounter PanCancer Pathways Panel was then performed to identify dysregulated genes associated with 13 different cancer-associated pathways. We found 30 dysregulated genes in H520 and 83 genes in H1299 (P < 0.01) (Fig. 1a right; Suppl. Table 1; see Materials and Methods section for more details). A functional enrichment analysis was conducted to detect the most relevant pathways involved in lung cancer development and progression. We used the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis® (IPA®) software to accomplish this and found a significant negative impact of ed.miR-411-5p (negative Z score) on the ERK/MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways in H1299 (Fig. 1b; Suppl Table 2).
To identify possible direct targets of ed.miR-411-5p, we considered the downregulated genes common to both cell lines (Fig. 1a red circle; Suppl. Table 1). Among them, we elected to study MET for its preeminent role in the ERK/MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways, NSCLC biology, and drug resistance (8, 9, 32). We also predicted, in silico, that the MET mRNA 3’ untranslated region (3’UTR) would be targeted by ed.miR-411-5p (Fig. 1c) but not miR-411-5p WT. We preliminarily assessed by western blot the effect of ed.miR-411-5p on the MET protein compared to the scramble (Scr) control and miR-411-5p wildtype (WT) in two NSCLC cell lines (H1299 and A549). We found that only the ed.miR-411-5p but not the miR-411-5p WT represses MET protein levels (Fig. 1d).
To further validate the MET mRNA direct targeting by ed.miR-411-5p, we cloned a portion of the MET mRNA 3'UTR containing the predicted binding site for ed.miR-411-5p into a psicheck2 vector (Promega Corporation - Madison, Wisconsin, USA) downstream of the luciferase open reading frame (ORF) of a luciferase reporter gene. The MET-3’UTR luciferase reporter plasmid was co-transfected with the ed.miR-411-5p and a Scr control. The ed.miR-411-5p significantly repressed the luciferase activity of the reporter vector when compared to the Scr control, demonstrating the direct targeting of MET (Fig. 1e - left). We then mutated the predicted binding region on MET 3'UTR as a control, finding a significant increment of the luciferase activity (Fig. 1e - right).
Edited miR-411-5p reduces c-Fos expression and AP1 activity in NSCLC
c-Met regulates AP1 activity and c-Fos expression through the ERK pathway (Fig. 2a) (33). To validate the predicted negative impact of ed.miR-411-5p in this pathway presented in Fig. 1b, we first evaluated MET/MAPK/ERK signaling by western blot after transfection with the ed.miR-411-5p and Scr control and found a downregulation of p-ERK and p-ELK levels in H1299 after transfection with ed.miR-411-5p (Fig. 2b). To further validate this effect, we used a Serum Response Element (SRE) luciferase reporter vector (BPS Bioscience - San Diego, California, USA) to monitor the MAPK/ERK pathway transcriptional activity. After transfection with ed.miR-411-5p, the luciferase activity in A549 cells was significantly reduced compared to the Scr control (Fig. 2c). We also evaluated p-ELK levels in A549 cells after transfection with ed.miR-411-5p or Scr control, finding Elk activation is diminished as a consequence of ed.miR-411-5p overexpression (Fig. 2d). Due to the presence of SRE elements on the c-Fos promoter and transcriptional activation of c-Fos by Elk (34, 35), we next evaluated the effect of ed.miR-411-5p on c-Fos expression by assessing c-Fos mRNA levels by qRT-PCR (Fig. 2e) and protein levels by western blot in NSCLC cell lines (Fig. 2f and Suppl. Figure 1a - top). We found that overexpression of ed.miR-411-5p but not the miR-411-5p (WT) reduces c-Fos expression (Suppl. Figure 1a - bottom). Intriguingly, we also predicted a possible ed.miR-411-5p binding site in the c-Fos mRNA 3’UTR (Suppl. Figure 1b). The c-Fos 3′UTR containing the ed.miR-411-5p binding site was cloned into a psicheck2 vector (Promega Corporation) downstream of the luciferase ORF to investigate whether c-Fos is a direct target of ed.miR-411-5p. A luciferase assay was performed co-transfecting the ed.miR-411-5p, miR-222 (positive control), and a Scr control along with the aforementioned luciferase plasmid. We selected miR-222 as a positive control because there is a known miR-222 binding site present in the portion of the c-Fos 3’UTR that we cloned in the psicheck2 vector (36). As shown in Suppl. Figure 1c, we did not find any direct targeting of the c-Fos 3’UTR by the ed.miR-411-5p.
We also wanted to test the role of ed.miR-411-5p on the AP1 pathway. AP1 activity is greatly dependent on ERK activity (37). For this objective, we employed a luciferase plasmid in which the responsive element for the AP1 complex was cloned as a promoter element (38). As shown in Fig. 2g, the luciferase activity was significantly reduced after transfection of ed.miR-411-5p. An ERK inhibitor (Sigma) (3µM) was used as a positive control in this set of experiments. Considering the role of AP1 on c-Myc and c-Jun transcription factors (24, 39), we also assessed the protein and mRNA levels of c-Jun and c-Myc after ed.miR-411-5p overexpression in H1299 cells. We found a reduced expression of c-Jun and c-Myc protein and mRNA (Fig. 2h-2i). These results further confirm the inhibiting role of ed.miR-411-5p on the ERK-AP1 pathway.
Edited miR-411-5p increases gefitinib sensitivity in NSCLC
Overexpression of c-Met is a common mechanism of resistance to EGFR TKIs (8). To test the effect of ed.miR-411-5p on TKI resistance, we rendered an EGFR mutated and TKI sensitive NSCLC cell line (HCC827) resistant to gefitinib by treating the cells with two different concentrations of gefitinib (2.5µM and 5µM) for four weeks. We generated two cell lines with different degrees of resistance to gefitinib which we named HCC827R mild (2.5µM) and HCC827R (5µM) and used these cell lines for our subsequent experiments (Fig. 3a). It has been reported that HCC827 can develop resistance to TKIs through MET amplification (40, 41). We assessed MET levels in the HCC827R mild and HCC827R cell lines by western blot and qRT-PCR, finding a progressive increase in MET protein expression and mRNA levels in HCC827R mild and HCC827R (Fig. 3b-3c). We first evaluated the effect of the ed.miR-411-5p on MET, p-Akt, and p-ERK levels in HCC827R mild by western blot. We found that the ed.miR-411-5p reduces MET levels and its pathway in HCC827R mild compared to the Scr control (Fig. 3d). We further evaluated the effect of ed.miR-411-5p on cell proliferation in HCC827R mild cells treated with gefitinib (5µM). The ed.miR-411-5p significantly reduced HCC827R mild cell growth when combined with gefitinib compared to the vehicle treatment (Fig. 3e; Suppl. Figure 1d). We then tested the effect of ed.miR-411-5p on MET, p-Akt, and p-ERK levels in HCC827R by western blot. As reported in Fig. 3b, the HCC827R cells express higher levels of MET protein when compared to the HCC827R mild. In HCC827R cells with higher MET upregulation, overexpression of ed.miR-411-5p fails to reduce MET and p-Akt protein levels while still reducing p-ERK levels (Fig. 3f). Furthermore, once MET expression is upregulated, the ed.miR-411-5p overexpression in combination with gefitinib (5µM) cannot repress HCC827R proliferation (Fig. 3g), confirming a link between the ed.miR-411-5p and MET signaling on TKI resistance in HCC827R cells. In addition to gefitinib, HCC827R cells were also resistant to the third-generation EGFR TKI osimertinib (41). Once the ed.miR-411-5p was overexpressed in combination with osimertinib (5µM), it was able to induce weak but significant repression in HCC827R cell growth (Fig. 3g; Suppl. Figure 3e - top). Considering the effect of ed.miR-411-5p on ERK phosphorylation in HCC827R cells independent from MET expression (Fig. 3f), we hypothesized a MET-independent effect of the ed.miR-411-5p on ERK signaling. To further investigate this hypothesis, we generated a second NSCLC cell line (PC9) that is resistant to EGFR TKI (gefitinib − 5µM) (PC9R) (Fig. 3h). PC9 cells carry an EGFR mutation and are sensitive to EGFR TKIs (41). It has been reported that PC9 cells acquire EGFR TKI resistance in a MET-independent manner (41). We evaluated MET expression in PC9R by western blot and qRT-PCR and did not detect MET amplification in this TKI-resistant NSCLC cell line (Fig. 3i). We then evaluated the effect of the ed.miR-411-5p in the PC9R cell line. We found that MET, p-Akt, and p-Erks levels were reduced when ed.miR-411-5p was overexpressed (Fig. 3j). To determine the biological effect of ed.miR-411-5p in the PC9R cell line, we performed a colony assay overexpressing the ed.miR-411-5p and treating the PC9R with EGFR TKI (gefitinib or osimertinib − 5µM). In combination with gefitinib or osimertinib, ed.miR-411-5p reduced cell proliferation in PC9R cells, which are EGFR TKI resistant but not MET amplified (Fig. 3k; Suppl. Figure 1e - bottom).
To further assess the role of the ed.miR-411-5p in TKI response, we performed an Annexin-V5 assay in HCC827R and PC9R cell lines after ed.miR-411-5p overexpression and EGFR TKI treatment (gefitinib or osimertinib − 5µM). The ed.miR-411-5p significantly induced apoptosis in both HCC827R and PC9R cells when combined with an EGFR TKI (Fig. 4a-4b).
Finally, we also evaluated apoptosis by caspase 3/7 assay after transfecting A549 NSCLC cells with Scr, ed.miR-411-5p, or miR-411-5p (WT) and treating transfectants with gefitinib (5µM). Parental A549 cells express mutated KRAS (G12S) but WT EGFR, and are resistant to EGFR TKIs (42–44). In A549 cells, the ed.miR-411-5p induced caspase 3/7 activity in combination with gefitinib. In contrast, the miR-411-5p WT did not promote gefitinib response in the A549 cell line (Suppl. Figure 2a). We further evaluated apoptosis in A549 cells by Annexin-V5 after Scr or ed.miR-411-5p transfection and gefitinib (5µM) treatment. The ed.miR-411-5p significantly induced apoptosis when combined with gefitinib in A549 cells (Suppl. Figure 2b).