Our combined results from semi-natural mesocosms, susceptibility curves, mortality assays, and competition assays confirm variable mortality rates in L. sphaericus exposed Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus larvae. Overall, LC95 and Label Rate treatments of L. sphaericus immediately removed Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans from our treatment mesocosms; sustained removal of Cx. pipiens from developing in these environments is supported by our mortality assays showing long periods of the AI’s residual activity. Additionally, our field experiments demonstrate that Aedes spp. mosquitoes readily colonize habitats treated for Cx. pipiens larvae; mortality assays with Ae. albopictus larvae further support the ability of container Aedes spp. to successfully develop into adults despite the presence of L. sphaericus. We were unable to demonstrate evidence of larvicide-mediated competition between Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus. While Ae. albopictus development rates were greater than Cx. pipiens in the untreated replicates, there was no difference in Ae. albopictus development between treated and untreated containers; this was despite the total elimination of Cx. pipiens larvae in the treated replicates. In all, our results clearly demonstrate the utility of L. sphaericus for effective control of Cx. pipiens larvae. However, other product formulations and AIs should be used for control of container breeding Aedes spp.
Though our results provide a proof-of-principle analysis of differential mortality rates in L. sphaericus exposed Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus larvae, our field results were unable to control for all factors that influence community composition. For instance, changes in nutrient concentrations and availability, as well as predation, are factors that deserve attention. All replicates were initially seeded with the same amount of nutrients, and qualitatively, these containers initially resembled solutions used to bait CDC gravid traps: containers were visually murky and smelled eutrophic. However, since no additional nutrients were added throughout the experiment, the quality of the water in the mesocosm qualitatively changed to be clearer and there was a general absence of a smell. The overall change in habitat quality could have been an important explanatory variable in the transition from Culex spp. to Aedes spp. dominance in the untreated and LC50 containers after around 8 weeks; however, the presence of Culex egg rafts throughout the length of the experiment suggest the mesocosms were suitable oviposition sites regardless of the absence of pupae in later weeks. Prior research has also shown an inhibitory effect of Aedes spp. presence on Culex larval abundance in semi-natural experiments 16, indicating that colonization of our mesocosms by Aedes spp. further limited the development of Culex individuals in the untreated and LC50 treatment containers. Based on comparisons to the LC95 and Label Rate mesocosms, our treatments at most accelerated this community succession due to the toxicity of the treated environment to Culex spp. It is important to note that these observed changes in water quality were only noted during the experiment and follow up experiments should track changes in chemicals such as ammonia, nitrate, and phosphate, which are all indicators of nutrient richness 17. Future experiments should also consider the addition of nutrients at different intervals to better isolate the hypothesis that L. sphaericus drives changes in larval community structure.
An additional complication of our field experiment was the unexpected colonization of each container by larvae of the genus Toxorhynchites. Toxorhynchites is an important predator of container developing mosquito larvae, and previous experiments show that predation by Toxorhynchites can result in significant alterations of mosquito community composition 18,19. The strength of Toxorhynchites predation effects on mosquito larval survival and development is the driving reason behind mass rearing and release programs of Toxorhynchites mosquitoes as a biological control tactic 20,21. Because Toxorhynchites pupae were not detected in a single mesocosm until the 8th week of our experiment, our results confidently demonstrate that the application and continued residual activity of L. sphaericus was dominantly responsible for the absence of Cx. pipiens larval development in the post-treatment periods. Beyond this initial application phase, we cannot fully conclude that sublethal effects of L. sphaericus resulted in community composition changes. Like the consideration of nutrients, follow up experiments should include a Toxorhynchites removal treatment to better isolate the hypothesis that L. sphaericus drives changes in larval community structure.
Prior studies of interspecific competition between Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus on average report asymmetric outcomes in which Ae. albopictus is the dominant competitor 12–15. Our results from Experiment 1 support these findings and show that Ae. albopictus development rates were greater than Cx. pipiens rates in the untreated replicates. The rebound in Cx. pipiens survival in the absence of Ae. albopictus in Experiment 2 provides further evidence of asymmetric competition between the two species. Nutrient availability, which in Experiment 2 was not based on the number of larvae initially seeded into the replicate as in Experiment 1, could explain differential survival of Cx. pipiens between Experiment 1 and 2; however, there was no difference in Cx. pipiens survival across the three nutrient levels in Experiment 2 suggesting the presence of Ae. albopictus was the dominant factor explaining reduced survival of Cx. pipiens in the untreated replicates in Experiment 1. Given the demonstrated specificity of L. sphaericus for control of Cx. pipiens, other AI should be considered in future studies of insecticide-mediated competition between these two important vector species.