U and Pb distribution, concentration, and ratios
Batch A167 includes six fractions: two whole-rock, three pyroxene, and one plagioclase. Batch A170 includes ten smaller fractions of pyroxene and four fractions of the whole rock. Four fractions were measured at UCD: three pyroxenes and one whole-rock. For the batch A167, U and Pb concentrations were measured along with Pb isotopes, while for the A170 and UCD batches only Pb isotopes were measured. U-Pb and Pb-Pb isotopic data are presented in Data Table S1. Concentrations are reported relative to the weights before leaching.
Uranium and Pb distribution between minerals and whole-rock leachates is presented in Fig. S2A and S2B, 206Pb/204Pb ratios are shown in Fig. S2C. Uranium mainly concentrates in W2a and W2b leachates. Augitic pyroxene of brown colour has the highest U concentrations up to 320 ppb in W2b leachate, while orthopyroxene of green colour has the concentrations of U in the range of 25–45 ppb in W2a, W2b and R fractions. Plagioclase has the lowest U concentrations of 8–13 ppb in W2a, W2b and R fractions. Silica oxide minerals, like tridymite and cristobalite, were not analysed in this study but usually contain a relatively low amount of U 61 because U4+ is too large (103 pm 62) to substitute for the relatively small (40 pm 62) Si4+. The whole-rock fractions show U concentration up to 85–95 ppb in W2a and W2b leachates.
Pb mainly concentrates in R fractions (Fig. S2B). The concentrations here are from 19 ppb in plagioclase up to 94 ppb in orthopyroxene. W1a leachates of whole-rock fractions have relatively large proportions of Pb, indicating efficient removing of terrestrial Pb and/or dissolution of phosphates. The Pb concentrations here are 23–24 ppb.
206Pb/204Pb ratios (corrected for spike, fractionation and blank) have large variations (Fig. S2С) and indicate that early leaching steps effectively removed non-radiogenic Pb. All W1a, W1b, and W2a leachates have relatively low 206Pb/204Pb ratios of 29–156, while W2b aliquots have 206Pb/204Pb ratios in the range of 671–3580 and R aliquots up to ~ 12280 and ~ 50870 in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene, respectively. These 206Pb/204Pb ratios are similar to ones reported for angrites 16,37.
Isochron calculation
The adequate choice of points for isochron regression is critical to obtain precise and accurate Pb-Pb age. Usually, first washes (W1a, W1b and W2a) have low ratios of radiogenic Pb to other Pb components, and contain a large amount of terrestrial Pb that pulls the isochron towards the modern terrestrial Pb isotopic composition (Fig. S3). Therefore, all first washes should be removed from isochron calculation (Fig. S4). Further rejection is based on consideration of the following geochemical and/or analytical criteria. First, plagioclase in most cases has low 238U/204Pb and contains a large proportion of non-radiogenic Pb, and therefore usually excluded from the regression. In EC 002 plagioclase is relatively radiogenic but shows open U-Pb system behaviour (Fig. S5), so we excluded these two points. In addition, albitic plagioclase in EC 002 has lamellae of K-feldspar 63, which can cause incongruent dissolution of plagioclase and biased 207Pb/206Pb ratios 64. The next step is elimination of points with a small amount of radiogenic Pb because they are more affected by variations of Pb blank and its isotopic composition. In order to choose the right cut-off value, we analyse the distribution of 206Pb* (* denotes radiogenic) in W2b and R fractions (Fig. S6).
Most fractions that contain less than 0.5×10− 13 mol of radiogenic 206Pb* are W2b fractions from A170 analytical session. Their low content of radiogenic 206Pb* is explained by small mass of these fractions and resistance of orthopyroxene to hot 6M HCl acid. Exclusion of these 11 points yields the isochron with the age of 4565.49 ± 0.18 Ma, MSWD = 2.8 (Fig. S7). A regression through the points with 206Pb* > 1×10− 13 mol yielded the age of 4565.51 ± 0.17 Ma, MSWD = 2.4 (Fig. S8). Further increase of the cut-off amount of 206Pb* up to 2×10− 13 mol yields an isochron with the age of 4565.56 ± 0.12 Ma, MSWD = 1.3 (Fig. S9). Using points with a larger amount of 206Pb* > 5×10− 13 mol gave a similar result with the age of 4565.55 ± 0.12 Ma, MSWD = 1.5 (Fig. S10). In any case, even using data with a low amount of radiogenic Pb does not affect the accuracy significantly. All ages shown in the Figures S7-S10 are identical within their uncertainties, showing that the choice of cut-off points is not critical. The regression based on the data points with 206Pb* > 2×10− 13 mol (Fig. S9) appears to be optimal. It yields the best precision and, unlike regressions that include smaller fractions, this isochron shows no dispersion of the points in excess of analytical uncertainties. It does not require further rejections of the points based on other criteria. We thus consider the age of 4565.56 ± 0.12 Ma our best estimate of crystallization age of EC 002.
Concordance of the U-Pb system
The U-Pb data for fractions W2b and R from the session A167 were plotted in a Wetherill-type Concordia diagram (Fig. S11). The discordance of the U-Pb system calculated as \(\left(\frac{\frac{207\text{P}\text{b}}{206\text{P}\text{b}} \text{d}\text{a}\text{t}\text{e}- \frac{238\text{U}}{206\text{P}\text{b}} \text{d}\text{a}\text{t}\text{e}}{\frac{207\text{P}\text{b}}{206\text{P}\text{b}} \text{d}\text{a}\text{t}\text{e}}\right)\)× 100. All residue fractions show discordance values from − 1.9–2.0%, indicating that residues have almost closed U-Pb system even after acid leaching. The W2b leachates have discordance values of 92–95% for the whole rock and pyroxene fractions, and 63% for plagioclase, indicating removal of U relative to Pb in this leaching step. All other leachates also have positive discordance values of 8–97% (Data Table S1). Discordia regression for R and W2b fractions (Fig. S11) yields an upper concordia intercept at 4565.56 ± 0.34 Ma (corrected for U isotopic composition) which is in agreement with the Pb-Pb isochron age of 4565.56 ± 0.12 Ma within their uncertainties. The zero (within uncertainties) intercept of the discordia line suggests that fractionation between U and Pb is recent and caused by acid leaching.
Uranium isotope analysis, methods, and results
Washing procedure and separation for U isotopic composition
Our procedure of sample preparation for U isotope analysis (batch A169) is similar to those described in refs 23 and 65. The sample was crushed in a boron carbide mortar and pestle. Sieved whole-rock fractions were pre-cleaned by ultrasonic agitation in ethanol, MQ water, and distilled acetone 2–3 times. After this, each fraction was divided into two parts: 1) 30–40% for direct dissolution after pre-cleaning (thereafter “bulk” fractions), and 2) 60–70% for two-step acid leaching. The larger fractions were leached twice in 1 mL of 0.5 HNO3 at 120°C on a hot plate for 30 min with following ultrasonic agitation for 10 min to dissolve possible phosphates (thereafter “wash” fractions). These two washes were combined (2 mL in total) for subsequent chemical separation. The residue and untreated bulk fractions were then dissolved in a mixture of concentrated HF and HNO3 in the proportion of 3:1 for two days at 120°C on a hot plate. To convert fluorides into soluble salts, all aliquots were evaporated and re-dissolved in 6–7 mL of concentrated HNO3 at 120°C for 12 days with 30 min ultrasonic agitation each day. During this period samples were evaporated and re-dissolved again in concentric HNO3 four times (every 3 days) to facilitate dissolution of fluorides. After evaporation, all aliquots were re-dissolved in 5–6 mL of 6M HCl at 190°C in Parr bombs. After complete dissolution, the solutions were spiked with IRMM-3636 233–236U double spike 66, evaporated and then again re-dissolved in 6M HCl for homogenization. To be sure that spike and samples are fully homogenized, all aliquots were kept on a hot plate at 120°C for three days.
All aliquots were processed through a two-step chemical separation. For the first step, we used Bio-Rad AG-1x8 anion exchange resin (200–400 mesh) to separate U and Fe from the sample matrix. The matrix elements were eluted with 6M HCl, and U and Fe were eluted with 0.5M HNO3. To reduce the amount of organics, pre-filter resin was put at the bottom of each column. In the second step, we processed U + Fe aliquots through UTEVA resin. Iron was eluted with 3M HNO3 and U was collected in a mixture of 0.02M HNO3 and 0.2M HF. For MC-ICPMS analysis, aliquots were evaporated and re-dissolved in 0.5M HNO3.
Uranium isotope MC-ICPMS measurements
The U isotopic composition was determined on a Thermo Neptune Plus MC-ICPMS at the Australian National University (ANU), Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES), in static multi-collector mode. The samples were introduced to the plasma with Aridus desolvating nebulizer. Faraday cups used for measuring 238U and monitoring 229Th and 232Th were connected to the amplifiers with 1011 Ω resistors, while the cups used for measuring 233U, 235U, and 236U were connected to the amplifiers with 1012 Ω resistors. We achieved the signal intensity of ~ 1V per 1 ppb of 238U with sample solution uptake of 0.1 mL/min, which corresponds to a total ion yield of ~ 1.5%. Measurements quality was monitored by bracketing with the IRMM-184 uranium isotopic standard 67. The mass spectrometer background was measured before each 3–4 sample measurements and was subtracted from a sample signal. All data were corrected for instrumental fractionation assuming the exponential law of fractionation. The data for secondary standards: SRM 960 (equivalent to CRM-112a), and terrestrial basalts BCR-2 and BHVO-2, and for EC 002 were adjusted for consistency with the accepted value of 238U/235U = 137.683 ± 0.020 in IRMM-184 standard 67. Standards were analysed at various intensities (238U signal between ~ 1 and 20 V) and with the various sample to spike ratios to match the concentrations and sample to spike ratios of the unknowns and confirm consistency of the data obtained under varying analytical conditions. All EC 002 fractions were analysed at the intensity of 15–17 V.
Measurements of the IRMM-184 isotopic standard with standard to spike ratios of 3, 10, and 30 revealed a linear correlation between 238U/235U and 236U/238U ratios (Fig. S12a). To resolve the potential reason for the correlation, we measured the isotopic composition (235U/236U and 238U/236U ratios) of the IRMM-3636 spike using solutions with concentrations of 1, 3, 10, and 20 ppb (Fig. S13). Y-axis intercepts yielded a 235U/236U ratio of 4.8 × 10− 5 and a 238U/236U ratio of 2.4 × 10− 4. Usage of these measured ratios 236U/235U = 20674 and 238U/235U = 4.8873 instead of certified values of 21988 and 5.1629, respectively 66, eliminated correlation between 238U/235U and 236U/238U ratios in the different sample/spike mixtures (Fig. S12b). All data were processed with the measured isotopic composition of the IRMM-3636 spike. Results of the standards and EC 002 measurements are presented in Table S1.
Normalized 238U/235U ratios of secondary standards, SRM 960 and terrestrial basalts, agree with published values 52,67, confirming the reliability of the procedure. EC 002 is found to have heterogeneous isotopic composition of U. The bulk and residue fractions, which are dominated by intrinsic U, have consistent 238U/235U ratios (Fig. S14), which are higher than the average Solar system and terrestrial basalts values and which we interpret as the isotopic composition of the meteorite before it was exposed to a terrestrial environment. The isotopic composition of the leachate is displaced towards the average terrestrial uranium (Fig. S14), and we interpret it as a mixture between intrinsic uranium, and uranium introduced by weathering.
54Cr isotope systematics
Dissolution, purification, and ε54Cr isotopic analysis of Erg Chech 002 were conducted at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). An interior, fusion-crust-free chip of EC 002 was crushed to a powder using an agate mortar and pestle. A 3 mg aliquot of this whole-rock powder was set aside for oxygen isotope analysis. The remaining mass was prepared for dissolution. The whole-rock powder was placed in a PTFE Parr bomb digestion capsule, along with twice-distilled (ultrapure), concentrated HF and HNO3 in a 3:1 ratio. The PTFE capsule was sealed in a stainless-steel jacket, and heated in an oven at 190°C for 96 h. This high-pressure, high-temperature environment is necessary to ensure complete dissolution of highly refractory phases, such as chromite.
Once completely dissolved, Cr was separated from the sample matrix via a three-column separation procedure according to 68 using one column with an anion-exchange resin (Bio-Rad AG1-X8, 200–400 mesh) and two columns with cation-exchange resin (Bio-Rad AG50W-X8, 200–400 mesh) in a PicoTrace class 10–100 clean lab.
Following elemental separation, the isotopic composition of the purified Cr fractions was measured using a Thermo Triton Plus thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS). The Cr fractions were loaded onto four outgassed tungsten filaments, with 3 µg sample per filament. The four sample filaments were bracketed with filaments (two before and two after) loaded with an equal amount (3 µg) of NIST SRM 979 Cr isotopic standard.
Each filament analysis consisted of 1200 ratios, with an 8 s integration time for each ratio. The signal intensity for 52Cr was set to 10 V (± 15%). A detector gain calibration was completed at the start of each filament analysis, and the amplifiers were rotated and baseline-measured after every block of 25 ratios. The instrumental mass fractionation was corrected using an exponential fractionation law and a 50Cr/52Cr ratio of 0.051859 69. The 54Cr/52Cr ratio is expressed in ε-notation, or parts per 10,000 deviation from the measured NIST SRM 979 standard:
$$\epsilon {}^{\text{x}}\text{C}\text{r}= \left[\frac{{\left(\frac{{}^{\text{x}}\text{C}\text{r}}{{}^{52}\text{C}\text{r}}\right)}_{\text{E}\text{C} 002}}{{\left(\frac{{}^{\text{x}}\text{C}\text{r}}{{}^{52}\text{C}\text{r}}\right)}_{\text{S}\text{R}\text{M} 979}}-1\right]\times {10}^{4}$$
where xCr is either 53Cr or 54Cr.
Cr isotopic composition was measured in two aliquots (A and B), results are presented in Table S2.
84Sr isotope systematics
Strontium isotope compositions were measured in the fractions from the batches A167 (after for U-Pb separation) and A169 (after U separation). All separation and measurement procedures are described in 70, Sr isotopic composition was measured on TritonPlus thermal ionization mass-spectrometer at ANU, RSES. The 84Sr/86Sr ratios are reported as relative deviations from the SRM 987 Sr standard as ε notation according to the following formula:
$${\epsilon }{}^{84}\text{S}\text{r}= \left[\frac{{\left(\frac{{}^{84}\text{S}\text{r}}{{}^{86}\text{S}\text{r}}\right)}_{\text{S}\text{a}\text{m}\text{p}\text{l}\text{e}}}{{\left(\frac{{}^{84}\text{S}\text{r}}{{}^{86}\text{S}\text{r}}\right)}_{\text{S}\text{R}\text{M} 987}}-1\right]\times {10}^{4}$$
Results of 87Sr/86Sr and 84Sr/86Sr are presented in Table S3.
50Ti isotope systematics
A 1.1 g interior chip of EC 002, free from fusion crust, was crushed in an agate mortar. The powdered sample was sieved through 100 µm and 250 µm mesh screens, and the 100–250 µm fraction was analysed for Ti isotopes without mineral separation. A 24 mg aliquot of this fraction was digested with a concentrated HF–HNO3 mixture at 200 ˚C using a Parr bomb®. The digested sample was converted to a soluble form by repeated evaporation with concentrated HNO3, and dissolved in 6 M HCl. The chemical separation of Ti was performed following the procedure described by 71. First, the sample in 6 M HCl was loaded onto the column packed with Bio-Rad AG1-X8 anion exchange resin (200–400 mesh), in which Ti is eluted while Fe and U are retained by the resin. Second, Ti was separated from matrix elements including Cr and Ca using Eichrom TODGA resin (50–100 µm mesh). Finally, Ti was purified using the AG1-X8 resin, in which the remaining matrix elements were eluted in 4 M HF as well as 0.4 M HCl + 1 M HF, followed by Ti elution in 1 M HCl + 2% H2O2.
The isotopic composition of the purified Ti fraction was measured using a Thermo Fisher Scientific Neptune Plus multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICPMS) at the University of Tokyo. The sample diluted to a concentration of 100 ppb was introduced to the MC-ICPMS using a CETAC Aridus II desolvating nebulizer with a sample uptake rate of ~ 0.15 mL/min. Measurements were performed using a Jet sample cone and an X skimmer cone with high mass resolution, which resulted in 48Ti signal intensities of ~ 2.5×10–10 A. In addition to five Ti isotopes, 43Ca, 51V and 53Cr were monitored to correct for isobaric interferences on Ti isotopes from 46Ca, 48Ca, 50V, and 50Cr. Data were obtained in dynamic mode from 40 cycles, 2 lines/cycle, 8.4 s integration/line, and 4 s idle time between lines. Instrumental mass fractionation was corrected with the exponential law by assuming 49Ti/47Ti = 0.74976672. The sample measurement was bracketed by analyses of an Alfa Aesar Ti standard solution. The 50Ti/47Ti ratio of the sample is expressed in ε-notation defined as follows:
$${{\epsilon }}^{50}\text{T}\text{i}=\left[\frac{{\left(\frac{{}_{ }{}^{50}\text{T}\text{i}}{{}_{ }{}^{47}\text{T}\text{i}}\right)}_{\text{E}\text{r}\text{g} \text{C}\text{h}\text{e}\text{c}\text{h} 002}}{{\left(\frac{{}_{ }{}^{50}\text{T}\text{i}}{{}_{ }{}^{47}\text{T}\text{i}}\right)}_{\text{A}\text{l}\text{f}\text{a} \text{A}\text{e}\text{s}\text{a}\text{r}}}-1\right]\times \text{10,000}$$
Analytical uncertainty on the sample ε50Ti combined the internal precision (2 SE) and the reproducibility of the standard analyses (2SD), added in quadrature. For EC 002 we obtained ε50Ti value of -1.08 ± 0.30.
Oxygen isotope analysis
The triple oxygen isotope composition is expressed in form of the classical δ-notation with
$${{\delta }}^{\text{17,18}}\text{O}=\left(\frac{{\left(\frac{{}^{\text{17,18}}\text{O}}{{}^{16}\text{O}}\right)}_{\text{S}\text{a}\text{m}\text{p}\text{l}\text{e}}}{{\left(\frac{{}^{\text{17,18}}\text{O}}{{}^{16}\text{O}}\right)}_{\text{S}\text{M}\text{O}\text{W}}}-1\right)\text{*}1000$$
The oxygen isotope anomaly is expressed in the \({\varDelta }^{{\prime }}\)17O notation with:
$${\varDelta }^{{\prime }}{}^{17}\text{O}=1000\text{*}\text{ln}\left(\frac{{\delta }{}^{17}\text{O}+1}{1000}\right)-0.528\text{*} 1000\text{*}\text{l}\text{n}\left(\frac{{\delta }{}^{18}\text{O}+1}{1000}\right)$$
Or using the traditional “non-prime” notation with:
$${\varDelta }^{17}\text{O}={\delta }{}^{17}\text{O}-0.52\text{*}{\delta }{}^{18}\text{O}$$
Oxygen isotopic analysis at the University of Göttingen
The oxygen isotope composition of Erg Chech 002 was determined at the University of Göttingen by infrared (IR) laser fluorination 73. An aliquot of approximately 2 mg was loaded into a small, 2-pit sample holders together with San Carlos olivine and then placed into an air lock system. The all-metal air lock was pumped down to ~ 3 x 10–6 mbar and heated using heating tape to ~ 75°C for 24 h. The air lock system is attached via a CF40 gate valve (with Kel-F gaskets) to the sample chamber. The empty fluorination chamber was evacuated and heated to about 60°C for 24 h before being exposed to ~ 100 mbar BrF5 for ~ 15 min in order to remove any moisture that adheres to the inner chamber walls after the chamber. The moisture is adsorbed to the walls and window when the sample chamber is opened, as necessary for cleaning or changing the BaF2 window. To minimize contamination, the sample chamber is filled with Ar while being open. After the air lock cooled to room temperature, the sample holder containing Erg Chech 002 and San Carlos olivine was introduced through a gate valve into the fluorination chamber. Samples were then exposed to BrF5 (100 mbar) and fluorinated by scanning the laser beam across the sample pit at increasing laser energy up to 45 W. Following fluorination, sample O2 gas was transferred through cold traps and NaCl (for F2 removal) to a 5 Å molecular sieve trap. From this trap, sample O2 was transferred via He gas stream (10 mL min–1) through a 5 Å molecular sieve packed gas chromatography column (3 m, 1/8”, 50°C) into a second 5 Å molecular sieve trap located in front of a Thermo 253 Plus mass spectrometer. After evacuation of He from this trap, sample O2 was expanded at 50°C into the bellows of the mass spectrometer. Samples were measured relative to reference gas that was calibrated using O2 released from San Carlos olivine (δ18O = 5.23‰, Δ’17O0.528 = − 0.052‰; 74). The entire fluorination, gas transfer and measurement procedure were timed using LabVIEW to avoid any user-specific effects. On the basis of replicate analyses of San Carlos olivine, the analytical uncertainty was assumed to be ~ 0.3‰ for δ18O and ~ 0.016‰ for Δ’17O (2σ SD).
Oxygen isotopic analyses at UCLA
A whole-rock oxygen isotopic measurement of Erg Chech 002 was performed at UCLA. The sample was loaded into a 316L stainless steel chamber for analysis. The sample was heated with an infrared lamp through the ZnSe window to ~ 120 °C while pumping for ~ 3 hours to eliminate surface absorbed water. The background pressure in the sample chamber before fluorination was ~ 10− 7 bar.
Oxygen in the form of O2 gas was extracted from the sample using laser-heating assisted fluorination. Approximately 90 mbar of doubly-distilled F2 was loaded into the sample chamber as the fluorinating agent 75. The sample was melted in the presence of F2 with a 20 W CO2 laser pulsed at 10 Hz. After complete fluorination, the product O2 was purified by passing through a heated KBr trap with cold traps at liquid nitrogen temperature located on either side. The KBr serves as a getter for excess F2, releasing bromine that is trapped at liquid nitrogen temperature. The traps also sequester SiF4. The extracted O2 was then collected into 13X molecular sieve cooled by liquid N2. The gases are released from the 13X mol sieve at 200°C for 30 minutes, and then transferred into a sample vial by freezing onto a silica gel substrate.
The oxygen isotope ratios were determined on O2 using a high-mass-resolution, double-focusing gas-source mass spectrometer at UCLA (Nu Instruments Panorama 001). The mass resolving power (M/DM) of 40,000 used for these measurements is sufficient to resolve mass interferences (e.g., NF+, 76). The 32O2+, 33O2+, and 34O2+ ion beams were measured using Faraday cups with amplifier resistors of 1010 Ω, 1013 Ω, and 1011 Ω, respectively. Analyses were obtained from 20 blocks. Each block comprised 30 cycles of sample/reference gas comparisons, and each cycle consists of 30 s integration. The reference gas was calibrated using O2 purified by gas-chromatography from air. Accuracy is checked additionally by analysing two geostandards for oxygen isotope ratios, San Carlos olivine (SC olivine) and Gore Mountain Garnet. For this study, the Δ’17O of Erg Chech 002 was anchored to the composition of San Carlos olivine that was used in Göttingen and by Ziegler et al. at UNM 77. Results are presented in Table S4.