1. Quality control and data retention
Total reads per sample were 39,286, 41,915, 43,318, 66,907, 59,489 and 41,217 for Sites 1-6, respectively, before trimming, for a total of 292,132 reads. Supplementary Figure 1 shows data loss during filtering and trimming using the DADA2 pipeline (Callahan et al. 2016). Out of 420 resulting Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) sequences 59 were identified as chimeras and removed, making up 3.83% of total reads. After chimera removal the total of reads across all samples was 176,650, for a data loss of just under 40% (see supplementary Figure 1 for data loss in each step).
2. Taxonomic diversity
Based on an initial taxonomic assignment 113 out of 361 total ASVs were identified to the taxonomic Order level in the Silva database, increasing to 147 out of 361 ASVs by combining the Silva and PR databases. Including the NCBI Blast search resolved another 106 ASVs to the Order level, totaling 253 out of 361 ASVs resolved, including all but three of the 50 most common ASVs across all samples. Taxonomic insecurities for the remaining 108 ASVs and the inability to assigned detected taxa to a higher resolution than order level was made difficult by the lack of genomic references for Arctic soil biota. The 18S primers developed for the Earth Microbiome Project are designed to capture a very broad range of eukaryotic diversity but as a result lack the power to resolve species’ taxonomic diversity at a very fine scale (Pawlowski et al. 2012).
The most abundant Phylum in all non-vegetated soils was the Nematoda, while in the vegetated soils Arthropoda made up most of the reads (See supplementary Figure 2). Platyhelminthes were only found in the three vegetated soils, and annelid DNA was recovered from Site 1 only. Across all samples, the other most common phyla after Nematoda and Arthropoda were Rotifera, Platyhelminthes, Ascomycota, Annelida and Tardigrada. Figure 2 presents the results of taxonomic identification across all sites for these seven most abundant phyla, which make up between 90 and 95% of the total reads for each sample (See Supplementary figure 2 for relative abundance). Relative abundances for other phyla are shown in Supplementary figure 3.
2.1 Nematodes
Figure 3 shows the distribution of nematode orders across the different sites. Nematode diversity was not significantly higher between vegetated and non-vegetated soils (one-tailed t-test, p < 0.05). The most common ASV in the entire dataset belonged to the Enoplida and was highly abundant in all three non-vegetated soils while very rare in the soils with vegetation cover. While most enoplids are marine in origin, some members of this genus occur as free-living bacterivorous nematodes in soils (Smythe 2015). The third most common ASV belonged to the Araeolaimida and was highly abundant across all six samples. Araeolaimids are also commonly seen as marine free-living nematodes, with some in the order observed living in soils as free-living bacterivores (Yeates 1988). While these two free-living nematode examples occurred in most soil samples, other nematode ASVs were highly restricted to either soil type or to a single site, such as the most common nematode ASV (belonging to Enoplida), the sixth (belonging to Mononchida) and eighth (belonging to Tylenchida) most common ASVs all being highly abundant in the non-vegetated sites but nearly absent from any of the vegetated soils (see supplementary Table 1).
2.2 Arthropods
Figure 4 shows the distribution of arthropod orders across the different sites. A higher diversity of arthropod ASVs was found in the vegetated soils than in non-vegetated soils (one-tailed t-test, p < 0.05). Sites 4-6 showed a high similarity in arthropod diversity, with a similar composition of collembolan and sarcoptiform arthropods. However, most collembolan ASVs were unique to one or two sample locations, except for the most common collembolan ASV which was present at Sites 1, 4, 5 and 6. Trombidiform mites and any insects such as Diptera were only present in the vegetated soils, which were also the only sites to share the presence of the most common platyhelminth, as well as some other platyhelminths occurring in individual samples. Generally, the vegetated samples showed much higher abundance of arthropod DNA, except for a single collembolan ASV in Sample 5 that made up around 20% of total sample abundance.
3. Inter-site comparison
Seven ASVs were present at all sampled sites, six of which were amongst the 30 most common ASVs. Of the 361 total ASVs, 247 were unique to a single site and a further 31 and 18 ASVs were specific to either vegetated or non-vegetated soils, respectively. The remaining 65 ASVs were not restricted to a single site or soil type. However, many were only present in very low abundances in vegetated soils (as was the case for some of the most common nematode taxa in the non-vegetated soils). The total number of reads that were limited to a single site or soil type was 32.17%, indicating that most taxa were relatively rare across sample sites. Strictly site-specific taxa made up approximately 16% of total read copies, but more than two-thirds of the number of ASVs identified in this study.
Figure 5 shows the alpha diversity distribution across the six sites, including the observed features measure (A) and Shannon and Simpson diversity metrics which account for the proportional abundance of species (Shannon 1948). The sample with a Carex dominated ground cover (Sample 1) consistently showed high diversity compared to the other communities, while Sample 6 (non-vegetated) had the fewest observed features and a low biodiversity index.
Non-metric multidimensional scaling was applied to these six sites to observe their similarities in community composition (Clarke 1993). Patterns of community clustering are shown in Figure 6 for several measures of beta diversity. Two of the vegetated soils (Samples 2 and 3) clustered together in all NMDS plots, and a general distinction between the non-vegetated (Samples 4-6) and the vegetated soils was observed across all plots. The three vegetated soil samples also show higher within-group differences, the Carex-covered soil specifically was less similar to the other two sites, potentially caused by the effects of vegetation cover on community composition. These patterns were consistent between the full biodiversity of the samples and separate comparisons of the nematode and arthropod diversity (Supplementary Figure 4 and 5, respectively).
Figure 7 shows the phylogenetic relationship between the identified nematode and arthropod groups and their presence across the different soils sampled. While monophyletic groups of arthropods can be identified as present only in vegetated soils (all Diptera, Hemiptera and a subset of Collembola) most nematode clades are shown to be present in both soil types.