3.1 Effect of contact time on the EC efficiency
The performance of EC process was investigated under different treatment times between 0 and 150 min with intervals every 15 min to assess optimum treatment time. The experiment was carried out at CD of 2 mA cm− 2, TDS value adjusted to be 1000 mg L− 1 and pH value of 7.2. As shown in Fig. 2 (a and b), COD removal efficiency was about 23% after 15 min operation, then it increased to about 53% at 30 min indicating that more than 50% reduction of organic matter could be removed after 30 min detention time. COD removal efficiency increased gradually in 30–105 min from 53–84% with about 8% removal every 15 minute. The removal rate of COD slightly changed after operating time 105-150-min as it reached to 84.7%, 88.7% and 91.2% at 120, 135 and 150 min respectively. The residual value of COD after 2.5 hours was 360 mg L− 1 starting from initial concentration of 4200 mg L− 1. This result is better compared with conventional treatment methods (combined chemical and biological) that achieved similar results with a total treatment time of about 15 hours [26].
CSWW contains dense red color which it could persist in other treatment methods. In Fig. 2a about 85% color removal efficiency was obtained at 60 min and 99% color removal obtain after 120 min operation. The turbidity value is considered as a mirror image for the existence of suspended solids in the wastewater. Turbidity removal efficiency was investigated (Fig. 2b) and it reached more than 82% after operation of 15 min only while it reached 95.5% in 60 min, which indicated that the majority of suspended and particulate substances was removed from the treated CSWW. Other phenomena were observed as the pH value increased gradually as a function of time. This may be attributed to the formation of metal hydroxides in the solution.
Treatment time is a very essential factor in construction and operation of EC in terms of the economic applicability for CSWW treatment. Accordingly, preliminary determination of electrical power and electrodes consumption at different EC contact time are shown in Fig. 3. The investigation was carried out by running the experiment 10 times in each one the electrodes and power consumption was calculated. The results revealed that increasing contact time in EC process directly increases both energy and electrode consumption. The contact time was varied from 0 to 150 min with 15 min interval and maximum energy consumption reached 30 kWh m− 3 and maximum electrode reached 0.27 kg m− 3. Although the long operational time, the electrical power and electrodes consumption was lower than those investigated in several studies at lower operational time [11, 27]. based on the obtained results, 75 min was selected as optimum contact time in the EC treatment process for determination the other operating parameters. At this time, the energy and electrodes consumption were 13 kWh m− 3and 0.14 kg m− 3.
3.2 Effect of TDS concentrations on EC efficiency
The TDS concentration in the CSWW is another important parameter that affect the EC reactor performance. The more TDS concentration in bulk solution, the more conductivity between electrodes which leads to accelerate electrons and ions movement in the solution between electrodes. To study the TDS effect, the experiment was conducted at current density is 4 mA cm− 2, pH value of 7 and operational time between 0 and 150 min with intervals every 15 min. The investigated concentrations were 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg L− 1 and adjusted by adding sodium chloride salt to the solution.
The effect of TDS concentration on EC performance on the removal of COD, color, and turbidity from CSWW is illustrated in Fig. 4 (a-c). As shown in Fig. 4a, TDS concentrations of 1000 and 2000 mg L− 1 exhibit the same behavior in decrease of COD concentration removal as function of time. After 15 min operation the COD concentration decreased by about 23% while the other investigated TDS concentrations (3000, 4000, and 5000 mg L− 1) showed a reduction of more than 70–80% in COD concentrations in the same operation time. Also, results showed that TDS concentration in CSWW strongly affect the operational time as TDS concentrations starting from 3000 mg L− 1 exhibit COD reduction from 4210 mg L− 1 to 219 mg L− 1 with removal rate of 94–96% at operational time 75 min while it was about 1313 mg L− 1 with removal rate of 68% at the same operational time when TDS concentration was 1000 and 2000 mg L− 1. To reach the same performance the operational time should be more than 150 min. Accordingly, increasing TDS concentration in the treatment solution resulted in reduction of COD concentrations rapidly and consequently reduction of operational time.
Color removal efficiency (Fig. 4b) strongly influenced by the TDS concentrations. More than 96% color removal was achieved when TDS concentration was more than 3000 mg L− 1 at 15 min operational time. In addition, turbidity removal efficiency was investigated (Fig. 4c), and it reached more than 80% after operation of 15 min only while it reached 99% in 60 min at all TDS concentrations investigated.
Based on the obtained results, the optimum operating time was 75 min when adjusting the TDS concentration to be about 3000 mg L− 1. Applying These optimum conditions reduced the electrical power and electrodes consumption. According to Fig. 3, the EC operation time will be reduced to the half and consequently the power and electrodes consumption will be about 13.6 kWh m− 3 and 0.14 kg m− 3, respectively. These optimum parameters were used while investigated effect of pH and Current density.
3.3 Effect of pH
pH value has noticeable effect on the implementation of EC process. Investigation of different pH values (4,5,8,7 and 8) effect on the treatment of CSWW during EC, was carried out at current density of 4 mA cm− 2, TDS of 3000 mg L− 1 and 75 min EC time. As seen in Fig. 5a, COD reduction was affected by the pH value of CSWW as the highest reduction was achieved when the pH range was 7–8 where it reached 96% and the residual concentration was 191 mg L− 1. At lower pH values the removal efficiency of COD decreased and reached 89%, 89.5 and 91% at pH 4, 5 and 6 respectively. Similarly, the highest color removal was obtained at pH 7 (Fig. 5b). These rates were found to be 99.9% while the minimum removal efficiencies obtained were 96% at pH 4 and 97% at pH 5–6. Figure 5c. showed that highest removal efficiency of turbidity obtained at pH 7 and found to be 98.8%.
As indicated in Fig. 5 (a-c), at lower pH values, a decrease in pollutants removal efficiencies was noticed. pH has a direct effect on the amount of Al3+ hydrolysis from electrodes[28]. From the obtained results of COD, color, and turbidity, the optimum pH values ranged between 7 and 8. Also, results showed slight increase in pH value by 0.5–1.5 at lower initial pH values in the treated solution after EC. The values increased from 4-4.5, 5-5.2 and 6-6.5 while at initial pH, 7 and 8 slight increase was noticed by about 0.2. Studies on EC supported this findings and reported an increase in pH value during EC at lower original solution pH [22]. This can be attributed to formation of hydroxide ions in bulk solution as results of water hydrolysis during the process and hydrogen evolution at cathodes [29].
3.4 Effect of applied current density
Figure 6 (a-c) represents the performance of EC unit for COD, color, and turbidity removal from CSWW under the effect of different applied current densities. The experiment was carried out at 75 min contact time, and TDS 3000 mg L− 1 while pH was adjusted to be around 7 with variable current of 2, 4, 6 and 8 mA cm− 2. Applying 2 mA cm− 2 CD showed low removal rate of COD and the maximum removal efficiency achieved was 88% with residual value of 490 mg L− 1 while the removal rate for color and turbidity was 97% and 83% respectively. Increasing current density to double value (4 mA cm− 2) showed significant reduction of COD to about 94% with residual concentration of 190 mg L− 1 after 1.25 h with near complete color and turbidity removal (99%). The increase of CD to 6 mA cm− 2 then 8 mA cm− 2 showed higher removal efficiency at minimal time reaching to 45 min at which 96% COD removal achieved and final removal efficiency was 97% after 75 min with final residual concentration of 101 mg L− 1. Also, color, and turbidity removal efficiencies were 99.9 and 99.2% at 6 and 8 mA cm− 2.
The results showed the importance of current density as kay parameter in EC process for pollutant removal from CSWW. The formation of metal hydroxide and the reaction rate in the electrocoagulation process is directly affected with current density as it could control the dissolution rate of metal coagulant from electrode, and bubble evolution and accordingly, influences the development of flocs [30]. The dissolved metal hydroxide (Al2O3) released from electrodes combines with suspended particulates and results in settling of this formed floc and consequently removal of organic matter, turbidity and color.
Although high removal efficiencies achieved at higher current densities, obtained experimental results, from the techno-economic approach, it would be unfavorable to apply high current density due to high operational costs. Increasing current density will increase the rate of metal ions dissolution electrode and causes high electrode consumption. The calculated electrode consumption in this study at current density 2, 4,6 and 8 mA cm− 2 were found to be 0.152, 0.287, 0.482 and 0.61 kg m− 3 respectively. Based on this, it can be concluded that 4 mA cm− 2 is the optimum current density which achieved satisfactory removal rate with suitable electrode consumption.
3.5 Techno-economic evaluation of EC process in continuous flow for CSWW at optimum operating parameters.
The results from experiments revealed optimum parameters for operation of EC reactor treating CSWW at contact time 60–75 min, pH 7–8, TDS ≤ 3000 mg. L− 1, and current density 4 mA cm− 2. A continuous flow experiment was carried on CSWW sample that was adjusted at these optimum conditions. The CSWW was fed to EC unit via peristaltic pump to simulate the application of full-scale EC reactor. The TDS of CSWW was adjusted to be about 3000 mg L− 1 while the pH was 7.1 and current density 4 mA cm− 2 with 60 min operation time. The influent and effluent wastewater was analyzed the results depicted in Table 2. The results indicated a satisfactory elimination of all pollutants under these optimum operating conditions.
Table 2
CSWW characteristics before and after continuous EC treatment at optimum operating conditions
CSWW before treatment
After Treatment
% Removal
Discharge limits
mg L− 1
mg L− 1
mg L− 1
mg L− 1
mg L− 1
mg L− 1
Oil & Grease
mg L− 1
After application of this continuous experimental, at the optimum operating parameters of EC, the electrodes were weighed to determine the electrode consumption to be included in the actual operational cost calculation. The electrode consumption found to be 0.6 Kg/m3 and the electrical consumption was 0.876 kWh m− 3., The local cost of electricity in Egypt for commercial use is L.E 1.6 /kWh (about 0.09 $/ kWh) while the cost of commercial aluminum metal is L.E 40/ kg (2.2 $/kg). The ranges of operation cost at current density from 2 to 8 mA cm− 2 are from 14.4 L. E/ m3(0.88 $/m3 ) to 57.5 L.E/m3 (3.6 $/m3). The cost of operation at these optimum conditions (pH 7, 4mA/Cm2 and 60 min) was calculated and found to be 26.4 L. E/ m3 (1.5 $/m3). This value is very low compared to conventional treatment that could achieve the same treatment efficiency for CSWW using chemical coagulation followed by biological treatment.