2.1 Collection of Feedstock
The feedstock for the compost preparation included mixed of aquatic invasive plants consisting of Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort), Nymphaea odorata (water lily), Polygonum lanigerum, Arthropteris orientalis (ferns), Typha domingensis (Cattail), Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce) and Cyperus papyrus (nutgrass) as well mixed household solid biowaste that included food/kitchen waste, fruit/vegetable, crop-residue, yard waste. The invasive plants were harvested from the Owabi dam (06°43'N 01°40'W) in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, while the household solid biowaste were gathered from households within communities in the Owabi catchment area. The harvesting of the invasive plants was done manually with the aid of simple hand tool including rake and cutlass and carried in canoe with the assistance of Water Laborers at dams. The biowaste on the other hand were gathered fresh from households in communities within the Owabi catchment.
2.2 Preparation and Characterization of Feedstock
The feedstock of consisting both invasive plants and biowaste after harvesting were transported in fresh form to the site of compost preparation at the Department of Environmental Science at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi. To improve the composting process, the feedstocks were shredded to reduce the particle size for effective decomposition. Prior to composting, samples of each class of feedstock were taken for laboratory analysis. The invasive plant samples were prepared by shredding and evenly mixing each of the six (6) different invasive plant species. This was necessary to ensure that the samples analyse have an even composition of the different invasive plants that made up the feedstocks. Likewise, the biowaste were also evenly and thoroughly mixed before samples were taken for analysis. All nine (9) samples of the mixed invasive plants and nine (9) samples of the mixed biowaste were taken for laboratory analysis.
The analyses were performed at the Soil Science Laboratory at the KNUST. The parameters analysed included the structural compositions (lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose content), pH, carbon, nitrogen and potassium content as well as moisture content. The Van Soest Method for neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) procedure was used to establish the concentration of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose in percentage weight in volume (% W/V) basis. The pH of the samples were measured using a pH probe (PHYME Cobros 3 basic unit USB, Germany) while the C and N were determined using an elemental analyser (Model LECO CHN628 and 628S, St. Joseph, MI, USA) following the ASTM D-5291 standard method.
The feedstock characteristics obtained from the laboratory analysis are presented in Table 1. The C/N ratio of both the invasive plants, biowaste and their mixture as feedstock were within the desirable range of 1:15-30 [11] although biowaste feedstock has a lower ratio as compared to the invasive plants. The lignin content was higher in the invasive plants than that of the biowaste. The ratio of cellulose to hemicellulose was comparable between the invasive plants and biowaste feedstock with the latter however having a higher content of both cellulose and hemicellulose. The pH of the invasive plants' feedstock is 5.5-8 and that of the biowaste was 6-8.6 indicating both classes of feedstock have desirable pH levels suitable for composting.
Table 1
Initial Characterization of Feedstock
Invasive plants (n=9)
Mixed of AIPs and Biowaste (n=9)
Mixed household Biowaste (n=9)
Carbon (%W/V)
C/N ratio(%)
Hemicellulose(% W/V)
Lignin (ADL) (%W/V)
2.3 Description of Composting System
The compost was prepared in three Aerobin 400 Composters each with a capacity of 400 L mounted at the Department of Environmental Science of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. The Aerobin as shown in Plate 1 is designed for all-year-round aerobic hot composting. Hot composting is preferred in this study because it kills pathogens, inoculates weeds and their seeds and creates good quality compost in a short period [23]. Aerobic composting also dramatically reduces greenhouse gas emissions and bad smells from methane and rather produces Carbon dioxide. When assembled, the Aerobin 400 measures 740mm x 740mm and stands 1200mm high. Each Aerobin weighs about 26 kg when empty and up to 400kg when loaded. The vessel has a moisture recirculation system that helps maintain the correct moisture level of biomass during the composting process. It also has an aeration lung that provides ventilation to the centre of the composting material and thus no digging or turning of the compost is required. In addition to the above, the vessel (Aerobin 200) also has a leachate reservoir at the base of the Aerobin for collecting rich compost tea which can be used as liquid fertilizer when diluted approximately 20 parts water to 1-part leachate. The vessel also has an insulated wall and lid that provide optimum conditions for rapid composting all year round, even in freezing conditions.
2.4 Compost Preparation Process
To maximize the potential moisture of the material, the compost preparation was done within 48 of collection of the compost feedstock. Three (3) of the Aerobin 400 Composter were used to prepare three (3) classes of co-compost, one with only the invasive plants (CAIP), one with only the mixed household solid biowaste (CBIO) and the other mixture of invasive plants and biowaste (CBAIP). The feedstocks were weight before loading into the three (3) different Aerobins. For the Aerobin with only invasive plants (CAIP), the total weight of the feedstock that filled the vessel was 45.4 kg, that with biowaste (CBIO) contained 98.4 kg whereas that of the mixed invasive plants and biowaste (CBAIP) was 56.6 kg. The composters were tightly closed after filling with the feedstock and watering. A 5-litre plastic container was attached to each of the leachate reservoirs to collect the leachates. Plate 3.4.2 show the composting process ongoing at in the three (3) Aerobin 400 Composter vessels. The composting process was repeated to obtain enough compost for the field experiment.
The composting process was monitored for temperature, pH, and maturity on each composter vessel over the entire duration of the compost preparation. A fast response compost thermometer (ReoTemp Instrument Corporation, San Diego, CA) was used to measure the temperature within each composting vessel at 10 inches, 20 inches and 30 inches with averages recorded per each measurement daily. The pH were also measured and recorded with a hand-held Kelway soil pH sensor (Kel Instruments Co., Inc., Wyckoff, NJ) throughout the composting period. The moisture content was measured using ‘‘feel’’ test which involve taking a handful of compost and squeezing it to see if it feels like a moist sponge. The first round of composting lasted for 98 days from July 1, 2019, while the second round lasted for 91 days. The temperature profile of the compost production are presented in Figure 1. The temperature in the Aerobin with biowaste feedstock reach over 55 oC in the first two weeks, that with a mixture invasive plants and biowaste reached 46 oC, while the feedstock with invasive plants alone reach about 35 oC in the first two weeks. The temperature in each pile were higher than the ambient temperature until week 14 when the temperature levels were equal, an indication that no or very little decomposition taking place at this time.
2.5 Compost Sampling and Analytical methods
Compost samples for analysis were taken after the compost were matured and cured. The compost was considered matured when further degradation was taking place as indicated by the fact that the temperature of the medium was equal to the ambient temperature. The sampling was done utilizing the grab sampling technique after the vessels were empty and the compost evenly mixed. All six samples of each compost type were taken for analysis. The samples were analysed for pH, Soluble salt (EC), nutrient content (NPK), organic matter, moisture content, stability, bulk density, porosity, and presence of heavy metals. An electronic pH meter (PHYME cobros 3 basic unit USB, Germany) was used to measure pH while moisture was measured using the gravimetric method. Organic matter was measured using the loss-on-ignition organic matter method while conductivity was measured with the Jennway Conductivity meter (Jenway model 4010, UK). The atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) (Varian Spectra 55B) method was used to measure the concentration of heavy metals which included copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), Arsenic (As) and Nickel (Ni).
2.6 Compost trial Experiment
A field experiment involving the compost produce was done at a demonstration farm located within the Owabi catchment. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) experimental design was used. The crop used was maize since this was found to be the most commonly grown staple crop in the study area. The experimental plot size was 665 m2 (35 m x 19 m) with a treatment plot size of 12 m2 (3m x 4 m), 4 replications and nine (9) treatments. The treatment included compost from biowaste (CBIO), compost from invasive plants (CAIP), compost from invasive plants and biowaste (CBAIP), and mineral fertilizer (NPK). The recommended application rate of compost of 4, 000 kg/ha was used as a treatment for CBIO, CAIP and CBAIP as well as half-recommended rate (2 tons/ha) as treatment and labelled as 1/2CBIO, 1/2CAIP and 1/2CBAIP respectively as treatment. The standard rate of 100 kg/ha of NPK as well as half the recommended rate was also used as treatment.
The planting took place in September 2019 with the treatments applied two weeks after germination. Plant height was measured daily for the first four (4) weeks and thereafter measurements were taken weekly. The number of leaves was also taken throughout this period. No-tillage was done before the planting of the maize. The agronomic practices undertaken included weed control with Sunphosate and pest control with a suitable pesticide. Harvesting was done in December 2019 with measurements that included economic yield measurement and biological yield (biomass). The second planting took place in March 2020 at a different plot within the same vicinity, with similar agronomic practices and measurements taken and harvesting done in June 2020. The third planting which was intended to find the residual effects were done in the first experimental plots with no treatment applied.
2.7 Field Experiment measurement
The measurement taken from the experimental fields includes germination rate, plant heights, number of leaves, grains yields and above-ground biomass. The grain yields was measured after the plants were harvested from each plot's area of 4 cm x 3 cm. The grain yields was measured as the ratio of the weight of dried grain obtained per unit area extrapolated to hectares. Likewise, the above-ground biomass (biomass) was given as the weight of total harvest per unit area extrapolated to hectares.
2.8 Statistical Analysis
Data for analysis included data on the compost quality parameters/properties as well as data from the field experiment. The analysis of the data was performed using R-studio version 4.1.1. The analysis involves use of both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistical analysis involved frequency count and measures of central tendencies (mean, median and mode). The inferential statistical analysis that were performed included a comparison of mean test that included mainly One -Way and Two-way Analysis of variance together with Tukey HSD tests. The one-way ANOVA was employed to compare the average (mean) level of the compost properties across the different compost types. The two-way ANOVA was employed to determine the effect of different fertiliser types, rate of application and interaction effects on crop (grain) yield and above-ground biomass.