2.1 Materials
HUVECs cells were donated by the Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, University of South China (Hengyang, China). SLC5A2 eukaryotic plasmid strains and empty vector strains (kanamycin resistant, GFP labeled) were purchased from The Gikai gene (Shanghai, China). Dapagliflozin was purchased from Astrazeneca China; 3-MA (MCE Company, China); Glucose powder, mannitol and palmitic acid were purchased from Sigma, USA; Bovine serum albumin (BSA), MTT kit, Hoechst 33258 staining solution and PMSF were purchased from Solebo (Beijing, China); Sodium hydroxide (Taishan Chemical); Lipofectamine®2000 Liposome reagent (Thermo Fisher); Endotoxin-free Plasmid Small Extraction medium dose kit and BCA Protein quantitative kit were purchased from TianGen (Beijing, China); Rabbit anti-human SGLT-2 antibody, rabbit anti-human LC3 mab and rabbit anti-human Beclin 1 antibody were obtained from Wuhan Sanying Proteintech (Wuhan, China); Rabbit anti-human P62 antibody (Cell Signaling Technology, USA); Rabbit anti-human ATG5 antibody, rabbit anti-human Casepase 3 antibody, rabbit anti-human Bax antibody, mouse anti-human Bcl-2 antibody were obtained from Cell Signaling Technology (USA); Rabbit anti-human SGLT-2 antibody, mouse anti-human GAPDH antibody and mouse anti-human β-actin antibody were bought from Nanjing Baode (Nanjing, China); Green fluorescent goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody (Jackson ImmunoResearch, USA); Red fluorescent goat anti-rat secondary antibody (Invitroge, USA); FluoroshieldTM with DAPI and BD Matrigel™ Basement Membrane Matirx glue were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Germany).
2.2 Reagent configuration
(1) High-glucose solution (HG) configuration: 50% glucose injection was diluted into five different concentrations of 11, 22, 33, 44 and 55 mmol/L, respectively; (2) High-fat solution (PA) configuration: 0.5 mM PA stock solution was diluted to five different concentrations of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mmol/L with complete medium; (3) Control group solution (MAN) configuration: The 20% mannitol solution was prepared into a mannitol working solution with a concentration of 16.5 mmol/L in a complete medium, and mixed with the corresponding amount of 10% palmitic acid-free BSA in HG/PA induced group.
2.3. Clinical tissue specimen collection
Patients with aortic dissection who underwent surgical treatment in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanhua University from September 2019 to September 2020 were selected, and chest aortic vascular tissue samples were collected after the informed consent of the patients and their families. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Second Affiliated Hospital of the University of South China.
Inclusion criteria (referring to previous research criteria [9]): Aortic dissection was diagnosed in combination with the patient's age, previous history, clinical diagnosis, thoracic and abdominal aortic CTA, and surgical treatment of aortic dissection was performed. Exclusion criteria: (1) damage of thoracic aortic wall caused by exogenous injury; (2) damage to the wall of the thoracic aorta caused by infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, bacterial endocarditis, or treponema pallidum; (3) thoracic aorta injury caused by non-infectious arteritis, such as giant cell arteritis, multiple arteritis, etc. (4) combined with malignant tumors.
2.4 Immunohistochemistry
Tissue specimens were collected. The tissue slides were placed in xylene, gradient alcohol, running water and distilled water successively after embedding, sectioning and pasting. The tissue slides were then placed in 3% H2O2, clean water and distilled water. Finally, it was immersed in the prepared citric acid antigen repair solution. Adding the blocking solution, brewing with PBS, adding the secondary antibody at the labeled place, and standing in the oven at room temperature. DAB chromogenic agent was dropped at the marks to develop color and clean the mark. After stopping the chromogenic process, hematoxylin was redyed, dried and prepared, and observed under microscope.
2.5 Cell culture
HUVECs were cultured in low-sugar DMEM (NG, 5.5 mmol/L) medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The humidification was stimulated for 24 h with glucose/palmitic acid concentration gradients (11 mM/0.125 mM, 22 mM/0.25 mM, 33 mM/0.5 mM, 44 mM/1.0 mM, 55 mM/2.0 mM, and Dapa (1 µM/2 µM/5 µM/10 µM), respectively. At the same time, the control group (16.5 mM mannitol + 10% BSA + 0.1 M sodium hydroxide) was used to exclude the cytotoxic effects caused by HA/PA.
2.6 CCK-8 assay
HUVECs were cultured in 96-well plates and treated with corresponding drugs for 24 h. CCK-8 solution was added into each well and incubated away from light for 4 h. The OD value of each well was measured at 450 nm with a microplate reader.
2.7 Scratch test
Three parallel lines were drawn on the back of the 6-well plate, and HUVECs were inoculated in the 6-well plate and treated with corresponding drugs, and 1–2 multiple holes were set. 200 µL sterile spear head was used to mark each well with 2–3 stripes, which were perpendicular to the back line. The migration of HUVECs at 0 h, 24 h and 48 h after scratches was recorded by inverted fluorescence microscope.
2.8 Tubular experiments
200 µl of matrigel was added to each well of a 48-well plate and incubated in an incubator. Then, the drug-treated cell suspension was added after the matrigel solidified. After HUVECs were formed into tubes, the number of HUVECs and the size of the tube lumen were observed by using MetaMorph software system to quantify the ability of cells to form tubes.
2.9 Hoechst staining
HUVECs were inoculated in the 6-well plates and treated with corresponding drugs. Hoechst 33258 working solution was added to each well. After continued incubation for 24 h, images were collected under an inverted fluorescence microscope.
2.10 Autophagy bodies detecting by electron microscopy
HUVECs were inoculated in the 6-well plates and treated with corresponding drugs. After washed with PBS, cells were gently scraped off and transferred to a 1.5 ml centrifuge tube. electron microscope fixative was added. After sealed, the cells were sent to Wuhan Sewell Company (Wuhan, China) for electron microscope treatment and take pictures.
2.11 Cellular immunofluorescence analysis
HUVECs was inoculated into the cell slides of 24-well plates and treated with corresponding drugs. 4% paraformaldehyde solution was added dropwise and fixed at 4°C. After washed, cells were blocked with 5% BSA serum at 4°C overnight. Primary antibody was incubated overnight at 4°C. After washed, anti-rabbit secondary antibody with green fluorescence (Alexa Fluor® 488)-conjugated was diluted at a ratio of 1:250 and incubated for 1 h at room temperature in the dark. The slides were mounted in FluoroshieldTM with DAPI mounting medium, left to dry in a dark room. Images were collected under an inverted fluorescence microscope.
2.12 Western blotting
The proteins were extracted by lysis solution, and sample protein concentrations was measured by BCA kits. Protein was denatured and placed at -20°C for short-term storage. SDS-PAGE was used to perform electrophoresis. The proteins were transferred to PVDF membrane and blocked with BSA at room temperature for 2 h. Rabbit anti-human SGLT-2, rabbit anti-human LC3-I/II, rabbit anti-human P62, rabbit anti-human ATG5, rabbit anti-human Beclin-1, Rabbit anti-human Bcl-2, rabbit anti-human Caspase 3, rabbit anti-human Bax, mouse anti-human GAPDH antibody, and mouse anti-human β-actin antibodies were incubated at 4°C overnight. The secondary antibody was incubated at room temperature for 1 h. After washing with TBST solution, ECL chemoluminescence solution was developed to collect pictures. Analysis was determined with Image J image analysis software.
2.13 Transfection with overexpression and empty plasmid
HUVECs were inoculated into a 6-well plate and transfected with 50–80% confluence. The SGLT-2 overexpression plasmid and Lipofectamine 2000 liposome were transfected with 1:1.5 (optimal transfection ratio). The transfection was performed according to Lipofectamine 2000 instruction. The transfection efficiency and the fluorescent expression were observed by Fluorescence microscope.
2.14 Statistical analysis
SPSS 25.0 software were used for statistical analysis. All experiments were replicated three times independently and the data were represented by Mean ± standard deviation (SD). The results of the Western blot experiment were analyzed by Image J software for gray value analysis of the stripe chart, and the single-factor analysis of variance (ANVOA) was followed and Tukey's post-hoc intra-group difference statistics were performed. P < 0.05 was statistically significant for the difference.