Manpower and its importance in the organization is a fact that is not hidden from anyone today. In fact, an organization's most valuable asset is its human resources. The flourishing of manpower in organizations requires various measures, one of which is to provide job satisfaction to employees. Research has shown that job satisfaction plays a crucial role in many aspects of organizational productivity. Improving performance in organizational civic behavior, organizational commitment, job attachment and mental health of employees and reducing behaviors such as absenteeism, leaving the service and many other behaviors are among the consequences of creating job satisfaction in employees of organizations, when employees are sufficiently motivated and satisfied, the performance and service of the organization will improve (11). Researchers in the humanities and social sciences have always studied the factors affecting job satisfaction and its effects on people's personality and performance. Since job satisfaction is a complex and multidimensional concept and is related to various psychological, social and physical factors, a combination of various factors causes a person to feel satisfied with their job. Diverse studies on job satisfaction show that many variables are related to job satisfaction. Some attributes job satisfaction to inner and outer satisfaction (12). Job satisfaction is influenced by many factors, one of which is the compatibility between job and personality traits (13). Due to the prevalence of Covid-19 virus worldwide and the increase in nurses' work pressure in relation to the prevalence of this virus, job satisfaction during the outbreak of this virus has also been impacted by this workload (14). By examining the personality traits of nurses and its relationship with job satisfaction in this crisis, it is possible to make predictions that reduce the work pressure in this crisis and future crises and increase the job satisfaction of nurses according to these predictions. The results of the main purpose of this study, namely determining the relationship between personality traits and job satisfaction of nurses working in selected AJA hospitals in the face of COVID-19 crisis, showed a significant relationship between job satisfaction and neurotic, pleasant and conscientious personality traits. This means that neurotic, pleasant and conscientious personality traits can predict job satisfaction. The results of the main purpose of this study are similar to the results of the research of Mirza Hosseini et al. in pleasant and conscientious personality traits and differ in other personality traits (15). Manpower and its importance in the organization is a fact that is not hidden from anyone today. In fact, an organization's most valuable asset is its human resources. The flourishing of manpower in organizations requires various measures, one of which is to provide job satisfaction to employees. Research has shown that job satisfaction plays a crucial role in many aspects of organizational productivity. Improving performance in organizational civic behavior, organizational commitment, job attachment and mental health of employees and reducing behaviors such as absenteeism, leaving the service and many other behaviors are among the consequences of creating job satisfaction in employees of organizations, when employees are sufficiently motivated and satisfied, the performance and service of the organization will improve (11). Researchers in the humanities and social sciences have always studied the factors affecting job satisfaction and its effects on people's personality and performance. Since job satisfaction is a complex and multidimensional concept and is related to various psychological, social and physical factors, a combination of various factors causes a person to feel satisfied with their job. Diverse studies on job satisfaction show that many variables are related to job satisfaction. Some attributes job satisfaction to inner and outer satisfaction (12). Job satisfaction is affected by many factors, one of which is the compatibility between job and personality traits (13). Due to the prevalence of Covid-19 virus worldwide and the increase in nurses' work pressure in relation to the prevalence of this virus, job satisfaction during the outbreak of this virus has also been modified by this workload (14). By examining the personality traits of nurses and its relationship with job satisfaction in this crisis, it is possible to make predictions that reduce the work pressure in this crisis and future crises and increase the job satisfaction of nurses according to these predictions. The results of the main purpose of this study, namely determining the relationship between personality traits and job satisfaction of nurses working in selected AJA hospitals in the face of COVID-19 crisis, showed a significant relationship between job satisfaction and neurotic, pleasant and conscientious personality traits. This means that neurotic, pleasant and conscientious personality traits can predict job satisfaction. The results of the main purpose of this study are similar to the results of the research of Mirza Hosseini et al. in pleasant and conscientious personality traits and differ in other personality traits (15). Also, the results are similar to the results of the research of Hatamian et al. in the personality traits of conscientiousness and pleasantness and are different in the personality traits of neuroticism, extraversion, and flexibility (16). The results of the research of Mirza Hosseini et al. Conducted in 2014 showed that except for neurotic personality traits, other personality traits have a significant relationship with job satisfaction. Thus, extraversion, flexibility, pleasantness, and conscientiousness showed a direct relationship with job satisfaction. In general, the results of this study showed that in considering the personality of the employees of the organization in terms of performance and job satisfaction, two characteristics of conscientiousness and flexibility more than other characteristics should be considered. This means that service in the organization brings more satisfaction to people who have more flexibility. Also, people with high levels of willpower and conscience have reported more satisfaction (15). The results of Hatamian et al.'s research conducted in 2016 showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between extraversion personality traits, pleasantness, and conscientiousness. While, there was a negative and significant correlation between neurotic and flexible personality traits with job satisfaction (16). The results of examining the purpose of determining the average job satisfaction of nurses working in selected AJA hospitals in the COVID-19 crisis showed that the average job satisfaction of nurses in the COVID-19 crisis was 47.35, which indicates that a high percentage of nurses have moderate job satisfaction. The results of the research are similar to the research of Pak Cheshm et al. (17) and are different from the research of Gholamnejad (18) and also with the results of the research of Naziri et al. (33). Pak Cheshm et al. In 2017 concluded that the average job satisfaction of nurses was 61.23 ± 10.05 and indicates moderate job satisfaction (17). Furthermore, the results of Gholamnejad's research in 2010 showed that most nurses were 79.6% dissatisfied with their jobs (18). Also, the results of Naziri et al.'s research showed that the average score of job satisfaction of nurses was 61.89, which had a high level of job satisfaction (19). The results of the study aimed at determining the personality traits of nurses working in selected AJA hospitals in the COVID-19 crisis showed that a high percentage of nurses are at the level of the two personality traits of extraversion, pleasantness, flexibility and conscientiousness, and a small percentage of nurses are at the level of There are one and three personality traits. A high percentage of nurses sometimes have lasting emotions and sometimes do not. Probably not very happy people. But they are not upset; they are neither completely introverted nor completely extroverted. Sometimes they prefer to be together and sometimes alone, they are not completely conservative and do not mind experiencing new things, in some cases they prefer to consider others and in some cases they do not. It perhaps depends on the situation; they are not very conscientious and not very unscrupulous. The results are different from the results of the study of Khanjani et al. (20) in terms of neurotic personality traits and are similar in other personality traits. It is also similar to the results of the research of Hejazi et al. (35) in extroverted personality traits and flexibility, and differs in other personality traits. The results of Khanjani et al.'s research in 1396 showed that the average score of neuroticism was 20.85, extraversion was 25.96, flexibility was 24.58, pleasantness was 24.99, and conscientiousness was 24.67 (34). Moreover, the results of Hejazi et al.'s research in 2002, which used a Neo-questionnaire to study students' personality traits, showed traits such as neurosis 15.41%, extraversion 0.15%, conscientiousness 0.15% and flexibility. 0.60% of the studied sample is at a low level. About 6.71% of the sample in terms of neuroticism, 42.12% in terms of extraversion, 20.91% in terms of flexibility, 62.13% in terms of pleasantness and finally 53.93% in terms of conscientiousness to a large extent are (21).