The high fluorescence intensity of BIL is due to the presence of the benzimidazole ring in its structure. The excitation and emission wavelengths of BIL in aqueous medium were 272 and 298, respectively with a very small stock shift (≈ 26 nm). Accordingly, the inner filter effect would be very high. The inner filter effect impedes fluorescence measurements by reducing the linear dynamic rang of the method [18, 19]. However, by examining the fluorescence characteristics of BIL in sulfuric acid media, it was found that BIL has strong native fluorescence at 385 nm (excitation at 272 nm), Fig. 2 which, have higher stock shift and lowered inner filter effect than that in pure water.
3.1. Optimization of the experimental condition
The effects of various experimental conditions on the fluorescence intensity of BIL were tested, and the best parameters for achieving the maximum fluorescence intensity were determined.
3.1.1. Effect of buffers and pH modifier
To enhance the native fluorescence of BIL, 1.0 ml Teorell-Stenhagen buffer solutions of varying pH (3.0–10.0) were examined in addition to 1.0 ml of 1 M H2SO4 or NaOH, Fig. S1. The best fluorescence intensity of BIL was obtained with 1 M H2SO4. Furthermore, it decreased the IFE. Different types of acids (1.0 M) were also investigated namely, sulfuric, perchloric, acetic, hydrochloric, phosphoric, and nitric acids, Fig. 3. The highest fluorescence intensity was obtained with 1 M sulfuric acid, so, it was used in the subsequent work as the pH modifier. Finally, the effect of 1 M sulfuric acid volume was examined in the range from 0.5–5 mL, Fig. 4. The highest fluorescence intensity was obtained with the use of 2 mL of 1 M sulfuric acid.
3.1.2. Effect of different organized medium
Various organized media were utilized in the study to enhance the fluorescence of the aqueous BIL solution. Anionic surfactant (SDS, 0.288% w/v), nonionic surfactant (PEG 6000, 1% w/v, PEG 400, 1% v/v and tween 80, 1% v/v, PVA, 1% w/v), anionic polysaccharide (CMCNa, 1% w/v) and macromolecules (β-CD, 1% w/v) were studied (Fig. S2). It was observed that; the studied substances did not enhance the fluorescence intensity of BIL; indeed, tween 80 significantly reduced the drug's native fluorescence intensity. As a result, no organized medium was used.
3.1.3. Effect of diluting solvent
Water, acetone, ethanol, methanol, dimethylformamide, and acetonitrile were studied to dilute BIL, Fig. 5. The greatest fluorescence intensity was obtained when water was the diluting solvent. The use of water is of a great advantage for the present work since water is eco-friendly, inexpensive, and readily available.
3.2. Methods validation
ICH guidelines [20] were applied to evaluate and validate the proposed native fluorescence method.
Linearity and range
The calibration curve was constructed by plotting various standard solution concentrations of BIL versus the fluorescence intensity. Linearity was achieved for the current method in concentrations ranging from 10 to 500 ng mL-1 and the correlation coefficient was 0.9999, indicating that; the suggested method has excellent linearity. The various analytical parameters were summarized in Table 1.
Proposed Method
Table 1
The regression and validation parameters for the proposed method
Linear range (ng mL − 1)
SD of slope (Sb)
SD of intercept (Sa)
Correlation Coefficient
SD of residuals (Sy, x)
LOD (ng mL − 1)
LOQ (ng mL− 1)
Limits of detection and quantification
The method's sensitivity was tested using the limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) calculations. The LOD and LOQ were estimated by applying the ICH guidelines equations LOD = 3.3 SD/b and LOQ = 10 SD/b (b is the slope and SD is the standard deviation of intercept). The found LOD was 2.9 ng mL-1, while the calculated LOQ was 8.8 ngmL-1, proving the current method is highly sensitive in the assay of BIL. The aforementioned results propose the ability of the current method to quantify BIL in real human plasma due to it has excellent sensitivity.
Accuracy and precision
The accuracy of the provided fluorometric procedure has been examined using triplicate measurements of various BIL concentrations and using a standard addition method for each concentration. The obtained results demonstrated that the calculated values were highly agree with the actual values, indicating good precision of the suggested method, Table 2. Using the previously analyzed concentrations, the proposed fluorometric method has been tested for inter-and intra-day assay precision. To confirm intra-day precision, the experiment was repeated three times in one day (repeatability). To evaluate inter-day (intermediate) precision, the examined concentrations were measured across three days. As shown in Table 3, all the relative standard deviation values were below 2%, proving the excellent precision of the method.
Table 2
Accuracy of the proposed method using standard addition method
Amount taken from
Contrahistadin® (ng mL− 1)
Amount added
(ng mL− 1)
Amount found
(ng mL− 1)
% Recovery ± SDa
100.17 ± 0.59
100.12 ± 0.74
197. 897
98.95 ± 0.64
100.04 ± 0.42
aMean of five determinations
Table 3
Evaluation of the intra-day and inter-day precision for the proposed method.
Conc. level
% Recovery ± RSD a
ng mL− 1
Intra-day precision
Inter-day precision
99.98 ± 0.38
99.94 ± 1.14
99.96 ± 0.61
100.19 ± 0.94
100.41 ± 0.41
100.51 ± 0.96
a Mean of five determinations
Upon introducing small variations in the parameters of the method, no effect was observed in the performance of the developed method. Fortunately, the method included only one parameter that could be examined, sulfuric acid volume. Minor variations in sulfuric acid volume had no apparent effect on the efficiency of the method. When 1.5 ml sulfuric acid was added, the recovery ± SD (mean of five determination) were found 98.23 ± 0.44 and When 2.5 ml sulfuric acid was added, the recovery ± SD were found 98.02 ± 0.51. Thus, the proposed fluorometric method was found to be robust.
The influence of tablet excipients included in tablet manufacturing was explored, and the extent of their interference with the suggested approach was evaluated, to check the selectivity of the current method. Talc, zinc oxide, magnesium stearate, lactose, glucose and starch were tested. The results demonstrated the absence of any interfering effect from the examined excipients on the suggested method, as evidenced by the good recovery shown in Table 4.
Table 4
Evaluation of the selectivity for the proposed method.
Substance added
Amount added
Drug taken
% Recovery ± SD a
ng mL− 1
ng mL− 1
99.03 ± 0.36
Zinc oxide
100.60 ± 0.55
Magnesium stearate
100.70 ± 0.66
99.95 ± 0.44
100.41 ± 0.48
100.12 ± 0.98
a Mean of five determination
3.3. Pharmaceutical application
The suggested method was suitable for analyzing BIL in pharmaceutical dosage forms (Contrahistadin® tablets). Table 5, shows that the percentage recoveries obtained were satisfactory, indicating that there is no matrix effect. For comparing the obtained results of the current method with the reported method results [5], the F-and student's t-tests were used. Because the estimated values of both parameters were smaller than the tabulated values at the 95% confidence level, it was established that the accuracy and precision of the suggested method were not significantly differ from the reported method.
Table 5
Application of the proposed methods for the determination of BIL in Contrahistadin® tablets (n = 5).
Reported method
proposed method
% Recovery a
Standard deviation, SD
Number of determinations
t-value a
F-value a
a Tabulated value at 95% confidence limit; t = 2.306 and F = 6.338.
3.4. Application to content uniformity (CU) test
If the proportion of active elements in the tablet formulation units does not go beyond 25% of the entire weight of the tablet or if the content of the active constituent is less than 25 mg, it is advised that the CU of the tablet units should be investigated [22, 25, 26]. For the first time, the spectrofluorometric method was utilized to track the CU of BIL in commercial tablets. Furthermore, the developed method had a very simple analytical process. As a result, the presented spectrofluorimetric method is ideal for this purpose. As presented in Table 6, the acceptance value (AV) was lower than or equivalent to the maximum permissible acceptance value (L1), thus it was concluded that, the active ingredient quantity was uniform in the studied pharmaceutical tablets. The AV could be calculated using the following equation:
Table 6
Application of the proposed methods for the content uniformity test of Contrahistadin® tablets.
Tablet number
Proposed method
Mean X̅
*L1: maximum allowed acceptance value, AV: acceptance value.
AV = KS+│M - X̅│[26]
where S represents the standard deviation, K represents the acceptability constant, M represents the reference value, and X̅ is the mean of each tablet content. The results obtained using the current spectrofluorimetric method for the analysis of Contrahistadin® tablets (20 mg/tablet of BIL) were lesser than the L1 value.
3.5. Biological samples application
3.5.1. Spiked human plasma application
It was reported that, BIL achieved its maximum plasma concentration (Cmax = 220 ± 62 ng mL-1) 1.3–1.5 hours after oral administration [1, 3, 27]. BIL has a higher plasma protein binding ratio (84–90%) and approximately 95% of BIL was detected unchanged in plasma. BIL is not metabolized to significant extent in humans and is nearly removed from the body unchanged through both urine (33%) and feces (67%). Because the current method is highly sensitive, it was feasible to estimate BIL in biological fluids. In the analysis of spiked human plasma, the percentage recoveries were in the range of 95.72–97.24%. The results in S3, assured that; the suggested method was suitable for the precise assay of BIL in human plasma with no significant interference related to the matrix.
3.5.2. Real human plasma application
Because of its excellent sensitivity, the proposed assay has the ability for the detection of BIL in real human plasma. BIL is measured in real human plasma after administering a single oral dose (20 mg/ tablet) of BIL by healthy volunteers. It was reported that the maximum serum concentration (Cmax) of BIL was 220 ± 62 ng mL-1 and reached its maximum in 1.35 hours following oral administration. The suggested method was able for the direct in-vivo assessment of BIL in plasma (Table 7) as the Cmax value is within the linear concentration range of the method (10–500 ng mL-1) with LOQ of 8.8 ng mL-1. In the present study, the mean plasma level of BIL from five healthy volunteers receiving a single dose of BIL was 227.9 ± 37.3 ng mL-1. These values are close to the previously reported one. Meanwhile, the proposed method is characterized by a fast protein precipitation step with acetonitrile, which resulted in a rapid bioanalysis time. Moreover, no sample enrichment steps are required, and no need for repeated extraction steps using toxic organic solvents.
Table 7
Application of the proposed methods for the determination of BIL in real human plasma.
Human volunteer
Gender (age)
BIL ng mL− 1a
M (27)
F (25)
M (30)
M (42)
M (29)
Mean ± SD
227.86 ± 37.29
F, female; M, male
a Mean of five determinations.