3.2. Coagulation – flocculation trials
Regarding the importance of DM content in this effluent, coagulation seems to be the most appropriate method as first treatment. It allows the reduction of solid suspensions into composted or pyrolyzed materials. Based on the results of recent research on the topic, use of natural products in this process is more widely used. More and more natural elements are attracting interest in coagulation. We can site chitosane (Patel and Vashir, 2013), seed of moringa oleifera (Desta and Bote, 2021) and cactus (Shilpaa et al., 2012, Taa et al., 2016). According to the work reported by Ndabigengesere and Narasiah (1996) cation concentration had considerable impact on coagulation. However, the anions effect seems to be insignificant. That is why we studied the possibility of improving the cactus effect in presence of lime and ferric solutions. Lagoudianaki et al. (2007) have reported the positive impact of the use of those metals for odor reduction. After coagulation treatment and decantation, the final pH varies from 5.92 using only cactus mash to 11.67 when using lime water only. The quantity of sludge is minimum (about 48%) when using the ferric solution, lime water, and cactus mash together; and it is maximum (70%) when using lime water only.
However, this treatment is not sufficient. Liquid proportions have to undergo additional treatment because it stills charged with toxic compounds, mainly soluble phenols. Photo-catalysis under sunlight is a cheap and easy method renowned for its good results for wastewater treatment. We used TiO2 with an adsorption period of 1 hour. Then, sunlight exposure continues overnight (about 16 hours of ligh on August (Fig. 1)). Final pH of the mixtures is about 8.50 and DCO of the middle point is 7.64 ± 0.02 gO2 · L− 1. Phenolic compounds expressed as gallic acid are reduced to 0.2 ± 0.01 10− 5 mg.L− 1.
3.3. Design of experiments results
Table 1 presents the obtained results of decolorization (%) and of organic degradation (%) for each experimental condition. It is clear that the decolorization is from 36.25 to 99.59% with a mean value of 73.79 ± 20.52%, and the organic degradation is from 95.76 to 99.36% with a mean value of 97.59 ± 1.09%. Those results confirm efficiency of this process mainly for organic degradation.
In Table 2 regroups the t-test for both responses (decolorization and organic degradation) and for all determined model coefficients in each case (Eq. 3).
For the decolorization response, it is clear that only the interaction existing between iron solution (B) proportions and dilution (X1) (p < 0.05) has a significant, and negative, influence on this response. However, for the organic degradation response, six terms are influencing this response significantly: three proportions of used components (p < 0.001), and three linear terms (with negative coefficients) of interaction existing between components proportions and dilution (X1) (p < 0.05).
Moreover, the corresponding models’ regressions used for both responses are evaluated with different statistical criteria (Table 3).
Table 3
Statistical quality fit of both responses: decolorization and organic degradation
Statistical criterion
Decolorization (%)
Organic degradation (%)
Significance of model regression
p = 0.001 < 0.01
Coefficient of determination (R2)
Adjusted coefficient of determination (R2adj)
Root mean squared error (RMSE)
The fit quality of the model applied to organic degradation seem more important to those applied to decolorization as shown by the statistical parameters reported in Table 3. In fact, the relative regression is characterized by a very significant regression (p = 0.001 < 0.01), a very high coefficient of determination (R2 = 93.71%), a high adjusted coefficient of determination (R2adj = 83.03%), and a very low root mean squared error (RMSE = 0.448% - unit of organic degradation).
Figure 3 presents the iso-responses evolution of decolorization (Fig. 3.a) and organic degradation (Fig. 3.b), as function of components proportions and process variables. Figure 3 (a and b) shows that the presence of high concentrations of lime water (> 40%) increases the processes of decolorization and, more importantly, organic degradation. This is true for all levels of dilution rate (X1) and of TiO2 catalyst mass (X2) (Fig. 3). Moreover, it can be seen that the highest decolorization (> 92%) and organic degradation (> 98.5%) percentages can be obtained if we apply low dilution rate (X1) and low or high TiO2 catalyst mass (X2) while using a ternary mixture of the used three components charged mostly by lime water (Fig. 3.b).
The determination of the optimal conditions maximizing equally and simultaneously both responses was established by means of the optimizer of Minitab Software (Fig. 4). This step is paramount because it determines not only the optimum composition of the ternary mixture, but also the optimum level of each process variable. Indeed, in this study, it is recommended (from these pure mathematical optimization results) to apply a mixture free of the iron solution (0%) composed of 48.48% of lime water with 51.52% of cactus mash with low level of dilution rate and a high level of TiO2 mass (Fig. 4). This combination can give us a decolorization of 93.06% and an organic degradation of 98.70% (Fig. 4). Three replicas of experiences in optimum conditions validated calculi. The obtained results were a decolorization of 92.57 ± 0.90% and an organic degradation of 96.19 ± 0.97%. It is clear that the experimental results obtained are, on the one hand, replicable (since the standard deviations are very low), and, on the other, very close to the mathematical optimization results.
Additionally, another factors combination can be a promising competitor to the determined optimum, namely the experimental condition presented in run 15 of Table 1: the use of 100% of lime water, low level of dilution rate and high level of TiO2 mass. This condition can give 99.59% of decolorization and 99.36% of organic degradation. However, this last solution, even with its very satisfying results regarding water quality, constitutes the worst process when evaluating the quantity and quality of sludge generated. Using only lime as coagulating agent generates the greatest quantity of sludge (69.9%).