In recent years precision agriculture has become more popular due to it improves the productivity of the plant by using of the advanced automatic methods. Weeds are the unwanted plants growing around the crops that are not controlled by natural. Wang [2] claims that weeds directly compete with crops for nutrients, water, and sunshine, resulting in output losses of an average of 34%. Weeds are further more difficult to spot because of their uneven distribution and overlap with other crops.
Manual weeding is the oldest method of weed management in crops. It is labor- and time-intensive, though, which renders it ineffective for larger-scale crops. Chemical and, to a lesser degree, mechanical weeding technologies are used in agriculture today, but in our region (the Andean Highlands), 75% of the crops produced, such as lettuce, require hand weeding, which increases production inefficiency and costs [3]. Furthermore, there is a huge margin for error when it comes to weeding, and these methods run the risk of harming the plants.
To address this issue, the notion of site-specific weed control, which refers to detecting weed patches and spot spraying or mechanical removal, was developed [4]. Weed removal early in the season is crucial since weeds would fight for resources with the crops during the vital growth stage, potentially resulting in yield loss. Early season weed detection that is accurate and timely aids in the generation of prescription maps for the site-specific use of post-emergence herbicides [5].
Computer Vision was the first approach for object categorization and detection. These technologies incorporate digital image processing algorithms for processing weed photos and extracting characteristics from them.
Deep learning is a subclass of machine learning in which the learning algorithms incorporate artificial neurons that imitate the human brain. Once the object has been recognized by the system, it must be eliminated using the automated weed control system. This requires locating the exact position of the weed. The system employs object detection techniques such as RCNN, Faster RCNN, YOLO, SSD, and others for this localization process. It should be emphasized that object detection algorithms require images, labels, and bounding box co-ordinates.
The remaining structure of this paper presented below. Section 2 gives the literature review of the previous weed detection task. Section 3 gives the complete architecture of proposed methodology and its steps. Section 4 presents the obtained results and discussions. Finally, section 5 concludes this proposed work and suggests some future enhancements.