Figure 2 shows the position time series at the selected stations until April 2022 (Fig. 1B). We observed long-term southeastward transients with uplifting in 950437, 051142, which is associated with the l-SSEs in this area. The Bungo l-SSE occurred in late 2018 and subsided in August 2019 (Ozawa et al., 2020). We observed long-term transients at stations 940083 and 021051 in central Shikoku, which also suggests an l-SSE in this area. 940083 shows an eastward transient from early 2019, with uplifting. 021051 showed a northeastward transient with uplift from early 2019. The 131198 and 03P216 sites in eastern Shikoku showed eastward transients from early 2019, suggesting an l-SSE in the Kii-channel.
Figure 3 shows the spatial pattern of the transient associated with the l- and selected s-SSEs. We can see a southeastward transient in the Bungo channel and an eastward transient in central Shikoku associated with the l-SSEs. The horizontal transient in the Bungo Channel amounted to 5 cm for the period between January 2018 and April 2022, whereas that in central Shikoku reached up to 1 cm, indicating SSEs in the Bungo Channel and central Shikoku (Fig. 3A). Northeast Kyushu showed subsidence of up to 1 cm, and southwest Shikoku showed an uplift of up to 5 cm, which indicates SSEs in the Bungo-channel area (Fig. 3B). The central Shikoku area showed an uplift of approximately 1 cm, suggesting the occurrence of l-SSEs in this area (Fig. 3B). We can also see eastward displacements of up to 1 cm in east Shikoku adjacent to the Kii-channel, indicating an l-SSE in the Kii-channel (Fig. 3B).
Associated with the s-SSE, we can see relatively clear displacements in a selected case, which are estimated by regressing a ramp function to the position time series without common-mode errors. As mentioned before, we estimated short-term SSEs by using a position time series spanning the period of each case, which was first examined using a long period of position time series. As shown in Fig. 3E, a southeastward transient of up to 5 mm was observed in the case of the January 2021 s-SSE. These southeastward transients indicate that the continental plate slipped southeastward at the plate interface for a short period of time.
Figure 4 shows the main l- and s-SSEs detected. The l-SSEs were observed in the Bungo channel, central Shikoku, and Kii-channel (Fig. 4A). Since the Bungo l-SSE was reported by Ozawa et al. (2020) in detail, we briefly describe this study’s results. The estimated moment of the Bungo l-SSE was approximately Mw7.0 with a rigidity of 30 GPa. The Bungo l-SSE was detected in late 2018 and subsided around August 2019, as reported by Ozawa et al. (2020) (see Supplementary Figure S2).
Hereafter, we report on the central Shikoku SSE. The central Shikoku l-SSE was reported to have occurred between 1977 and 1980 in a leveling survey (Kobayashi 2018). After the GNSS network installation, Takagi et al. (2019) reported cases in 2010, 2012, and 2015, with events extending to western Shikoku in 2010 and 2015. Thus, the recurrence interval is not well determined, and details of the central Shikoku SSE remain elusive. The 2020 event was consistent with past events. The Central Shikoku SSE started in early 2019 and continued until April 2022, with fluctuations over time (Supplementary Figure S3). The slip area moved southwest from 2019 to 2022 (Supplementary Figure S4). It remains unclear whether the slip area extends to the western Shikoku SSE patch. The moment magnitude of the central Shikoku SSE was estimated to be 6.5 with a rigidity of 30 GPa. The model of Kobayashi (2011) indicates Mw6.8 with a rigidity of 30 GPa, at the time of the 1977–1980 event. Takagi et al. (2019) reports Mw6.6 for the 2010 event, which extends to west Shikoku, Mw6.3 for the 2012 event and Mw6.2 for the 2015 event, respectively, which all extend to west Shikoku. The 2010 event reported by Takagi et al. (2019) is relatively similar to the event in this study.
The Kii-channel l-SSE started in early 2019 and continued until April 2022 (Supplementary Figure S5). The slip magnitude decreased from 2019 to 2020, and increased from 2021 to 2022 (Supplementary Figure S4). The Kii-channel l-SSE appears to occur at irregular recurrence intervals. The estimated moment magnitude of the Kii-channel l-SSE was 6.3 with a rigidity of 30 GPa. Because the Kii-channel l-SSE is near the edge of the analysis area, we cannot describe its features in detail, and it remains to be studied in a future study.
In comparison, our optimal l-SSE model reproduces the detected transient well, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3A-D.
We detected 14 s-SSEs associated with LFEs between 2018 and 2022. The selected detected short-term SSEs are shown in Figs. 4(B)–(L).
The slip area of the s-SSEs mostly coincided with that of the LFEs area. From February to March 2018, an Mw 6.2 s-SSE occurred in northwest Shikoku. At this time, the slip area of the s-SSE propagated eastward over time. Figures 4(B)–(C) show the slip propagation, which coincided with the propagation of LFEs. An Mw6.1 s-SSE occurred in northwest Shikoku from September to October 2018, associated with LFEs (Fig. 4D). An Mw6.0 s-SSE occurred in north central Shikoku from October to November 2018 (Fig. 4E). LFEs coincidentally occurred in the slip area. An Mw6.0 s-SSE occurred from northwest to northcentral Shikoku from February to March 2019 (Fig. 4F). In August 2019, an Mw6.2 s-SSE occurred northwest to north central Shikoku (Fig. 4G). In September 2019, an Mw5.9 s-SSE occurred in northwest Shikoku (Fig. 4H). In February 2020, an Mw6.0 s-SSE was centered in northwest Shikoku (Fig. 4I). The main slip area of the January 2021 s-SSE is similar to that of the March 2019 event. The July 2021 s-SSE shows a slip extending to the long-term SSE area, which remains to be examined in a future study. The April 2022 s-SSE centers in an area similar to that of the March 2019 event. Thus, the maximum slip area of the March 2019 event slips frequently.
Figure 3D and some cases in Supplementary Figure S6 show clear ground displacements, which are in good agreement with the computation (see Fig. 3E and Supplementary Figure S6).
The propagation of the slip area and LFE, as shown in Figs. 4B-C, has been reported in many cases (e.g. Sakaue et al 2019). The 2021 Mw6.1 January event also shows eastward propagation, as shown in Supplementary Figure S6. It appears that the direction of propagation depends on each case. Several other propagation cases are presented in Supplementary Figure S6.
S-SSEs are mostly accompanied with LFEs. We used the catalog of the Meteorological Agency of Japan (JMA). The catalog of JMA is slightly different from that of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED). Thus, we cannot describe the relationship between aseismic slip area and LFEs in detail. The physical mechanism of LFEs and s-SSEs remains unresolved. One explanation is that the stress change in the s-SSE drives LFEs. Other explanation is that the LFEs are the results of aseismic slip of the s-SSEs. The detailed spatial relationship between s-SSEs and LFEs may provide insight into the physical processes of s-SSE and LFEs.
The relationship between l- and s-SSEs remains unclear. The s-SSEs detected in northwest Shikoku seem to be correlated with the slip of the central Shikoku l-SSE, as shown in Supplementary Figure S3. When an s-SSE occurs in northeast Shikoku, central Shikoku slips simultaneously, in many cases. Whether this is a mere mixing of the s-SSE area into an l-SSE by spatial smoothing or real correlation between s-SSEs and l-SSEs remains to be determined in a future study.
Supplementary Figure S7 shows the s-SSE events beneath Shikoku for the period 2012–2022. Our analysis demonstrates the frequent occurrence of s-SSEs in west to central Shikoku, whereas the number of s-SSEs in east Shikoku is small in comparison. The estimated moment ranges from 5.4 to 6.4 for the entire period. The recurrence interval is not clear in Supplementary Figure S7. The number of events detected by NIF is small compared with those of other methods, such as Nishimura et al. (2013) or tilt meter analysis by the NIED. However, the main detected events are mainly consistent with the results of the tilt meter results by the NIED (see Supplementary Figure S8). Thus, we believe that ordinary NIF is successful in detecting major s-SSEs in the Shikoku area based on GNSS data. Supplementary Figure S6 shows the detected s-SSEs for the entire period together with the detected displacements and model computation.
These detected events may lead to an understanding of the friction property at the plate interface and the dynamics of SSEs.